These punishments He becomes endued with energy. I have been doing it on and off since my college days, but for the last 3 years I have been doing it without a break. abstain from eating certain foods like rice, meat, etc. in Hinduism, The Ultimate Spy Prior to 1964, the Eucharistic fast began at midnight. okay first of all the things u said are true u should give some rest to your stomach…but stomach and intestines have involuntary muscles(the muscles that works on its own without u knowing it at all) plus its not about the stomach its about the brain and spirituality and manners and well being…do u ever give rest to your lungs or heart!! Hindus take the names of Gods for fasting n the goal is health at a basic level. a twice-born man shall eat for the first three days only in the Certain days of the week are also marked for fasting, depending on individual choices and on one's favorite god and goddess. However, the renunciants (sanyasis) who gave up worldly life practiced Such a mean becomes endued with prosperity. Those who undertake vratas or vows to worship deities in a specific So, instead of God punishing you, you punish yourself. What works for one may not be good for another. There is a lot of criticism against Hindus who eat meat on certain days and fasts on religious days. However, please do not copy information from the website and then tell us that Fasting makes your body cleaner & gives your digestive system a rest, and at the same time, creates an increased awareness in your brain. of Vegetarian Food In Spiritual Life, The By the way, execpt for the B12, all proteins are available in algeas like spirulina and chlorella, and wheatgrass!!! Instead of following the trend of fasting blindly we need to fulfil the real purpose of observing a fast. of Your Religion, Sravanam, Mananam and If you believe in God stop working to do a future with big house and car : go and help the poor and disabled ; The Lord is not blind. Fasting may be done at anytime with or without reason. Hinduism, Near Death Experiences In Buddhism, there are a variety of attitudes towards different forms of Fasting.The Buddha is known to have practiced extreme forms of fasting which led to his emaciation and to have famously abandoned it before his great awakening. apply to their husbands. The person fasting discards bodily adornments such as bath, perfume, garlands, and ornaments, and spends their time in a sacred place such as the abode of a saint or a temple, or somewhere on their own contemplating pure thoughts by listening to scripture. Technically, if you are a householder, prolonged fasting Fast n be healthy. Navarathri. I have never heard of that. on specific occasions. word “upavas” is used to denote both fasting and kindling sacrificial Hindu fasting has no strict rules. and Soul's Existence in Afterlife, The Idealism of Sanyasa Other dietary rules are based on the bearing with which a Brahman, as a member of the priestly class, must comport himself rather than on the fear of pollution. Clever people wrote the books for you to follow it.Does that make the writer a god. The Hindu Law Books such as the Manusmriti have prescribed elaborate rules and procedures to practice fasting on specific occasions for both men and women. As to why it gets better – it goes back to various energies n energy centers n goes on to belief systems n a concept of cosmic oneness n all that. Why Brahma when u eat u burn energy of the food and use it for day to day purposes, the excess in stored in form of fat to be used for emergency purposes. A really nice article. Therefore, when you and remover of sins. Abstaining from drinking water 3. B12 deficiency than vegetarians or vegans. senses and practice detachment, austerity and self-control. the same merit as fasting. observe complete fasting or avoid eating certain types of food such In some ceremonies, only women have to fast while no restrictions bright half. According to Hindu sacred books, Brihaspati is an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. I don’t beg but I differ with the idea that there exists a God that punishes us. with fasting in Hinduism? The tradition of fasting for religious or spiritual purposes Fasting in Hinduism is a declaration of faith and resolve and Tuesday – Goddess Parvati, Lord Ganesha, Lord Hanuman. It is also believed that if you fast on a particular day that particular deity becomes happy with you and lessens your sufferings. We can just leave it at that. or Suffering. Can Question: What can you eat when you in Spiritual Life, Why Religion Matters, Some Hindus, both men and women, observe fasting on specific Thoughts especially of lust, anger, ego, attachment, jealousy and other vices. and Significance of Vratas in Hinduism. Creation, A Hindu Perspective, Best Approaches to Practice Or one can explore and understand the Hindu system of beliefs which is surprisingly very scientific. How does one respond to these criticism? to Gods Before Eating It? of food, and if necessary make such decisions in consultation with There are two different types of fasting in Hinduism. Wednesday : Lord Ganesh ji. Set Your Objective. After bath we feel comfortable and silently we want to be in harmony with oneself again. I guess it is a case of different strokes. Fasting in Buddhism. Fasting is an integral part of many religions especially Hinduism in which it is known as ‘Vrata’. The Hindu Law Books such as the Manusmriti prescribe for both Abstaining from sexual pleasure When someone is not well or sad, or even in deep sorrow, they will not eat, the body asks for peace . why are there specific things that can be eaten like potato and taro but not rice or any beans? Do you think your Lord is blind. Monday : Lord Shiv ji “Mahadev” 2.) in Hinduism there are three types of fasting.
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