Cookies help us deliver our Services. Don’t be something your not just because it would make someone else happy, or due to wanting friends who don’t see things the way you do because that will never propel you up. Thank you for the encouragement. You're the best, never forget it :). One way to prevent taking yourself too seriously is to stop dwelling too heavily on the negative. Take note of friends you already have and new people you meet who seem to laugh effortlessly and encourage you to do the same. There's a balance:), Thank you for the comment! I was able to embrace the ridiculousness of the situation and not take it so seriously. If it doesn't, then it's not even a problem, it's just an aggravation. Good luck, OP. Things like this are always a little frustrating because I’m never in a spot to do the things they inspire me to do immediately. This goes hand in hand with being more passionate. Anyway, moving on..." So what is stopping you? Ditch your expectations and you’ll find its impossible to mess up or be disappointed if there are no expectations. Couldnt agree more. Tires always need replaced eventually. We would heavily bet that you found the first exercise much easier to do. Then factor in that worrying actually does very little for you. It will take a while because it's a habit that we have all developed, but by remaining as aware as possible of your thought patterns, it is something that you can effectively minimise by stopping that thought process as soon as you become aware of it via distraction. Taking yourself seriously is good. So now we are here on Earth not remembering your path, so we have to now trust something that is more powerful than you that doesn't have to deal with the human body and the ego to guide you silently on this path. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Well this was super helpful as I'm about to start some new projects, all involving putting myself way out there! Not taking yourself seriously doesn’t mean you lack self-respect, or that you’re ambivalent about who you are. Laugh less at others and more at yourself. How To Lighten Up & Stop Taking Everything So Seriously. We seem to put on a filter and we are rarely acting as our authentic selves. This includes all the little things you can't even remember. What percentage of those things actually ended up happening? To stop taking yourself so seriouly, you need to laugh more. Like I said, get some goddamn wine or something. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) ... Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo encourages Western students of the dharma to relax and have more fun with their practice. This may take a bit of soul searching and more of that brutal self-honesty. To prevent yourself from taking anything to seriously you need to accept yourself for everything that you are. 3. You have a lot to be thankful for, so express that in a silent prayer as you awake. What is holding you back? Understand that no matter what this world is just a game you were meant to play. But, below the surface, what we don’t see, are those little legs moving a thousand miles per hour, kicking furiously. I have a serious tendency to take myself too seriously. It will take a while because it's a habit that we have all developed, but by remaining as aware as possible of your thought patterns, it is something that you can effectively minimise by stopping that thought process as soon as you become aware of it via distraction. Life just feels like a big scam to me because I have a lot of potential and am smart but always feel like I'm a loser for not achieving what I think I could be. Let Go of your image Let go of trying to be someone you’re not. Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously. This is so, so important. Smile at yourself every time you look in the mirror if smiling at every stranger you pass is too much for you. Just let yourself chill and stop worrying about everything happening in your life right now. End the vicious cycle—fear fuels more fear. Confront the fear of being ridiculed. Set small goals and put dates on them. You forget the purpose of why you were brought here and the path you are meant to walk and grow on. Take measures to prevent yourself from accessing pornography. I heart this post it's the most thought provoking inspiring piece of writing I have read in a long time, props! I personally think its silly, you should never not do something because you have a reputation. It means that you see and accept yourself at your most elemental—as a changing human playing out an unfinished story. Stop judging yourself against other people. Do it because it is you. But to me, they don’t really take it seriously until they invest their money in it. Just do it, do it the best I can and have fun! Don’t take it so seriously, relax and stay calm. So glad you got something out this! Move your computer to a public room in the house so you can’t be alone when using it. Great post. Lead 5 Ways to Help You Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously Stand-up comedy may not seem like ideal training for leading a company, but several of the … Begin each day with gratitude. How to Fix a Problem Instead of Just Putting Out Fires - Joe Girard. Press J to jump to the feed. Being able to laugh at yourself is the best way to gain confidence. Do it not because it looks good, because other people will love or hate you for it. So craft your articles in a fun and engaging way. Act from you true self and you will be met with peace and long lasting happiness. While taking work too seriously I always found myself in 'work mode', forcing me to be someone who I wasn't. Sometimes doing that will ironically make you less happy, think of a heroin addict, or other addict. Throw out any movies, magazines, or other content. I really dislike it when people say "do what makes you happy". I used to be so miserable. Then another guy hops in a car drives near the finish line & hops out & runs across. If I just had like, 1% of Andy Dwyer's carefree attitude (Parks and Rec) my quality of life would greatly improve. You learn to laugh at yourself. Little things like how blue and bright the sky is in the day, or how starry and dark the sky is at night turns to be so beautiful it takes your breath away. As you have these goals of things you want to give to the community of Earth once you get here you forget everything. Laugh more throughout your day. The misery of problems diminishes greatly when you work on it in a way that sees progress. Be relatable. Dino Lasala February 16, 2020. I cannot help but laugh at these so-called problems because really they are whatever you’d like to see it as. I will be sure to make my point more clear to avoid that misconception. We'll all be dead soon, seriously, giving a furk is such a waste of time and energy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Think about all of the things you have ever worried about in your entire life. Every problem has a solution. People who want to make money just take everything so seriously. In fact, you'll be excited to spend time self reflecting in a positive way and welcoming change as well as personal growth will not scare you. Learn to see the opportunity hidden within challenges. In Conclusion, be yourself. Don’t take yourself so seriously... A lot of the time I find people take themselves & life in general much too seriously. Now, take the time to think about two things you do like about yourself. Do what makes you happy, live from the authentic self side of you that only knows love and inner peace. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Due to this you don’t owe anyone anything, follow your path, follow your dreams and your passions and be all you can be; because you shouldn't be living this life for anyone but yourself because it is yours. Face it and get over it. i’ve decided to stop wasting so much of my time in petty squabbles. Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit Tumblr Pinterest 0 0 Likes Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously. No! A lot of people are too laid back and don’t think, or execute, as much as they should. “Make the most of yourself....for that is all there is of you.” When you don't hide who you are, people will take notice, and they will love or hate you for you. So nice in fact that they keep coming back for more and they tag their friends along too! I know, it sounds easier said than done, but trying to impress others requires more energy. Tons of people say they take my website seriously. Most people want to make a positive impact on the world within their lifetime. Take a moment to think of two things you don’t like about yourself. Probably the easiest way to remember to stop taking life so seriously is to get swept up in a fun-loving group of people whose very presence knocks the seriousness right out of you. 'Laugh at yourself and at life. How to Take Yourself Less Seriously. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the selfimprovement community. We’ll wait. The idea is to make people feel nice when they engage with your brand and company. by Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo | February 7, 2011. I'm not saying you have to be Spork level spontaneous, just don't be afraid of saying or doing something you find funny or self ammusing. It really encourages us to keep sharing:). It really makes no sense. If you have a problem, work to fix it. Yes that's very true! Trust me. We don't mean distract yourself with instant ego happiness. If it becomes a problem, I will deal with it appropriately. Face it and get over it. You need to experience life in a certain way so you can grow and be the person you are meant to be. I don’t know if it’s human nature, but there is certainly a human tendency to focus on shocking, … Kylee Wilkinson, Kenny Lutz, Cameron Dube, HUMBOWL, Video: Giving you signs like numbers, people, circumstances that all show you where you are meant to go and what you are meant to accomplish, as a human being living on this planet. It looks so easy, so natural, so calming. Don’t take yourself so damn seriously. When you catch yourself worrying, or making yourself miserable over nothing, just tell yourself "this is nothing. You ran it in 3 hours & 32 minutes. Do what makes you happy, live from the authentic self side of you that only knows love and inner peace. Learn to value yourself independently of anyone else and you will see that actually, you're awesome. Deep down you know whats best for you, follow that path, because that is what you are meant to do. 3. 1. You're so welcome! Stop sweating the little things. But you are taking things in a way different context than intended. This is the area that we fight over, cry over and take so seriously that it can ruin our lives. I care a lot about the world and the people in it; I have OPINIONS. 3 replies to "Have More Fun: Stop Taking Yourself so Damn Seriously!" But doing so may reveal an intuitive way to solve your problem almost immediately. You've probably even gotten yourself worked up over scenarios that could have happened but the time has already passed and you're still getting worked up about it after the fact. In one way or another we all want to know that the world is a slightly better place because we existed. We all need to understand that there is no image, it’s a joke. When you loosen up on yourself, you open up space for play, for exploration, and for change. Confront the fear of being ridiculed. I was able to make it back home and then back to my dentist's office the next day without too much humiliation. It most likely won't be that funny looking at it objectively, but people will enjoy it if you enjoy it. Take yourself seriously. Here are some quick tips to live by when you want to stop taking yourself so seriously: Have a goal for each day. ... this may seem obvious, but we so often forget. Life doesn’t need to be so serious. Ditch your expectations and you’ll find its impossible to mess up or be disappointed if there are no expectations. I used to be so miserable. As an example it is like you are a spirit in space and say you want to go to Earth to do positive things like be creative as in expressing yourself, sowing love where there is only hate, and be a positive impact for others who might not be so positive. Actual happiness lies in the purpose and meaning for your life. Thanks for the comment. You’ll probably wake up in the hospital, but at least you have an excuse for not making her breakfast. You make a good point. > Gaarasaiyan wrote: Imagine if you were running a race & it was being timed. It's pretty damn small, isn't it? Well articulated, friend. We can try and try and try to be something that we are not, but in this case you will not be able to be truly at peace with life. While we may say that our story is completely ours, we so easily let others take over our stories without even realizing it. i’ve decided to stop taking myself so seriously. It will become easier for you to acknowledge the things that you like about yourself and you will also find areas that need development: but if you can truly accept that everyone is different and we all walk the same paths, then you'll find that you don't feel bad about your shortcomings because we all are united in our weaknesses. Create your own vibe be your own human, be happy because you have no one to do it for but yourself. Thank you. I have thought about it enough now to anticipate it and consider an intelligent response to it should the issue arise. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat and worry with laughter at your predicaments, thus freeing your mind to think clearly toward the solution that is certain to come. So my dear friend, “Stop taking yourself so seriously, seriously…! This gives you something to look forward to. Like dammit I can’t go do all these great things right now I’m at work! How to Take Yourself Less Seriously. I really, really needed to read this right now. “Never take life too seriously, nobody ever makes it out alive anyway.” Oddly profound quote from Van Wilder. So long as you believe in what you’re doing and letting go of your image in this world. There is no need to dwell on it any further." Let go of … Simply say so—you can compliment the idea, the project, the person, the organization—but say that it’s not the right fit, or it’s not what you’re looking for at this time. True happiness lies in doing what makes you and the world better. To keep the duck moving toward where he (or she) wants to go (or away from whatever’s chasing it), those little legs can’t stop kicking. My favorite saying to explain this is grow through what you go through, because it is important to always take a second to realize bad things are good, and everything that is happening is meant to happen to make you stronger and aware of different things as life goes on. Invest in yourself. As Seth Godin said, “Dance with fear. What situations make you miserable? Laugh more throughout your day. A lot of the time I find people take themselves & life in general much too seriously. As Seth Godin said, “Dance with fear. Stop Taking Yourself so Seriously. Don’t treat your ideas like they’re nothing, don’t treat yourself like you’re nothing, because you and your ideas are important and meaningful and have the potential to become so much more than you realize. Press J to jump to the feed. Only you know who you are, so why would you stop being yourself? Let Loose, Start Living, and Stop Taking Yourself so Seriously “Our true age can be determined by the ways in which we allow ourselves to play.” – Louis Walsh. Start doing stuff to entertain yourself is the best I can say. Allow your presence to make an impact and allow it to stand for success. (Be sure you set a deadline for the whole thing so it doesn’t slip away from you, because it will.)
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