There had to be public prayers in the synagogue, just as there have to be in church, and there was no condemnation in that. The word “trespass” is literally “falling to one side,” a lapse or deviation from truth or uprightness. There is a play on the Greek words απανιζουσι — aphanizousi (disfigure) and πανωσιν — phanōsin (figure). He does not say how often it should be done. Matthew 6. It seems to present God as an active agent in subjecting us to temptation, a thing specifically denied in James 1:13. The mother (who told the story to a friend of ours) noticed that every night, even in the cold and rain, the little lad went out of the house before lying down to sleep, and remained away for some time. Have thy heart at thy right hand, with Solomon’s wise man, lay God’s charge upon it to attend upon him; when it roves and wanders, call it in and chide it; judge and shame thyself for thy distractions, and strive to do better, so shall they never be imputed unto thee, Psalms 13:2. And having shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, And your Father who sees in secret will recompense you.”. Once he begins to admire his own prayers (or others begin to declare their admiration of them and he basks in their praise) may God help him, for he will need it. “The figure and the ethical meaning seem to be mixed up, moral attributes ascribed to the physical eye which with them still gives light to the body. and and , all emphasising isolation, thy closet, thy door, thy Father.— , carefully shutting thy door, the door of thine own retreat, to exclude all but thy Father, with as much secrecy as if you were about a guilty act. Sic Socrates in Apologia, respondens, εγω μιν, ω αθηναιοι, ασπαζαμαι υμας και φιλω. Middle voice and so “did not clothe himself,” “did not put around himself.”. 4. They have "poured forth a charm ( להש) when thy chastening was upon them," Isaiah 26:16. iii. The roofs of their houses were flat places, well adapted for walking, conversation, and meditation. All the force of a command. What would have been condemned with regard to that was to pray in public in such a way that it was simply putting on an act so as to earn men’s esteem. Our Lord's example teaches us the best way of praying, so that one's prayers may be heard. 2. Matthew 6:9. It is, therefore, quite clear that, if we pray this petition with an unhealed breach, an unsettled quarrel in our lives, we are asking God not to forgive us. You will find it a very great help against wandering thoughts, and a real strength to prayer, if you use your lips in prayer. ‘A lady missionary of the C.M.S., working near Jerusalem among Mohammedans, writes: “One little boy, who attends our schools regularly, and is a most diligent, faithful little scholar, lives in a poor home, with just one small room for the whole family. No actual instance of such conduct has been found in the Jewish writings. ὅρα γοῦν καὶ ἐνταῦθα πῶς ἀκριβῆ τὸν διορισμὸν τέθεικεν εἰπὼν “ ὅπως φανῶσι τοῖς ἀνθρώποις.” ὥστε κἂν τὰς θύρας ἀποκλείσῃς τοῦτο πρὸ τῆς τῶν θυρῶν ἀποκλείσεως κατορθῶσαί σε βούλεται, καὶ τὰς τῆς διανοίας ἀποκλείειν θύρας. With him a grove, a mountain, a garden, furnished such a place, and, though a traveler, and among strangers, and without a house, he lived in the habit of secret prayer. 6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Prayer ( Matthew 6:5 Matthew 6:6). When war and discord on the earth shall cease; Whate’er is good to wish, ask that of Heaven. From the prerogative which He exerts. This deliberative subjunctive of the direct question is retained in the indirect question employed in Matthew 6:25. God "dwelleth in the light which no man can approach unto." 6. Pray to thy Father who is in secret,—is there present with thee. The little room on the housetop of an Eastern dwelling, used for such purposes. And albeit God’s weaker children cannot utter their mind unto him in well couched words and variety of expressions, yet, if their broken language come from a broken heart, it avails more than affectation of rhetoric, without affection of prayer. “As the Gentiles do,” says Jesus. Deissmann claims that only about fifty purely New Testament or “Christian” words can be admitted out of the more than 5,000 used. Matthew 6:7-15.—J. I. He knows well enough that a Christian’s strength lies in his prayer (as Samson’s did in his hair), that it buckleth all our spiritual armour close to us, and makes it useful, that a Christian can never lack help while he can pray, Ephesians 6:18; as they were wont to say, the pope can never lack money so long as he can hold a pen in his hand to command and send for it: that secret prayer is a soul-fattening exercise, as secret meals, we say, feed the body. And I could not enjoin this too strongly. 1. ( NASB: Lockman ) Greek : Me dote ( 2PAAS ) to agion tois kusin, mede balete ( 2PAAS ) tous margaritas umon emprosthen ton choiron, mepote katapatesousin ( 3PFAI ) autous en tois posin auton kai straphentes ( … The duty of secret prayer. A prayerful spirit will multiply both opportunities and desires for the exercise; while prudence, not law, calls for stated times. But at Winona Lake one summer a missionary from India named Levering stated to me that he had seen Hindu priests do precisely this very thing to get a crowd to see their beneficences. The reasons may have been: (1)that he designed that his religion should be “voluntary,” and there is not a better “test” of true piety than a disposition to engage often in secret prayer. Worldly things likewise are so natural to us, and so near our senses, heavenly things are so supernal and supernatural, that we cannot without watching our senses, and travail of soul, stay our spirits long upon them. I may as well kneel down and worship gods of stone. We see double and confuse our vision. "I will spare them," saith he, "as a man spares his own son that serveth him," Malachi 3:17. 2. Matthew 6:1. We do not know how it is that prayer receives an answer from God at all. Note, (1.) 4. Braid Scots has it: “And lat us no be siftit.” But God does test or sift us, though he does not tempt us to evil. c. 3 (11), vol. It is not the arithmetic of our prayers, how many they be; nor the rhetoric of our prayers, how eloquent they be; nor their geometry, how long they be; nor their music, how sweet their voice may be; nor their logic, how argumentative they be; nor yet their method, how orderly they be; nor even their divinity, how good their doctrine may be, which God cares for: but it is the fervency of spirit which availeth much.’. The Greek idiom includes “mind” (νουν — noun) which is often expressed in ancient Greek and once in the Septuagint (Job 7:17). Public worship.—But the two points which our Lord presses home so strongly about private prayer, refer also to public worship. Beza. Ztg. On reaching the door of the room, to her surprise she saw him not far off under a tree, with hands folded and eyes closed, praying!”’. This is what He means by "thy closet.". It means to send away, to dismiss, to wipe off. The Lord’s Prayer has a central place in Christian worship. Not in synagogue or street, nor by the river-side (Acts 16:13); not under the fig-tree in the court-yard (John 1:50), nor on the housetop where men were wont to pray (Acts 10:9)—these might, each and all, present the temptations of publicity—but in the steward’s closet, in the place which seemed to men least likely, which they would count it irreverent to connect with the idea of prayer. And bring us not into temptation (και μη εισενεγκηις εις πειρασμον — kai mē eisenegkēis eis peirasmon). ‘Ask, and ye shall have whatsoever ye shall ask.’ The only condition, therefore, which at all limits the matter is that of fatherhood and sonship in which God stands to us and we stand to God. This is the place commonly mentioned in the New Testament as the “upper room,” or the place for secret prayer. But let him ask in faith - See the passages referred to in James 1:5.Compare the Matthew 7:7 note, and Hebrews 11:6 note. For the place we pray in, no matter how mean it be, so it be secret. For the morrow (εις τεν αυριον — eis ten aurion). Realization of the Divine presence. In Matthew 6:14-15 Jesus says in the plainest possible language that if we forgive others, God will forgive us; but if we refuse to forgive others, God will refuse to forgive us.
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