Canal: GenSen Official Pod Cast. I have a really big crush on her, and I have for a while. "God I have to peeeeee!" Wondering what to do when your boyfriend gives away your Hamilton tickets?What about if you need advice on how to get your girlfriend to stop writing you so much poetry?For many people, the r/Relationships subreddit is a community to help navigate life’s romantic quandaries. !” Brenna yelled at me. "Its so big" said Kaylyn between breaths. I saw Kaylyn had her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open, with her head tilted back. Because these are tales (taken with a grain of epsom salt, naturally) about former service members “making”, and we don’t mean a cake. The responses have got us scratching our heads. Needless to say we weren’t stopping for potty breaks. It almost felt like his nose hairs would burn off from it. A large brown bulged was now visible threw her jeans. Inch after inch it came out of her, and it coiled over itself. Farted a lot for the next 45 minutes or so. While it seemed like Kaylyn had been peeing for minutes, the whole ordeal was maybe 20 seconds in total. Then she sighed super loudly and lowered herself back down onto the car seat. The pile of poop was at least 8 inches tall, and it covered the entire middle seat in the back row. We both knew Kaylyn, and we knew that when she needed or wanted something, she got it no matter what. It splashed onto Kaylyn's feet and ran down her legs. Tiempo: 19:49 Subido 22/09 a las 23:32:32 56887910 Well during one of those times its night time in a dangerous part of town, and he’s having a poop crisis. As he cut the pants off and felt the warm slimy shit he couldn’t help but feel something that’s he’s never felt from something like this. From another Reddit post: Diet ideologies aside, I got upset with my wife when she put rice in our cabbage casserole. If i had to guess, Kaylyn peed probably 2 liters worth of urine out all over the car. Kaylyn was still peeing with tremendous force. She was confused of how he could even look at her but Layla couldn’t even get words out before he had her turned around bent over fucking her while all the warm shit rubbed on his balls and cock. Just be sure not to confuse which side is which before using. He could feel his cock getting hard with every bit of more warm shit that he watched slid down her legs. Dating is hard for everyone. She heard a knock on the door and screamed out don’t come in but it was to late as her boyfriend walked into the room and was hit with a smell like no other. Massive farts filled the car along with the creamy poop as Kaylyn forcefully shit. Her shit splattered me, the backseat, the drivers seat, Brenna, and the door and window behind me in the backseat! It was mesmerizing to see this dark brown turd sticking out of Kaylyn's asshole, in contrast to her pale white thighs and butt, and her pink labia. She pushed out a second little fart while catching her breath. It was just starting to rain when Kaylyn sighed and said “I have to pee”. My clothes were wet, and I could feel her pee running down my body under my clothes. It was like Brenna and I were watching a car crash, we couldn't look away. The screaming and swerving, as well as having pee splashed back onto her, must have snapped Kaylyn out of her pleasure and relief state of unleashing her piss, as she started screaming as she realized what was going on. !” she screamed, her eyes wild with desperation. We slowed down to a near stop. “AIDENNNNN!!!! Image: Shutterstock / Wasitt Hemwarapornchai By Brian Koerber 2017-11-19 18:00:00 UTC. It was the worst sh*t of my life. Her wet red hair was sticking to my neck and cheek. Even though I was disgusted by the poop splattered onto me, I felt good that Kaylyn had gotten relief. Some of the creamy poop had hit my chin, and the smell of it went right up my nose. The turd was so moist and dark brown. It was no wonder Kaylyn was so desperate to go, as her bladder was so full! #11. So I was very nervous as Kaylyn unbuckled. Two weeks later and 500 miles to the east, Tarō Gomi was born, in the capital city of Tokyo. Kaylyn then grunted very loudly, making an animal-like sound, mouth open and face red. My appreciation for commercial toilet bowl design has gone up 100%. Kaylyn turned and leaned back against the rear passenger door, with her legs in the air. This huge turd glistened as it lay on the pee soaked seat in front of her spread ass. Knowing that we were running late, I rush down the stairs, and miss the last step. She yelled at him to get out but instead he approached her to try and help. Ended up with sprained ankle that swoll up to the size of a football. She swerved to avoid hitting the car in front of us, which caused us to move around in the back, since we were unbuckled. On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped the world’s first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The smell of sweet sweet home filled the air but soon would be filled by a much different smell. I was worried I’d catch shrapnel and die sitting in a port-o-sh*tter. We loaded back up and drove home. Before we left for home, Brenna and I both went to the bathroom (which were gross porta potties). Its bad enough Aiden will see me!” Kaylyn had her hands pressed up tight against her crotch, and she was bouncing in the seat and shaking her legs some from the effort of holding her pee. She said she hadn’t been able to go for the past couple of days as she put her shorts back on. The sounds of the piss hissing from Kaylyn's vagina, Kaylyn and Brenna's screams, pee splattering the car interior, and the screeching tires will always be burned in my mind as thats what I heard in that chaotic moment. It was even going into the air vents. Her hands were clenching her thighs. To top it off one time I didnt quite make the throw to the trash pile on the side of the road and a car ran over the open topped bottle spraying my excrement all over the road. She had to pee so bad to be able to pee that strong for the 20 or so seconds that she did. She raised her hands to block the splashing pee that was coming back onto her. My sister asked how bad and Kaylyn told her pretty bad. She lifted her butt up even higher and grunted loudly. And I sh*t you not, (hehe) a god damn bald eagle flew by me. On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped the world’s first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Brenna was more impressed by the amount of pee and how strong her stream was as she peed. If you’re too ashamed to bring up your own, we are here to make you feel all the better with traumatizing poop stories from complete strangers. We gulped them down as we were still thirsty from all the heat and walking around. Somehow even the passenger door and window got hit. Its COMING NOW!” screamed Kaylyn. Brenna and I told her it was ok. Brenna must have felt bad for her like I did, as it was very embarrassing for Kaylyn. Her hair stuck to her cheeks and neck from being soaked. This also caused some of the pee to splash off of her labia and onto her crotch, thighs, calfs, even her feet! My gunner banned me from eating spicy peanuts for the rest of that deployment. Brenna turned and then screamed in horror and panic as she saw Kaylyn powerfully pissing all over the back of her car (and me!). Pee was in the cupholders, all the seats were wet. Layla’s stomach curled and twisted. About two hours later I went out to dinner at my favorite teriyaki place for some spicy beef.
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