I recently had the privilege of speaking at the DuPage County branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's 56th Annual Freedom Fund and Scholarship Gala. On Saturday, Nov. 7 at 11:30 am ET, former Vice President Joe Biden was announced by multiple news outlets as the projected winner. Before: "I'm going to build a military that's going to be much stronger than it is … Playing the lie out, one could not argue with one's station in life because individuals were designed by the gods to be what they were -- so be happy with it. How could America marginalize some of its finest heroes? We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of "I am honored and humbled by the trust the American people have placed in me and in Vice President-elect Harris," Biden wrote. And to heal. Franklin Roosevelt promised the American people a "new deal," a pledge he made actually before he was elected, at the Democratic National Convention in 1932. And it will boost economic growth. Clearly, these men loved their country more than their country loved them. In Plato's work, the noble lie takes the following form: There are three types of people -- rulers, soldiers and farmers/craftsmen. How could America withhold the "promise?". Our Founding Fathers did not tell a "noble lie." As long as any part of … "America, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country," he tweeted. American Promise - American Dream JD's Bunker ^ | 01/30/2012 | J.D. I recently had the opportunity to see an amazing film, "Red Tails." Clearly, our Founding Fathers did not subscribe to such a theory. America will always have been promises. An already resolved Promise if the iterable passed is empty. But did they tell a "noble lie" to lay the foundation for the greatest country in the world? DuPage County branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's. So that's what our next move is. It's official, the results of the 2020 presidential election are finally here. Fulfilling America’s promise for immigrants For most, the Fourth of July is about celebrating America. Any teaching that claims that Jesus’ saving work includes giving us health and wealth in this life is a satanic deception. In affirming "America's Promise," we affirm what makes this country so great. What America is not is a political party, a company, a particular religion, a government, etc. But, remember, without everyone having an opportunity to realize the promise, the promise has not been kept. The promise of freedom held out the hope of self-determination, educational opportunities, and full rights of citizenship. When at least four of these promises are at work in young people’s lives, they are more likely to succeed academically, socially and civically. For at the real heart of battle for equality is a deep-seated belief in the democratic process. It’s time for America to unite. What exactly is "America's Promise?". With the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, we have a historic opportunity … America itself is based on this fundamental truth that God gave us our claim to certain rights and liberties. Skip to comments. Take away God, we take away our claim to these rights. Biden's tweet after the 2020 election was called, Biden was finally declared the projected winner, Biden holding steady at slightly more electoral votes than Trump, Trump has implied he may not peacefully transfer power. So who makes "America's Promise?" “It’s morning again in America” was the opening line to President Reagan’s 1984 “Prouder, Stronger, Better” campaign television commercial. But who or what is America? In the days leading up to the announcement, Biden remained positive on the outcome of the election, tweeting out in response to Trump's calls to stop the count of mail-in ballots. While we celebrate and affirm America's Promise, it is now time to keep it. America is its people. Tucker Carlson: Biden's plan for America is a promise to utterly remake the country Since 196, Joe Biden has been yammering in public virtually without stopping until this year He has called upon us to make good the promise of America. Prior to seeing the movie, I watched the History Channel's documentary on the Tuskegee Airmen. Proving once again, that democracy beats deep in the heart of America. I believe the Founding Fathers established this great country so that each person might become all that he or she might be. As the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution so boldly declares, "We the people of the United States …" The people are America, and America is the people. Are you having a problem with PROMISe™? People travel from all around many different parts of the world to get a taste of the lifestyle and opportunity the United States citizen’s are offered everyday. Note carefully that the New Testament doesn’t promise us physical health or prosperity in this life. Since 1776, the American people have worked to fulfill the American promise: human liberty, equal citizenship, government by the people. How do we allow the blossoming of God's gifts in each person? In February 2014, POV caught up with Michèle Stephenson, producer and director of American Promise to find out what's happened since the camera stopped rolling.. POV: Where are Seun and Idris today? Some are better scholars, better athletes, cooks, truck drivers, etc. We can squeeze out of this query by simply suggesting that the reference to "men" was generic and so included women. Pendry Posted on 01/30/2012 7:54:03 AM PST by JDPendry. While Trump and Biden were close for most of the race, Biden was finally declared the projected winner after Pennsylvania was called by the Associated Press, CNN, and The New York Times on Nov. 7. Those metals determined where a person's station was in life. "America's Promise" means Americans bestow the God-given rights and liberties on one another and the "promise" was made to all Americans. ", At first glance, I thought I had a pretty good idea what was meant. But such ambition may inevitably lead to disappointment. Shortly after the news broke, Biden took to Twitter to address the public. This bill will drive growth by bringing highly skilled scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to the United States. When a promise or dream defines a national state of mind, a charlatan, with support of his equally fraudulent comrades, hoping to change the nation rather than lead it toward the promise and the dream will always try to define both to suit his … "Equality" means the opportunity to blossom, as in the flower example. "The people will not be silenced, be bullied, or surrender. To help gain some clarity on this question, I begin with Plato. American Promise is working to organize American citizens to win the 28th Amendment to restore a democracy in which we the people—not big money, not corporations, not unions, not special interests—govern ourselves. "America, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country," he tweeted. "The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President for all Americans — whether you voted for me or not. Throughout our history, these inalienable rights have taken form in issues like freedom from slavery, the ability to vote, to worship as we please, to own property, to be educated, etc. At a time of unprecedented gridlock, even some fellow Democrats warn Biden’s lengthy to-do list faces long odds in Congress. What happened to women? We know from experience that if you plant a flower bulb and put a concrete block on top of it, it will not blossom. Accordingly, the equality comes from these "inalienable rights" conferred on us by our Creator. What we do know from our own experience is that each one of us is not equal in all things. With the election now over, Americans can expect a tense few months as Trump has implied he may not peacefully transfer power to Biden in the past. Michèle Stephenson: Seun is a college sophomore at York College in Queens, NY and is majoring in graphic design. We promise to young Americans that they will grow up with the help and guidance of caring adult relationships, healthy childhoods, safe surroundings, effective education and opportunities to serve others. I will keep the faith that you have placed in me.". But let us not argue that one here. There is no shortage of opinions about what we need to do to address this crisis. Columbus’s voyage ended with those promises on the sea—those branches with green leaves, those singing birds. AP US History Vocab for The American Promise Chapter 3 - The Southern Colonies in the 17th Century Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. What might that "lie" be? "In the face of unprecedented obstacles, a record number of Americans voted. The gods created us using gold, silver and iron. American Promise is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 to win the 28th Amendment that says people - not money - govern America. We are the United States of America. To make sure that the Biden Administration keeps its promise -- kept its promise to young people, kept its promise to the movement for black lives, kept its promise to communities and working class people across the United States of America. As long as any part of our society does not have the ability to realize these rights and liberties, the American Promise has yet to be kept. Likewise, individuals who have such barriers put upon them are unable to blossom, unable to achieve as God mandated that they do. As I began to think about what I might say, I was struck by the title of the evening's gala, "Affirming America's Promise. The state's 20 electoral votes bumped Biden to a firm 273, over the 270 threshold needed to win. Everything about America is based on a beginning which was all promises. Yet we have work to do. ", Perhaps we should let the Declaration of Independence speak for itself. Along with the promise, Biden shared a video showing Americans across the country holding up a picture frame set to Ray Charles' rendition of "America the Beautiful." Again, it is often easier for us to research your specific problem if you write us. Those whose souls were made of gold were the rulers; those of silver, the military; those of iron, farmers and craftsmen. He said that in order to successfully build the ideal city-state, one must begin with a "noble lie." How could America let this happen? "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.". While the bravery, artistry, airmanship and love of country were awe-inspiring, I was left with an empty feeling. The message is simple, patriotic and inspirational. America's promise is meant for everyone or we are not America. The inspirational tweet racked up over a million likes in under a half hour, emphasizing just how excited everyone on Twitter was at the results of the election. American Promise is a national, non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization that advocates for a 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution that would allow the U.S. Congress and states to set reasonable limits on campaign spending in U.S. They set the bar very high for the country that was to become the greatest in the world. The American Promise Throughout the world, the United States is infamous for its guaranteed freedom to its citizens. Every vote must be counted," he wrote on Thursday, Nov. 5. Founded in 2016 by Jeff Clements, the former assistant attorney general of Massachusetts, and author of Corporations Are Not People: Reclaiming Democracy From Big Money and Global Corporations, American Promise advocates for campaign finan… And who among us can say that we would have made the same progress were it not for his persistent bravery, and his faith in American democracy. Military spending. These categories were not by chance but divinely designed. American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 This bill cancels and prohibits removal proceedings against certain aliens and provides such aliens with a path toward permanent resident status. America’s Promise Alliance is the driving force behind a nationwide movement to improve the lives and futures of America’s youth. Oh yeah, that last one is still happening. At the core of the president's Oath of Office is a promise to "preserve, protect, and defend" our national constitution, which is the " supreme law of the land " … God does … Let me suggest a candidate -- "All men are created equal.". If so, please follow these steps: Step 1 - Check the PROMISe™ Web site; Step 2 - Send us an e-mail — promise@pa.gov; Step 3 - Write to us — If you do not have access to e-mail, please write to us. We certainly have buggered them, but I guess that’s what mankind does, bugger the promises, and maybe save a few. In a work titled "The Republic," Plato tried to lay out his plan for the ideal city -- his utopia. God promised to finish the work He started in us (Philippians 1:6). However, upon reflection, I find the title and its meaning may be a bit elusive. Along with the tweet, Biden also sent out a lengthier message upon learning of his win. It strengthens our borders. the nation’s largest cross-sector alliance of nonprofit, community organizations, businesses, and government organization dedicated to improving the lives of young people. It can only be Americans themselves. • William J. Carroll is president of Benedictine University. We have these rights bestowed upon us by our Creator -- this is America's Promise. It’s a day to spend with family, enjoy great food and fireworks. But one day, I promise you, we will be as ashamed of the way American Muslims are viewed and treated in 2010 as we are of Japanese internment and Jim Crow. "America's Promise" means Americans bestow the God-given rights and liberties on one another and the "promise" was made to all Americans. The end of the clip echoed Biden's promise in this tweet, that he will be a president for all Americans. The President and I are committed to doing everything in our power to make that bedrock American promise of equal educational opportunity a reality. Restoring America’s Promise. By bringing together hundreds of national nonprofits, businesses, community and civic leaders, educators, citizens, and young people, the Alliance does what no single organization can do on its own: catalyze action on a scale that reaches millions of young people. But nowhere does God promise to make Christians rich and healthy. That's our message today -- to keep your promise. It reminded me of St. Augustine's famous quip: "Everyone knows what time is until asked." Elections. Whereas, in the Old Testament, Israel had the promise of physical blessing, the church today has been promised spiritual blessings “in the heavenly realms.” Our inheritance is reserved for us (1 Peter 1:4). Inauguration Day will come on Jan. 20, so the country has a couple months to wait for Biden to be sworn in as the 46th president. They returned home not as heroes, but as Negroes subjected to Jim Crowe laws. How will America's Promise be realized? And there’s nothing we can’t do, if we do it together.". In the release, Biden thanked American voters and laid out his plans moving ahead. The numbers were at a standstill for four days after Election Day on The New York Times tracker, with Biden holding steady at slightly more electoral votes than Trump for the bulk of the counting process. If we focus on physical or intellectual prowess as the formula for being equal, our founders were not telling us the truth, they were telling a "noble lie. It provides a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million people who are here illegally. With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation. We are a country founded on God. Following the long wait, Biden's tweet after the 2020 election was called is a celebratory salute to the country. How could America not let them be all they could be? Empowers American voters to end the escalating influence of big money that dominates our elections.
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