In 2000, Gates and his wife combined three family foundations and Gates donated stock valued at $5 billion to create the charitable Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which was identified by the Funds for NGOs company in 2013, as the world's wealthiest charitable foundation, with assets reportedly valued at more than $34.6 billion. [8] In June 2006, Gates announced that he would be transitioning to a part-time role at Microsoft and full-time work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the private charitable foundation that he and his wife, Melinda Gates, established in 2000. "[79] Despite Gates's denials, the judge ruled that Microsoft had committed monopolization, tying and blocking competition, each in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act.[79]. A key part of Mary Gates’ legacy is The Mary Gates Endowment. Infowars’ Greg Reese dives into the history of the eugenics movement and explains how globalists like Bill Gates came to adopt the ideology they are currently pushing onto the people of the world. Gates was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. At age 31, Bill Gates became the youngest American billionaire, a record that held from 1987 until 2010, when Mark Zuckerberg became a billionaire at age 23. Schultz was still $2 million short on financing, but Gates said he and his son would invest. Bill’s father William H Gates was a distinguished lawyer; he had also authored a book called Showing Up for Life: Thoughts on the Gifts of a Lifetime. “And we stormed into the guy’s office, and he’s sitting at his desk and Bill Gates is leaning over, all six-foot-seven of him, and basically points a finger at him and says, ‘You should be ashamed of yourself. [134], Gates married Melinda French on a golf course on the Hawaiian island of Lanai on January 1, 1994. [29], At 13, he enrolled in the private Lakeside prep school,[30][31] where he wrote his first software program. [24], Early in his life, Gates observed that his parents wanted him to pursue a law career. IBM's representatives also mentioned that they needed an operating system, and Gates referred them to Digital Research (DRI), makers of the widely used CP/M operating system. [2][3] During his career at Microsoft, Gates held the positions of chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), president and chief software architect, while also being the largest individual shareholder until May 2014. Bill Gates’ parents: William Henry Gates or Bill Gates, Sr (father, born 1925) and Mary Maxwell Gates (mother, born 1931- died 1994) For other people of the same name, see, American business magnate and philanthropist. [48] In 1975, the MITS Altair 8800 was released based on the Intel 8080 CPU, and Gates and Allen saw the opportunity to start their own computer software company. The foundation established a water, sanitation and hygiene program to provide sustainable sanitation services in poor countries. [72] Jerry Pournelle wrote in 1985 when Gates announced Microsoft Excel: "Bill Gates likes the program, not because it's going to make him a lot of money (although I'm sure it will do that), but because it's a neat hack. The Microsoft Disc Operating System (MS-DOS) was Microsoft’s first success, the New York Times reported. Gates has a multi-billion dollar investment portfolio with stake in various sectors[189] and has participated in several entrepreneurial ventures beyond Microsoft, including: Gates is the top private owner of farmland in the United States with landholdings totaling 242,000 acres across 19 states, and the 49th largest private owner of land. This opinion has been upheld by numerous court rulings. Bill Gates was born on 28th October, 1955 in Seattle, Washington. A post shared by Bill Gates (@thisisbillgates) on Nov 26, 2018 at 2:11pm PST. [105] Although the foundation announced a review of its investments to assess social responsibility,[106] it was subsequently canceled and upheld its policy of investing for maximum return, while using voting rights to influence company practices. In 1975, he co-founded Microsoft with childhood friend Paul Allen in Albuquerque, New Mexico; it went on to become the world's largest personal computer software company. She also was the first woman on the First Interstate Bank of Washington’s board of directors, according to a posthumous portrait. I didn’t know what was going to happen,” Schultz told the news outlet. [185] Gates has several investments outside Microsoft, which in 2006 paid him a salary of US$616,667 and US$350,000 bonus totalling US$966,667. He is one of the best-known entrepreneurs and pioneers of the microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s. From Gates’ Planned Parenthood connection to his vaccination and population control agenda, this exclusive report reveals the truth behind the faux philanthropist. The duo worked diligently in order to have the program ready for their senior year. [11] In March 2020, Gates left his board positions at Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway to focus on his philanthropic endeavors including climate change, global health and development, and education. Gates was later appointed to the board of the United Way of America. His father was a prominent lawyer, and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way of America. [107], Gates delivered his thoughts in a fireside chat moderated by journalist and news anchor Shereen Bhan virtually at the Singapore FinTech Festival on December 8, 2020 on the topic, “Building Infrastructure for Resilience: What the COVID-19 Response Can Teach Us About How to Scale Financial Inclusion”. ", "Fred Thorlin: The Big Boss at Atari Program Exchange", "Steve Ballmer Speech Transcript – Church Hill Club", "Microsoft Announces Plans for July 2008 Transition for Bill Gates", "Gates deposition makes judge laugh in court", "The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth", "Billionaires Worth $3.7 Trillion Surge as Gates Wins 2013", "Microsoft names Satya Nadella to replace Steve Ballmer", "Bill Gates: The Rolling Stone Interview", "Bill Gates Says You Should Worry About Artificial Intelligence", "Bill Gates Is Worried About the Rise of the Machines", "Apple co-founder on artificial intelligence: 'The future is scary and very bad for people, "Permalink to an answer from "Hi Reddit, I'm Bill Gates and I'm back for my third AMA. A friend told Howard Schultz to meet with Bill Gates Sr., a prominent Seattle attorney. Gates was fascinated by the machine and how it would always execute software code perfectly. ... bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. In the eight grade the Mothers club bought an ASR-33 teletype terminal and a block of computer time on a general … Connecticut forces parents to have their children vaccinated for an astonishing 9 separate potential illnesses. [45][46] His solution was formalized and published in collaboration with Harvard computer scientist Christos Papadimitriou. [17], Later in his career and since leaving day-to-day operations at Microsoft in 2008, Gates has pursued a number of philanthropic endeavors. Mary Maxwell Gates earned a position of power in the business world which few women were able to obtain in her time. ", This page was last edited on 19 February 2021, at 13:32. [60] They did, making the IBM-compatible PC, running DOS, a de facto standard. The event was in support of Roger Federer Foundation's charity efforts in Africa. Special night at @UW Celebrating the life of Mary Maxwell Gates and her family's generous gift. He was also heavily involved in Planned Parenthood, according to PBS. I can’t wait to celebrate with him tonight. Mary Maxwell Gates was an extrovert, and as a student she was actively involved in student committees. His father, … [77] BusinessWeek reported: Early rounds of his deposition show him offering obfuscatory answers and saying "I don't recall" so many times that even the presiding judge had to chuckle. Mary Maxwell Gates was a regent at the University of Washington since 1975. That is a competitor". [9] He gradually transferred his duties to Ray Ozzie and Craig Mundie. His parents — Mary and William Gates, Sr. — weren’t afraid to be a little unconventional when it came to raising their son. In 2009, property taxes on the mansion were reported to be US$1.063 million, on a total assessed value of US$147.5 million. He has not officially been on a development team since working on the TRS-80 Model 100,[74] but he wrote code that shipped with the company's products as late as 1989. The award was to recognize her as an “exceptionally talented, civic-minded citizen.”. Gates has an older sister Kristi (Kristi… William Henry III was born to attorney, William Henry II and teacher, Mary Maxwell Gates in Seattle, Washington, USA. In the 1998 United States v. Microsoft case, Gates gave deposition testimony that several journalists characterized as evasive. Gates then turned to Allen who helped him finish the system for Lakeside. Microsoft employed Paterson to adapt the operating system for the PC[59] and delivered it to IBM as PC DOS for a one-time fee of $50,000. The case is now in the country's Supreme Court. "[183] He is a proponent of higher taxes, particularly for the rich. He graduated from Bremerton High School. Bill Gates’ Father, Once A Head of Planned Parenthood, Inspired His Son’s Abortion And Population Control Eugenics Worldview, His Mother Created Microsoft. "[71][72][73], During Microsoft's early years, Gates was an active software developer, particularly in the company's programming language products, but his primary role in most of the company's history was as a manager and executive. "[75], On June 15, 2006, Gates announced that he would transition out of his role at Microsoft to dedicate more time to philanthropy. [177][178] Slim retook the position again in June 2014[179][180] (but then lost the top position back to Gates). [37][38] He was a National Merit Scholar when he graduated from Lakeside School in 1973. He gained a reputation for being distant from others; an industry executive complained in 1981 that "Gates is notorious for not being reachable by phone and for not returning phone calls. [33] Gates took an interest in programming the GE system in BASIC, and he was excused from math classes to pursue his interest. [169] Gates is an avid reader, and the ceiling of his large home library is engraved with a quotation from The Great Gatsby. My mom was one of the most generous people I’ve ever known. [36] In 1972, he served as a congressional page in the House of Representatives. He stated that it was within their skill set of being the dominant player, but partially blames the antitrust litigation during the time. In 1983, she became the first woman to lead it, according to the New York Times. [103] The goal of the foundation is to provide 120 million women and girls, in the poorest countries, with high-quality contraceptive information and services, with the longer-term goal of universal access to voluntary family planning. In addition, the post alleges Bill Gates plans to bribe African … Now, this is the way business is done.’”. These breakthroughs will make 2021 better than 2020. [23] They remained friends until Allen's death in October 2018. Gates has revealed three aspects of his childhood that helped shape him into who he is today: They stressed the importance of community Bill Gates was born to powerful parents: Bill Gates Sr., an attorney, and Mary Maxwell Gates, a prominent businesswoman who helped her son launch Microsoft. [20] His ancestry includes English, German, and Irish/Scots-Irish. At a young age Bill Gates parents had a buisness mind for him. The two had a morning meeting, and Gates Sr. responded with two questions: “Is everything true?” and “Have you left anything out?” He told him to come back in two hours. [174][175] Since 2000, the nominal value of his Microsoft holdings has declined due to a fall in Microsoft's stock price after the dot-com bubble burst and the multi-billion dollar donations he has made to his charitable foundations. [43][44], Gates devised an algorithm for pancake sorting as a solution to one of a series of unsolved problems[45] presented in a combinatorics class by professor Harry Lewis. Both of Gates’ parents served on several boards and were heavily involved in philanthropic and community endeavors, including donating to their Alma mater, the University of Washington, serving on United Way boards and leading Planned Parenthood. Gates approved of many decisions that led to antitrust litigation over Microsoft's business practices. Gates has an older sister Kristi (Kristianne) and a younger sister Libby. [64], Gates had primary responsibility for Microsoft's product strategy from the company's founding in 1975 until 2006. [16] As of January 2021, Gates had an estimated net worth of US$163 billion, making him the third-richest person in the world. [83][84][85][86], In an interview that was held at the TED conference in March 2015, with Baidu's CEO, Robin Li, Gates said he would "highly recommend" Nick Bostrom's recent work, Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies. [25] When he was young, his family regularly attended a church of the Congregational Christian Churches, a Protestant Reformed denomination. "[70] The target of his outburst would then have to defend the proposal in detail until Gates was fully convinced. Gates’ parents were incredibly involved in philanthropy and community work, and they made it a point to ensure that their kids did, too. His choice of things to take on a desert island were, for music: "Blue Skies" by Willie Nelson; a book: The Better Angels of Our Nature by Steven Pinker; and luxury item: a DVD Collection of Lectures from The Teaching Company. He also presided over many bar associations, organisation boards and started the Technology Alliance — a regional push to expand technology-based jobs throughout … [16] On November 15, 2019, he once again became the richest person in the world after a 48% increase in Microsoft shares, surpassing Bezos. He had studied the game until he solved it. [56], Gates oversaw Microsoft's company restructuring on June 25, 1981, which re-incorporated the company in Washington state and made Gates the president and chairman of the board, with Paul Allen as vice president and vice chairman. They have three children. He scored 1590 out of … [50] He explained his decision to leave Harvard: "if things hadn't worked out, I could always go back to school. [26][27][28] Gates was small for his age and was bullied as a child. [23], At 17, Gates formed a venture with Allen called Traf-O-Data to make traffic counters based on the Intel 8008 processor. [108], Governments are there to think ahead to bad things that might happen. Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, on October 28, 1955. [133] In 2019, he began to divest from fossil fuels. "Did I fence with Boies? ", Gates, Bill. Gates was the first woman to chair the national United Way’s executive committee. Gates considers climate change and global access to energy to be critical, interrelated issues. The key to understanding Bill Gates’ exposure to eugenic concepts is to trace his family past. [167], In an interview with Rolling Stone, Gates stated in regard to his faith: "The moral systems of religion, I think, are super important. When they met again a month later, Gates "won or tied every game. His parents were supportive of him after seeing how much he wanted to start his own company. [23] At the end of the ban, they offered to find bugs in CCC's software in exchange for extra computer time. [181] In October 2017, Gates was surpassed by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos as the richest person in the world. [108], Melinda Gates suggested that people should emulate the philanthropic efforts of the Salwen family, who sold their home and gave away half of its value, as detailed in their book, The Power of Half. Gates purchased the Codex Leicester, a collection of scientific writings by Leonardo da Vinci, for US$30.8 million at an auction in 1994. [53] The company moved from Albuquerque to Bellevue, Washington on January 1, 1979. [173] Despite his wealth and extensive business travel, Gates flew coach in commercial aircraft until 1997, when he bought a private jet. In the case of (the Covid-19) pandemic, not enough was done.