Cassius is the instigator of the conspiracy against Caesar. Cassius recalls a windy day when he and Caesar stood on the banks of the Tiber River, and Caesar dared him to swim to a distant point. Indeed, Cassius begins to exhibit many of the bad qualities for which he initially argued Caesar must die, like … Cassius mainly uses the device pathos by trying to invoke emotions in Brutus to turn him against Caesar. Analysis of Cassius from Julius Caesar By Twilight shadows execution. Cassius originated the conspiracy to kill Caesar. Cassius uses his knowledge of Caesar’s failings and his past with Caesar to prove he is a knowledgeable and credible source, while also trying to invoke feelings of anger in Brutus. When he heard news that Caesar intended to abolish democracy and make himself a king, Cassius decided that Caesar had to die in order to preserve the ideals Rome was founded upon. He observes people and takes little enjoyment from life other than what allows for a sardonic smile. Like Decimus and Brutus, Cassius belonged to the nobility. Cassius was a Roman senator who was the mastermind behind the assassination of Emperor Julius Caesar. Cassius served beside Caesar in many wars and even once rescued him from drowning. Cassius dislikes the fact that Caesar has become godlike in the eyes of the Romans. At the beginning of the play, Cassius is portrayed as a confident, shrewd politician, who is determined to murder Julius Caesar and masterminds his assassination by … Julius Caesar. Cassius had to drag him from the water. S hakespeare presents Cassius as a passionate man who is interested in the end, but not the means; he is jealous and hostile towards Caesar; and he is a manipulator who craves power. History. Previously, Cassius was fact of Pompey’s, Caesar’s rival, faction. Cassius and Brutus both plan Caesar’s death. Unlike Brutus, who loves Caesar but is opposed to the idea of a monarchy, Cassius seems more motivated by jealousy of Caesar than by any political ideology. He is pettily jealous of Caesar for being, as he sees it, a weaker human being than he is himself, and despises those who make him out to be almost a god. Julius Caesar: Brutus vs. Cassius. In winter 44 B.C. Cassius is a noble Roman, and the mastermind behind Caesar’s assassination. In conclusion, It Is Cassius’ recruitment of Brutus that accounted for both the success and the downfall of the conspiracy. He plays on Brutus’s honor and descent from the Brutus who freed Rome from … They raced through the water, but Caesar became weak and asked Cassius to save him. After Pompey’s defeat, Cassius … One can easily see the contrast in the passionate character of Cassuis compared to a Brutus who is both rational and philosophical. They differ in the way they perceive Antony as a threat to the assassination plot, their dominance in personality, and their moral fiber. Although they are working towards a common goal, Cassius and Brutus have very different motivations for doing this. Cassius is the main force behind the plot to kill Caesar in Shakespeare's 'Julius Caesar'. Both Cassius and Brutus play major roles in the play Julius Caesar. Cassius also recounts an episode when Caesar had a fever in Spain and experienced a seizure. He was a professional … In Julius Caesar, Brutus is the more nave, dominant and noble character, while Cassius is the more perceptive, submissive, and manipulative person. He slyly leads Brutus to believe that Caesar has become too powerful and must die, finally converting Brutus to his cause by sending him forged letters claiming that the Roman people support the death of Caesar. In Shakespeares The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus and Cassius are contrasting characters.