This list is by no means an exhaustive list of the symptoms of mold exposure or mold allergy. Content on this website is for general information purposes. It is better to take action to prevent mold rather than dealing with an expensive and unhealthy mold issue in the future. Help! The key is to reduce the conditions that are best for mold growth. Like most growing things, many molds prefer warmth and grow faster in warm conditions.. This happens fast, especially if the environmental conditions are favorable, such as when the environment contains minimal light, excessive moisture, and a food source is present. If you have a dishwasher, put the sponge in the dishwasher. One of our bathrooms has an exhaust fan, so we run that for a while after every shower to clear out the excess humidity - especially if the AC or heat isn't running. Damp environments, such as basements, encourage mold growth. Mold is a natural part of the environment and plays an important part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees; indoors, mold growth should be avoided. How to Grow Mold. @ElizaBennett - It's actually really easy to control the growth of mold in a kitchen sponge. Mold also requires moisture to grow. The first task in keeping mold at bay is discovering what areas and conditions might encourage mold growth. Afterwards, wring it out thoroughly and put it in the microwave on high for sixty seconds. Mold is a type of fungus that begins as small spores that multiply when exposed to environments supporting their development. Whether it’s the humidity, a leaky pipe, or a flood, water damage is a definite way to get mold in your home. Mold grows well on … As the spores reproduce, they attach onto an item and form a mass that can be fuzzy or slimy. Places that are constantly damp, such as basements or bathrooms, tend to be the household areas most affected by mold. There are four critical requirements for mold growth: available mold spores; available mold food; appropriate temperatures; considerable moisture. Mold spores require three things in order to grow mold: Mold spores are everywhere, and are carried by air currents. When humidity rises, furnishings and materials tend to become damp and are a breeding ground for mold growth. is a consulting engineer and building scientist and profes-sor emeritus of mechanical engineering at Portland State University, Portland, Ore. Frank We spend a lot of our time indoors. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. The information on this site is not a substitute for experienced remediation services or professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Some other common molds that grow indoors are Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Alternaria. Mold. The amount of humidity in an area can be reduced by introducing cooler air, such as through the use of a fan or ventilation system. 0. Mold grows easily in humid and dark places, and in the majority of scenarios, it’s not a massive matter. The requirements for these four things differ from one type of mold to another. Some types of mold—black mold (Stachybotrys chartarum) in particular—can trigger asthma and serious lung conditions. To increase your home’s ventilation, be sure to use correctly vented exhaust fans while in the kitchen and bathroom, to reduce the moisture in the air. Stachybotrys chartarum is greenish-black in color and slimy to the touch. Share about your mold battle! What Conditions are Best for Mold Growth? Mold can grow in just about any indoor space, but areas that feature any of the ideal conditions mentioned above will have greater risk for mold growth. If mold grows on a material that is absorbent, like sponges or carpeting, the items will not be able to be cleaned sufficiently to remove all mold spores and will typically need to be discarded to prevent future mold growth. There are three things that mold needs to grow: Moisture; Food; Warmth; Surprisingly, in as little as 48 hours mold growth can begin. In general, increasing air circulation and temperature will increase the speed of drying. What Conditions Does Mold Grow In. Mold or mould, also sometimes referred to as mildew, is a fungal growth that develops on wet materials. Leaving that open after a shower seems to be helping with the moisture. Of those three, the presence of moisture is the most critical. If your home is still struggling with higher than advisable humidity levels, consider buying a dehumidifier to maintain a healthy home moisture quantity that is unsusceptible or resistant to mold growth. Receive in touch with a mold removal solution business … If the flooding or water damage is minor and safe for you to deal with yourself, here are some essential steps to take to prevent mold after water damage or flooding. Leaks and Home Maintenance. The outdoor environments that may encourage mold development are usually dark areas, such as underneath shady trees or plants. If the air is on the warmer side and you’ve got some water damage, you should definitely be on the lookout for mold. We sleep indoors, eat indoors, and many of us work indoors. They must be dried or "allowed to dry" quickly (within 24-48 hours) in order to avoid mold growth. The first task in keeping mold at bay is discovering what areas and conditions might encourage mold growth. Indoor molds grow when there is water damage, too much moisture or humidity, water leaks, or flooding. The EPA suggests maintaining or reducing home humidity levels to 30-60% (ideally 30-50%) to prevent mold growth. How to Stop Mold Growth … During summertime, when humid weather tends to commonly occur, air conditioning can quickly de-humidify an indoor space. Microwaving will also help your sponge dry out faster. In addition to these conditions for growth, it should be noted that a typical indoor air sample should have approximately one … However, some moulds such as Chaetomium thermophilum and Penicillium dupontii are thermophilic, i.e., they can grow at 45°C or higher and fail to grow below 20°C. By. This is a very good option if you can afford to hire someone who has the credentials and equipment to deal with flood and water damage in a home, or if your insurance provides you with this option. - Brian Reeves - Mold Blogger All rights reserved. I've had a lot of success with stopping mold growth in my bathrooms by taking steps to control the moisture. Bacteria grow in very diverse conditions, which explains why they are found nearly everywhere on Earth. Nutrients, moisture, and time  If you control the moisture, clean up and dry water damage, and reduce the time water or moisture is allowed to remain (within 24 hours), mold will  have less of a chance to take up residence in your home. It can’t be too hot and it can’t be too cold, it has to be just right. When excessive amounts of water enter a building and remain for a period of time, mold will begin to develop. Any sort of moisture can cause mold growth, but water damage leaves no other possibility. 5/10/2018 . Prime Temperature. To prevent mold growth, keep all surfaces clean and dry, and provide plenty of ventilation. These conditions include temperature, moisture, pH and environmental oxygen. Mold grows best when moisture and humidity are present. Water: Molds thrive in damp, humid, and wet conditions.