In Curse of Strahd, the burgomaster's mansion is the home of Baron Vargas Vallakovich, the Vallakovich Family, and their servants. Victor tested his teleportation circle on the family butler. He did this, despite having a ready supply of undead cats to use as test subjects, and he used mind-effecting magic to force them into it. He casts a Wall of Fire spell in circle form and encloses the PCs in it. There was also a crudely drawn teleportation circle, and a partially sewn wizard's robe. The teleportation circle was the culmination of his most recent efforts to escape Barovia; telling the party that they could not, through traditional means escape the cursed valley. For added difficulty, Strahd shoots spells from the tree or charms a PC. Map. The ground erupts as Strahd Zombies, Ghouls, Skeletons or any other creatures of appropriate CR for the party come out and attack. 19.- Given to the Knights of Argynvostholt by the last “good” druids to protect the Barovians who would remain under Strahd’s curse. Victor Vallakovich Curse of Strahd DMjordan DMjordan 2019-11-23T20:49:36Z 2019-11-23T20:49:36Z At the Feast of St. Andrel, Strahd did not kill Viktor along with the rest of his family. 18.- The Circle: Strahd is watching from a tree. Victor agreed to assist the adventurers in bringing down Lady Watcher in return for her spell books and grimiore. ... and the Baronet’s attempts to escape Barovia via teleportation circle. Victor has killed two servants in the name of testing a faulty teleportation circle. This teleportation circle is currently dysfunctional, and has caused the death of many feline and human test subjects. Victor is a Mage, meaning he can cast up to 5th level spells Udo Lukovich Arrested He was arrested during the Wolf’s Head Jamboree for carrying a sign that suggested that Vallakians should feed the baron to the wolves. During the escape, Izek heard their escape and he told them to go to his sweet lab and use the teleportation circle to escape while he held off Izek. This post contains spoilers for the Curse of Strahd campaign! Victor could also be an (unlikely) ally to the party. It is NOT for my players’ eyes! ... (and faulty teleportation circle in the attic He is responsible for the disappearance of the family's butler and lady-in-waiting, two people he forced to try the circle… The young man was outraged at the intrusion to his privacy and demanded the party leave immediately. That last about two seconds; Izek put Viktor in a headlock for like, three minutes before Viktor cracked. Zean responded to his objection with a backhanded slap, which caused Victor to … If this post was helpful to you, give it a share on your Social Media, or click “Like” at the bottom! A PC and Esmerelda were dropped by Vladimir before the barbarian pushed him into the teleport trap. I had the rogue make Strength checks to pound the steak into Strahd while the barbarian had to fight off the three vampire brides. Then the rogue and barbarian teleported into Strahd's crypt. The butler was torn apart in a flash of purple light. Victor tested his teleportation circle on the family butler. Udo is restrained in a locked closet in Vargas Vallakovich’s manor. CoS does not provide a lot of dates, therefore, the timing of events are my best guess. The butler was torn apart in a flash of purple light. Even more dangerous for this scenario is if your party decides to stay in a … (Curse of Strahd, p. 74) Medium-sized creatures occupy a 5 foot square; they cannot occupy the same space per PHB p.191/SRD p.92): ... We travel back to back in a circle We travel in a tight pack. This is a timeline of events from Curse of Strahd. Using Arannis’ familiar they found evidence of strange magical rituals have been performed in the attic of the burgomeisters’ house; a flawed teleportation circle that would prove deadly to any who used it, and the party concluded that Victor might’ve used it to kill people – and that this was likely the cause of the purple lights.