> Go move to another country that isn't America so you don't have to listen to people you disagree with. Forced liquidation is a well-known practice that's fundamental to margin accounts as a concept - without it, a margin account is just an unsecured loan, and nobody's going to offer the average margin trader a low-cost unsecured loan for stock speculation. All rights reserved. They even sell the data on what retail investors are buying in real time to allow industry investors to take advantage of it. I think they're right - the government should get involved in balancing the scales between service provider and users. We may forcibly liquidate all or part of your account without prior notice, regardless of your intent to satisfy a margin call, in order to protect your interests or our interests. They should, but I would wager Robinhood doesn't spend a lot of time educating people about this. The FBI would rather investigate Twitter shitposters than touch this. Is there a better fallacy for that example? I'm still wondering when we are going to get neighborhood-wide and then chained mesh wifi networks that bypass ISPs. A better way would be to update the definition of a public square to take into account the exponential scaling offered by digital services. Actually, they're so complex that i do not think its possible to completely defend against malware as an end user without serious changes to behavior that is undesirable to most (eg. As the needlers die, the warriors can pick up any loose mobs, but grabbing all of … ), >>>>>>I do not go and seek out others who believe in the lack of a diety to associate and grow together. And it's not a conflict of interest. From the number of Playstore votes it seems quite a few? https://cdn.robinhood.com/assets/robinhood/legal/RHS%20Margi... WE CAN SELL YOUR SECURITIES OR OTHER ASSETS WITHOUT CONTACTING YOU. The laws are fine if we have the will to apply them. This comment broke the site guidelines badly and you've been doing that a lot lately, unfortunately. A phone company is not forced to moderate the communication of its clients. Stable == deliberately and slowly bled by hedge funds. I really hope that gambling on GME is not a "major part" of a significant number of people's lives. With all due respect, GME has been a highly speculative play for at least this entire week. The Antirim report was conducted by Russell James Ramsland who is the exact same non-expert person who mixed up Minnesota and Michigan. It's a bubble. I read that GameStop was at one point worth $24B. The exchange is protecting the trader from himself!! That's referring to margin specifically, not a held position. Ken Jennings-hosted game show leads all of syndication with 'Wheel of Fortune' in second place overall in week ended Feb. 7. That argument was made last year and early this year. > I lost multiple years worth of salary this morning when RobinHood decided to stop selling GME. FB does it. The lack of action on the part of the government to restrict and hold corporations to the same level as the government is supposedly held by the constitution seems intentional. I don't have many controversial opinions but sometimes they are outside the generally accepted "truths". It is not a search of your house if you broadcast your web cam on the internet, just like it doesn’t violate the 4A if you house emanates a strong smell of drugs or has a massive heat bloom visible from IR cameras on a helicopter flying over the neighborhood. It's also worth noting that America hasn't been uniformly ahead of the curve in terms of granting rights to those that were originally denied. that show the hypocrisy of the little guy getting screwed. If I think the price is going up and buy, that's legal. Back in 1932, the U.S. Public Health Service started a study of 399 black men with latent syphilis, plus a control group of 201 black men without syphilis. Wrong. Or, are you talking about margin for purposes of settling so you can trade again before a sale is fully settled? While I agree with your main point re name calling, it's absolutely not true that you get fewer downvotes if you follow HN's written rules. Thousands (millions?) If the left is this good at such a grand conspiracy, then they really should run the country. Not the definition of Anarchy I would use but I was understanding you had used anarchy == chaos. Melvin Capital owns billions of dollars, it's not allowed to get fucked hard. I just ran through a thought experiment--if Google (gmail) Apple (my phone) and Tmobile (the current owners of my number) all simultaneously nuked me, could I recover? It's like how the president can wage war for 90 days, but then has to get approval from congress. It doesn't matter whether the action is only buying or only selling. Well no, the US hasn't been enforcing its existing antitrust laws very rigorously, that's the point the GP is making. The stock market has a long reputation of saying "Well, sucks to be you" when various scams are committed - even when a hedge fund manager burns through a bunch of retirement funds and then shows up at the company demanding their annual retainer so I am quite reluctant to buy that this one instance is when altruism is coming in to play. If they keep selling people's stocks without their consent, then yeah, I'm pretty sure it'll stay until RH can buy better reviews. I lost multiple years worth of salary this morning when RobinHood decided to stop selling GME. The result is the same. You are using the term "deplatform" completely wrong. And stop trying to redefine the word monopoly. If deliberately causing a short squeeze constitutes illegal market manipulation, then at least some of the WSB comments advocate for going over that line. They are icy, but since it's a fallacy, I doubt you'll fall to your death. Yeah, funny how the solution to all the inherent problems with blockchains is to move off the blockchain. I don't believe that the NYT should be required to print my novel into every sunday edition of their paper even if they do choose to print some letters to the editor - they have the right to choose what to print. Subtle difference, as required by the topic. It's a 21-year-old website for children that won't die---despite the many incompetent owners it's had over the years (including Viacom) and its connection to scientology. You can see people collaborating all over WSB to create short squeezes, most frequently using the Robinhood app. Bundling together lots of individual garbage theories into giant piles doesn’t net you anything other than garbage theories, just like bundling bad mortgage securities didn’t mitigate risk in the subprime crisis. Is that how we're determining efficacy now...? okay, I guess? This is just a conspiracy theory. In future use a domain you own as the email address and redirect to your email provider. All the tooling, beginner-friendly tutorials/books/blogs, institutions and funds flowing into the projects, the sheer number of people working on projects is super impressive. Your failure to satisfy the call may require us to liquidate or sell securities in your account(s). No one serious thinks Gamestop stock is worth $400+. As such, I think it is becoming time that such things be regulated like utilities. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO CHOOSE WHICH SECURITIES OR OTHER ASSETS IN YOUR ACCOUNT(S) ARE LIQUIDATED OR SOLD TO MEET A MARGIN CALL. No more implication than that. I hope it's feeling better soon. The solution historically was to insist on a common carrier designation for certain utilities. If we have us government run social media then we have no moderation at all because 1st amendment applies only to us government. Bubbles pop all the time, and retail investors get fucked hard each time. Right now you have the right to associate or disassociate with whomever you like (protected classes aside). There are lots of skilled but civic minded people in all the three letter agencies. Seems to be a coordinated move among all retail browsers (including IB according to people on this discussion - despite publicly claiming they are just hiking margins). It was ordered by a judge. Lots of people love to dump on the constitution as old and not relevant. It's absolutely the latter. It's belief in the lack of a supernatural deity. After I dropped it was petty much like dominos and we wiped. Well I think probably most of the people on wsb have no idea what they're doing, those that trade on margin are extremely reckless and irrational. One of the good things I see coming out of Robinhood blocking trading, Twitter and Reddit booting problematic users, Parler getting vaporized, etc. The problem is that Robinhood is selling positions that are fully covered by their clients as well as prohibiting the buying of shares even when the purchase is 100% covered by the user. In the relevant case law, the “town square” is only applied when there was only a single meeting space in the town. If you borrow $10k to buy GME at $300 and it dropped to $100. Basically – you can’t short sell a stock to manipulate the price down so you can buy a lot more of it later. Hyperinflation affected the German Papiermark, the currency of the Weimar Republic, between 1921 and 1923, primarily in 1923.It caused considerable internal political instability in the country, the occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium as well as misery for the general populace. Google doesn't care whether Robinhood succeeds or not. I don't go on to terrorize my children and tell them they are unloved because they're born in a way that offends my belief in the lack of a diety. Visit our corporate site. A CEO should not be able to silence a democratically elected leader from a communications platform(congress or a govt. As a user, I'd like to make sure that a trading app won't deny me the opportunity to actually make decent money. And what would it even look like? A really compelling product can capture a protocol. I find the monopoly issue troubling, but I don’t understand how your proposal fixes it. Tanked - Full Cast & Crew. What about the money they will lose? It’s easy with Hunter where Carrion Studies (or perhaps Pack Tactics) can give you the 3 rd copy that you want,. Courtney Kogler. -Upton Sinclair. I actually think you are sadly wrong with that hope, as much as I also wish it were true. Unprecedented numbers of people on Reddit, Twitter, and elsewhere collaborated to intentionally create a short squeeze on GME in the last week. One month into its release, instead of seeing a downward trend in its population as most releases experience in the first few weeks of the game, Aion Classic has shown a growing trend instead. I imagine I'm not alone. © I don't know how Americans are so naive when it comes to the depravity of our system. Yes, well that's exactly what happens in socialist countries like Venezuela. WE CAN INCREASE “HOUSE” MAINTENANCE MARGIN REQUIREMENTS AT ANY TIME AND ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PROVIDE YOU ADVANCE WRITTEN NOTICE. As well as a movement from platforms to protocols. An app claiming to be a stock trading app that doesn't allow trades for a NASDAQ listed stock isn't really a stock trading app. That seems like a terrifying point of failure to have, unless I'm misunderstanding how it works. So much to talk about between these two discount stores! I'm not a member of WSB, and I don't follow their forum. Ruth Ellen Patton Totten (dau)-married army officer later General Totten. They started blocking trading with $GME trading in the $400's, and a slew of redditors on WSB, Discord & Telegram pushing penny stocks. What could go wrong? An algorithm, a computer, can ban your entire virtual presence at a whim, with no recourse. https://www.antitrustinstitute.org/work-product/antitrust-en... https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25994701. Robinhood let’s you borrow money to buy stocks. Do you expect that making money on the bubble should be quick and painless? About 1/3 of Americans have a 401k. President Trump’s campaign promised huge crowds at his rally in Tulsa, Okla., on Saturday, but it failed to deliver. I fear it will instead be taken advantage of by people who want to increase government control perhaps to prevent competition with the currently dominant actors on the market. Interactive Brokers does allow naked selling of options, and also shut down trading probably for similar reasons. I am quite happy to see various platforms take on blocking commercial spam - this might be in their own interests (since they want to sell off the right to advertise rather than have people independently leverage their platform to spread advertising but I think it's fair to say that nearly no one wants completely unlimited speech. Absolutely not. You can rearrange words all you want, but the difference in result (not word choice) is anything but subtle. It doesn’t jibe well with the ethos CA proudly proclaims. The Bill of Rights doesn’t enumerate rights for Americans, it enumerates them for everyone (outside of specific voting rights). 2 years ago Open For Voting. https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/google-remov... https://mobile.twitter.com/motherboard/status/13547982444553... For pointers to other vertices of this story graph, see, (This is a stub reply so I can collapse the various comments responding to this, so as not to distract too much from the topic at hand. the securities are collateral for the margin loan, we have the right to decide which security to sell in order to protect our interests. Non-n95 masks / etc don't filter much when breathing in. Work with your government to have you taxes assigned to the Christian school. Notice that RoaringKitty has taken profits from his GME holdings over the past few weeks, most recently about two days ago, and has not continued buying into the stock. Melvin Capital Management is on the hook for billions in losses for their GameStop shorts. no brokerage wants to take the risk of being bankrupted, so they shut it down. to Fourth Week of Wins. If GME was objectively such a good bet, you really think that those institutional investors out there were simply ignoring it? Read breaking headlines covering politics, economics, pop culture, and more. For example, what did Ferguson exactly say when he “predicted that up to 150,000 people could die” of foot-and-mouth disease. Don't call them radical atheists, just call them dicks. The bull case was made for GME as far back as late 2019, and it gained momentum this year. For example, picture a retail investor with a Robinhood account had sold call options in the amount of $100,000 and their account was worth $200,000. "Protocols, Not Platforms: A Technological Approach to Free Speech (2019)", > Altering the internet's economic and digital infrastructure to promote free speech. In fact, they are the bill of laws that restrain the government from infringing on the natural God given rights every American already has by birth. While vote flooding via some confined social circle is a form of trolling I don’t think this case fits that criteria. closes your positions should not only have a 1 star review, it should not be allowed to operate. They shutdown outdoor dining and even playgrounds while Costco, Amazon warehouses and Best Buy can be packed. What you said was that they often use the word "observe" rather than "regulate," and that this is somehow reflective of the way they do their jobs. I wouldn't trust the masks that most people are using (surgical masks with half-inch gaps on either side and quarter-inch gaps around the nose, or single-layer cloth masks) to protect me in that scenario. Robinhood doesn't make money on trades - they make money off of commisions paid to them by high frequency traders. And despite repeated visits and millions spent in Minnesota, Trump’s campaign tanked in the state, as suburban voters around the Twin Cities soundly rejected him. In your altered future, the government forces churches to allow atheists and rival religions to be allowed to speak at the church, despite the desires of the owners and congregation. "Tanked" star Heather King is filing for divorce, and it comes just days after she was arrested for allegedly attacking her now estranged husband, Wayde. You mean to comments about Robinhood on those sites? There's also statistical fraud detection algorithms that have numerous red flags with regards to the 2020 election. There was no warning and there was no way they did not know harm would come. I predict they will "correct" the error. So, yes it does have something to do with it. Barrier to entry is probably too high/impossible to overcome. Yea, because that's been working great thus far. The SEC has led the charge of government agencies away from anything that could reasonably be called regulation. Did it on 10-man but it's the same. Again, the maintenance of rigging and corruption by the party being disenfranchised is NOT the rule. I want the ability to switch to another provider if I’m not happy with their decisions. social media posts can be a single person communicating with millions. Now multiply that by thousands of accounts…. Google will moderate/filter out the reviews. If you're a brokerage and you let thousands of customers write uncovered GME calls, you deserve to lose all your money and go out of business. There is a reason Us corporations can’t disclose electronic search warrants to their owners, or why no one kicked Trump off their platform despite incessant rule violations until he was days from leaving, it’s called raw political power. For me at least, it's the anti-spam features, and automatic sorting of mail. So an opposition that relies on "what if" scenarios to oppose progressive change is often one which is either unaware-of or has explicitly looked at other nations that are 10-50 years ahead on whatever the policy is, and discovered that enacting step X did not, in fact, lead to a downward spiral into nightmare scenario Y. > Americans have thick skin. It's not some theoretical formula for maintaining power that has never been tried before. We live in a banana republic. Contrary to what I’ve sometimes heard, […] There's an even easier way: the Hunter sidequest Toxic Reinforcements does it in one card. it can all be tanked just fine and dandy with buffs and consumes to make up for any lack of general health. Some people never shed much virus, or the stylist might not have been shedding very much on that particular day. Few people saw the intelligence, Milley said, but it … Twenty-four years later, his identity is still a mystery. Trouble is when government gives out monopolies, or supporting monopolies they like. Only approved messages are now allowed on the large platforms. I still don't understand this point. > I get downvoted by the neoliberal fascists. It isn't even all one thing inside the Robin Hood/Gamestop thing. It's in our culture. Nobody wants to pin down exactly how many dollars they think a human life is worth, though. If you’re over leveraged, they will liquidate your positions to ensure you have capital. But we should be allowed to.