Rabbits are small and beautiful creatures. DIY bitter apple spray for bunny? In the case of my ingredients photoed above, my goal was to spray Emmett’s abdomen, which he’s been licking incessantly ever since his, ahem, problem. Spray your furniture with taste deterrents. I bought a bottle of bitter apple chew deterrent spray (At over £10) and Gillyweed wasn't deterred in the slightest. Uncategorized. But, nowadays, several rabbit repellents are manufactured commercially to help gardeners to protect their plants from rabbits and deer. You can try applying a bitter apple spray (available at most pet stores) on inappropriate items that your rabbit likes to chew. As with the other version, combine the lemon juice with one part white vinegar, shake and spray. However,they can wreak havoc on your garden. ... My rabbit LOOOOVES the bitter apple spray that’s supposed to be a deterent. In a spray bottle, combine 2 cups of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of regular white vinegar. homemade bitter spray for rabbits. By . She won’t lick, dig, bite or go near that area. The subject of intentional breeding or meat rabbits is prohibited. This thread is archived. bitter cherry spray for rabbits December 26, 2020 Uncategorized Comments: 0 Uncategorized Comments: 0 Here’s how to make the DIY bitter apple spray: Decide on the quantity you want. My bunny love to chill my couch and I need something to make him stop. You want to take advantage of this by using the anti-chew spray for rabbits outdoors. Stop your rabbit from chewing furniture by making the furniture taste bad. What I have found works best for baseboards and carpets, is perfume or a body spray. homemade bitter spray for rabbits. The base for most bitter apple sprays is apple cider vinegar. You can buy sour apple spray or other bad-tasting deterrent sprays from a pet store. 4 comments. ... /r/rabbits is an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits. Shake well and you'll have an effective bitter apple spray alternative. This vinegar has a tart taste that most dogs stay away from, making it a perfect repellent. By using a good anti-chew spray outdoors, you will have an easy time keeping the rabbit away. Sophie can’t stand it. Most rabbits don’t like the scent that comes along with these sprays and assume it is dangerous. save hide report. This version replaces the two parts apple cider vinegar with two parts lemon juice. If you notice the rabbit is constantly chewing on furniture and/or carpeting, it might be time to look at buying the best rabbit anti-chew spray. share. Tasting the deterrent should keep your rabbit from chewing the furniture in the future. Many rabbits don't mind the taste, though—some even seem to like it—so this may be worth a try but isn't usually effective. My dog loves licking away bitter apple spray. 100% Upvoted. The goal is to have a 2:1 ratio of white vinegar to apple cider vinegar. A similar, but just as effective, alternative to bitter apple spray also uses vinegar, which dogs generally hate the taste of. This is an instinct your rabbit is going to deal with too. Making homemade rabbit repellent is a simple, yet effective way to keep rabbits … Care.