You may have more success by using peppermint essential oils to help decrease your supply or sage tea especially if you are wanting to wean more then anything. I haven’t had any colostrum come in. Using cabbage leaves to decrease milk supply has been a remedy for hundreds of years. You should be okay, unless you happen to have really sensitive skin. In this text, Humphrey mentions a case study involving a mother who eats large amounts of Altoids and experiences a decline in milk supply. As soon as engorgement reduces, you should cease using the cabbage leaves, as some mothers feel they can reduce milk supply if used thereafter. Using large amounts of the following herbs and other natural remedies should be avoided while nursing because they have been known to decrease milk supply. What's the difference between Koolaburra by UGG and UGG? You can actually increase breast milk supply with Moringa! Pseudoephedrine has been shown to decrease milk supply by 24%, and while similar studies have not yet been done on phenylephrine, its similar compounds suggest relatively equal impact. Are you trying to lower your supply? What about using peppermint oil topically? Eat oatmeal, barley, oats, etc… For more information, visit the “Increasing Milk” section of the website. Hand express milk to ease engorgement. When I was pumping seven or eight times per day, I really looked forward to the time when I could drop a pumping session. Milk thistle breast feeding tea: Used as a powerful galactagogue to increase milk supply. Also be careful of some herbs that affect milk supply in a negative way. For some mums these are sufficient: Try laid-back breastfeeding. Foods That Decrease Milk Supply Following is the list of foods that decrease milk supply– Parsley ; Peppermint – Occasional drinking of peppermint is never harmful but consumption in large amount decrease the supply of milk. I’m really worried about this. How often and how much milk is removed from the breast are the main factors that determine how much milk will be made. Parsley. Oregano will lower milk supply in large quantities. I am feeding a 6 week old and would much appreciate any information. Yes peppermint is very strong! This is the season of candy canes, peppermint lattes, menthol cough drops, and sage filled stuffing! Another think if your using the cabbage for engorgement an swelling but dont leak any milk does that mean it’s gone but I’m still engorged tho ? You are probably okay with using a hair product with sage. Try it: Shop for cabbage . Other herbs to avoid in large doses include parsley, oregano, jasmine, and yarrow. If you get your period or go through ovulation, it may temporarily decrease your milk supply. If you are only smelling it, and using it as aroma therapy then it may not effect your supply as drastically. I will be wearing gloves just to be safe. Just drank two cups of pepermint Tea today,didn’t know it would lower milk supply will two cups do that if so how how do I reverse it?? What decreases in decreasing term insurance? It is more of an issue if the oil is ingested or rubbed on the skin. I plan on making beard oil, balm, and wax for my fiance for Christmas and I will be using a few different essential oils in them. This was extremely helpful! Or do you think it’s not really a problem? However, some moms have noticed a decrease in supply after eating things That is okay. However, if you are struggling it may be good to try not using it and see if it helps. This however should be done under the care of a trained Lactation Consultant. Am I at risk for a drop in supply?? Like herbs, certain foods also have a similar effect on milk production in mothers. Is there anyway you can get rid of the too much menthol or reverse the effect? Anise. They can jack up your milk supply in record time. Never fear, if you have been ingesting these things and have noticed a decrease in your milk, the good news is that it is easy to bring it back to full production. For example, stress and dehydration can decrease the milk supply. Just remember supply and demand. There also is a new tea by Traditional Medicines called Shatavari Cardamom tea that works amazingly well! but have no money to go out and buy sage but i do have oregano how would i use it. Peppermint, menthol, and sage are three of the biggest … Does lack of sleep affect breast milk supply? Is it safe to take turmeric while breastfeeding? A small number of new mums have difficulty producing enough breast milk due to medical reasons, which include: Excessive blood loss (more than 500 ml/17.6 fl oz) during the birth or retained fragments of the placenta can delay your milk coming in (which usually happens around three days after the birth). Will peppermint affect colostrum coming in? Best of luck! Orange sweet Using large amounts of the following herbs and other natural remedies should be avoided while nursing because they have been known to decrease milk supply. Juniper berry If you notice a slight decrease just start adding in a few extra pumping sessions and you should be fine. Yes it is safe to breastfeed your baby while drinking sage tea, however the sage tea will dry up your milk supply. You can drink peppermint tea, eat peppermint candies or put a drop of essential oil in your water or in a capsule. If you're concerned about your milk supply or your baby's feedings, talk to your doctor, your baby's doctor or a lactation consultant. I value your input. Since there is at least a hint that peppermint can decrease milk supply I would never suggest it’s use in the early postpartum when milk supply is being established. This is a huge item to avoid while breastfeeding. Why does blood pressure decrease in capillaries? Try using some herbs that may help increase your supply such as fennel, alfalfa, garlic, and ginger. Are all varieties of mint anti galactagogues? Only time will tell, but you should be just fine. Sage, peppermint, oregano, lemon balm, parsley, and thyme are said to decrease milk flow during breastfeeding when taken in large quantities. Peppermint and Breastfeeding 13 days ago • 1 min read. You are very welcome, I am so glad you found the information helpful. Some things I’ve read say a very large quantity of sage or peppermint tea is necessary? Often better to eliminate it the week of your due date, but you should be just fine. It is very effective. It is probably not as big of a deal as altoids, but still can effect the supply.