Alfred is adamant that Wessex must remain united. ("Episode 3.1"), The men of Wessex meet the Mercian guard on the battlefield, where they defeat the Danes and force them to retreat. Æthelflæd claims that Danes are near and it was Hæsten who attacked her. But it can also be a curse. ("Episode 2.6"), Beocca returnd to camp to find it in ruins. Tune in some time next week for  my commentary on the final two episodes (which no doubt subject the Lord of the Mercians to yet more character assassination), continued in my usual forthright and caustic manner. We saw his wife cute kid always smiling. Website of J. Arman- Historian and Author. Uhtred flees after accidentally killing a monk that referred to Gisela as a whore. Lord Aethelred is depicted as a brutal and cruel man, and as a marital abuser, who beats his wife when she defies him. Ragnar - Brother-in-law †Rorik - Brother-in-law †Uhtred - Foster Brother-in-lawRagnar - Father-in-law †Sigrid - Mother-in-law †Ravn - Grandfather-in-law † Alfred is prepared for whatever may come, Beocca replies. Beocca tells young Uhtred that he misjudges his father. Alfred is in agreement with Uhtred and decides they will indeed march. But Uhtred soon learns that Mildrith's deceased father had promised a tenth of his land's yield to the Church, despite not being able to pay in full for many years. That’s the problem. Regardless of all else, Beocca reminds Uhtred that it is because of Alfred that he has had a good life in Wessex. Beocca replies that he’s prepared and that God will take care of him. ("Episode 3.8"), Father Beocca confronts Tidman after Thyra returns home in tears. This list shows the victims Beocca has killed: Unintentionally shot in the heart with an arrow by. •I was pleased that Æthelflæd was dealing effectively with her would-be rapist before Erik arrived; it made a change from the growing tendency for cameras to linger long on helpless female bodies before salvation belatedly arrives (if at all). Beocca warns Pyrlig that to advise a king is a great honor. Uhtred then exits with Alfred as his hostage, but the King returns to the hall and orders Uhtred to be killed. Devout, but with a wry sense of humor, Beocca is clever and tactical, with an opinion Alfred values greatly. ("Episode 4.2"), Beocca, Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric scout out Bebbanburg from afar. ("Episode 3.8"), Alfred prepares for the arranged marriage. They overcome the Danes and win the battle. Alfred denies Uhtred's proposal. ... Father Beocca … Although, at this stage, the Vikings are mostly sticking in their base at Benfleet in Essex, and so are not considered an immediate threat by Alfred, nor made any excursions into Wessex. They join Alfred in his Reading Room. It is what a Sword-Dane would do. Æthelwold and Sigebriht outside of Beocca’s house. He introduces himself and explains that he’s known Uhtred since he was a boy. ("Episode 2.5"), Uhtred marries Father Beocca and Thyra. Uhtred claims this is not his concern, but he is bothered by this news nonetheless. He then informs Uhtred of Skade, who is a seer. Just like in 1066, in 871 ability and experience trumped birth, and the adult Alfred was chosen to be King by the witan because he was deemed capable of leading his Kingdom and a child was not. ("Episode 4.2"), Outside Bebbanburg, Northumbria; As they near Bebbanburg, Beocca remarks that it is as magnificent as it has ever been. Edward wishes to attack but Alfred insists that they hold their position. Affinity ("Episode 3.3"), Alfred asks Beocca about Uhtred’s children. There were so many reasons I wanted to yell about this episode. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Having converted to Christianity to live in Wessex with her husband, Thyra was targeted by … ("Episode 4.3"). And for that, he wrenched a boy from his Christian life, delivered him to the heathens and damned his soul to all eternity. Grey He tells Uhtred to set a day for the attack and he will be there. He can either have him found and executed or speak with him. "The Burning Land" Æthelwold and Sigebriht enter their home though Uhtred is nowhere in sight. Ragnar tells Uhtred to take Skade and leave. S1 He tells Uhtred to make a choice: either accept his punishment or allow his friends to kill each other. After many years have gone by, Uhtred (Alexander Dreymon) sees Beocca again in Wessex, where he told him he’d be waiting for him so many years before. Uhtred had Father Beocca marry him and Gisela in secret before heading north, and King Alfred sent Aethelwold to accompany Uhtred as his representative to Guthred. Father Beocca was known for being a kind soul and a brave fighter, who was a loyal friend of Uhtred of Bebbanburg (Alexander Dreymon). ("Episode 3.5"), Edward tells Alfred that he’s given his word to Uhtred to expect an army at Beamfleot. He adds that there is no finer sight than that of a naked woman, arms outstretched. The following day, he joins Uhtred in an attack against the brothers, however, they realize that while attacking London, the brothers are attacking the camp. He encourages Uhtred to accept a trial and speak out. He comes back inside and asks that Uhtred speak with Alfred. Uhtred blames himself for Beocca’s death. Beocca reminds Uhtred of the promise he made to Æthelflæd that he would come to her aid when she called on him. However, with her being his wife, Beocca insists that this is his task to complete. With his identity hidden under a skull, Uhtred and several lepers arrive on horseback and claim that they've come to take the Danes’ souls. Beocca ("Episode 3.4"), Beocca and Steapa follow Alfred to Aegelesburg, where a Witan has requested Uhtred and Æthelflæd. Cause of Death Father Beocca will only turn a blind eye this once," Aethfled said laughing. Sometimes he found himself at war with his own conscience. Uhtred enjoys life with the Danes, but flees after Kjartan and his men set fire to Ragnar's hall and kill everyone who tries to flee. ("Episode 3.6"), Edward prepares to meet Ælflæd. His name is Guthred. Sable informs them that King Æthelred has conspired to kill Lady Æthelflæd, and so she has hidden in a nunnery in Wincelcumb. Thyra remarks that he should end it himself. I for one favour the Twelfth century Chronicler William of Malmesbury’s explanation that because the birth of her daughter, Elfwyn, was so difficult, Aethelflead took a vow of chastity, or meant that she was sadly unable to carry another child. Father Beocca rode south with us. Beocca fears that time may be against them. As for Uhtred, Finan tells him to go home. Beocca is present at a hearing to determine Uhtred's guilt for raiding into Cornwalum and attacking the Britons there. Fiske then informs Sven that there are horsemen missing. Uhtred disarms Bloodhair and is moments away from killing him before Ragnar intervenes and calls an end to the battle. Uhtred explains that he has no warriors. Hæsten hasn’t forgotten what she did and prays that they meet again someday. She blames Ragnar and Uhtred for not coming to her rescue. One reason that people assume Aethelred and Aethelflead had an unhappy marriage is because they only had one child, but there could just as well have been some medical reason for that. ("Episode 4.1"), The Sea; Uhtred, Beocca, young Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric continue on their journey to Bebbanburg. Æthelwold claims that Alfred and Edward are in his prayers daily. Northumbria; Uhtred, young Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric just barely make it on shore. Thyra screams and runs back inside. Beocca tries to prevent Uhtred from interrupting a prayer service the king is holding, but is unsuccessful. Most of his men work the fields. Beocca reveals that Æthelwold’s been forgiven by the king. However, Beocca and Hild inform her that the first marriage was, in fact, legitimate. She has God given strength, and he only wishes to help her. They then sail to Bebbanburg. Thyra asks Æthelflæd if her husband beats her. Instead, he fires it, striking Ælfric in the eye, killing him instantly. Edward refuses to do either, adding that he also doesn’t wish to become king. Alfred exclaims that it’s his duty. Odda fears that Wessex will not survive the negotiation. She begs him to understand her, just as she understands his God. Beocca admits that while the fight will be furious and men will fall, he’s certain Uhtred will win. Winchester, Wessex (last)Northumbria (formerly) She has arranged a ship that is waiting for them on the Temes, to Dunholm, in order to find Uhtred. Beocca prepares the bitter waters. He only wishes to kill Uhtred so that he doesn’t repeat his father’s mistakes. They stand outside of the fortress’ gates. Alfred orders Young Odda to investigate. Ælswith wishes to withhold Alfred’s death from the public, but Beocca encourages her to tell the people so that they mourn as well. Æthelhelm then enters with his daughter Ælflæd. The only person he has in his corner is Father Beocca who he stays friends with throughout the whole story. Later, Beocca speaks at Alfred's funeral. Although, at this stage, the Vikings are mostly sticking in their base at Benfleet in Essex, and so are not considered an immediate threat by Alfred, nor made any excursions into Wessex. Uhtred tells Wihtgar that Ælfric stole the land from him when he was a child, so if Wihtgar wants to be considered the true Lord of Bebbanburg, he has to a fight. Beocca informs Ragnar and Brida that he’s come to carry out the king’s order and formally banish Uhtred from Wessex. ("Episode 3.10"), With Edward's blessing and Alfred's pardon, Uhtred leads the men of Wessex into battle with the Danes. Beocca remains upset and goes outside until they finish. My father did not much like the priest, but did not want to go to war without a man of God to say prayers. He is kidnapped by a priest, Beocca, an old family friend. That said, please don’t kill any of them, or Hild, or Brida or Father Beocca. I’m beginning to notice that said Vikings bear more than a passing resemblance to the Dwarves in Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit movies though the Dwarves probably had better manners, and seem a whole lot more friendly and personable. Beocca sees this as nothing more than heathen paganism and will not stand for it. A: He is born a Saxon and doesn't have the greatest relationship with his dad. He should tread carefully as Brother Trew and the Abbot don’t trust him. Beocca reminds Ælswith that she chose Lord Æthelhelm’s daughter as a match because he had silver that Wessex needed. Uhtred holds a blade to Ælfric’s throat. Uhtred suggests they march now. She refuses to accept that he’s gone as he hasn’t yet united England. Aidan replies that he’s loyal to the true heir of Bebbanburg and points up to Wihtgar, who’s pointing a crossbow at Uhtred. And when he’s gone, Beocca will see to it that it continues. Aelfric had a son but the heir Wihtgar was banished. Odda remarks that this is an impossible amount and the entire wealth of Wessex. However, he doesn’t get to see his son. Young Uhtred wants to stay on the boat, so Beocca stays behind with him while the others search for the monks. Beocca watches on in horror as the forces of Bebbanburg are soundly defeated by the Danes, and Ealdorman Uhtred himself is killed. Beocca retorts that God will never allow that to happen and that they will triumph. ("Episode 1.6"), Beocca is present when Guthrum's army attacks Winchester and flees with the rest of the people there. Some time after returning to Winchester, Father Beocca learns that Uhtred was taken to be a slave. "Episode 1.1" However, Uhtred questions the real reason Beocca decided to tag along. He warns Tidman against crossing him ever again. ("Episode 3.9"), Beocca informs Uhtred that Ælswith rescinds his pardon, but Uhtred refuses to leave before Edward’s crowning. Father Beocca (Ian Hart) is first introduced as a priest in Ealdorman Uhtred’s household. He suspects that young Uhtred was trying to steal away and demands to know why. Uhtred is avenging a great wrong done to him. Beocca recalls how Aelfric tried to kill a child for no gain but wooden walls. Cause of Death Ragnar remains inside, preferring to die on his terms rather than at Kjartan's hands. And he fears the aftermath of a great battle will be too much for him. Skade remarks that Uhtred has defeated Bloodhair twice and she now belongs to him. However, Gelgill, the slave trader demands they hand over the ransom first. In the second letter, Æthelflæd has a solution. ("Episode 1.5"), Beocca is thrilled to see that he is alive, as the last he heard of Uhtred, he was a hostage at Werham. The village in which they are meeting sits on land that belongs to Sven. Æthelred and Æthelhelm question how Uhtred knew where to find Æthelflæd. When the monk Brother Asser attempts to dissuade King Alfred from accepting Uhtred's help and advice regarding the coming battle with the Danes, Beocca strongly supports Uhtred, telling the king that he will follow Uhtred into battle and will serve as his conduit to God. He is attracted to her and she can’t be around because of that. The spirit of Saint Cuthbert has decreed that Guthred shall be king. Kjartan abducts Thyra. At the last minute, Beocca arrives after changing his mind and deciding to join Uhtred on his journey. She shares her concern with Hild. férjezett. I’m continuing my commentary on the second series of The Last Kingdom here. But if they were to weaken the Danes, as Uhtred suggested, they could stand a chance. He worries that he doesn’t inspire them and that they don’t see him as a warrior. ("Episode 1.4"), Alfred asks about the men in the camp. (" Episode 2.4 ") Finan, Uhtred, Ragnar, Hild, Æthelwold, Steapa, and Beocca head to Eoferwic. He stumbled into acting almost accidentally, but was cast in the play "The Government Inspector". He continued to work in British theatre and television, and first gained recognition for portraying John Lennon in the British film Backbeat (1994). ("Episode 2.2"), Uhtred visits Beocca in the temple. He reads of the raids in Daneland. He then asks Beocca why is Æthelwold not dead. ("Episode 3.3"), Beocca and Thyra travel by ship to Dunholm to retrieve Uhtred. Beocca warns Uhtred that if his uncle succeeds in ransoming him back, he will be killed so Ælfric can rule Bebbanburg, and he urges Uhtred to escape and find him in Winchester, located in the Kingdom of Wessex. ("Episode 3.8"), Sigebriht confronts Father Beocca with a rumor that Uhtred seeks revenge against Alfred for being outlawed. He continues to grow ill. Alfred agrees that they shall march. Beocca and the others are aware of his plunder. He admittedly allowed himself to get old too quickly. They invade the fortress, killing many men. However, Beocca and Pyrlig refuse to allow them to pass. Alfred refuses to allow his daughter to be whored to the highest bidder. They will join him at the Burh of Aescengum. Beocca, in turn, was devoted to my father who had freed him from slavery and provided him with his education. The death of Father Beocca, especially since he died saving youth Uhtred, was a heavy blow since he was a fan-favorite. Uhtred's Saxon father's priest, Beocca, goes on to become Alfred's most trusted advisor. As such, he alone has seen Uhtred grow from boy to man and knows his true birth-right. Appeared in As Gelgill is fleeing, he is stabbed in the back and killed by Hild. Male If thou hast gone aside to another man, the Lord shall make thy thigh to rot and thy belly to swell. When Uhtred realizes that he has not been credited for his actions against Ubba, he bursts into the prayer hall to confront Alfred. Father Beocca also dies protecting young Uhtred, a loss that is so great that Uhtred drops "of Bebbanburg" from his title and his ambitions. movies though the Dwarves probably had better manners, and seem a whole lot more friendly and personable. ("Episode 2.1"), Father Beocca reunites with Uhtred while traveling North to free a slave. After she is safe, faith will decide the rest. After the meeting, Uhtred tells Beocca to arrange a private meeting between him and the king. ("Episode 3.10"), Beocca visits Uhtred in his cell and begs Uhtred to stay in Winchester. ("Episode 4.1"), Uhtred finds Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric in the stable and tells them of his plan to intercept the monks headed for Bebbanburg. Beocca also shows Uhtred that before leaving Bebbanburg he had saved the Charters of Bebbanburg, the land books which prove that Uhtred is the rightful Ealdorman of Bebbanburg, not his Uncle Ælfric. Father Beocca said she went back to the tavern. Of course, this does not stop the speculation and assertions of ‘it might have happened like that’. "Episode 4.3" ("Episode 3.9"), With Alfred gone, Beocca no longer has a role. Thyra - Wife † He then orders Bishop Erkenwald to escort Edward to the nearest monastery. They proceed into the fort and kill every guard they cross. He tells this to Beocca in secret. Beocca explains that Uhtred and Ragnar have wanted for so long to find her. Secretly, Alfred ordered Steapa to kill Uhtred if he broke his oath to Alfred and focused on Bebbanburg. Beocca was a priest in the household of Ealdorman Uhtred. Beocca was also described as having red hair, but is bald in the television series. ("Episode 2.4"), They lead an army of men to Dunholm. Wessex is saved. S4 ("Episode 4.1"), Cookham, Wessex; Uhtred, Finan, Osferth, and Sihtric prepare the boat. ("Episode 2.7"), After the Witan, where Beocca defended Uhtred, he then tells Uhtred that he asked the king to exclude him from Uhtred’s journey to Beamfleot. Well probably not, actually. Of course, it was a different matter as Aethelwold grew up to become and adult, and considered that he was in a position to succeed Alfred as King of Wessex because of his royal blood. Her comments about Aethelflaed being used as a whore by her family added an interesting perspective, while her pragmatic advice about heading north was by no means the worst given this episode. First Appearance Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; GlosbeMT_RnD. Residence Aethelflaed is dazzled by Aethelred’s physical appearance, but after the wedding she discovers his true nature. Pyrlig promises to bring him news when he can. Uhtred explains that he has the spirit of their family within him. They enter the church for the royal oath, which shall be sworn upon the corpse of the blessed Saint Cuthbert himself. Her role has diminished and she’s veiled in grief. Hæsten has given his word to the king and has declined all offers to join Bloodhair. Alfred informs Uhtred that this can mean nothing but his certain death. ("Episode 3.3"), Beocca returns home, where Thyra and Sable await. Residence Uhtred gets revenge on his old enemy Kjartjan, who killed his adoptive Viking father and kidnapped his adoptive sister. First Appearance The Last Kingdom season four is on Netflix now, but one of the most popular characters will not be featuring in season five. Beocca explains that he is the Lord’s King. Beocca reports to Alfred, and the two of them confront Edward. He makes Uhtred promise him that he won’t do anything stupid. Beocca informs them that Alfred was victorious in their battle against the Danes, and Beocca will see to it that they are released. Uhtred then explains how he escaped and fought at Cynuit. Thyra emerges from the woods and runs into Beocca’s arms. Therefore, he will send for 15 ships. The Danes will hear about it and it will embolden them. He later falls in love and marries Thyra after helping rescue her from her captivity. Last Appearance Uhtred checks on Beocca but he has succumbed to his wounds. Conversely, the opposite might also have been true. Hopefully, this union can show that Wessex is a land for all people. Ælfric supposedly only has 40 men, but that’s twice as many as them. Beocca is described from Uhtred's POV in the book series as being extremely ugly, with a fierce squint, a palsied hand and a clubbed foot. He bounds their hand and they kiss. Afterward, they return to Winchester. He does his best to convince Alfred that Uhtred is trustworthy, despite him being a pagan. Finan replies that the king asks for too much. Significant Other(s) ("Episode 3.1"), Beocca takes Uhtred to see Alfred after he discovers that Uhtred desecrated Gisela’s grave. ("Episode 3.2"), Alfred continues to document his life as king. Novel Series Northumbria (formerly) Before sun-up Uhtred moved his clothes and belongings to his old childhood room. He gives Pyrlig his blessing to do whatever must be done to protect King Edward, who has all the makings of a great leader. ("Episode 3.3"), Bishop Erkenwald alerts Beocca that Edward claims to already be married. Beocca reveals that Thyra died in a fire, which he suspects was set by men of Wessex. Beocca admits that there is a way, from the holy books. He fears a great battle now will result in defeat. Eva Birthistle has been wonderful in the part and her absence would be felt. Uhtred and Gisela get married, living in relative peace for three years, in which time they are given the Wessex estate of Cookham and have two children together. Ælswith orders Steapa to kill Uhtred, but Beocca insists that no one move. Uhtred contemplates going back to retrieve Beocca’s body, but Finan insists that he doesn’t. ("Episode 4.2"), Bebbanburg, Northumbria; Uhtred and Finan take out the two guards by the gate and wait for young Uhtred to open the gate. Years after being captured by Danes, Uhtred encountered Beocca in Wessex, serving Alfred. Ælswith tells Beocca that it is not the daughter they are choosing, but rather her father and their standing. And if they absolutely have to die, make it a good death. Tom continued his relationship with that married woman. Finan and Sihtric arrive, joining Beocca and Pyrlig. He has a good relationship with Osbert, even though the young boy doesn't seem to take religion too seriously. Ian Hart, born in England, began acting while a student in Liverpool, England, United Kingdom. Edward offers Uhtred 500 men or more. Alfred ignored Uhtred’s pain. Ælswith reminds Beocca that she had him removed from the court and that it’s unwise to remain somewhere he isn’t wanted. He even baptized him. As much as it pains Alfred to say it, Edward will need Uhtred when he is gone. Hild wants Beocca to tell the king, but Æthelflæd wants to fulfill her duty to unite the lands. And should Alfred die, he will kill Edward. He died last summer in the southern sea. There will be no trial. Beocca consoles Alfred, who believes he is a sinner beyond redemption for laying with women outside his marriage bed and wants to withdraw from Wessex's court life. It exists in every man and woman who fears life without their king, and Edward alone is not the answer, which is why even Alfred prays that Uhtred returns. Finan hugs Uhtred as he cries over Beocca’s loss. King Alfred is certain that Guthrum will now retreat. He can’t think, work, or sleep with her around. ("Episode 2.8"), Winchester, Wessex; Alfred worries that when he dies, he’ll be going to purgatory rather than heaven. ("Episode 3.2"), Unlike Beocca, Thyra sides with Uhtred, reasoning that Alfred didn’t give him much of a choice. ("Episode 3.3"), Bloodhair challenges Uhtred to a fight to the death with Skade as the reward. I for one think the real Aethelflead was more pragmatic and level-headed and rather less inclined to romantic idealism. He re-baptised Uhtred after Uhtred's name was changed from Osbert, following the death of Uhtred. ("Episode 2.5"), Beocca asks Thyra to marry him. Alfred wants it known that God, Alfred and the Ealdormen of Wessex are watching them. He accuses Uhtred of making a plan with Hæsten in order to gain Æthelflæd’s trust. She tells him to choose Aethelhelm. ("Episode 2.1"), Beocca, Hild, Halig, and Brother Trew arrive at the slave market to buy Guthred. Beocca and Steapa call out to Thyra and Æthelflæd, respectively. Edward refuses to back down and begs his father to listen to him. One other aspect of this episode that is worthy of note is the claim, also made in the first series, that Aethelwold was somehow cheated out of his throne by Alfred, in what is implied to have been a usurpation. ("Episode 2.1"), Beocca and Uhtred share a jug of ale as tomorrow, Beocca will be returning to Winchester. There is simply to evidence that Aethelred was abusive, and to give Bernard Cornwell some credit, he does admit that particular detail was invented. He tells Uhtred not to get himself killed until Æthelflæd is safe. Uhtred explains that no one else has to die save for his uncle. But then again he was always messing around. Egy boldogabb frigyben egyesült Beocca atya és a húgom, Thyra. Ælswith tells him not to fret, and Beocca assures him she will be a fitting match. Beocca reminds Hæsten that he’s in Æthelflæd’s debt. "The Last Kingdom" After seeing the power of Beocca's God, Guthrum decides to become a Christian, and it is Beocca himself who baptises him. Was he? He has the teeth belonging to Saint Cuthbert as protection. ("Episode 1.6"), Uhtred and Iseult arrive in Winchester for the Witan. Uhtred subdues Sven and orders everyone to leave. When sent by Alfred to deal the Viking army led by the troublesome brothers Erik and Sigefrid in London, he and his fellows are tricked, and the series ends with Alfred’s daughter fleeing for her life into the nearest wood clad  a very conspicuous and inconvenient flowing pink dress. Uhtred notices a change in Beocca and asks what happened. He attempts to rush into the burning house, but Finan and Sihtric hold him back, as he calls out to Thyra. She tells them that they can’t tell the king as Æthelflæd doesn’t want the bond between the two lands to break. Alfred tasks Father Pyrlig with traveling to East Anglia to deliver a letter to King Æthelstan. He later witnesses Uhtred's punishment for breaking Alfred's peace. Thyra tells him how she and her mother traveled by ship to get to the land. Status Copy to clipboard; Details / edit; GlosbeMT_RnD. They have a ship waiting at Eoferwic. But Wihtgar declines the challenge. Beocca leaves as Sigebriht arrives. ("Episode 1.1"), Beocca accompanies Ealdorman Uhtred and the warriors of Bebbanburg to Eoferwic (York) in order to join forces with the two Northumbrian kings and battle the invading Danes. Alfred wishes to put an end to the rumors. Moving forward, they will pray to Alfred and God. My father could have worshipped the devil and Beocca, I think, would have turned a blind eye. ("Episode 2.4"), Thyra exits with her hounds. Beocca reveals that word reached him about the abduction of a young deacon. Alfred, Odda, Leofric, and Father Selbix head down the field to speak with them. Later, he joins Uhtred and King Alfred, who are hiding from the Danes in the marshlands outside of Wessex. Beocca reveals that he was Ælfric’s priest. Beocca tells Uhtred to fulfill his birthright and restore Northumbria to greatness. Beocca insists he remain and resist the temptations of Winchester, thus proving to God that he is a worthy servant. ("Episode 3.5"), Off in the woods, Alfred, Edward, Steapa, Beocca, and the Wessex guard watch as Uhtred and his men are surrounded by Hæsten and an army of Danes. I’m continuing my commentary on the second series of, Much more worthy of comment in this Episode.  Wedding bells as ringing, as father Beocca gets married, and a new Viking army lands, this being the second ‘Great Heathen Army’ Alfred fought, under the leadership a new Viking adventurer, Heasten.