She conducted analyses on mortality rate, which she used to support her notion that improving sanitary conditions would result in a decrease, in deaths (Gillian, 2004). PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH BROOK WRITERS TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT. Florence gathered data and revolutionaries recordkeeping practices. She was born into a rich upper-class family and was known to have a very serious demeanor but was very charming to those who met her. Malaria causes a very high fever. Gill, Christopher J., and Gill, G.C. Her ideas to improve medical care helped hospitals around the world. Raised in England during the Victorian Age, her father provided her a good … She and her sister learned Latin, Italian, mathematics and history (Gillian, 2004). In 1853 Russia invaded Turkey to begin the Crimean War. She shifted the paradigm from the patient to the nursing environment; her points of concern were pure light, pure water, efficient drainage, light and cleanliness. During the Crimean war, in Scutari, an era that had witnessed the shunning of female nurses owing to their poor reputation, the medical situation was appalling and there was public uproar on the neglect of the injured soldiers because of insufficient medical attention and treatment in unsanitary and inhumane conditions. After her suggestions were implemented, the mortality rate reduced drastically. The introduction of female nurses to the military hospitals was deemed an outstanding success, Florence returned to Britain a heroine, and Cholera is a germ that attacks the bowels. The fact that nursing and health care was reformed by a woman who came from a crop of Victorian women who did not attend universities, neither did they purse profession careers. Florence Nightingale was born May 12, 1820, in Florence, Italy and was named after the city of her birth. Her contributions to the discipline are legendary, but perhaps none so fitting at this moment as her demonstration that simple handwashing and good hygiene can prevent infection and save lives. Florence Nightingale entered the hospital and was appalled and horrified by what she saw. At the age of sixteen, Florence claimed that God spoke to her and wanted her to serve mankind in some way. ‘There were no blankets, beds, furniture, food, or cooking utensils, but there were rats and fleas everywhere’, historian Eileen Magnello has recounted. The British and French people were worried that Russia was getting too powerful so they sent troops to help Turkey. She was named after her birthplace, Florence, Italy. She always noticed the poor conditions and illness in places where she traveled. Print. This year, 2010, is the Centenary of the death of Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale was a trailblazing figure in nursing who greatly affected 19th- and 20th-century policies around proper medical care. However, her parents were of a different school of thought, they believed that their children should get an education and make a better life for themselves. From proper care of injuries to the sterile conditions of carrying out medical activities in both outpatient and inpatient setting, all nursing aspects can be attributed to her. Florence Nightingale - Florence Nightingale - Homecoming and legacy: Although primarily remembered for her accomplishments during the Crimean War, Nightingale’s greatest achievements centred on attempts to create social reform in health care and nursing. Print. Throughout her life, Florence received awards and prize money from various channels, including the British government (Richards, 2006). Science News. Florence is known worldwide as the founder of modern nursing. So her parents allowed her to travel and along the way she met friends who shared a common interest. Florence formulated a Model Hospital Statistical Form for health care facilities to generate and gather regular data and statistics (Linda, 2006). Florence Nightingale is best known for having founded modern nursing and helped improve the care provided by hospitals. You fill all the paper instructions in the order form. You can get professional academic help from our service at affordable rates. You also get a plagiarism report attached to your paper. Confining herself to her room she worked many hours a day writing ideas and reports. Initially, nursing schools were premised on religion or military orders, nurses were never trained on the arty of caring, they just handled medical emergency situations as they appeared. Your email address will not be published. Let’s find out! Training of nurses has been intensified, and the scope of its study has similarly been increased (Gillian, 2004). Florence and her nurses tidied up the place, cared for patients by day, and through the night using a lamp. From those results, she graphically represented the data, created polar-area charts that indicated the statistic being highlighted is proportional to the region of the wedge in a circular representation. 2004. 2006. Proceed to pay for the paper so that it can be assigned to one of our expert academic writers. 2008. Nightingale’s medical contributions weren’t just revolutionary, they were prescient, almost to an unsettling degree. Do you have responsibilities that may hinder you from turning in your assignment on time? Are you tired and can barely handle your assignment? (1820-1910), reformer of hospital nursing,Florence Nightingale, born on the 12th May 1820 at Villa Columbaia, Florence, where her parents were on a European tour, is famous for being the ‘Lady with the Lamp’. She told them she was going to return to Germany to study nursing. Florence was heartbroken. As clean as the hospital was kept, people still died. On her return to England, Nightingale was suffering the effects of both brucellosis and exhaustion. She initiated laundry segments in hospitals so that patients’ apparel would be cleaned and sterilized. It was from this front that Florence agitated for change in the military health care system, and the nursing profession began gaining respect (Christopher and Gill, 2005). In 2020 we celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of Florence Nightingale and 110 years from her death (1820-1910). Objective: Florence Nightingale is a source of inspiration and a subject of research for researchers worldwide. Florence used her fame to spread her sanitary reforms. Even as a young child Florence did not follow the path that her wealthy parents planned for her. She wanted to remain single and follow God’s wishes for her. So she asked her parents if she could study to become a nurse. All Rights Reserved. However, not many are aware that it is because of her that hospice care is wholesome. BrookWriters offers writing services for our clients research purposes and helping them to gain better understanding of the subject. When she returned to her family in England, her parents were very angry. She applied the data in improving the military and city hospitals. Florence Nightingale, who was born 200 years ago, is rightly famed for revolutionising nursing. She used this as a basis for the need of reform. Florence Nightingale / ˈ n aɪ t ɪ ŋ ɡ eɪ l /, OM, RRC, DStJ (12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910) was an English social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing.Nightingale came to prominence while serving as a manager and trainer of nurses during the Crimean War, in which she organised care for wounded soldiers at Constantinople. The client can ask the writer for drafts of the paper. So many exercises revolve around Florence’s contributions and suggestions. Florence Nightingale introduced novel concepts to the nursing practice that decreased mortality rates. She worked in an orphanage, a place for children without parents, and a hospital. Florence Nightingale changed the hospital setting and treatment quality; as a result, unnecessary deaths were eradicated. Her hard, selfless work especially parallels today, with the nurses fighting admirably against … Diggory Press. NIGH also works to rekindle awareness about the important issues highlighted by Florence Nightingale, such as preventive medicine and holistic health. It causes diarrhea and dehydration which, left untreated, leads to death. In her nursing classes, Nightingale encouraged her students to focus on the duties and tasks undertaken by nurses, as well as, the entire well-being of their patients. She survives in our imaginations as an inspired nurse, who cared passionately for injured and dying soldiers during the Crimean war, and then radically reformed professional nursing as a result of the horrors she witnessed. When assigning your order, we match the paper subject with the area of specialization of the writer. Visit the Florence Nightingale Museum Website to learn more about her amazing life and career. Much to her family’s disappointment, Florence turned down two marriage proposals! She used the monies acquired to further her cause of reform in health care. 2005. Health care, as we know it, has developed at an amazing rate, many of the changed being witnessed stem from the ideologies postulated by Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale was born May 12, 1820 in Florence, Italy. Florence Nightingale changed the hospital setting and treatment quality; as a result, unnecessary deaths were eradicated. She influenced powerful people to make new laws improving health care. She died in 1910, at the age of 90, which was a notable age to reach at that time, although many of her family lived to a similar age.. ... She made major contributions to military medicine, statistical thought, public health and to hospital design, to name a few. The paper is sent to your email and uploaded to your personal account. Florence set up reading rooms and recreational programs for the soldiers as their health improved. From her father, Florence studied subjects most often taught only to men: mathematics, writing, history and foreign languages. Florence Nightingale’s forward-thinking reforms have influenced the very nature of modern medicine and have continued to inspire people presently. Florence Nightingale: The Passionate Statistician. America’s First Trained Nurse: My Life as a Nurse in America, Great Britain and Japan 1872-1911. Clinical Infectious Diseases. Her substantial contributions to health statistics are less well known. Print. Methods: It is an integrative review of the literature based … All the above attributes can be seen in virtually all health care facilities across the world. She implemented numerous patient services which aided in the improving of quality treatment in hospitals. Florence Nightingale was the first woman to be given the British Order of Merit (1907). In historical context, Florence Nightingale is considered to be the first nurse researcher. She took it upon herself to ensure the sanitary conditions of health care facilities were up to par, she extended these conditions to housing and cooking segments. + 1 (817) 953 0426, Order your paper today and save 30% with the discount code COCONUT. The minimum requirement to be an essay writer with our essay writing service is to have a college diploma. She relied on this formula to develop descriptive statistics that buttressed her claim for the need of reform. © 2021 Brook Writers. Though nursing in earlier days was based on trial and error, Nightingale's contribution toward research was reflected in bringing down the mortality and morbidity among the sick and wounded in Crimean war. She funded the founding of St. Thomas hospital in which she advanced training and education of nurses. Soldiers lay on their own excrement on feeble stretchers strewn on corridors (Julia, 2008). She is mainly known for her contribution to the foundation of modern nursing in the British Empire and subsequently to the world. All papers are properly referenced. Florence was asked to assemble a group of nurses and come to help in the military hospitals in Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey). When time-series data is plotted as a normal x-y plot with the time variable along the x-axis it is difficult to identify seasonality or other factors that may influence the data. Florence Nightingale Contributions station implementation and reform of practices. At the age of thirty, Florence secretly studied in Germany. Florence set up reading rooms and recreational programs for the soldiers as their health improved. Print. Nursing exercises promote health regardless in care giving situations. It will also help to eliminate unnecessary revisions. As Nightingale advocated for robust education for nurses, CNS specialty directs specific knowledge, skill acquisition, and core and specialty competencies for in-depth clinical expertise and the ever-changing nursing practice and healthcare systems. She wanted to find the cause of this problem. Nightingale’s statistics and ability to formulate diagrams on the situation on the ground paved the way for organized learning and led to improvement in medical, as well as surgical practices. She enjoyed setting up a doll hospital. For all of her efforts, she was a product of her upbringing. She dedicated her life to the treatment of the sick and frail, changed the design of hospitals, and developed the field of preventive medicine. Gill, Gillian. Loretta Ford, founder of the first nurse practitioner program, worked to address healthcare access in underserved communities. Viking. Onward Healthcare’s travel nurses often find inspiration from Florence and her experiences in nursing. Florence Nightingale died a hundred years ago, in August 1910. May 12th marks the 200 th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. So far, the Florence Nightingale Declaration has been signed by over 18,500 signatories from 86 countries. Wrote letters to the families of soldiers in her care. However, when Florence realized that many of the British soldiers were not dying from the extent of their injuries but from the pitiable sanitary conditions in which they were being treated. Florence Nightingale’s contributions to the nursing profession are numerous. Today, the nursing and medical fields are still applying practices pioneered by Florence. Florence has been credited for improving conditions in the stay of hospitals. Her work earned her the honor of being the first woman to receive the Order of Merit. Nightingale initiated the use of statistical evidence, which was vital in discovering the reasons for high death rates and making educated decisions in … Author Beya,S. She was nicknamed “The Lady with the Lamp”. Florence Nightingale brought a number of momentous contributions to the profession of nursing and medicine. In the beginning, the doctors refused to let the nurses help. She even became immortalized in the poem “Charge of the Light Brigade” due to her hard work (Christopher and Gill, 2005).