There’s no rush at all. There may be no bigger step for a guy than bringing the girl he's dating to meet his parents, especially when he no longer lives close to home. He introduces you to his parents. That's like being castrated in public. No, he’s not just trying to make you jealous. He wants everything to be just right. At best, you’re suddenly going to become his best friend because he needs advice on how to impress his new girl. He wants everything to be just right. He makes his feelings for you super obvious and hints heavily how much he likes you. When a guy (well, i would) introduces a girl to his family or friends as his girlfriend, it's kind of a way of him being proud to say, "this is my girl, check her out in all her awesomeness.." You won’t be around for long. He introduced me as his girlfriend. He introduced me as his girlfriend. He’s never introduced me to his family (who live out-of-state), but he’s introduced me to all of his close friends as his girlfriend. 5. He buys me gifts, takes me on dates, asks for my input on his life decisions, our relationship isn't solely based on sex however he won't commit or say I'm his girlfriend he introduces us as friends I feel the spark but I'm not sure if he's willing to be committed to me. So before he asks you to be his girlfriend, he definitely wants to make sure you're going to say yes. He said that he wants me to be his girlfriend, but not just yet. So if this man is opening up, it’s definitely one of the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend! B) He wants to keep your relationship quiet for the time being. Later on that day I asked him about it. Guys are terrified of rejection. If he isn't sure, then he's going to go with the safe option. He’s eager to introduce you to his girlfriend. What’s the point? He went further into detail, and I’m fine with waiting. He Has Introduced You to Friends and Family. He'll be crushed if he works up the courage to ask and you turn him down. He invited me to an event, where I met the majority of his family. Well, if he just introduces you by your name, then obviously he's not wanting people to know that you either are together. A man who wants to date you for a few weeks won’t bother to introduce you to the people who matter to him. Most if not all his friends know about your existence, as he has introduced you to them before and he constantly mentions you to them. When I did see him he would always tell me his story of his family and mom dying and the lost girlfriend all several years ago. 6. He's not going into this thing until he knows you are 100% for sure, no doubt about it, absolutely saying yes to being his girlfriend. 4. If you see any of these signs that he wants you to be his girlfriend, then be confident that he is serious about a relationship with you. I'm guessing the answer is C. No guy wants to introduce a girl as his "girlfriend" and then have her go back and say "oh no, we're just friends". C) He doesn't want to be presumptuous. He sees you as a friend and as such wants to show off his girlfriend to you and get your opinion. You might feel ready to introduce your partner to your loved ones once you trust how they will act and connect with them, said Jennifer L. Silvershein, LCSW, a New York City-based psychotherapist. If a woman has dated a man for a while and reached a point where she’s developed some feelings for him, she can’t help but wonder if there are signs that he wants you to be his girlfriend. Not every guy exhibits their love in Disney Prince Charming style of delivery. He said that he wants me to be his girlfriend, but not just yet. I felt bad for him – to me it screamed someone looking for a friend. He does show affection for me in different ways, but I can’t tell if it’s love or he’s just a nice guy and knows how to treat a lady. He invited me to an event, where I met the majority of his family. 9. Freeform The right time to introduce your partner to those close to you could also come down to trust. He’s keen to know about your love life, be it your dating history and whether or not you are interested in anyone. Later on that day I asked him about it.