All three incidents were right-wing related.[87]”. The biggest fraud of history has been kept quiet because of the propaganda used to keep Americans occupied with hate and division for one another so they dont ever catch on to what’s been done to them. To everyone who always clams the roles of the parties swapped, this is actually inaccurate. They are not going away. Granted there was very biased sides to the conversation before this but a conversation was still being had. These variables should have, ideally, nothing to do with a political platform. Educate yourselves please before its too late. There is something so much more important than these trivial fights, these surface divides that keep us stuck in the mud of misunderstanding and hate. Oh and one last thing why isn’t President Obama, Joe Biden or any of the Democrats coming out and condoning the violence and looting? You need to leave. And it isn’t just ignoring CO2 levels and global warming, they believe in cutting down national forests, fracking every possible parcel of land, cutting off every mountain, increase mining and have more deregulation across the board, allowing corporations to just dump their toxic waste into rivers and streams. The reason it works that was is because that guy thinking about robbing you doesn’t know if he’s gonna get shot. On the Left side you have a group founded on emotions and ideals not grounded in reality. Obama quotes him often in his book and Hillary did her thesis on Alinsky. Simple reason just to eliminate the Electoral College which is the last thread keeping our nation from being a PURE DEMOCRACY being run into oblivion by MOB RULE. The current trouble got zero to due with racism .it has everything to due with socialism and trying to keep america way it is. This is not about race or religion or the right or the left or the white vs the non white. ALMOST THERE!!! Because the only alternative is a life which is as brutal as it is short. The first problem is choosing sides, and the second problem is figuring out who to fight. However, without introducing truth you cannot implement MLE. She's also a YouTube star.…” 1.5) The heritage foundation is a well known conservative think tank, their purpose is to push conservative policies, and the source cited was not a study, instead, it was political commentary. There is good and bad in all groups so the left needs to learn to stop the assault on our freedoms and traditions and accept that we Americans are not cut from the same cloth. Bull shit. I was reading this, but have to reply. (Read “The Creature from Jekyll Island”. The weak will be eaten by the strong. They can keep their lack of education and low paying jobs and STILL have the ability to feel “better than” someone else of a different race who is in the same position they are. Right now it is a war of words. They have just become better in how they sell it. He said/She said bias, third party witnesses is not used to impeach. It is a nice sentiment, but lower taxes do not necessarily mean reduced government control, and higher taxes do not necessarily lead to irresponsible re-allocation of money. We need to impress upon the left that they should not be afraid of open debate. Maybe doing things like that could make us remember that we are all Americans and what we have is what everyone else on this planet only wishes for. I may not agree with some of you but will not bash you for your feelings. (For all you young folk out there it’s a quote from the show Dragnet in the ‘50’s. People use tell me I was racist because I didn’t vote for President Obama, and I was sexist because I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton and now you got Joe Biden saying to a black talk show host if you don’t vote for me you’re not black. Nonetheless, while people sometimes have a difficult time explaining these concepts, they (correctly) sense something is unjust, and that someone is stealing their lives, little bit by bit. Getting ready to retire anyone? I’ll be fighting on the side that has been treated like they are animals. Heck I voted for him in ’08. Americans should really step back for a moment and really think about the fact that WE ALL are blessed to live in the greatest country in the world (even at our worst moments). I don’t believe BHO divided this country, I voted for him. This cannot ever happen again, if we don’t stand up our country will change forever. visa programs, factory outsourcing and “free trade”. None. Sure, it’s horrific, and should be avoided if at all possible. Second: Totally agree I put Obama right up there with Roosevelt even Lincoln I think he’ll be judged as one of the best presidents this country has ever had, You’re freaking quoting the heritage foundation which is extremely bias they’re extreme right-wing holy Christ we’re in trouble we have a psychopath for a president who only knows how to lie who seems to think 200,000 dead is perfectly okay considering there was a few reports that said were looking at two million dead what hey the virus isn’t over it’s still killing people so we may reach that 2 million not to mention that he thinks people that join the military and serve are idiots and if they should get injured they become losers and for some reason Trump supporters refuse to see this it’s like they put blinders on there’s something wrong with them I don’t understand why they’re not paying attention to what he’s doing, Your head has to be in the sand if you dont think Obama caused racial tensions.. do your research. Instead they’ve been hijacked and perhaps created by a left-Marxist totalitarian insurgency that, yes, it determined to destroy Western civilization. Just do it. Are you admitting, by using the word, “evil,” that satan exists? yes, just put your head in the sand. Some of the posts grow more heated, words typed feverishly to blast opposing comments. We are being divided by both parties. Politicians that they they have the guns, others don’t know which bathroom to use. YES! By one estimate, the war claimed the lives of 10 percent of all Northern men 20–45 years old, and 30 percent of all Southern white men aged 18–40”. That way we can part ways, be like good luck with your socialist experiment or as you guys call it “socialist capitalism”. They are attempting it here in America as well. Thank you! The bad part is there are just as many colored people fighting for this country as there are whites. Just because you think I’m white so I must be on that side. I dont know about Obama setting race relations 50 years but what I do know is the political left is more likely to use violence instead of dialogue in order to influence decisions. People forget that before this pandemic and financial crisis we  had a political crisis. Consider that in the case of the civil war, the pathologically narcissistic president came after Lincoln. And no one can point to anything he did that would substantiate that claim. Don’t you care about your fellow US citizen enough? But wait.. those are just the ones we can plainly see.. what about the police and first responders that are tasked with protecting and serving? However, the last four presidents elected have all contributed to polarization and intolerance. I grew up in a family that associated most fiscal ‘responsibility’ with the Republican platform’s ideology of low to no taxes. Silber: I wouldn’t identify this most recent development [the demanding of documents] as the “beginning of a civil war” since I’m not sure that reflects anything other than the political divide we’ve already witnessed for the last several years and the fact that Democrats are taking steps they could not have taken before they regained control of the House. It is about congressman serving their personal interests exclusively vs. making the USA a great place. The difference is we get our ss card at birth and have time over the course of our childhoods to learn what we expect adults to learn quickly( ie constitution, how the government works etc). Discourse is beyond him. President Trump loves all Americans and the left is so consumed with hate that they simply can’t accept the will of the American voter. The OP complained about two things. Then people blame Obama for what’s going on now but when Obama was in office He was disrespected to the point if that had happwned in another country people would have been walking around with their hands chopped off. Southern pride isn’t racist. How is it done if one does not have the desire (or at least the ability) to engage in overt slavery? My ancestors we’re killed off, pushed into the middle of the country then killed of or forced to move again by evil people who ran this country. Yes Obama pointed out the problem then flamed the fire. It’s hard to adress your citizens (no matter veiwpoint) face to face under pressure. Maybe. An FBI informant revealed a plan of the Weather Underground to set up reeducation camps in the south west US, where they expected to have to exterminate 25 million Americans in order to maintain control of the people who did not agree with the Democrats agenda. I am not using fascism as a political slur, instead, I am stating it from the position that the outgroup your information base points to is the poor and immigrant populations, despite preaching anti-elitist(anti-wealthy) sentiment. Think about it. The fact that NOT all whites feel the same way they do. This will be our fault, our fault, our fault. of and to in a is that for on ##AT##-##AT## with The are be I this as it we by have not you which will from ( at ) or has an can our European was all : also " - 's your We The words will soon ramp up to violence. As McDonald’s says, I’m loving it! 6. Here is another question for you to answer. If the south is so despicable why are so many people from the rest of the country moving here? Stop, stop and read what you just said. Thank you you hit the nail on the head. ( Nick Sandman, comes to mind) Another point to be made here is if someone on the political left wants your voice to be shut out they usually use a label such a racist,homophobic ect. And the Democrats today do not want it. Literally I see the state of Alabama becoming cult like to even the word “liberal “ is viewed as an insult…then California save for some pockets, your just as unsafe being right winged on anything. Do you have loved ones that need a medicine to survive? Looking at history the first thing every tyrannical government has done is take away the peoples means of defending themselves. Will you feel as “right” and as “proud” as you did right now seconds away from meeting your maker ??? Read the case and reconsider who you label as “trash.”, Wow you really are uneducated playin the dems “fought for slavery” the roles switched throughout the 60s and 70s if you weren’t paying attention and the dems became the ones that cared for the people while the republicans took up the dems spot as the racist white rich people I mean you remember who fought for the south right? When they think about the people they hate so much…like me…and they don’t actually hate me, but they just hate my thoughts and ideas. I dont belive its possible to get along. These have captured our lawmaking apparatus and redirected all generated wealth into their own hands. In the churches, in the four states, that I have belonged to, I have only heard pastor preach to show “Christian love” to gay people. Republican’s fought for their freedom. What does Obama have to do with anything? That said, is these hyper-partisan and blood thirsty comments that keep my armory looking like John Wick’s wet dream. Regardless of the context of this response , my quibble comes from your saying the Heritage is a right-wing entity , therefore, unreliable. Lastly, in your mind you believe we are off track because of Trump, so, which one of the former POTUS’s would you say our next president should mirror so that we can in your mind get back on track? Don’t be a fool and let them get the best of you. Fact is.. and it is a fact, the main Liberal strongholds are bordered by oceans, hence New York, California, Oregon and Washington st. As the Yew York Post stated, we’re two different nations at this point. I don’t believe anything I read from either side anymore without doing my own research. Do you walk with your eyes open? Personally I would rather see a better form of free market capitalism. One has to out do the other or spout insults, Over what?! Now the American people, each experiencing chronic difficulties from a multitude of sources feel they are divided into two, ten or twenty different groups. And it doesn’t make me happy to say so. Go to the FBI web site and read the White Supremacist associated mass killings. Many, if their parents have means, will then find it trendy to do what they did in Portland, Seattle and other cities when something happens which they could care less about since people of means regardless of race live in secure communities and are not affected by urban thuggery. But since no has been killed by them (Yet) we will ignore them. As if the general public supports our puppet government! Welfare is a problem in the nation, however, it is a problem of corporate welfare, as for human welfare, The US has some of the smallest and weakest systems of any advanced nation. Depending on how you look at things we would of been better off just sticking with the king/queen. Have a nice day. A political party that does not disavow and reject Q is in its support. This country was build on the blood, sweat, and tears of the African slaves and religion was forced upon them to control them. DONE!!! Oh, it will be simple. Race relations might not be where we want them, but we are making progress. Our ability to care, to love, to forgive, to rise above our pain and embrace the gift of life. Optimism in young people challenges socialist solutions. Why is so important to debate what side is responsible for so much pain, suffering, the agony of families never being the same. You should be after putting in such hard work into all those evil things you’ve said and done to people just like yourself! I’m not the only one with a situation like this. The Liberal is being used by the Democrats to enforce Global control which has its sights on slavery of human kind as its end game. After the defeat of Carthage Rome never had any subsequent problems in that part of the world. That just seems to fuel the anarchist movement. Darwin has been proven right time and again. Look up any of this and why you at it look up how to accept other people for their culture you white weirdo. But now?? New America’s tally shows that 112 people have been killed in right-wing extremist attacks since 11 September 2001. They invest because the Democrats want open borders and a continuous source of cheap labor. We have watched anarchists burn our cities, beat people on the streets, burn down and vandalize small businesses, rob stores without arrest or prosecution. There’s no hero in the story. It’s just so astonishing how much life, positivity and energy they drain from someone. I don’t think White supremists even have an ideological Position that they would say justifies their cause. Value our values! Their going to smoke the left. Someone not falling for the horse crap our government is feeding us! University graduates whose writing skills couldn’t pass the 5th grade is a symptom of the problem. next time you have an article at least supply the facts and not the propaganda.