Natural Balance Limited Ingredient is made from peas and salmon and is grain-free. Was hard to find info on it until recently. I tried more poultry and found that Rodrigo and Scout don't do well on turkey and pheasant, but they do great on quail. In extreme allergy cases, a “novel” protein might be necessary. Your veterinarian may also form any other test necessary to get to the source of the problem. The most commonly used protein sources in cat food include beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, and eggs. Thanks for the info, hope it helps other people with the same condition know that they are not alone. It’s heavily processed and contains harmful chemical preservatives and artificial colorings and is prone to listeria contamination. Symptoms of a turkey allergy include: Food allergies can be present in cats of all breeds and ages. There are many spices, including salt and pepper, that are harmful to feed your cat and can lead to water retention, swelling, and other health problems. There are various types of food allergies, besides turkey, that can affect cats. ... the ideal cat food for cats with allergies to eat during the elimination phase is a food that is made with a novel source of protein and carbohydrate. →, Male vs Female Cats: Is There a Difference in Personality? Avoid feeding them the skin and bones, and don’t use any seasonings. Kitten Food vs Cat Food: What’s the Difference. Ground Turkey can be a good source of protein, but it tends to have more fat than lean turkey breast. Novel proteins are ingredients that your dog or cat’s body is not familiar with. The information found on ExcitedCats should not be viewed as veterinary advice. Dogs can be allergic to nearly any specific food ingredient. This is because the cat’s immune system is building up its defenses against the poultry, and after a period of time, it will show up with a single reaction or more than one type of reaction. Food allergies are the third most common type of allergy seen in cats and they can develop at any point during the cat’s lifetime. While cats can eat raw meat and there’s a general trend toward adding more raw meat to their diet, you run the risk of feeding your pet spoiled meat or food contaminated with salmonella or other bacteria. These include: Only about 10% to 15% of allergies in cats are caused by food, but they are more difficult to diagnose and treat because there is no quick and easy diagnostic test for cat food allergies. He is 13 now, weird thing is he didn’t show symptoms until he was about 8. Freshly cooked is the best way to serve it, but DIY treats are also a great idea and are convenient at any time of the day. My son is allergic to just poultry (chicken and turkey), he can eat eggs and handel chickens. Food allergies, namely turkey allergies, are common in cats. Unluckily, the answer is yes, dogs can be allergic to chicken. His coat and skin should begin to clear up, and you will also see an improvement in other symptoms as well. Turkey bones, like chicken bones, and other poultry bones, can splinter if your cat eats them, causing gastrointestinal problems and other much more ever health consequences. So I fear I have one cat allergic to poultry and another cat allergic to fish. We hope you have enjoyed reading our in-depth guide to feeding cats turkey. This is a slow process, and only a single ingredient will be administered to your cat at a time. Feeding your cat a slice or two of turkey deli meat now and then won’t harm them, but it can increase their risk of cancer. He will interview you to gather all of the information he needs to have in order to properly diagnose your cat. Featured Image: PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay. If you keep it lean and don’t feed any bones, skin, or deli meat, turkey makes a great addition to your cat’s diet that provides plenty of protein and has cancer-fighting properties. Overview. A strong immune system will help them heal faster and prevent disease. For many of you who follow my Blog, you are probably shocked I used such a statement as the entry topic for a post. The only method of treatment that is successful for this type of allergy is to completely eliminate all turkey and turkey products from your cat’s diet. These types include: Salmon or other fish; Poultry, such as chicken; Venison; Duck; Liver; Wheat gluten; Dairy foods or milk; Beef; Lamb I have been allergic to chicken for about 2 years now and just recently became allergic to turkey. © 2020 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Hi, rare condition indeed. A chicken allergy is an adverse immune response after consuming chicken or its byproducts. If your cat has a turkey allergy, he may have symptoms which range from mild to severe. As carnivores, cats require plenty of protein to build healthy muscle and to provide energy. This will be an easy way to prevent your cat from ingesting any food or treats which contain turkey. Your veterinarian will ask that you give your cat nothing else to eat besides this food and only water to drink. Carbohydrates are just filler. He may diagnose that your cat may indeed have a food allergy. Allergies do not occur overnight, they take a long time to develop. Meat allergies frequently develop during childhood but can also be caused by the Lone Star tick. As for management, if you have other felines in your home, they should also follow the same diet your cat with allergies is on. If you were wondering if it’s safe for your cat to eat turkey, the short answer is yes, it is, but turkey comes in a few forms, and some are not as healthy as others. Cats can eat chicken and rice on occasion and should do so following a gastric episode. While all the lean meat in a roasted turkey is safe to feed your cat, there is a lot of fat in turkey skin, so you will want to limit how much they eat. Be careful about bones, and consult your veterinarian about the amount of turkey that is right for your pet. Many people inquiring about the safety of feeding your cat turkey are doing so concerning Thanksgiving dinner. Another problem with turkey, especially Thanksgiving turkey, is the Turkey bones. If your dog is constantly getting diarrhea after you feed them chicken we recommend that you stop feeding them chicken and consult a veterinarian. As with other meats, some cats can show an allergy to this particular type. Salt can also make them thirsty, which can lead to more frequent urination. Your veterinarian may suggest an effective way to diagnose the specific allergy in what is known as an elimination diet. My preference is to feed cats a poultry (chicken, duck or turkey) canned food that is low in carbohydrates. Can Cats Be Allergic to Food?