Perspiration like onions in axilla. Paralytic drawing in limbs, ameliorated by warmth and gentle motion. Pressing in occiput, ameliorated by eating. Hunger soon after eating, from nervous weakness. Eructations, after eating, ineffectual, of bile, bitter, empty, of food, sour; waterbrash. Jerking pain, pressing pain. Cracked lips. Strabismus following brain diseases. Paralysis of one side of face (CAUST.). Flatulence, obstructed, noisy. Heat in head evening, flushes of heat in the forehead. Very troublesome yawning. Kali phosphoricum kali-p. Hepatization of the lungs. Pain in scapulae morning on waking, had to sit up to turn over. Pain in sacrum during menses. Pulsation, forehead and temples. This remedy is an antipsoric and antisyphilitic. Catarrh of the air passages, with thick, yellowish white mucus. Pain in dorsal region. Cutting. Paroxysmal headaches. LECTURES ON HOM„OPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA by JAMES TYLER KENT, A.M., M.D. Involuntary stools. Perspiration like onions in axilla. Prolapsus of uterus. Sensation of sand. Chilliness after eating. Stool copious, dark, frequent; large, light colored. Swollen lips, parotid and submaxillary glands. Pressing pain at the root of the nose. Profound sleep. Lienteric stools. Pain in jaw bones, ameliorated after eating, speaking, waking and touch. Fever with no sweat. This remedy has been used with some success in diphtheria with putrid odor. Swollen (edematous lids. Burning in the urethra during and after urination. 667 Kreosotum 671 Lac caninum 674 Lac vacc. Pulse intermittent and irregular; feeble circulation. Pain in ovaries on going to sleep. Grinding teeth in sleep. The back feels cold. Flies into a passion and can hardly articulate. It cured a chronic abscess discharging periodically through the vagina and rectum a copious orange-colored fluid. There is loathing of life; moaning during sleep. Soreness in chest. Scarlet fever, skin dusky and throat putrid and dark red. Paralysis of limbs. Cramping, drawing, pressing. External and internal chill. The skin is cold, jaundiced, dry. Extreme thirst for cold water. Could scarcely get warm in bed. Paralytic tearing in limbs, ameliorated by motion. Cracked lips. Vanishing of thought. Fullness and distension. Too many cures have been made by the followers of Schuessler to permit this remedy to remain unexplained. Hunger soon after eating, from nervous weakness. Bruised knees and legs. Pain in ovaries on going to sleep. Chilliness ascending spine in evening. Becomes timid and bashful. Pain in rectum during and after stool. Catarrh of the chest. Stitching pain in ovaries. Fear in the evening. Dryness in throat in evening. Shrieks and acts like one insane. Vertigo, worse rising and looking up. The headaches from mental work, in students, brain-fag from overwork are cured by this remedy—when the symptoms agree. VIOLENT. Stitching in abdomen and liver. Paroxysms of pain followed by exhaustion. Inclination to clear the throat by hawking. Burning in back, in lumbar region. Sugar in the urine. Forehead as though bored, ameliorated by eating. It has cured erysipelas that was almost gangrenous with putrid odor. Twitching. Aching. Flushes of heat. Ulceration of lips. STARTS. Talking in sleep. (p. … Nervous asthma, aggravated after eating. Respiration difficult at night; rattling, short; difficult on going up stairs. The hands are hot. Uterine haemorrhage. Pain in stomach after eating and during menses. The tongue is dark coated arid bleeding. The headache comes with coryza, comes from taking cold. This remedy has been favorably mentioned in angina pectoris. Complaints are worse after coition. The aim of the IACH is the professional education of Medical Doctors, Medical students and health practitioners in order to become effective Classical Homeopaths, according to the principles of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. The head inclines to fall forward. Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent. Address: Alonissos, Northern Sporades, 37005 Greece Tel: +30 (24240) 65142, Fax: +30 (24240) 65147 E-mail: Contact us Respiration difficult at night; rattling, short; difficult on going up stairs. Indifference to his business matters, and then comes indolence and lassitude. Loose cough. Softening of the spinal cord. Neuralgia of face followed by great weakness. Tearing in lower limbs; hip, knee, legs, feet. Fermentation with distress in heart. Paralytic tearing in limbs, ameliorated by motion. The nose is obstructed. She is impatient and impetuous. Kali phos [Kali-p] Nervous asthma. Pain in shoulders and arms, in arms when raising them. Hay-fever with great nervous weakness.