No. Click through to find out. 1/20 at 2,000mm is no way truly handheld. I've done amazing lifts from the P1000 and SX60HS RAWs, albeit resulting in some grain. But any movement at all with that kind of length is very tough to deal with. The camera also has a revolutionary stabilisation system that enables you to take photos while birding at the maximum zoom level without a tripod. is better with this P950 than your SX240.Of course I use another camera for pocketable (ZS60/S95/GX200/LX3), Just joking - I don't shoot wildlife or anything that doesn't smile, runs or fly away at all ; ). A new page on Sony Japan's website is teasing the release of a compact Cinema Line camera set to be released at 11:00am JST on February 24. I prefer to select my subject (preferably the eye) and half-press to save the focus area, then choose my composition and take the photo. In nasty light situations, I will even change to spot metering and let the entire background white out. You will need some camera technique to stabilise your stance, but it is possible. 2 At the maximum image size. We know what to expect from a tiny sensor, APS-C, FF, etc. @BOS:Well, i really don't shoot video. ... and how come that Chris Niccolls can manage to successfully hand-hold at 1/20th at 2000mm equivalent, when you need a tripod and 1/500th.... @entoman:I honestly haven't shot with it for quite awhile. Either no tripod or proper support was used or the lens simply lacks sharpness. Small sensor images don’t stand up to as much post-processing so generally don’t enable me to obtain an image I’m happy with. If you, like me do not like to spend too much time in post-production this camera is ideal. I don't have to leave the garden to appreciate the long reach of my P900. I should have checked. No, the P950 isn't perfect image quality. zoom lens. The Nikon P950 camera body feels more natural in larger male hands. It's sharp, small and light-weight, making it the perfect lens for walking around; we especially enjoyed it paired with the X-Pro3. The AW1 and P1000 have the same number of horizontal pixels; convenient. So the relatively poor image quality simply wouldn't be noticed. Replacing a trunk full of lenses. Nikon P950 vs Panasonic FZ80. So their telephoto quality falls much faster than dedicated optical zoom lens in bridge cameras. No tripod needed with this camera.I have shots at 1600mm to 2000mm...shutter speeds as low as 1/80th...and the VR in this camera is A M A Z I N G . Huge zoom range, ok but if the image quality is so bad, it defeats the purpose. Gawd... not this stupid diffraction argument again. A small sensor size may reduce the low light effectiveness of the camera. Being cooped up inside doesn't mean you have to take a break from photography. Nikon P900 vs P950. I'll 2nd what MMC12 said. At $1700 there are many other alternatives that need to be considered. I'd guess that 99.99% of the people who buy cameras such as this, never make a print larger than postcard size, and most likely only use their images on social media. I guess i could dust off the ol' P1000 and give 1,000mm handheld video a shot. But if you don't mind carrying a 3-pound camera, sure. Are those JPEGs SOOC or RAW-processed output? The Nikon P950 now sports an accessory shoe that provides you with the option to use an external flash or other optional extras. Shoot a P950 or P1000 at full tele, in RAW at ISO 200 or lower, post-process to taste, and then tell me you can beat those results for under $15,000 in gear, then name the gear. He's probably bracing on a railing or against a wall or something, if not actually using a monopod. The kit isn't set to hit shelves until November, but you can already get a peek at the green-adorned GR III, which Ricoh says is the first product for its 'GRowING project.'. The body build has a marginally more sturdy feel, and overall finishes are slightly improved. Great Nikon P950. Based on the leaked pictures, the new model will have an 83x zoom with a 4.3-357mm f/2.8-6.5 lens.For comparison, the current Nikon Coolpix P1000 model has a 125x zoom with a 4.3-539mm f/2.8-8 lens. Some pictures sitting at where you are but still scoring some wildlife. And once you've taken a couple of boring done-a-thousand-times-before moon snaps, what else is left? I'm not a fan of Sony generally, but in this case I'd definitely pay more and get the RX10iv (or the cheaper RX10iii, which I think may be still available). My observation is that P1000 VR is weak. Hamish Gill of 35MMC compares and contrasts the user experience of two medium format titans: the Mamiya 7 and the Plaubel Makina 67. You don't say! But you cannot crop FF down to 2,000mm equiv and have any resolution left for under around $20,000... I’m doing ok with my GX85 with the Olympus 75-300. Bernie 7 - you are clearly one of the 0.01% exceptions that I mentioned! Why they go down to 24mm equiv is pure marketing and stupid. Both the P900 and the P950 are fixed lens compact cameras that are equipped with a 1/2.3-inch sensor. Hey no probs, I`d really like to have seen those ground squirrels at base ISO to see how good the lens is at closer range. I am a bridge camera enthusiast, especially when it comes to my outdoor adventures. There are plenty of budget cameras that can equal or beat more expensive ones in terms of image quality. If you had told me years ago that I would be taking closeup photos of birds and airplanes with a Nikon COOLPIX, Nikon’s line of point and shoot cameras, I would have said you were crazy. I've been through this whole thing regarding my P1000 in the past. Thanks. @Simon97...Show me a smartphone, any smartphone ,photos taken at anywhere from 500 mm to 2000 mm FF equivalent to see if they are any better than this Nikon P950. It is a very difficult camera to shoot at 3,000mm. Also, I would like to see you take similar photos with your Z6 and will see if it's good enough to compare. Go to the 3,000mm equiv end of the P1000, and that $1,000 camera will actually best gear that costs over $10,000. For stationary birds, this camera is ideal. The camera delivers 16 megapixels images. My Nikon P900 broke at the tripod mount. The zoom should, however, provide you with some depth of field if you compose correctly. I'd also find it extremely useful myself if they indicated the *field of view at minimum focusing distance*, in centimeters. In addition to the D780, here are also the first leaked photos of the Nikon Coolpix D950 camera: Like the Nikon P950 Facebook page | Join the Nikon P950 Facebook group Related posts: Nikon announcement confirmed for next week: D780, 120-300mm f/2.8E, Z 70-200mm f/2.8 and Coolpix P950 Nikon Coolpix P950 camera sample photos More […] Starting conversations about the positive action people like you and I are taking to make a change, we discover and discuss strategies that result in the expansion of natural areas. Our favorite gear, rewarded: DPReview Awards 2020, Nikon Coolpix P950 mega-zoom gains 4K video, Raw support, improved EVF, Panasonic S 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 Macro OIS sample gallery (DPReview TV), Panasonic S 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 Macro OIS sample gallery. The Nikon Coolpix P950's Easy Panorama mode allows you to take vertical or horizontal panorama photos simply by moving the camera in the direction of the on-screen guides. Lighter and smaller than his mom, P950 still has one of the longest optical zooms, 83X (P1000 has 125X), with good image stabilization, and ability to shoot in RAW format. For example, I have a micro 4/3rds camera and I do not use a smaller aperture than f11 because the images become too soft. Every camera and lens purchase involves size, weight, and price trade-offs. For many people $1700 isn't expensive, especially when considering the tremendous versatility of the camera and the saving in space and weight compared to the other alternatives you suggest. So it would be fair to compare a P950 with a RX10iv or a Panasonic FZ1000ii, or Canon FX70HS, but not with a DSLR setup. And I have all kinds of other gear to shoot all kinds of other things. This year, despite the disruption, plenty of amazing cameras, lenses, accessories and other products came through our doors. When you do it right, the P1000 makes awesome images that can't be approached by anything short of a D850 with 800mm f5.6; for around $20,000. You clearly do not grasp what megazoom cameras are about. I believe this camera spans a large user base. Absolutely amazing - a razor sharp hand-held shot at 2000mm equivalent focal length and a shutter speed of 1/20th. The mode dial has been changed and now includes a birding setting. A 600mm lens should enable you to fill the frame with almost anything, and you can always crop it down to get 2000mm equiv if you absolutely have to, and still get a result that matches or beats the Nikon. If you are not that keen on post-production but taking the photo close-ups in the field, this one is for you. At high zoom levels, it does not add much depth of field as the lens is at an aperture of 6.5 at max zoom. But on a monopod you could shoot still animals 50m away. So I choose neutral pic control ...lower sharpness to 0...and edit with FastStone Image viewer. From extreme close-ups to extreme zoom, the COOLPIX P950 delivers sharp, clear and beautiful images, all in a compact, highly portable body. It works with Nikon's SnapBridge app, a free download for Android and iOS devices. iPhones don't even provide manual settings! Full-size JPEG and RAW sample photos from the Nikon Coolpix P950 taken under a variety of lighting conditions, and showing the full ISO range.Full Review. Ever. But other than taking closeup photos of the moon, what's this camera that looks like a small bazooka good for? Nikon's Coolpix P900 was a fun-to-use mega-zoom with an almost absurd 24-2000mm equiv. Rings/rainbows around the moon or not, etc. It offers 5.5 stops of shake reduction, a minimum focus distance of 54cm (21") and 1:2 macro capability. Cetи - Восемь "гранд" означает восемь тысяч на английском языке. But it doesn't have to be the moon. Bernie - that's an excellent suggestion, to have angle of view indicated *conspicuously* in advertisements and in specification sheets. All of these improvements have taken its toll on the battery life, and the P950 has a slightly shorter battery life at 290 pictures. The images when zoomed in and under low light may be soft. It features six aspherical elements, a newly designed manual focus ring and weather-sealing. And of course if you're not shooting at the longest end of this lens, what's the point? The Perseverance rover has successfully landed on Mars. What's the best camera for shooting landscapes? Lol, then you'll understand... . Why compare cameras with iPhones? That's a myth. I could not see any other differences. Nikon added a new side dial to the camera lens that can be very handy for manual focus. I would :), For wildlife...along with my D7500 and 70 to 300mm lens for much closer subjects. Me, I bought a $1,000 P1000 and special tripod head just to shoot the moon a few times a year. Helpfully, there’s lens-base stabilisation (VR) available for use when shooting still images and both lens and electronic (digital) stabilisation for video shooting. But if you're griping that $1,000 gear isn't as sharp as $19,000 gear, that's not much of a gripe. etc. The key is low ISO and RAW-processing. Commercial film director Nate Townsend experienced an immense personal loss last year when his father, Tom, passed away. Looking for a Panasonic FZ80 vs Nikon P950 comparison? I'll try to get around to it in the next week or so... Oh my god the image quality is so bad! The P1000 has a longer telephoto reach. Check out our in-depth comparison to find out. If you are just getting started and prefer the auto modes (nothing wrong with that I still use this to quickly catch the bird before it gets away before setting to A), I would suggest you instead use the P setting than the Green Camera Auto. To me, that's impressive. Cause I looked at them with my own eyes. Unfortunately a lot of 1/2.3" cameras have adopted this sensor. Yes, I'm always amazed that people care to take YET ANOTHER photo of the moon, that same waterfall, that same sunset, another tiger, etc. The Nikon Coolpix P950 is a powerful superzoom compact camera, built around a 24-2000mm equivalent zoom lens. Ricoh has published a development update for its forthcoming Pentax K-3 Mark III APS-C DSLR, citing supply chain issues as the reason for the delay. So, is it good enough to be the new standard camera for UFO believers, bigfoot hunters and flat-earthers? This high zoom bridge camera produces crappy images at all focal lengths, thank you but NO thank you! The Nikon P950 packs a lot of specs for a camera that costs only $800.. 4K video recording, RAW 16mp photos and oh yeah — a gigantic 24-2000mm compact zoom lens. No dice. It's tough to shoot anything during the day when there's enough light because at 3,000mm your subject is probably far away, and therefore suffering too much atmospheric shimmer. The Sony a7S III is a 12MP full-frame camera primarily designed with video in mind. With these small sensors, sharpness is diffraction limited at around f/2.5. Some professional photographers may find the Nikon P950 camera suitable on their hikes when not carrying loads of gear, especially when birding or taking wildlife photos. At full zoom, the aperture would be like that of a FF camera shooting at f/36, so the image can never be sharp. The Lumix S 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 Macro OIS is a tele-zoom lens designed for Panasonic's full-frame mirrorless cameras. One needs to spend some time with these small sensored superzooms to see what their limitations are. It is easy to use, very responsive, fast, and great sharp photos even at maximum zoom! What is that? Fine feather details my D7500 with 70 to 300mm AF-P lens cant get....simply because subject is too far...too small. I also have a Nikon B700 and it has a different sensor with 20MP. But I know which of those cameras I'd choose, if I was in the market for a hybrid megazoom. Chris made it out of quarantine in time to review the new Panasonic 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 lens for L-mount. Quite a lot, it turns out. Then compare to a P950 moon shot filling the screen. But I was viewing on the camera where everything looked horrible. But they can't zoom like this...then again, who really needs 2000mm zoom. Nikon P950 features built-in wireless (Wi-Fi) connectivity ( Wi-Fi + Bluetooth) which lets you transfer your photos directly to compatible devices without any physical connection.Nikon P950's Bluetooth connectivity feature comes handy for connecting other devices that supports it. Researcher, Lecturer, PhD Student, Sign up to our newsletter and receive updates about our latest articles in your inbox. 16.0 million (Image processing may reduce the number of effective pixels.) Oh, and yes, for shooting up to 600mm equiv, the RX10M3 and M4 are FAR better choices! The mode dial also now sports a movie manual setting allowing you to shoot movie clips in aperture, auto or manual mode. If you are a pixel peeper, this camera is not for you. It's for a good cause. Namely the Canon SX70HS. The tripod mount ripped out of the plastic while carrying my camera on my Peak Design capture belt clip.All images in this review are straight from the P950 (no post-production) reduced in size and quality (@ 90-98%) to optimise page load on Googles, so some of the images may appear softer than the original. Looking at the bottom of the camera, the build quality seems to be more robust. Not to mention it will do it at 3,000mm equiv, and with full 16MP resolution. It's main use is ultra-long shots (wildlife), although it is pretty decent for all around travel photography. The Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera 6K Pro is an EF-mount Super 35mm camera that takes features from Blackmagic Design URSA lineup and brings it to the familiar, compact form factor. No kidding the expensive gear will do better because it will have a larger sensor and larger pixel pitch in which the blurring effects of diffraction is less evident. The P950 can certainly take decent shots at shorter focal lengths where the max aperture is larger thus diffraction effects are less. It's an awful sensor and does not do well in Post. Beginners may struggle with some of the settings. The maximum zoom ratio varies by image size. The fantastic zoom is made possible by the small sensor, and the crop factor. The NIkon may be cheaper, but spending more on the Sony is IMO a much better long term option. Check out the winners of the 2020 DPReview Awards! zoom lens. On regular neighborhood walks with his daughter, photographer and camera-maker Brendan has been amassing an impressive collection of wildflowers. The battery did run out during my photography session. It's no contest. So is it worth $800? The camera is slightly larger than the P900 due to the larger viewfinder and a slightly increased body size. The moon itself may not change, but its appearance certainly changes depending on time of day, day of the month, atmospheric conditions etc. This camera has a 2.5 arcsecond diffraction limit. 24-2000mm The only combo with a chance, maybe, is a D850 with 800mm f5.6. Better to use skill and patience and get closer to the subject. bizi clop,You do not need a special microphone, but a 2km boom pole... As long as i am able to walk I will stick to my 10 year old Powershot SX 240.Pocketable, better IQ, zero cost and some health contribution. using a branch or tree trunk, etc.)? With a camera that can zoom to this extent, it is critical to use the viewfinder to get stability for those distant shots. So basically either you shoot the moon or static objects in bright daylight. I have to say I do not use this feature for my birding photography as I have a unique setup. Try that shooting birds !No way to get close enough.this camera great for wildlife that don't let us get too close. It's not a camera. That being said, in bright light I might push it higher than normal to keep the shutter speeds insanely fast for bird or wildlife shooting just in case I did have to move the camera to track or follow with the full telephoto range. So it depends on whether you want easy 2,000mm, or are willing to work for 3,000mm. the 950 treads a careful path between the insane reach (and size and slowness) of the P1000 and the likes of the RX10 Mk4`s far cleaner 20mp 600mm and is affordable & small enough for tourists . Viewing and deleting images in a sequence; Playback with easy panorama; Editing images (still images) Printing still images; Movies. I made a lot of noise about inadequate VR as soon as the P1000 released. Seti - eight "grand" means eight thousand in the English language... I`d suggest Keeping the ISO at base as much as possible Chris , some of the samples are at ISO400 with 1000th to 1600th sec !! The Sony a7 III and Fujifilm X-T4 aren't cameras we would normally compare head-to-head. But you have to know how to shoot such a camera. Nope. So how does it perform? Sony a7 III vs. Fujifilm X-T4 - which is best? With the default wide angle (not ultra-wide), modern smartphones can give you impressive quality for their size. If you are a birder and love getting out there to spot an elusive bird, this camera is for you. The camera is ideal for the serious birder and will replace your need for binoculars, The price point makes this camera a very attractive option, The new features make it more attractive for intermediate photographers, Low light performance is compromised due to the small sensor, Some of the features are buried in the Fn menu, The camera body is solid but not weather resistant. The Sony RX10IV seems to keep focussing on the same object, whereas the Nikon changes the focus topic if you repress the shutter release halfway. Whether you make a living out of taking professional portraits, or are the weekend warrior who knows their way around flashes and reflectors, you'll want a camera with high resolution, exceptional autofocus and a good selection of portrait prime lenses. Multiple shots are then combined into a single panorama photo. And I think cameras like this can be fun. Find out where the P950 wins! At 2,400mm, you're down to 1.25MP. OmniVision’s new 50MP OV50A smartphone image sensor uses ‘Quad Pixel’ phase detection autofocus, which OmniVision claims offers ‘DSLR-like’ performance for both stills and video. Sony RX10 IV is $1698, Nikon P950 is $797 (current B&H prices). You can find the Sony RX10IV review here. On the technical side, the most sought after feature in the Nikon P950 is the excellent 2000 zoom. We've been using one for a few days - click through to learn more. Now, as the year winds down, we're highlighting some of our standout products of the year. Check my links I posted. This combination works even better for videos. The first is the Voigtlander Ultron Vintage Line 35mm F2 Aspherical Type II VM for Leica M mount camera systems and the other is the Voigtlander Apo-Lanthar 35mm F2 Aspherical VM lens for Leica M and Sony E mount camera systems. This means much more than knowing the MFD itself. One other feature that we like is the ability to use our smartphone as a remote to control our P950.