When the behavior persists beyond a few hours, you need to assess your dog and try to determine if they are seeking attention, suffering from anxiety or if there is a medical condition causing them to pace. It seems over the last few weeks, she has been pacing more--2-3 hours at times. Items are sold by the retailer, not Wag!. 7. You should speak with your veterinarian if the pacing is persistent or is accompanied by other symptoms such as refusal to eat or drink, sudden weight loss, discolored urine, excessive drooling, whining or crying or excessive thirst. I am at my wits end. Circling, Fearful, Loss Of Appetite, And Won'T Lie Down Alone, Circling / Disorientation / Head Tilt / Licking / Limping / Separation Anxiety, Your pet keeps circling in the same direction and can’t seem to change direction, Other compulsive behaviors likes spinning, tail chasing, fly snapping, excessive licking, toy fixation, barking etc, This would include the fear generated by fireworks, Too-little room for your pet to move around, Lack of mental or physical stimulation / challenge, Past traumatic event which is being remembered, Diseased or damaged liver could cause neurological issues resulting in pacing, circling, head pressing and behavioral changes, Hepatitis and some parasitic infections can also cause neurological issues, Neurological damage occurs when the blood is shunted around the liver, allowing the toxins to build up in the bloodstream and kidneys, This is a disease which mainly afflicts older dogs, Is due to an imbalance in the hormone cortisol, All three forms of disease are chronic and progress slowly, Dementia or Alzheimer's  with deposits in the brain similar to those found in humans, The pacing, circling and other repetitive behaviors are caused by neurologic changes from the pressure being exerted on the brain by the tumor as it grows, If a systemic condition is found, treatments will include those options which are consistent with the disease condition found, for example oral medication administration, perhaps behavioral training, changes in your pet’s home environment to reduce stress and anxiety, medications to treat the infectious component, if any, or potential surgical options in the case of tumor growth being the causative affliction, If your vet determines that the problems stems from dietary issues, then he will make recommendations for dietary changes to help remedy the problem, In the event that your vet finds everything in his testing of your family pet to be normal and diagnoses your pet with a behavioral issue only (which doesn’t have a systemic component) and if the behavior continues beyond a few days, he may refer you to an animal behaviorist for appropriate treatment. You might have seen a tiger in your dream, and are wondering about what your dream could mean. His sister is in heat and he always acts strange when she is, but this time he is far worse. Right now we are thinking the worst since his sister is almost out of heat and he still seems the same. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM, I have a female dog who is one and ever since I got her she paced not to bad but now she's always pacing I have a track in my back yard just from her pacing I have resorted to bring her inside becau sse she would pace for hours on end and because if her pacing she wouldn't keep her weight in since bringing her inside she has gained weight again I'm scared to let her out in the yard I don't want her losing all her weight again. She does this when she appears anxious (e.g. Nonverbal cues help create shared meaning in any communication.