Thank you for your tutorial! 2 years ago. So all I basicly need is two temperature sensors, relay and fan to control. The PWM frequency is set to 23437 Hz that is within the 21k-25k Hz range so it should work with any PC fan. Sensor placement. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. The Arduino throttles the fans using PID logic, and drives them through PWM. As you can see in the schematics, I've used some external pullup resistors. Hi, first of all great project! So, it is best to go for the automatic option via software to control the computer’s fan speed. I built something similar, at first a normal fan contoller: then I added a Bluetooth classic module and programmed an android app and now I can control my fan via Bluetooth:, Question – 1X TO-220 HEATSINK (OPTIONAL) of channels: 5 incl/ touchscreen, incl. The TACH input can be programmed as an analog input, allowing the speed of a 2-wire fan to be determined via a sense resistor. The Arduino Nano is based on the ATmega328 so it will not work with that part of code. The temperature sensor controls the speed of the fan according to the temperature. G1/4 Temperature Sensors are great for use in PC water cooling builds. The fan is already in 100% of the rotation when turning on, because the temperature indication is high and the display of the fan is 100. CPU FAN INTAKE TEMP 3. Im trying to turn this into a cheap version of DBE for my home heating. To make things a lot easier I went for DC fans: they're much less noisy than AC fans while baing a bit less powerful, but they're still more than enough for me. PC power supply fan red red Since Arduino lets you to read a temperature sensor and to drive a power transistor with pulse width modulation to vary fan speed, that will be the best solution to make a professional and more personalized device. The first thing is to check is the size of the fan controller. #define DUTY_DEAD_ZONE 64 // The delta between the minimum output for the PID and DUTY_MIN (DUTY_MIN - DUTY_DEAD_ZONE). Temperature is sensed using a simple NTC thermistor. Do you mind sharing what is the PSU that you have used for this project? PID fanPID(&ctemp, &duty, &, KP, KI, KD, REVERSE); LedControl lc = LedControl(SEG_DIN, SEG_CLK, SEG_CS, 1); volatile unsigned long currentMicros = micros(); if (currentMicros - previousMicros > 20000) // Prevent pulses less than 20k micros far. Besides the display there are two buttons for tuning the target temperature. */, /* If 3 secs have elapsed and no button has been pressed, exit target mode. Description. If you want a fan to act as an air intake, then the fan sticker will be facing the inside of the case. Use with 2-pin fan controllers. You need to connect a manual fan controller to your Windows system with knobs and this will set fans to different speeds.. A few weeks ago I needed to setup a rack with network devices and a few servers. duration += currentMicros - previousMicros; // Check if saved bytes have the same "version" and loads them. You will have to search the right timer code for the ATmega328.The EEPROM part should work fine with any Arduino. fanPID.SetOutputLimits(DUTY_MIN - DUTY_DEAD_ZONE, 255); // Let the fan run for 5s. *Note: 1. Anyway, I await the arrival of the DHT22 that I bought ... when I arrive, I test and put the result. Features: You can manually edit sensor labels. The speed of the fan can be monitored via a TACH input for a fan with a tach output. Real VO2Max--Measure Your Athletic Potential, Simple Extruded Aluminum Frame for LED Panels,,,, Reply As the air is sucked through the return vents, the air passes by the sensor and the coils. Hello,Unfortunately the timer setup is specific to the ATmega32u4. Does the rest of the program work? Thanks a lotAurelien. 1 year ago, Hello! The default alarm temperature is 45℃.