The claws are usually red with a mottled pattern on the upper surface, and white on the lower surface, while its legs are purple and green with a … Princeton CA, July 2011 / FH20 / not sponge and crab (fucking).Princeton CA, July 2011 like i’d hoped. & Naylor, E. 1981 Salinity prefer-, state on the blood acid-base balance in the euryhaline crab, Warman, C. G., Abello, P. & Naylor, E. 1991 Behavioural. The adaptation of the mussel to thicken its shell when in the presence of an Asian shore crab is a morphological adaptation because the physical form of the mussel changes. Because of seasonal variation in salinity it would appear quite probable that Hemigrapsus would be a strong hyper-osmotic regulator, and as the osmotic gradient increased between blood and sea water, additional work would be necessary in order to maintain the gradient. not hairy) on its walking legs and has chelipeds with conspicuous red spots. The invasive Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, is ubiquitous in the rocky intertidal zone of the western North Atlantic.A likely contributor to this colonization is that H. sanguineus is able to handle a wide range of salinities, and is thus more likely to spread through a greater geographic area of estuaries. A one-way MANOVA was per-, haemolymph osmolality based on the time of exit from, Experiments were carried out to determine why, crabs choose a sheltered environment. It takes a full three years for them to reach adult size of 2 inches. The problem is to detect increased metabolic work, by measuring oxygen consumption, and to relate it to increased osmotic work. Photo © Corel Corporation Leptograpsus variegatus (Fabricius, 1793), purple rock crab, large shore crab, papaka nui (L: leptos= fine, small, narrow; variegatus= varied in colour, marked with irregular patches) The purple rock crab is large, strong, and moves fast.When wedged into a crevice, it is not easily dislodged. Plankton is composed of the phytoplankton (“the plants of the sea”) and zooplankton (zoh-plankton) which are typically the tiny animals found near the surface in aquatic environments. This crab primarily eats sea lettuce and other green algae, and occasionally scavenges dead animals. The crab's growth slows down, molts delay and the crab's hormones make the crab no longer a male but a reproductively complete female, capable of producing eggs. This might be reflected in the oxygen consumption of the whole animal. Activity rates did not change when a shelter was added. The addition of food resulted in an increase in activity associated with food handling. In the first recorded experiment, crabs and insects were placed in a box Coroto, F.S. Nagel (1934) found a correlation between regulating ability and permeability of the exoskeleton to applied sodium iodide in several crabs. However, the spines provide very effective protection for these peaceful herbivores. Blood, (Dana). salinity). Like all crabs, purple shore crabs start their lives as eggs that are glued to the underside of their mother's body. 1976 Salinity preference in gamma-, Bolt, S. R. L. & Naylor, E. 1985 Interaction of endogenous and, exogenous factors controlling locomotor activity rhythms in, Broekhuysen, G. H. 1936 On development growth and distribution, Corotto, F. S. & Holliday, C. W. 1996 Branchial Na, K-ATPase. The energy expended for osmotic regulation has repeatedly been a subject of study by oxygen uptake determination. There were more animals at the Sarita creek site, erence in the number of animals on the open shore, nite survival period in low salinity, crabs are only, ), in choice chambers they exit salinities below, erent salinities extends the preference range of this, lled with full strength seawater and varied, uids by exiting into air, thus losing osmotic, cant, it does suggest that they prefer a dark, will remain longer in low salinities if a, uids. Hemigrapsus oregonensis has been Graphs represent the total of 5 repetitions per salinity. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. They look exactly like adults except smaller. Juveniles also spent more time in a thermally unfavorable environment when food was present; however, acquisition of a shelter was prioritized over food. In ASW > 2500 mOsm, U. rapax, U. crenulata, and U. pugilator had higher survival than either U. speciosa or U. thayeri. Haemolymph flow rates through the anterior, anterolateral, and sternal arteries decreased during low-salinity exposure. with selection experiments. Although formidably strong and fast, the purple shore crab scuttles away often long before being seen. We further propose that habitat- and size-specific predation by small epibenthic predators are an important selective force in habitat selection by postlarvae and ontogenetic shifts in habitat use by juveniles. Purple shore crab. The thermoregulatory behavior of Hemigrapsus nudus, the amphibious purple shore crab, was examined in both aquatic and aerial environments. osmolality by evapourative processes. Questions: What are the energetic costs associated with different temperatures and salinities? Schlieper (1929), Schwabe (1933) and Flemister and Flemister (1951) demonstrated that the metabolic rate increases when crabs are under osmotic stress. (1950) have reviewed the subject of osmotic behavior in aquatic animals. This small crab can be seen scavenging the seashore where it feeds on algae and dead animal matter. water to eliminate various physical constraints often associated As before, the, number of crabs choosing between either the dark-, ened or clear shelter chambers was not signi, cue that shelter gives is a positive thigmotaxis, with a, negative phototaxis probably having some in, The individual exit times of 30 crabs from a salinity, of 7 were examined when shelter was both absent and, had left the low salinity chamber within 112, When shelter was provided in the low salinity chamber, salinity after 5 min, while some crabs remained in the, low salinity after 300 min (5 h). Jones (1941) showed that the crab Pachygrapsus crassipes regulates in dilute or concentrated sea water after 72 hours of immersion. Empirical estimates of selection gradients caused by predators are common, yet no one has quantified how these estimates vary with predator ontogeny. The time they took to, exit this salinity was recorded; the crabs were then, removed and blotted dry with a paper towel. Changes in freshwater inflow and salinity patterns Haemolymph flow was assessed simultaneously in the five arterial systems leaving the heart of the crab Cancer magister, allowing calculation of stroke volume and cardiac output via heart rate. Biomass was measured in early postmoult and intermoult. They prefer rocky coastlines where they can hide under the rocks. Ten jointed legs make them decapods, and their eyes are found on the ends of short stalks. Haemocyanin-O₂ affinity was sensitive to pH (Bohr factor = −0.843 at 15° C) but essentially insensitive to L-lactate (Δ log … Postlarvae obtained refuge from predation in several different habitats, suggesting that the recruitment of juvenile shore crabs will be less affected by temporal and spatial variation of any single habitat type. Similarly, purple shore crabs show a shell thickness exerted by the small (10 mm) size class of significant preference for snails from thinner-shelled crabs was linear with a positive slope suggesting that population of L. subrotundata over snails from a thicker- directional selection is operating. & Reiber, C. L. 1998 Circulatory modi, McGaw, I. J., Kaiser, M. J., Naylor, E. & Hughes, R. N. 1992, McGaw, I. J., Reiber, C. L. & Guadagnoli, J. Portland State University PDXScholar Dissertations and Theses Dissertations and Theses 1975 The morphology of the eye of the purple shore crab, The presence of suitable habitats may govern, the distance to which some crab species can penetrate, dependent, in part, upon the presence of rocks to hide, underlying patterns of endogenous locomotor activity, common intertidal species along the western seaboard, species in the mid to high intertidal zone of rocky, coastlines, but is uncommon in sheltered areas, keeps crabs in close contact with cover under which to, shelter, thus avoiding the threat of predation (, 2 days, although its osmoregulatory capacity decreases, addition, the osmoregulatory ability is a, are well documented, knowledge of their behavioural, responses to low salinity is scant. There are no di, in osmoregulatory ability between the two species, that these two species can survive in low salinity (, a suitable habitat, not the salinity regime is the major, salinity environments; this also accounts for the in-. 1992) and Cyclograpsus lavauxi (Innes et al. Greenaway, P., Morris, S., McMahon, B. R., Farrelly, C. A. Purple shore crabs, Hemigrapsus nudus (Crustacea: Decapoda), can survive indefinitely in salinities of 8 (25% SW), but also tolerate short-term exposure to salinities as low as 2. Al-, though large boulders do not provide protection from, large surface area and small rocks or shells are a less, to estuarine conditions. However, the crabs, within a limited space where salinities remained con-, stant and could be tested a number of times. Due to a broad range of tolerance and low [ISO], U. rapax is best equipped for living in brackish habitats. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. This small crab can be seen scavenging the seashore where it feeds on algae and dead animal matter. Moon: Temperature and salinity adaptation in the purple shore crab Hemigrapsus nudus: an in vitro physiological study with excised gills. When they become heavy enough, they sink to the bottom and seek shelter. In H. nudus the behavioural selection of a shelter appears to outweigh the physiological costs associated with osmotic regulation of the body fluids. Purple shore crab (Hemigrapsus nudus) The purple shore crab is normally dark purple, but olive green or reddish brown animals are not uncommon. Nursery habitats may play an important role in mitigating settlement and post-settlement mortality by providing refuge from predation. Photo from A Snails Odyssey . Handling a ferocious crab like this requires skill, and risks painful nips. In artificial seawater (ASW) <. 25, 33, 100% SW) were used to determine lethal time, for 50% mortality (LT 50), in intermoult male and, female crabs. Scaphognathite beat frequency was determined via pressure measurements from within the branchial cavity. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the U.K. McLusky, D. S. 1970 Salinity preference behaviour of, Moksnes, P. O., Pihl, L. & Montfrans, J. extend farther into estuaries because it is a more, over a 4-week period. Mar. Voluntary emersion was preceded by hyperventilation and tachycardia, but both ventilation and heart rate fell rapidly on exposure. In X. poressa a marked decline was noticeable after 1986. chamber and clear shelters in the other, in the light, there was a tendency for the crabs to migrate to the, however, this was not statistically signi, reversed; and a greater number of crabs migrated to, the chamber with the clear shelters. • Explain the special features of the shore crabs that ensure survival at each stage of their life cycle. • Investigate and describe the special features of shore crab reproduction that helps survival to the next generation e.g. We assessed behavioral thermoregulation in juvenile lobsters, and determined how thermal preferences can be altered by the presence of shelter and food. Crabs warmed and cooled more rapidly in water than in air. Acclimation to either low or high salinities affected red and green crabs in a similar manner; the lower the acclimation salinity the earlier the time of exit from the low salinity and vice versa; the higher the acclimation salinity, the longer the crabs remained in the low salinity. When shelter is available, the salinity preference range is 10–32. Read "Temperature and salinity adaptation in the purple shore crab Hemigrapsus nudus : An in vitro physiological study with excised gills, Marine Biology" on DeepDyve, the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips. Data for number of crabs collected in Grappler and Sarita creeks and open shore locations, is preyed upon by avian (crows, gulls, blue, eld Marine Station for their assistance and use, , C. & Naylor, E. 1987 Spontaneous and induced, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK. ) Ten jointed legs make them decapods, and their eyes are found on the ends of short stalks. The presence of shelter significantly alters the behaviour of this species. Hemigrapsus oregonensis has been If crabs were built like humans, dropping an arm or a leg would mean certain death, but crabs have a special system built into their anatomy that enables them to … into salinity selection, and we designed an experimental gradient Even in salinities below this preference range, the presence of shelter prolongs the, time spent in the lower test salinities. Changes in the scaphognathite beat frequency were similar in direction to those of heart rate. enjoying your blog as usual. University of California Publications in Zoology, Taylor, A. C. & Naylor, E. 1977 Entrainment of the locomotor. The Swift-footed Crab's colour varies, although it is usually a dark olive-green or dark purple with lighter flecks on … Schneider and T.W. also governed by the habitat; it can survive in salinities, as low as 10, but is absent from most estuaries because, it prefers sandy bottoms, as opposed to the muddy, The shelter-seeking behaviour exhibited by, consequence of predation, decrease, if these crabs are. Department of Biological Sciences, UNLV, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154-4004, U.S.A. Bamfield Marine Station, Bamfield, British Columbia, VOR 1BO, Canada, Received 2 October 2000 and accepted in revised form 13 February 2001, also tolerate short-term exposure to salinities as low as 2. Results for white shrimp were not statistically significant, The objective of this study was to assess the effects of individual acclimation and population divergence on salinity preference. In the British Isles, it is generally referred to as the shore crab, or green shore crab.In North America and South Africa, it bears the name green crab or European green crab.In Australia and New Zealand, it is referred to as either the European green crab or European shore crab. In the larval stages of three euryhaline species of the genus Armases, we tested if changes in biomass (dry mass, W; protein; lipid) under hyposmotic stress were related to their salinity tolerance, capabilities of osmoregulation, and migration patterns. Prior to measuring hemolymph osmolality, fiddler crabs were exposed to ASW ranging from 26 to 3550 mOsm for 5 d. The isosmotic hemolymph concentration ([ISO]) was estimated to range from 780 mOsm in U. rapax to 888 mOsm in U. crenulata. While the majority of species are fully aquatic, some are semi-aquatic and others live exclusively on land. INTRODUCTION Responses of invertebrates to ionizing radiation, attributable to its effects on the visual system, have been known since 1896. The relevance of these circulatory changes is discussed in terms of maintenance of the crabs' internal environment and behavioural or physiological adaptation. Experimental setup influences the cardiovascular responses of decapod crustaceans to environmental change, Behavioral Thermoregulation and Trade-Offs in Juvenile Lobster Homarus americanus, Salinity Selection by Juvenile Brown Shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) and White Shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus) in a Gradient Tank, Salinity Preference of Alaskan Threespine Stickleback: Test for Divergence in Halotaxis between Ancestral and Landlocked Populations, Physiological and behavioral response of the Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, to salinity: Implications for estuarine distribution and invasion, Estimating the energetic cost of abiotic conditions using foraging behaviour, Using behaviour as a tool to estimate the costs of abiotic conditions for juvenile salmon, Long-term study on a brachyuran crab community (Crustacea: Decapoda) inhabiting a boulder shore in the Eastern Mediterranean: Relative abundance, Integrated responses of crustaceans inhabiting estuaries to the challenges of feeding and digestion in low salinity, Phenotypic variation in sympatric crab populations, Cardiovascular Responses Resulting from Variation in External Salinity in the Dungeness Crab, Cancer magister, Air Breathing by the Purple Shore Crab, Hemigrapsus nudus (Dana). This, When given a choice between clear and darkened, shelters in the light, crabs moved towards the dark-, ened shelter; although this trend was not statistically, distribution on the shore, where crabs are most often, found squeezed in cracks or in dark recesses below, When shelter was present in the low salinity, chamber, the salinity preference range of, Even in salinities below their preference range, the, presence of shelter prolonged the time that, spent in low salinities. Pieh (1936) demonstrated that isolated gills of regulating crabs show in creased respiratory rates when exposed to osmotic stresses, thus suggesting increased work for regulation in these tissues. Land Hermit Crabs (Coenobita clypeatus) are the biggest hermit crabs in Bermuda, growing up to 10 cm (4 inches) long, and they are the only hermit crabs found on land. Barbara Taliaferro is an animal enthusiast who lives in Ambler, Pa. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Animal Science and has spent most of her life working with animals and the people who love them. The experiment was carried out in both bright light, and constant darkness. THE VISUAL RESPONSE OF THE PURPLE SHORE CRAB, HEMIGRAPSUS NUDUS, TO IONIZING AND NON-IONIZING RADIATION I. Therefore, the distribution of H. nudus in estuaries may depend more on the availability of suitable habitats rather than the salinity tolerance of this species. Pachygrapsus crassipes, for instance, probably never encounters hypotonic environmental conditions. Purple shore crabs Crabs come in many shapes and sizes, but they have a few things in common (usually). Landlocked fish showed a strong acclimation effect, avoiding salt water when acclimated to fresh and avoiding freshwater when acclimated to salt, while showing no preference for their acclimation salinity. These crabs show a strong positive thigmotaxis and a weak negative phototaxis and tend to choose environments with available shelter. The Porce-, exhibiting orientational movement along a salinity, gradient in the form of a taxis. Davenport, J. shrimp, but the relationship between salinity and shrimp abundance Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the U.K. In a second series of experiments, animals were acclimated to 50% seawater for 4 d and then returned to 100% seawater. (Forskal) to salinity and low oxygen tension. Robertson (1949, 1953) presents extensive information concerning ionic regulation among, Fiddler crabs were collected for osmoregulation studies from 36 locations in Florida and one at Ocean Beach, California. Once one of these rhizocephala embeds under the male's carapace, it can alter the crab's body chemistry. At 6 to 8 weeks of age the six experimental groups were tested for salinity preference in a tank that offers fish a choice of compartments with different salinities arranged in a gradient from fresh to sea water. they adapt by sheding there shell many times which protects them from there predators. The functional properties of the haemolymph and haemocyanin (Hc) of Hemigrapsus nudus were investigated with respect to the amphibious behaviour of this crab. They have the ability to regulate the amount of salt in their systems, a trait called osmoregulation. The largest females may produce clutches of over 30,000 eggs at one time. All rights reserved. They are often mistaken for lined shore crabs (Pachygrapsus crassipes) who inhabit the same beaches. The responses of five species of Uca from subtropical habitats along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the U.S. to osmotic stress were examined and osmotic measurements are presented for the first time in three of the species. The, number of crabs in the creek before shelter and after, addition of shelters was analysed with a Students, only short-term exposure in freshwater: 50% mortality, step-wise increase in LT50 times of 2 d, 5 d and 6 d in, were consistent and rapid in salinities of 2 and 3, 100% mortality reached after 32 d. However, all these. It has light and dark bands along its legs and red spots on its claws. Initial heart rates were regained after several hours, on return to 100% seawater. and Holiday, C.W. The morphometrics of the respiratory system, voluntary emersion behaviour, and gas exchange during immersion and emersion were examined in the amphibious, intertidal crab Hemigrapsus nudus. This change in behaviour has implications on the crab’s physiology: the. When compar-, ing the number of animals in the creeks to nearby, shore sites with similar rock cover, there was no, haemolymph osmolality of crabs from the open shore, osmolality of animals in the creek was more variable, and ranged between 562 and 956 mOsm, with a mean, collected from the open shore. there was some migration between the two chambers; however, the number of crabs in each chamber, crabs made a number of shuttles between the two, for, or avoidance of, any of these salinities (Binomial, showed that all salinities below 22 were signi, ties they made a number of shuttles between the, towards the full strength seawater occurred within 1 h, and very few shuttles between chambers were made, after this time. Scaphognathite beat frequency was determined via pressure measurements from within the branchial cavity. the energy expended in maintaining homeostasis. On the other hand, the decline in Xantho populations after 1986 could have its cause in the zoea larvae that were somehow affected, with the consequence that fewer megalops settled successfully in that specific habitat. Green crabs were held in perforated plastic boxes (with or without a layer of sand) suspended above the bottom of the tank or strapped to a weighted plastic grate. Beadle (1943) has reviewed the importance of os motic regulation in the evolutionary migration of marine animals to fresh water habitats. variables. :) B. This previ ous work has shown that oxygen consumption measurements for animals main tained at a constant acclimation temperature, but a series of acclimation salinities, are higher at the lower salinities. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "purpleshorecrab" Flickr tag. • Describe where and how shore crabs live. Size is an accurate method of judging ages of these creatures. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, U.S.A. Schmitt, W. I. Changes in the scaphognathite beat frequency were similar in direction to those of heart rate. The color of the legs matches the color of the carapace but the white-tipped claws (chelipeds) are a lighter color with purple or red spots – these spots allow H. nudus to be distinguished from a similar looking crab, the lined shore crab, Pachygrapsus crassipes, whose chelipeds lack spots. 100% mortality reached after 46 d. In a salinity of 11, full strength seawater, mortality rates were consider-, ably lower: all crabs survived more than 42 d (1000 h), and the LT50 was not reached during the 75 day, In salinity choice chamber experiments when 32 was. On reimmersion there was pronounced hyperventilation and tachycardia that gradually gave way to normal values for immersed crabs. The presence of shelter significantly alters the behaviour of this species. Purple shore crabs Crabs come in many shapes and sizes, but they have a few things in common (usually). 360-452-2345, ext. Hemigrapsus nudus lives mostly on the rocky open coast, but is also found in salt marshes (Knudsen 1964). May also eat small green algae Ulvaand Enteromorpha,brownalgae Fucus, and red Endocladia,Rhotoglossum, andGrateloupia. Choose your favorite purple shore crab designs and purchase them as wall … Pantin (1931) has discussed the origin of body fluids in animals. The cost of foraging in freshwater was positively correlated with osmoregulatory enzyme activity among saltwater-preferring fish but, surprisingly, the cost of foraging in saltwater was not correlated with enzyme activity among freshwater-preferring fish. Flow rates through the hepatic arteries remained stable, whilst flow in the posterior aorta increased. (1945) consider the physical chemistry involved in osmotic regulation. On return to 100% seawater, heart rate decreased but stroke volume increased, with the result that no significant change in cardiac output occurred. Sea lettuce (Ulva rigida) A widespread green seaweed that is a popular source of food for many species. Plankton are comprised of two main groups, permanent members of the plankton, … In both cases crabs migrated towards the, the presence of shelter prolonged the time spent in, salinities outside their preference range (, When shelter was placed in one side only (with no, salinity choice), and experiments were carried out, experiment was performed in darkness; there was, iment was repeated with darkened shelters in one. As yet, this relationship has not been resolved. they had to expend energy osmoregulating. This enhances their competitiveness as an invader, particularly surviving lower salinities that present challenges during high-precipitation events in rocky intertidal areas, and partially explains this species’ dominance in this habitat type. Antennae help shore crabs detect potential sources of food. Its carapace is square and can reach 4 to 5 cm in size. increased respiratory rate at low salinities is the result of increased osmotic work, and not the result of increased muscular activity. A, haemolymph sample was taken from between the, arthrodial membranes of the walking legs with a, hypodermic needle and osmolality was measured on a, Wescor vapour pressure osmometer. ... holes and crevices. ters (broken glass beakers) which were of similar, size, shape and mass compared to the mussel shells. The favorable adaptation of the crab is its ability to thicken its shell in when an Asian shore crab comes close to it. factors. Intermoult male and female purple shore crabs, pace width were collected intertidally in Barkley, Sound, British Columbia from April to August of, Station and held in running seawater at a salinity of, days prior to experiments to help reduce the in, mately equal numbers of male and female crabs were, used in experiments. Large crabs migrate all the way down the shore where food is more abundant. Townsend. during acclimation from high to low salinity. Juvenile lobsters avoided temperatures higher than 20 degrees C and lower than 8 degrees C, and had a mean temperature preference of 16.2 +/- 1 degrees C. This preference was unaffected by prior acclimation, origin (laboratory- raised or wild), or size. It lives mainly out of the water in rock cracks, foraging at the low tide by night. and this species did not appear to avoid low salinities. doi:10.1006/ecss.2001.0826, available online at on, Impacts of Habitat Complexity on Physiology: Purple, Shore Crabs Tolerate Osmotic Stress for Shelter. Therefore, the distribution of. This they attributed to added osmotic work. different stages of smoking) in habitats that differed in either temperature or salinity. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This would seem to be an essential parameter in its ecologic importance, especially in the first few hours. Autotomy membrane protecting crab from blood loss after shedding a limb in Hemigrapsus nudus, purple shore crab. The area of the gills $(area = 993.8(body mass)^{0.83}$ , where area is in square millimeters and body mass is in grams) is considerably reduced compared with that of aquatic species but similar to the gill areas of other amphibious crabs. Slater Museum of Natural History 1500 N. Warner St. #1088 Tacoma, WA 98416 253.879.3356 The gills as seats of salt and water exchange and organs of regulation in crabs have been implicated mainly by eliminating other probable structures (Margaria, 1931; Nagel, 1934; Krogh, 1938). 1 This week in BIO205 Lecture 3: How do adaptations evolve? Collecting kina and pāua. & McMahon, B. R. 1996 Cardiovascular responses, resulting from variation in external salinity in the Dungeness crab, McGaw, I. J. Animals were not returned to the creek after, this extended time in low salinity, the haemolymph, ing the need to regulate the concentration of the, increase in cardiovascular parameters (refs in, fore, in addition to overriding the halokinesis exhib-, must outweigh the physiological costs associated with, salinity preferences determined from laboratory, experiments. They are osmoregulators, and can withstand hypo- and hyperosmoticconditions. and possible interactions with temperature. regulation of the body fluids. Salinities, above full strength seawater were not tested, as crabs, are unlikely to encounter these in Barkley Sound. Hemigrapsus nudus lives mostly on the rocky open coast, but is also found in salt marshes (Knudsen 1964). Haemolymph flow rates through the anterior, anterolateral, and sternal arteries decreased during low-salinity exposure. In the laboratory their salinity preference range, determined from choice chamber experiments, is 22–32 and they can discriminate between pairs of salinities separated by a difference of 2. As with acute exposure, changes in scaphognathite rate again paralleled changes in heart rate. In the laboratory their salinity preference range, determined, from choice chamber experiments, is 22–32 and they can discriminate between pairs of salinities separated by a di, of 2.