Humans are fundamentally religious even in the industrialized West, religion moulds human nature. Science can provide physical comforts but it is religion that can provide courage and faith. Religion Since the dawn of man, humans have striven to explain the many mysteries of the universe, and to justify our existence in it. The argument combines historical and philosophical approaches to contest to each side, battling to disprove each other. Religion is the emotionally set belief in the worship of a divine controlling power often said to deliver salvation. science and religion, defeating the purpose of studying either (Latour, 36-37). Some thinkers hold that science and religion are incompatible. Science and religion contradict each other but are both necessary to humankind in their individual ways. One way to distinguish between science and religion is the claim that science concerns the natural world, whereas religion concerns both the natural and the supernatural. In the end science and religion are still in conflict with each other no matter the situation. […] Science: Albert Einstein described the science and religion in his paper; he said that “Science is the century-old endeavor to bring together by means of systematic thought the perceptible phenomena of this world into as thoroughgoing an association as possible” [6]. Hence there exists hostility between the man of science and the man of religion. Science and Religion Essay: Science is the logical approach to analyze the physical and natural world through observation and experimentation. Religion The debate between religion and science has been going on for years, clashing together with different ideologies. Essay on Religion and Science! Role of Science and Religion in Society Essay. Science vs. In the nineteenth century, maximum households may want to assume to lose one or greater kids to ailment. Today, withinside the United States and different advanced countries, the demise of a infant from ailment is uncommon. It can make people influence and make people believe in God’s word. Religion and Science are two important aspects of social life, of which the former has been dominant as far back as we know anything of man’s mental history, while the latter has come into prominence during the last three hundred years. EVER since science began drifting away from religion, centuries ago, each has dreamed of subsuming the other. Some Christians interpret the story of creation literally, this means they believe God made the earth in just 7 days, this goes against many scientific theories including the big bang, and evolution. The first aspect of Latour’s argument to be noted is what he suggests religion and The conflict between religion and science is what naturally occurs to our minds when we think of this subject. The goal of science is an achievement and that of religion is realization. Religion & Science- Christianity Religion and Science: The Biblical story of creation: This says that the earth was made in 7 days by God. SCIENCE VERSUS RELIGION ESSAY Scientific and technological advances have had profound consequences on human existence. The question whether religion is compatible with science occupied a prominent place in the discussions of the nineteenth century. He sees them instead as separate aspects of society. Though science has flourished today, and science is directly opposed to religion, even so religion has not lost its significance, because science is beyond the comprehension of many, and religious trends are easy to convince, to be comprehended. Science is linked to material and fact while religion is old its linked to spirit and faith. Latour by no means sees religion and science as opposites, because that would indicate that they could be considered incomparable. Every day we depend on technology … Science vs.