The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a holistic (wholistic) state of wellbeing. This is typically not a problem with a first pregnancy, but in a subsequent pregnancy, the incompatibility can cause the antibodies created during the first pregnancy to attack the new fetus’ red blood cells. PREPARING FOR PRACTICAL NURSING ADMISSION EXAMS . You would have to take your Pre Entrance Examination that would cover your basic subject like your maths, and general skills. These medications include anxiolytics, anesthetics, anticonvulsants, nonsteroidal analgesic medications and topical local anesthetics. Nursing pre-entrance test. The Lund & Browder burn chart is used to determine the extent of burns among the members of the pediatric population. What our customers say about our Nursing tests, It helps me improve my knowledge and ability to study more, Hard to understand since it's not my field of practice. This Practical Nursing Program is offered over three terms (16 weeks each) that span 11 months—after the first trimester, students can sit for the Nursing Assistant Certification Exam. Wilms’ tumor, although rare, is a type of renal cancer. This calculation is performed using several steps as below. PRACTICAL NURSING APPLICATION FOR EXAM Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES Tech Center - Room 202 200 BOCES Drive Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Attention: Practical Nursing Entrance Exam Name: _____ (last) (first) Hyperplasia is the increase of tissue that results from cell proliferation, such as when the milk-secreting glandular cells in the breast experience growth and multiplication as a response to pregnancy. Dorothea Orem developed the Self Care theory or model. While repairs can still be performed after one year of age but this increases the likelihood of needing longer-termed treatments and increased risks for poor language development and facial appearance. Reduces the potential of pain in the wound region or area. Nonmaleficence is “Do not harm”, as stated in the historical Hippocratic Oath. A 32 year old who does not need the help of the nurse to bathe and groom themselves. The spread of infections, like pneumonia, is an infection control concern but not considered an internal disaster. The correct sequence of action for using a fire extinguished is easily remembered by keeping the PASS acronym in mind. Below, read about resources that will help you pass this exam. To become a licensed nurse, you need to pass the certification exam, and if you are looking for revision materials for the finals, then this test is for you. By the very nature of the implicit nurse-client relationship, the nurse must be faithful and true to their professional promises and responsibilities by providing high quality, safe care in a competent, scientifically grounded manner while upholding the clients’ choices, desires and innate rights. Selecting a dressing individualized to the type of wound. Cushing’s syndrome is a disorder of the adrenal gland. Avulsed teeth should be immediately placed in milk. You would adjust the intravenous fluid rate to deliver 20 drops of the normal saline every minute. For the latest on this project, please visit: Updating RPN competencies and exam and FAQs about REx-PN. You would evacuate your patients to west. You would place your patient in the Trendelenberg position when they are experiencing the signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock. It indicates that the patient has an intact peripheral nervous system. The twelfth cranial nerve is the hypoglossal nerve. The pain associated with orchiditis, an inflammation of the testicles, is symptomatically treated with the application of ice, not heat, to the groin area. This ball is safe for the child. Phosphate assists in acid-base regulation. Of all of the above types of cancer, it is pancreatic cancer that has the poorest prognosis. Alcohol use and abuse are the most commonly occurring risk factors. Nursing The necessary elements of malpractice are a duty to the patient, a breach of duty, foreseeability, causation, and patient harm. Foul-smelling bleeding, fever, and cramping often occur with a septic abortion which is often the result of severe infections. Stab wound can result in acute, not chronic, pain; and peripheral neuropathic pain can result from carpal tunnel syndrome and post amputation phantom pain. Through this website, you’ll learn about the requirements and job description of an LPN. Invasive local anesthetics are also used for severe pain, as below. I liked that the test made me refresh my mind. P is pulling out the pin to activate the fire extinguisher; A is to aim the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire; S is to squeeze the handle to discharge the contents of the fire extinguisher; and S is sweep back and forth over the base of the fire while discharging the contents. Some of the signs and symptoms of leukemia are fever, bleeding and bruising, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, pain in the bones or stomach and painless lumps in the neck, groin and/or underarm. Using hot water so that the natural fats on the skins are emulsified with the soap. “The Tetralogy of Fallot is a congenital gastrointestinal disorder”, “The Tetralogy of Fallot is a congenital cardiac disorder”, “The Tetralogy of Fallot will affect the baby’s reflexes”, “The Tetralogy of Fallot will affect the baby’s ability to breastfeed”. Mc Burney’s point tenderness is suggestive of appendicitis. Sedentary adolescents require 2400 calories, sedentary women and children require 1600 calories and active adolescents need 2800 calories daily. Then you criss cross multiply: 500 mg x 1 = 500 mg. Adolescent: Identity formation and a sense of self Newborns gain about five to seven ounces per week for the first 3 to 4 months of life. Bubbles are implanted to protect the retina from the glaucoma. Sequence the instruction from the least complex to the most complex. Pushes extravasated blood from a hematoma into nearby healthy tissue. Appendicitis is more common among females than males. The supine, left lateral and right lateral positions do not produce this effect. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is characterized with blood coagulation and not bleeding. Cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or cardiac failure all increase the metabolic demands and the need for added calories. All staff members, including unlicensed assistive staff like nursing assistants, document and sign, all of the care that they have personally provided. Adults are assessed by using the Rule of Nines and not the Rule of Tens. The risk factors associated with deep vein thrombosis are oral contraceptive use, obesity, hormone replacement therapy,  hypercoagulable states, old age, type A blood, multiparity, not nulliparity, and among clients who have had major surgery and/or prolonged immobility. Decrease the rate of the intravenous medication flow. Unlock our complete testing platform and get ready for your Percussion is performed by striking the client’s body in order to determine what sounds and vibrations their body will produce. You should bathe your patient as part of post mortem care using the same standard precautions that you did when the patient was alive. A durable power of attorney for health care, also referred to as a healthcare surrogate or healthcare proxy, is a legally appointed person who will make decisions relating to healthcare when the client is no longer competent and able to give legal, informed consent. Nursing assistants cannot assess the physical status of the patients. All expected outcomes are worded in terms of what the patient, not the nurse, will do and it should also be specific and measurable. Mc Burney’s point tenderness in the right lower quadrant is suggestive of appendicitis. Evisceration, or the protrusion of an organ through a wound, most often occurs in the abdominal wall. These are typically in the ‘True, False, Cannot Say’ multiple choice format, although there are a range of alternatives too. The normal and expected parameters for the neonate in terms of head circumference is 12.6 to 14.5 inches. Lastly, sterile solutions can be poured into sterile containers on the sterile field without breaking the techniques required according to surgical asepsis. Unexpected staff absences disrupt the facility but they are not considered internal disaster. Adjuvant medications, used to increase the effects of the opioids and nonopioid medications. Lastly, photographs and Facebook posting should never be done so proper documentation is not required. The lacrimal glands in the eyes produce tears to lubricate the eyes. The initial stage of shock: Hyperventilation occurs and the blood pH rises. Inanimate items that can spread infection by contact are referred to as fomites. Proper handwashing must be done for a minimum of two minutes. Lastly the Parkland Formula is used to determine the fluid needs of burn patients and not to determine the extent of their burns. Hyperthyroidism is associated with exophthalmos and there is no relationship or positive correlation of macular degeneration and/or cataracts to papilledema. This rate has seen increases due to various reasons, such as the frequency of fertility treatments and women waiting until later in life to have children; older women, defined as over 35 years old, are more likely to carry multiples than younger women. In order to determine one and two point discrimination, the nurse gently pricks areas of the skin and the client states whether or not they feel these pricks while their eyes are closed. In some cases cardiac death can occur with the first episode. Wound irrigation can reduce the spread of infection, but not by increasing the area cleaned. Insures competency and a nursing certification validates years of experience. The fine, soft hair found on a newborn’s body is referred to as lanugo. You cannot stop the set up until it is all done. Autonomy is self determination and, in the context of the activities of daily living, autonomy is not related to independence, but only independence in terms of decision making. Autonomy means that all competent clients have the right to make their own decisions without any coercion or interference even if any or all of their healthcare providers do not agree with this decision. Lastly, stereognosis is a tactile sensation and it has no role in hearing. You do NOT have to be certain about it; an expert will perform the investigation. Negligence is failing to do something in the proper manner; this invasion of patient privacy is far more serious than a breach of an ethical principle. The problem oriented medical system consists of narrative progress notes and the source oriented medical record uses SOAP. Introducing prescribed medications in solution form can dramatically reduce infection risks and facilitating proper wound heal. Sedentary older men, active adult women and children should all have 6 ounces of grains, 2½ cups of vegetables, 2 cups of fruits, and 3 cups of milk to help make up their 2000 calorie requirement. To get into nursing school, potential students are often required to take a test specifically designed for nurses.Though little of the content is related to the exact duties of a nurse, the tests are meant to rate your abilities in areas such as comprehension, communication, critical thinking, as well as your knowledge of the core subjects involved in the healthcare field. By their first birthday, many babies have tripled their birth weight. A bivalve cast, rather than a solid fiberglass or plaster of Paris cast, for a skeletal fracture can prevent limb threatening compartment syndrome. The licensure is very important as it will help them to practice as Licensed Practical Nurses or Licensed vocational Nurses. Other primitive, infant reflexes are the sucking, rooting, step, tonic neck, Galant, grasp and parachute reflexes. Lastly, veracity is truthfulness and being honest with the patients. Large for gestational age: The neonate’s weight is above the 99th percentile. A complete fracture: The fractured bone penetrates through the skin to the skin surface. From the most to the least state of consciousness are alert, confused, lethargic, obtunded, stuporous and comatose. Bathe the patient using the same standard precautions you used when he was alive. The signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia include widespread aching, muscle stiffness, fatigue and sleep disorders. “A Mallory-Weiss tear is a kind of diverticulitis.”, “A Mallory-Weiss tear is an esophageal tear”, “A Mallory-Weiss tear is a lacrimal gland disorder.”, “A Mallory-Weiss tear is a tear that results from a peptic ulcer.”. Maslow’s theory states that until the most basic priority needs are satisfied in a step wise manner, the less priority needs cannot be addressed and fulfilled. A urinalysis is considered routine during the prenatal examination. Clear liquids are the most appropriate choice for any postoperative patient. The Faces Pain Scale contains cartoon like pictures of six faces ranging from 0, or “no hurt” to 10 which represents “the worst hurt”. An avulsed tooth is the traumatic loss of a tooth. After this you should call the doctor about this episode and inform the doctor of the patient’s current medical status. A woman can lactate indefinitely; however, it puts them at risk of developing osteoporosis due to the calcium depletion from the bones and teeth. Negative-pressure to “air out” the wound is used. We have partnered with the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) in the exam's development and implementation. This patient is able to communicate with eye movements and they are typically aware of their surroundings. The symphysis is the midline joint connecting the left and right pubic bones. Tell the patient to call their significant other so you can instruct them. It is used for pediatric patients who are three years of age and older. The following is a … Retinopathy, neuropathy and impaired microcirculation are examples of the long term, rather than acute, complications of diabetes. The principle of justice requires us to be fair and just to all. This law protects the patients’ rights to the privacy and confidentiality of all medical information, including written, oral electronic information, and personal identity information like photograph taking unless the client has expressly consented to it in writing. Based on how you answer the situational judgement test, the company will get an understanding of whether you’re a good fit for them. The kidneys, via urine, excrete approximately 60% of all water. Root cause analysis focuses on process flaws and NOT on people who have erred or made a mistake. Demonstrate the correct 2 minute handwashing procedure using soap and running water. The breakdown of tissue, especially after severe trauma or crush injuries is known as catabolism. The signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism include heat intolerance, increased appetite, palpitations and insomnia among others such as thinning hair, the loss of hair, increased sweating, weight loss, emotional instability and diarrhea. Exuded is another name for discharged in reference to the exudate. Nursing Entrance Exams. The problem oriented medical system has a centralized part of the chart for interdisciplinary progress notes and the source oriented medical record has separate areas for each profession’s progress notes. Nursing assistants can apply topical medication lotions to intact skin. The trend is moving toward nurses only staffing patterns. Other sports that can lead to this disease include running, basketball and gymnastics.