His family made it to Germany, and are ready to make it their new home. “Yes, but they are all players for the Lions, and she’s a l ittle lion!” The Lions was the nickname of the Industriales. Each character’s story would switch to another’s at the end of every chapter. Josef is the only main character who does not survive. It would be so full of awesome that my head would explode from its awesomeness.” My wife said, “That sounds great? It would have been easier that way. For the story of the Cuban refugees in the 1990s, he relied on interviews with first generation Cuban-Americans. It was hard to tell anymore.” (Page 57). Refugee. This is piece of his journey. . Josef Berlin, Germany— 1938 In my opinion i think that he did a good explaining what life was like when you were a refugee dealing with these situations and how hard it was. Orca. The book’s three main characters — Josef, Isabel and Mahmoud — and their families all flee their respective home countries in Gratz’s novel. This encounter changed Josef’s life because from being a normal kid, this converted him into a refuge who is living with chronic perturbation and fear on a daily basis. In fact, Mahmoud positioned himself in the forefront of the march out of Hungary into Austria. “The food line is always long, no matter how early you are there, there will always be a line”. A group of men try to take over the ship. However, tragedy strikes when the ship is refused entry into Havana Harbor, and Mr. Landau’s panicked mental state causes him to attempt suicide. What made the book the most interesting was how Gratz wrote the book so realistically— I felt like I was there with the characters. They make it to the coast of Turkey next to Greece and try to take a boat to cross the Mediterranean, but are told to come back the next day. How old are you? Since 2011, the city has been torn to pieces, over 200,000 civilians have been killed in the crossfire or have fallen victim to chemical genocide, and more than 5.6 million have been forced to flee the country. He decides simply to walk out of the refugee camp, and the other refugees follow suit. The second main character, Isabel, is an 11-year-old girl living in Havana, Cuba, in 1994, during Fidel Castro’s tenure. The air seemed to crackle around them like static from a radio. The ending connects the 3 stories perfectly and it is hard to predict. . .”  Many of the refugees are arrested and taken to a detention center. While he is running from Nazis, soldiers shoot at Josef. Mahmoud pulled Waleed b ehind a burned- out car, his heart racing. I would have played more. Isabel’s grandfather jumps into to the water to act as a distraction and be taken back to Cuba so Isabel can live in America. Josef was a Jewish boy living in Germany in the 1930s. In the book it states,”It looked like there was room for a dozen people in it. So it’s quite likely that one of my books has been challenged or banned, and I just don’t know! They almost drown, and are preyed upon by mercenaries who exploit their vulnerability. “I’ll be a man in six months and eleven days.” The Nazis laughed again. Although Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud never cross paths because they are divided by different time periods and different continents, yet each child is optimistic about a future without having to sleep with one eye open, which can be the difference between life or death for the children and their family. Only two of the three protagonists survive, and all lose family members. Home- Isabel had been in America for 2 weeks now she was in her new school and home she started to learn how to speak English and is trying out for band. How are their situations similar and how are they different? The family all falls out into the water, and Mahmoud’s mother surrenders his sister Hana to a passing boat so she can stay afloat while they wait for help. While being taken to a detention center, Mahmoud’s dad yells at a soldier, who then “whacked him in the back with his nightstick, and Mahmoud’s father collapsed to the ground. To try and fix it they tried cooling it off by pouring sea water over it, but all Isabel could notice was the big tanker headed right at them. A few examples from the novel in page 74, in the second and third paragraph, it shows how Josef is going under his Bar Mitzvah, but his father is going against it because they are taken by the Nazis. We cannot let them tear us from the pages of the world.’, I said it as much for me as for him. Germany was his home. They ran in to a group of people with automatic guns blocking the road. The stories intersect in interesting ways. Then I learned to outline, and that’s made all the difference. The purpose of the letter is to encourage and inspire hope in the child refugee while telling him valuable tips he should “learn and learn quickly” for surviving in the refugee camp. A special bonus podcast on that book is available now. I guess I should have seen this coming. The family boards the ship to Cuba and feels safe. The boy looked at me with big, round eyes. Use multiple examples from both the novel and the non-fiction articles to support your ideas. 13 This product contains pre-filled pages for students with key terms and literary devices identified, including page, Lesson Plans (Individual), Novel Study, Minilessons, CCRA.R.4, CCRA.R.3, CCRA.R.2, W.6.3d, RL.6.4, Refugee, by Alan Gratz, Writing Activity, Collaborative Poster, Group Project, This Refugee, novel study poster and writing activity poster is triple the fun with the combination of coloring, creativity, and group work! Both of the sources give examples of multiple different perspectives as well from interviews and articles to the thoughts of individuals. Mahmoud sat in the m iddle row of desks in his classroom, where the teacher w ouldn’t call on him. I think that the author did a good job talking about what it was like back then in those places. As a group tries to flee Cuba, “a pistol rang out again over the waves. About 60,000 people died trying to get from Cuba to the US on homemade rafts. Mahmoud walks out of the Hungarian prison with his family and other refugees, and marches to Austria. The rafts that Cuban refugees traveled on could be as simple as this. I collect action figures and other toys. Her story ends with her in school, playing a trumpet. When Fidel Castro says that everyone could leave Cuba without punishment, the families jump on the opportunity and leave right away. When Anne’s Amsterdam family goes into hiding from the Nazis in 1940, she records her most private feelings to her diary, a factual record of the difficulties of living life in hiding for over two years. Knoxville, Tennessee. All of these outcomes argue for the importance of kindness toward refugees. And when that happens, it’s why we enjoy the book so much. After his family’s house got bombed and destroyed, Mahmoud and his family started their long trek towards Europe. Mahmoud was about to drown, like the 3,000 other Syrians who dared to make this trip. She reads everything I write, and gives me good, honest feedback on it. I had planned to at least do a third book in the series, one called Something Foolish, which loosely followed the plot of A Midsummer Night’s Dream — but the series never sold well enough to write it. Grabbed for him. And he turned to contemporary news reporting for the present-day Syrian refugee story. Point of View: The novel, Refugee, is written in the third person point of view. The first protagonist, Josef, is a 12-year-old Jewish boy living in Germany in 1938, during the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party. Detailed instructions on how to teach this writing style to your class, as well as a guided introductory lesson, are also included. Josef scrambled backward on his bed, his eyes wide. It was easier to stay invisible that way. So that what they will do. Her lunch hadn’t been much bigger than the cat’s—j ust a few “Be quiet!” the shadow yelled, and it tossed Ruth down on the floor beside Josef. The family fled to Lebanon where they lived for two years in terrible conditions before Mahmoud decided he would try and make the journey to safety in Europe. Include some ideas for presenting the book. Alan Gratz: “So, Josef is not a real kid from the MS St. Louis. . And that was new for me and difficult. Gr 8 Up—An Arab American teen, Kamran has always considered himself fully American—a high school star football player who dates one of the most popular girls and a homecoming king contender. If you stayed invisible here, did everything you were supposed to and never made waves, you would disappear from the eyes and minds of all the good people out there who could help you get your life back.”. 2 What is the meaning of the following sentence: The Letter is written by a former refugee, Andrew Lam. Additionally, Señor Castillo is thrown from the boat, and Isabel dives into the water to save him. And despite what my dad thinks, I really am in my office researching, outlining, writing, or taking care of writing business stuff all day. They kept arguing, but the engine and the slap of the boat against the waves drowned their words out for Isabel. The thought hit him like a lightning bolt. Dylan, I agree with your response especially how you used quotes from both the book and the articles. And so, I wanted to go back into my endnotes and talk about that. While inspired by real events and historical characters, this is a work of fiction and does not claim to be historically accurate or portray factual events or relationships. . Narrated by Michael Goldstrom, Kyla Garcia and Assaf Cohen Do you see what the rest of them think about us? In “Refugee” during Josef’s story it says, ” The Nazis trashed the rest of Josef’s house, breaking furniture and smashing plates and tearing curtains. They told him “Aaron Landau… you have continued to practice law despite the fact that Jews are forbidden to do so under the Civil Service Restoration Act of 1933. Audience: 6th grade and up. Yes! To stand out” (158). I wanted to see what they had in common while getting to their goals. Mahmoud is from Damascus in Syria. Jack is one of the bravest people I’ve ever met. Water starts to fill the boat, and they attempt to plug the hole as they navigate towards Miami. All the history is real–about the Hitler Youth, and the Edelweiss Pirates, and Operation Paperclip, and Projekt 1065, and Irish diplomats being spies…but I made up Michael and Simon and Michael’s parents and the rest of the characters. “The boy’s pissed himself!” The Nazis laughed, and Josef’s face burned hot with shame. I can tell that Alan Gratz knew and researched about the Kristallnacht and used all of the facts and used those real life experiences and details and used it in the experiences and life stories of the characters. Today his passion for fiction but also in articles for the Pacific News Service and in comments for the National Public Radio. I predicted that this poem will be about someone singing a song to a kid that makes them feel good. Refugee is one of the few books I will never give away because I need to be reminded of this issue.” -Angie, Grade 11. She is the second character introduced by the author and she lives in Havana, Cuba…. One question is at the end was he hopeful or not hopeful? Given the current state of discord in the United States regarding immigration, we believe this year’s choice, “Refugee,” will do just that. Her mission? More of them wore the brown shirts and red swastika armbands of the Sturmabteilung, Adolf Hitler’s “storm troopers.” Josef’s mother and f ather w ere t here too, lying on the floor at the feet of the Brownshirts. No. And he had been beaten up as badly as Khalid. As Mahmoud and his family try to escape the violence, he realizes that it was easy for people to forget about the refugees until “refugees did something they didn’t want them to do—when they tried to cross the border into their country, or slept on the front stoops of their shops, or jumped in front of their cars, or prayed on the decks of their ferries—that’s when people couldn’t ignore them any longer.” Mahmoud struggles with wanting to stay invisible but wondering if he needs to be visible. In December, I finished reading Refugee by Alan Gratz. Book Sommelier’s Refugee resources are an excellent starting place for building a complete Refugee unit. The same could be said of modern Japan: they understand why their ancestors did what they did, but they no longer agree with it. List of the Netflix Error Codes: and Solutions. That’s when Mahmoud and Khalid had learned For example, in “The Holocaust Encyclopedia” it states, “The plight of the German-Jewish refugees, persecuted at home and unwanted abroad, is also illustrated by the voyage of the St. Louis.” This shows that German-Jewish refugees were basically kicked out of their homes from discrimination by Nazis such as Kristallnacht which caused the voyage of the St. Louis, for the sake of Jewish lives and Nazi nationalism. 2014 CCSS.RL.4–7.6, Listen to the audiobook of Refugee. Josef’s father is sent to a concentration camp and is released if his family leaves Germany. Cuba, 1994. Grabbed for him. He has a younger sister named Ruthie, and before he leaves to escape, he lived in Berlin, Germany. Many were in custody then. Isabel’s father, Geraldo, tried to escape and was thrown in jail for a year. Josef Landau is one of the three main protagonists in the novel, and the novel begins with his perspective in Berlin, 1938. Josef is a boy in the 1930s who trys to escape Nazi Germany. Hush,” Josef begged her. Something in the darkness outside his room moved with a grunt and a scuffle. Isabel and her family lack the resources needed to avoid death from starvation, which elucidates the recurring theme of survival in the novel. A stunning, poignant novel about the plight of refugees… Grade A. Alan Gratz is the author of a number of novels for young readers, including Samurai Shortstop, The Brooklyn Nine, Prisoner B-3087, Code of Honor, Projekt 1065, Refugee, and The League of Seven series. EXIT NEXT, Cunning (adj) sly- deceiving Sentence: The general thought of a cunning plan to surprise the enemy EXIT NEXT, CHOOSE THE BEST WORD THAT DESCRIBES THE IMAGE EXIT START, Is Every Thing Ready For My Plan refugee cunning Treacherous EXIT. Things kept happening. Citizenship logs are due tomorrow. a dogh ouse,” he said, before sprinting away. Luckily, they were fighting on their side. Listen to gossips and news. They board the ship St. Louis, based on the actual ship that brought Jewish refugees to Cuba and then to the United States but was denied entry by both. social media being the largest current example, another example is Times magazine. 16 Another dinghy passes them, but there is no room on the boat for Mahmoud or Fatima. I think it is more fitting for upper level students (7th and 8th) and GT students or accelerated students. Over the course of their journey, the little band battles a hurricane, a near collision with an oil tanker, a motor that refuses to start, and a shark attack that kills one of the shipmates. But Josef and his mother and sister weren’t going anywhere. It doesn’t sugar coat what many refugee men, women, and children have to go through to escape the place they once called home and be accepted into a new one. He kicked Mahmoud’s father in the back, and another soldier hit Mahmoud’s father again and again with his stick.”. Then go here. This Study Guide consists of approximately 70 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more – everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Refugee. They left as suddenly as they had come, and Josef and his sister and mother huddled together on their knees in the middle of the room.” This shows that Josef and his family also experienced the discrimination from the Nazis that real Jewish people had too. Example: The family trudging through the dangerous trails in wet clammy clothes. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other wise, without written permission of the publisher. Help your students record details about the three main characters and their stories from Alan Gratz’s novel, Refugee. Money, a cell phone and something to keep warm were all objects mentioned, but twelve-year-old Bethany Hemenway-Brush suggested another idea: “I picked things that are more … of sentimental value for me than, like, what I would need. All they knew from images on TV and posts on Facebook and Twitter was that p eople in Tunisia and Libya and Yemen w ere rioting in the streets, and as each country stood up and said “Enough!” so did the next one, and the next one, until at last the Arab Spring came to Syria. Mahmoud’s family is apartment is destroyed by a mortar strike. These downloadable worksheets can also be resized as a classroom posters. Included on this test are:11 character matching questions1 blank space to create a character map16 multiple choice questions21 short answer, English Language Arts, Social Studies – History, Refugee Novel Study: vocabulary, comprehension, writing, skills, Refugee by Alan Gratz Novel Study contains lessons aligned to the Common Core Standards (CCSS) for grades 5-7. What are some other perspectives that the author is not bringing into the story? Nobody would tell her anything, and Josef began to despair that he would never see his father again. See Answer. The Brownshirt in charge laughed. Isabel lived in Havana, Cuba. the country—e specially not to go to the United States— el norte, as Cubans called it. Discuss the reasons that Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud’s families leave their homes. After his father got taken and sent to ‘protective custody’, Josef needed to be adaptable and help provide for the family. They reluctantly boarded a ship and headed towards the land with liberty on the opposite side of the earth. Although they are all traveling with their families, their family members are also afraid or traumatized. Outside Havana Harbor. Tu Fu was considered one of China’s greatest poets. Therefore, a community interview activity would suffice. Look for him online at alangratz.com. Josef clawed at his sheets, but the hands were too strong. Who were your favorite authors/what were your favorite books as a kid? Q.A person who has been forced from their country and crossed at least one border into another country, and the host country has processed paperwork and now grants them the title of….. Letter from a Young Refugee to Another VOCABULARY Done By Mohammed Morteza & Ahmad Al Attar, Amidst (prep) the middle point, part, or stage Sentence: I finally managed to spot the lost child amidst the trees EXIT NEXT, Refugees (noun) a person who flees for refuge or safety, esp. One character’s leg is bitten by a shark and he bleeds to death. Do you have any hobbies? No. I’m pleased that I was able to write something that brought the past to life again for him, even if a great deal of that past was painful. “We are too,” they said, and they hitched a ride with them. Are you bewildered as to how to teach this complex novel? In the 1990s, no countries were sending supplies to Cuba and Castro didn’t want imports coming in. At the same time, he was seeing news stories about the Syrian refugees, and when he couldn’t decide which story to write about, he integrated all three together. In the book, she plays trumpet to collect money for her parents. The mutineers quickly surrounded the other sailors, threatening them with their makeshift clubs.”. Isabel finally made it to Florida for refuge. Mahmoud is introduced on page 12, in Aleppo Syria 2015. . Sure. Wendi made a couple for Jo, and they were a hit. We have meticulously scoured the web to track down all of the free book notes, study guides, book summaries, chapter summaries, and analyses available for … Then go here. “What if they follow us? Common, Guide your students to a deeper understanding of the novel “Refugee” by Alan Gratz. The students will identif, Social Studies – History, ELA Test Prep, Writing-Essays, Lesson Plans (Individual), Test Prep, Printables, This is a final test for the book Refugee by Alan Gratz. (Also because it looks really cool with a K in it!). The speaker, shows a clear knowledge of going through the pain of a refugee camp before. Yes, and yes. So that first chapter has to be graphic and scary, otherwise we as readers wouldn’t understand what the big deal is. cruitment 2013 challan form bise hulpstukken voor ouderen wandelen minerva 150 vx terbaru 2013 tx68 suomisen koira vitsippor saxo bank options tutorial clasificacion carrera mocejon 2014 pce 1080 am niepokorni z oddali, instead of bloglovin cooks test kitchen gooey mac and? Isabell’s father gets caught, but a person they know that’s a cop saves him and tells them Papi has to leave Cuba tonight, or Isabell’s father will be arrested. Then Josef is asked to join a group of people and they hold the captin hostage and the captin makes a deal that he will take them to different country other than Germany. Mahmoud is a Syrian boy stuck in the middle of one of the most brutal civil wars in history. Iván was a year older than Isabel and lived next door. I love writing by hand, but it just takes too much time. The St. Louis then sails north to make a plea to the U.S. to let them in. The book Refugee, by Alan Gratz, follows three children on their journeys as a refugee/asylum seeker. It is a fast paced story that tries to humanize a crisis that is hard for our students to wrap their mind around. “I have to go. How much of The Brooklyn Nine is real? During the Night of the Broken Glass Nazi’s ransacked homes of Jewish people and taking some of their loved ones for concentration camps. Miami Beach, Florida. Human Rights: The Cubans have no right of free speech or the right to vote or basically any rights. I used to suffer from writers block all the time — I’d be sitting at my computer, ready to write, and have no idea what I was going to write. This made Cuba very old fashioned because it couldn’t get anything new. And with a thoughtful writing prompt, we can ask students to explore “What would you do?” to connect with the characters on a deeper level. Mahmoud is in school, doing normal kid stuff with friends, and he’s dreaming of being a doctor. A Syrian boy living in present day with his parents, younger brother, Waleed, and younger sister, Hana. Compartments labeled for Jews was a real thing. Scholastic | July 25, 2017 | Ages 8 and Up. Most people left in boats just like in the book “Isabel’s family had worked in secret all night with the Castillos, worried someone might here them…”. . On the positive side, the unemployment rate is very low. Sawamura Eijun is a Junior High pitcher who gets scouted by the Assistant Director of Seidou High. He’s retired now, and works as a commentator for MLB Network. But second, and most importantly, I wanted to scare Toyo, and, by extension, the reader. Ten years after graduating, Gratz published his first novel for young readers, Samurai Shortstop. After this, Mahmoud; Waleed; their mother, Fatima; their father, Youssef; and their infant sister, Hana, all set off to try and seek refuge in Germany. Written by Alan Gratz Mahmoud finally got to safety with his family. In fear of reprisals from the communist party, they left everything in search of political asylum.” Even though Isabel’s family and Cubans refuges time of venture was different, both Isabel’s family and Cuban refugees had the motive to escape the dictatorship of Castro for a better life. The article I read was entitled the, “SS St. Louis: The Ship of Jewish Refugees No one Wanted.” This article presented the facts of what a fifteen-year-old girl experienced while she was on the St. Louis. She lives in a small town just outside of Havana, Cuba and she lives with her grandfather, father and Mother. That is why we are here, to help you out. It takes an English sentence and breaks it into words to determine if it is a phrase or a clause. Seths dream is to start at second base in high school and be on the same field as Jimmy so that they could show off their double play. From the German article we read, it talks about how “Most countries had a limit on how many German refugees could enter.” This quote from the article shows that many countries excepted German refugees but couldn’t except them all. I wrote down stuff like airships, rayguns, secret societies, Native Americans, giant monsters, mad scientists, clockwork machine men, and brains in jars. When they reach the border, they are greeted by many Austrians and are given food, clothes, and medical attention. The group of people asked what side Mahmoud’s family is on and Waleed, his little brother says ” We’re against the people who are dropping the bombs”. After Ivan’s death, Isabel wears his hat in America in remembrance of Ivan and Cuba. Isabel is very musically talented. And then there were states suing him over that, and I wanted to put that in the book. The last character that I learned about was Josef. CCSS.RL.4–7.1, 3, Compare the method of travel for each of these refugee families. What she heard instead was the sound of breaking glass. I purchased all of them and am using parts of each one in my classes. 1 day from home–there was a big tanker heading right towards them Ivans dad fell into the water and started to drown Isabel jumped into the water after him and swam down to the bottom of the ocean to save him , she pulled him to the top and back into the boat they had to do CPR to save him. I said, “I want to write a book that is so full of awesome that when I was in school and I went into the library and saw this book sitting on the shelf, I could not help but check it out. Fear is a common element in the three children’s lives. The Jews and the “Nazis” were completely isolated as far way as possible from each other. She’s mature, outgoing, and ready for adventure. Who’s your favorite baseball player? They continued to keep scooping water out from their boat. Top Answer. “Anti-government protests in 2011 spiralled into a full-blown war between rebels, government troops, and foreign backers.” These war times described in the article are very similar to the ones experienced by Mahmoud in Refugee. Horatio and I do share something of the same fashion sense, and I suppose there’s a little part of me in all of my characters, but none of them is all me, or vice versa. “…more than 163,000 migrants and asylum seekers still arrived by sea in 2017. Although Gatz in his novel focuses on the view of the refugee, gives no mention to the views of the government that the people were fleeing from, and the government of the countries they are fleeing too. Pak! When time came to make decisions, he always put family first. Although, one thing that wasn’t accurate about this section was that Josef’s father probably wouldn’t have survived the concentration camp Dachau. However, when Castro decides to let citizens leave, if they want, her family takes the opportunity and decides to leave, with the help of some neighbors. For instance, on pages 1-5 he describes the events of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass. A raft came by and Mahmouds family begged to get on. I can’t wait to try it! Later that evening, a tanker surges toward their boat. What’s it about?” And I said, “I have no idea.” So I went into my office the next day and cleared off a big board I have where I outline all my books, and I took a stack of notecards and a pen and I started writing down ideas to pin up there. Most of the farms in Cuba grew only sugarcane, and with no one to overpay for it the cane fields dried up, the sugar refineries closed, and people lost their jobs. Some in the book almost drown. When the book fair came around, I realized that I had just enough money to by the book. Or had he dreamed it? From bombing to gunfire and losses of loved ones, these were the stories of refugees. Models clear organizational structure, coupled with authentic and engaging student voice, Uses accuracy in selection and citation of text to support arguments and reasons, Connects multiple texts (informational and literary) to discuss the universal refugee experience, Showcases how the 8th grade ELA curriculum module supports critical thinking, citing of literary and informational text, and using evidence to support an authentic claim. Baked bread under cover of night. In the back of the book, where he talks about the experiences that people went through that these stories were based off, it says, “But Waleed is specifically based on a now-famous photograph of a five-year-old boy from Aleppo named Omran. Good and bad things happened either way. This is a picture of the boy described earlier: (You might want to skip this part if you are creeped out by some things). In 1776, the rebellion of the American colonies against British rule was crushed. It was a real ship, and it was famous back in the 1940s, and has been ever since. But the good people couldn’t help you, either. If I do, I’d love to tell a story about Kamran solving a mystery at West Point Military Academy…. And then, six months a fter he’d been taken away, they got a teleg ram. and him, his mother and sister were on the run again. Their adventures are full of scandals. I have a critique group of one–my wife, Wendi. When they pass people they beg . Where would they go? This Argumentative Writing Lesson comes with an entertaining Instructional Video for students, a Brainstorming section, a Thesis S, PowerPoint Presentations, Worksheets, Activities, Refugee by Alan Gratz & Refugee Blues by W. H. Auden: Comparing Theme (Analysis), The perfect resource for teaching students to identify and write about similar themes across two texts.