Sustanon 250 cycles that are meant for fat loss or cutting are indeed possible, and can in fact be run at much lower doses, seeing as though the purpose of anabolic steroids used during fat loss periods is simply to prevent the loss of muscle mass during a caloric deficit. It stands to reason that if a stack of several different compounds are run for a first cycle and the individual reacts very badly, there will be no possible means for this individual to figure out which anabolic steroid is responsible for the bad reaction if three anabolic steroids are stacked at once. Never used steroids before.. A lot of bodybuilders stick to the basics the first 6-8 wks of a cutting cycle and only switch to fast acting stuff the last 4-6 wks to help shed any possible water weight put on by orals or slower esters. It really doesn’t start doing much until you get to 75-100mg/day, and its costly. Hi. I always put cals first, so I’d use a mass gainer if you have trouble putting on bodyweight, and obviously a mass gainer will have protein in there anyways. Drinking loads of water. If you have 5 mg tabs then use 5 tabs split up during day for just shy of 6 weeks (40 days total) or if 10 mg tabs then you're going 2 1/2 tabs/day for 40 days. i am 35 yrs old.. 135 lbs 5’5″ is 1/2cc of deca and 1/2cc of test twice a week safe for a first cycle? I’m on 200 mg of test cypianate every 4 days under dr supervision, but my diet has been garbage. Take .5mg of Dex EOD first 4 weeks Also take Anadrol 50 broken up 4 times a day during the first 3 weeks. I know I am going to have plenty of people telling me not to, but I really don’t think one test only cycle is going to be a ridiculous problem and I really don’t want to wait. E. only, for 10 weeks. 50mg/day anavar and 500mg/wk test for 8-10 wks and you’ll be up 20 lbs easy, I’m 41 years old and never been on a cycle. Have you had any experience with Injectable Dbol? like should i take anything to protect my liver or is it completely safe? forgot to add that i been in the gym for 4 years now and im 34. As a rule, the emphasis in such chest exercises for women is more on the indispensable organon Sustanon. When thats over I plan to wait 4 weeks then think to begin your 500mg/wk plan with clomid to follow. TRT has given me a better quality of life myself. Hi john, this is a similar question so i thought id tack on here.. How often can i run test? A normal cycle lasts for 8-12 weeks depending on the person’s goals. Sustanon – one of the most important amino acids involved in the […] Hey, man, I recently sent you an e-mail, but just in case, I will ask the same thing here. Test E * 1 injection/week of 200-250mg Winstrol * 50mg/day for last 6 weeks Clomid & Nolva * 2 weeks after cycle * 50/50/20/20 * 40/40/20/20 Arimadex * .25 – .5mg every other day for last 6 weeks Clenbuterol * Day 1: 20mcg * Day 2: 40mcg * Day 3: 60mcg * Day 4: 80mcg * Day 5: 80mcg * Day 6-12: 100mcg * Day 13: 80mcg * Day 14: 60mcg. Any reply/advice will be much appreciated. I have been working out intensely for last five months (5 days per week, 2 hours of no-nonsense weights+cardio sessions–best i can do since I have a 10-12 hour desk job) and have, perhaps, prepared my body for steroid intake: from 25% body fat, i am now about 13% body fat with good lean muscles. Hi john I’m interested in running a test cycle haven’t really done much training, could I use the test cycle to build a solid foundation then go onto stacks in the future rather than training for a year or two before even touching steroids? But just protein powder alone is low in calories. You’d be much better off just using a couple of those compounds at a decent dosage. I have a question on PCT, especially given the way I did my first cycle. Thats what packs on muscle and strength. Sustanon 250 Cycle & Dosage. Expect voice changes and a huge clitoris… I couldn’t even begin to tell you what she uses, but it’s probably not just limited to “female compounds” such as anavar, Equipoise, and primobolan at lower dosages. And a mass gainer is fine. Moreover, a Sustanon cycle should not last more than 8-12 weeks. I’ve seen a lot of info stating the masteron doesn’t mess with bloodwork and I would love to hear your opinion on this. The 95% of steroid information on the internet is literally garbage. In either case the person can still gain a solid 20 lbs of muscle from either 1 or 2 vials, the determining factor on this is what they were at to begin with, Thank you for your quick response, I am 24, 205 pounds and have been seriously working out for about 3 years. Ok thanks man! I’m eating cleaner and upping my clean calories to try and pack on muscle. 3 Beginner Steroid Cycles That Will Pack on Muscle Fast, Old School Steroid Cycles for Bad Ass Results, Equipoise 101: All About EQ AKA Boldenone Undecylenate. 500mg a week is considered a “beginner dosage” but it’s really not. how do i run them as a beginner cycle… im confused in regards to test E… i hear its a 12 week cycle but here you mention 8? I would like to give me and advice about this first cycle. Category: Buy Steroid Cycles Tags: arimidex, Buy Cycle, dianabol, equipoise, sustanon… Cardiac Health & Changes Associated With Anabolic Steroid Usage, Anabolic Steroids And The Cardiovascular System. Anyway im interested in doing the test cycle because im frusturated right now. Im currently running your advised Osta-red and pct-red cycle. I ran my first cycle with test and gained 16 pounds and didnt need PCT. Check out the posts from other members and see who has had experience good or bad with whom. If using Red-PCT then 3 caps per day for 30 days. I’ve always been slender but now I’m getting soft. I’m running an 8 week cycle with 50mg/day of Winstrol the last 6 weeks. I know some guys who take test suspension. Due to the powerful nature of Trenbolone, this cycle can operate as a bulking cycle, a lean mass cycle, or even as a cutting cycle. I go to the gym regularly and eat clean as well as taking my supps. Not sure if you will check this again considering you have completed your conversation, but I was wondering if you purchase your supps online through a trusted sources or just a friend who has the hook up? So , medically I can’t inject more w/o lacking . Post cycle I lost some size I gained and got backne which I’ve never had issues with. As a beginner steroid user, you should start with only one hormone, and Testosterone is the most effective to build muscle mass or lean muscle yet it’s the safest anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS).. Actually, Testosterone is a natural anabolic hormone in a male. How much dosage to take a wk? This is where testosterone sustanon 250 really comes into its own. Man this is like the Jackpot!!! All I can tell you is possibly use a joint supplement with chondroitin, MSM, glucosamine. 150mg of test deca , 90mg test Isoca , 90mg Phenyl, 45mg test propionate. Please help me out? This will allow the user to gauge their response to the most basic anabolic steroid, Testosterone. Alongside test cypionate I’m also willling to run boldenone. A good cycle to look like her? what do you think of 250 test cyp 3 times a week 300 deca 2 times a week 100 trn 2 times a week for 12 weeks, For me it’s too high, but that is me. Hi john im a hard gainer what can i do or use to put on mass ?plz reply thanks, eat more, if the scale doesn’t move then eat more than that. I’d like to add a 4-6 week dbol cycle to my mix. From what I have here, what do you think is the best for a first time cycle? So nolvadex @ 10mg/day is a suitable replacement for an aromatase inhibitor? U think 250 testo is not enough for me? Although it can be quite a strong and potent anabolic steroid run on its own, Sustanon 250 is commonly stacked with other anabolic steroids in a cycle. I havent trained since 18 im not 24. I forgot to ask what mg of clomid i need to take? Any suggestions for fat loss besides very low carbs with regard to AAS? Just a quick question, am I better off just doing the Test and the Anavar with the Clomid EOD and then After 2 weeks– Nolvadex 40-40-20-20 . Can you please tell me a cycle for lean muscles like something really very good. This particular stack of Sustanon/Deca-Durabolin/Dianabol is literally the most popular anabolic steroid stack in the world and in all history, and this stack was originally designed and pioneered by the golden era bodybuilders of the 1960s and 1970s. My diet is mainly proteins (1 gram of protein for every pound I weigh). If you’re not gaining then you’re not eating enough, that’s all there is to it. Remember, without the food intake I don't care what you use, it's not going to happen! Starting with 150mg per shot, twice a week(300mg), will add more next week until I get to 500mg/week. And if it is of German remedies, I eagerly want to know about the results from that.. primobol vail 10 ml testomaxx vail 10 ml stanabol vail 10 ml anavar 60 tabs anabol 60 tabs. But sir what will happen if I start from now, is there any problem with it? You won’t notice shit from it, 50mg/day of proviron is more of a cruising deal between cycles or something someone would use alongside hormone replacement. For example, Pharma Sust – Sustanon cycles for beginners are usually 8 weeks long and not over 500 mg a week. Occasionally I’ll use a bottle of HcGenerate when they run a good sale (got 3 bottles on hand to supplement PCT). Are all steroid oily cuz I got some that are clear plz e mail me or let me no asap on this post, some of the oils are finer and clearer than others, and some steroids are water based as well. If anything I’d stack Ostarine with the cycle and when you end both then do a true PCT and take some time off before using anything else again. Beginners should stick to 300-500mg/week ofSustanon for a 12-week cycle. But I’m really confused about what PCT to run, and if I should run HcGenerate through the cycle. … Could you go 500mg/wk this cycle? Thanks, Hit test suspension on training days only abt 1 hr before you train. For a cutting cycle, Sustanon helps to protect lean tissue from being cannibalised while reducing calories. You think 60 mg anavar is enough for weight loss or go to 100. Main concern is bad recovery time and potential for future injuries. John makes it so simple. But theres not a chance itll last another 5 weeks. If beginners would like further muscle and fat loss gains, they can stack anavar and testosterone together. I would really appreciate your advice on this John. It’s been 9 weeks today. I’d say 300-500mg/wk test is low to moderate, thanks for following -JD. – Nandrolone Decanoate (AKA Deca Durabolin) at 400mg/week I’ve considered a beginner bulking stack of test at 500mg/wk and deca 400mg/wk. and if so, when is it likely to strike? I start my pct (hcg,nolva) 14 days from today. Cbo, Sorry John, I know your busy… Would you up the test c to 400 or 500 at my weight. Also, testosterone is one of the less faked compounds out there, so chances are that what you're getting is real, unlike many other more exotic compounds on the market. Beginner Off-Season Sustanon 250 Cycle: I’m not very far into the cycle so I find it hard to believe it would be something already causing a serious side unless my body is just not compatible with it. Hey, thank you for all the advise you give, and the time and effort you put forth to help us (everyone) out with this. Yes, you should see some good results if your diet is clean and your training is right. At the base of the article each reference will be linked to a peer-reviewed study or paper. On the arimadex stick with 1/2mg a day, I would do just a 3 wk PCT here. The test will take roughly 2-3 weeks before it really starts “kicking in” and at that point you'll notice increased sex drive, increased strength, and increased sense of well being. For example, 12-16 weeks on(including PCT), 12-16 Weeks off? I’m 6″1 85kgs 8% body fat. I used steroids more as a booster than using them as normally suggested. Would it help me gain some lean mass and at the same time get me some definition ? Dbol Cycle for Beginners: (Dbol + Test Sustanon) Other than Dianabol Only Cycle, you can also add other supplementation to make a stack and follow the cycle accordingly. Ive made the decisionto begin gear and purchased 2x bottles of Test E 300mg from a reputable close source. Iv noticed some fat loss but i feel like iv gotten smaller, not too sure. Age: 24 Im Wondering if this is correct for a first cycle ? Mixes for beginners do not include steroids for advanced athletes, do not worry about it – feel free to choose any. I think you need to either decide on TRT for life or not to use steroids and see if you can get your levels back up higher on your own. The Deca Durabolin cycle lasts for 17-weeks and is accompanied by a cycle of another steroid for the best effects. ... 2 Sustanon 250mg 2 Equipoise 200mg 1 Arimidex. For enhancing athletic performance, Sustanon … If you feel that any of our content is inaccurate, out-of-date, or otherwise questionable, please contact us through the feedback form at the base of this page. Study: Low Protein Diet? im 5ft 8, 170lbs, around 12% bodyfat. It has test prop in it, you wont get full advantage of the prop only going once/wk on it, I’d do 1/2cc 2x/wk (ie; mon morning/thurs night)x 10 weeks. Was thinking about doing test E 250 a week for 12 weeks coupled with dianabol 20mg a day for 5 weeks di I need to worry. 2 shots/wk at a minimum, most guys go with 3 shots/wk, but you can get away with twice/wk. total bargain. My libido shit the bed, but function was still 100% when i finally got into the mood lol. Load them all up in 1 syringe and go Mon/Wed/Fri on it. High Intensity Interval Training for Beginners. What you will need is 1/10 cc vial of Deca and 200/ 5 mg tabs of Dbol. I ran a dbol cycle last month and gained 18lbs from dbol cycle only. Thank you for your time! Hello Sir, I m using Bolden 100mg and Drive 100mg per week. So I am confused to the real issue. only difference is half life between propionate and the other 2. prop has a shorter half life and is best injected 3x/wk minimum Mon/Wed/Fri. Sustanon is an injectable steroid and hepatotoxicity and liver issues are excluded. You are better off knowing that you got real shit instead of trying some exotic mystery cycle. That’s a relief as it’ll be a little easier on my body AND my wallet. 2cc of test per week is not 1,000mg of testosterone. 1.THE BEGINNER CYCLE (TEST/DECA) Testoterone-Enanthate: 500mg Week 1-12 Deca Durabolan: 200mg Week 1-12 This is my recommended stack for any first time user. So my question would be, for the first cycle scenario, am I doing 1cc of of each a week for 10wks or 2cc of test e for 5wks and 2cc of the other for the next 5wks? (400 mgs/500mgs/40mgs) Ran .5 mgs of Arimdex and .5 mgs of caber EOD but gyno is flaring badly and I’ve developed a lump. And if I’m right, it’s contents are testosterone enanthate 250 mg in 1 ml ampoule. Hi JD, Is 500m of test 250 a week split up 3 times a week too much. 600 TC or TE 15 weeks. 10 mg per day. I’m currently on a dbol cycle 2nd week in at 30mg ED. Currently 207 lbs at 6’3″ tall, 27 years old, maintained 7-10%-ish BF the past 4 years and always maintain good diet. The Importance of PCT (Post Cycle Therapy), You need gas for your engine or your car doesn't run, God help us all, Grandpa is on Trenbolone! Would you recommend it? Now your saying 500mg a week is a good begginer cycle. Diet is very clean, no sugar, no alcohol or processed crap etc. Some of the best information out there!! Any insight would be appreciated. Bullshit?? Ok I have a bottle of test E and many athletes say its the worst to take because of football. By John Hartmann, Examiner; If you are one of those people who cannot stand the monotony of a steady-paced cardio workout, then you are in luck. I have about 8-10 weeks to look as good as possible. I would like to start with this cycle: – 1-10 250mg test e – 1-13 80mg var pd – adex .5mg eod – 2 pils liv52 per day. That’s what I’d do anyways, I did that in the past and it was a good cycle, did half the cycle with Dbol and then the other half with tren, alongside test the entire cycle. Thinking about doing my first only T 500mg a week. Using the Kalpa brand testoxyl cyp. I’m guessing two 10ml bottles would be solid of the prop. Now i stop it. It seems like the redness/flushing hasn’t been as bad since Tuesday night, the strange thing is I am just getting it at random times. Im on week 4 of LGD-4033 only cycle, can i stop the lgd and start the Test Cycle today or would you reccomend finishing the 6-8 week lgd cycle, mini pct and then wait 4 weeks. I added Clen to it and was wondering how this 8 week cycle looks to you? eat very clean but bored and stuck with progress. What’s better Beginner Cycle number 1 or the 1 vial method? This would become possibly life-threatening if said reaction were to be a very serious life-threatening reaction (such as an allergic reaction, for example). am i doing the right thing? I’m going to start my cycle for test..can have those with anavar on my first cycle? This is directed towards anyone running his first test-only cycle: even though this article says you’ll feel it in 2-3 weeks, it personally took me 6 weeks to notice and “feel” the physiological changes from 600mgs/wk of Test E. I honestly was getting nervous that my gear was bunk by week 5, but then week 6 hit me like BAM. Ananvar 50mg a day 1 – 4 weeks Run the cycle for 12 weeks. John, I had started the 500mg test only cycle using cyp. On PCT I’d go with arimadex, aromasyn, or arimistane (Red-PCT) HCG if you can get it, run 2500iu/wk for 2 wks, on adex go 1/2mg daily for 3-4 wks, if using aromasyn then 20mg/day first 10 days, 10mg/day next 10 days, something along those lines. I am after a cycle that would give me some quick ish results and solid gains. also if i can take osta until week 20 can i then begyn test e ? Then do not use them yet because you’re only shortchanging your gains in the long run. I started off around 25-27% body fat and have dieted my way down so far to about 18-19% BF to get in enough shape to take my first cycle. It’s difficult to find this type of information on the web, especially the first-hand aspect of it. The vail is 375mg. Just started 10 week 500mg/week test cyp cycle. Our content is referenced where possible. I assume you’re going to recomment the “1 vial cycle” to me in terms of Test dosages, but how should I dose Deca and for how long? They're are higher mg tabs out there but I don't like them and splitting them is a fucking pain in the ass, not to mention I personally think 90% of high mg tabs are highly under dosed. Dianabol cycle for advanced users. This is my first injectable cycle,previously i did d bol only cycle for 6 weeks. I’m dave from Italy. I always wrestled in highschool and could never do a full bulk (cut from 180 to 152 senior year). Want to add 60mg anavar and 300-600 deca to my next cycle which starts in a week. ... Sustanon is a blend of four different testosterones, and very popular with bodybuilders and powerlifters for making muscle and strength gains, in both the pre-contest and off-season. Obviously blood tests will dictate but as a general rule/guideline from your experience? I think deca at 600mg/wk is way too much and anything over 500/wk of test is too much. – Trenbolone Enanthate at 600mg/week. As a general rule, female users should use a far lesser dose than male users, while more experienced users will need higher doses to elicit the same perks as beginner … As for cycling test prop, I’d be doing 1cc on Mon/Wed/Fri (so 300mg/wk) or 2cc’s mon/wed/fri (so 600mg/wk) I’d probably go with the latter since it was used for performance and you’re only on for 8 wks. I used to get acne really bad myself. You’ll just have to deal with this and train and continue to eat. Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid that is considered only for experienced intermediate and advanced anabolic steroid users, and is the reason why it is included in this cycle example. soon both test e and nolva will be on hand but not sure when i can get arimidex. NO!! It has been a week since my last shot of Tren Hexa, Masteron and Winstrol, and I want to take a break for a while. you probably wouldn’t need anything during the cycle but sometimes you dont know your ggyno prone until you get symptoms. Also know that the 3 compounds mentioned in this article are a few of the most LEAST FAKED steroids on the market, and a few of the most affordable ones. So I came here to get your input. Got Test E was gonna do 250/mg a week. .75cc of 200 with Ameridex 3x wk. Keep up the sage advice bud… I consider you my Oracle :), Thanks for following brother!! I’ve started a 12weeks cycle compose of test e, test prop, wins, tren a, tren e last year on that period. All content is medically reviewed and fact checked to ensure as much factual accuracy as possible. I have never used any ‘supplements’ (steroids) but would like to experiment with D-bol and Test. What you'll need are 200 Dbol tabs that are 5 mg each, or 100 Dbol tabs that are 10 mg each. And should I stop taking Adderall during the cycle? What is considered a low to moderate dose? But, I’m seeing no bloat whatsoever. If I were running masteron I’d take masteron higher and leave test at 200/wk myself, this way I see the hardening effects from masteron without the bloat issues from the test- JD. Would it be ok?? I did the following: Week 1-10: Test Enanthate 250 mg a week (one shot a week) + 50 mg of Winstrol per week (one shot a week) Week 10-15: Break Week: 16-20: 1.5 ml of Tren Hexa (one shot a week) + 100 mg of Masteron per week (one shot a week) + 50 mg of Winstrol per week (one shot a week). I am a 53 yr old male that has been lifing 3-4 days/week for the past 38 yrs. How many vials would I need for this? Hey John your tips and advice are invaluable thank you so much for taking the time to answer questions I apologize if I don’t get all the terminology correct I’m a newbie. Hey john. Never seen a Guy like u in this Crazy world of gyms! If this is the first time you are using Sustanon 250, then one injection twice a week should more than suffice. 2 cycles per year and if they want to use anything to cruise with then things like SARMS and IGF-1, nothing that will suppress you in between. The dosage and cycle depend upon what kind of a user you are. run it 10mg daily, especially since you’re estro was already high. Your article is very simple and absolutely interesting. I have held this weight for a long time, so is there any pointers or advise that you could give me? 6 wks past last test injection), I just started my 1st 8 week cycle of anavar (20mg)and test cyp. Cycle #2 is a dbol kickstart with either 250mg a week of test or 500/wk maximum. – Sustanon 250 at 300 – 500mg/week. I never said that. A lot of guys seem to recommend 100/100/50/50 for Clomid PCT rather than your 50 for 20 days recommendation. Any advice is greatly appreciated from someone as knowledgeable as yourself. Or is it ok to use every week? And for pct what would you recomend? Don’t run 1 cycle and think you’ll build and cut up, that won’t happen in just 1 cycle. Hey john I have a important question I can’t seem to get the answer for and u seem to me the most knowledgable and straight forward. if gyno prone then you’re better using an AI over a SERM like nolvadex during the cycle. Im 36 and have been training hard for 19 years NATURALLY! And after useing test should i use pct? I’m 45, 6’6″ 235lbs. Would you recommend a AI while on it or just keep the dosages low and most to PCT after? But I did begin taking Adderall for a raging case of ADD, and I think this has impacted my sex drive. HI man and thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience, I’m 26yo low body fat (hardgainer), and i’m gonna do the Test.E and Dbol cycle , first real cycle as i’ve only tried some anavar before. They eventually did, but it was a struggle getting through it. I’m a low test guy so I’d keep it at 200mg/wk and just run 50mg/day of winny for 6 wks while running the test out 8-10 wks, What would you suggest in place of the win. You are asking yourself right now whether you should use steroids or not, and you have no idea what to use and how much. I’m a little confused about exactly what meds to take for PCT. Privacy is #1. The reason I asked is because I have gotten a lot of different answers. I have run test & test/tren in the past with pct. Can u give me a hand?? Was thinking of doing dbol test and deca with a PCT after the cycle what are your thoughts or do another cycle of test. how often and how long can I cycle Anavar? What you'll need are 2/ 10 ml bottles of Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate. Taking steroids at 15 years old will not help you, it will hurt you, trust me, OK I won’t use them it’s cause I’m an ectomorph and I want to get big… should I take mass gainer instead, Yes, right now you need calories and compound movements like bench, squat, deadlift, rows….you’re making the right choice!!! The aromatase inhibitor dose is all relative to the dose of anabolics used and what type of steroids are used. This is ideal for bulking and strength gains and is commonly used by those with knowledge of the steroid … Rather I want to ask, could I go for any fat burning cycle…, if any from you? And a combination of paranoia about sides, outside issues, and the former two messing my diet all up, I’m deciding to stop early. But in first use i get serious acne on my body. another alternative: can i do test e for 10 weeks 400mg/wk and then 100mg/week for another 10 weeks and then a pct of nolva after that ? Size: 1 amp, 50 amps, 100 amps Type: Injectables suspension Dosage: 50mg/ml/amp Active ingredient: Stanozolol Product synonyms: Winstrol, This isn’t hard, each vial is 50mg right?