Here we can learn discrimination, velocity and search for perfection. Which of the Seven Rays are you? Telephone from … . applied the Rays mainly to the different human temperaments, as follows: The Campbell Theosophical Research Library, Theosophy - Country websites from around the world, An Introduction to Esoteric Principles - Doss McDavid, Communications Manual for Branches - John Sell, Study Course on The Secret Doctrine - Pablo Sender and Juliana Cesano, The Myths of Our Lives: A way to personal transformation, The Technique of the Spiritual Life by Clara Codd, Theosophy - An Introductory Study Course by John Algeo. T. Subba Row did not think it possible to guess the Ray the Monad of a person belongs to by merely looking at characteristics of the personality: A man's past Karma determines which of the seven, practically speaking, five rays, of occult wisdom he shall take his place in; but it is impossible to say that the fact of belonging to one of these rays indicates the presence in a man of any particular moral or mental quality, such as patience, honesty, or courage, on the one hand, or the poetic or artistic faculty, on the other.[17]. Aries the Ram Three Spiritual Festivals Aries and Easter Aries Equinox Initiating Radical … . Hilarion. "He works to a large extent through ceremonial magic, and employs the services of great Angels. In the case of the other five Rays a man is merely concerned with his own particular Ray. However, each one of them contains all the other colors within, which are modified by the dominating color of the particular Ray: Representation of the Seven Rays, each containing seven sub-rays. All five classes are represented in the Himalayan school. [25], Below is a list of Adepts heads of Rays (Chohans) and a brief reference to their work according to C. W. Leadbeater:[26], He also related the three aspects of the Logos with the different Rays, as they express through the Heads of the Brotherhood of Adepts:[27]. . (John 10:30). They [the “luminous sons of manvantaric dawn”] are the primordial seven rays from which will emanate in their turn all the other luminous and non-luminous lives, whether Archangels, Devils, men or apes. My sincere thanks to the visionary artist David Camp for … These Seven Rays represent the Seven Divine Qualities of the Source. Yet the seven emanations came forth from the central vortex, and as such are seven aspects of one whole and therefore interrelated. Space and Time are nameless, for they are the incognizable THAT, which can be sensed only through its seven rays—which are the Seven Creations, the Seven Worlds, the Seven Laws,” etc., etc., etc. The Ancient Philosophy of the Seven Rays. . The seven rays are the first differentiation of this divine triplicity: from three major rays, four minor rays unfold to reveal the sevenfold nature of divinity. The Seven Rays is a concept related to the Septenary Principle of manifestation of the Universe. Further, as each of these Hierarchies is the Ruler of one of the Sacred Planets, it will easily be understood how Astrology came into existence.[11]. Portraits of the Masters & the Krishnamurti Dilemma. Which of the Seven Rays are you? Creative ideation, comprehension, understanding, penetrative and interpretive mental power, adaptability, tact, dignity, impartiality. Your body has the intelligence to heal. Keep in mind that there are no firm dividing lines between these, so there can of course be overlap, and specific kinds of work could involve more than one ray. Part 3. . Come learn and practise the powerful tools of EFT Tapping, Donna Eden Energy Medicine and HeartMAth tools designed to enhance your own … However, although the Monads have their own primordial color, they still have elements of all the other Rays in them: Out through one or other of that mighty Seven every one of us must have come, some through one, some through another. Man himself (being made in the image of God) is a sevenfold being, capable of seven states of … and deep spiritual wisdom of the Seven Rays and how they manifest and play out in the landscape of your life. As the Logos is a Trinity, so the Occult Government of the world is in three great departments, ruled by three mighty Officials, who are not merely reflections of the Three Aspects of the Logos, but are in a very real way actual manifestations of Them. Ray Two. The Rays through the Triad of Fire Signs . Take this quiz to find out. . Even though the Monad in each individual belongs to one of the Rays, determining a person's ray is not easy: From all that I have said above it follows that these seven types are visible among men, and that every one of us must belong to one or other of the Rays. Due to the raising number of cases in our community, I would like to reassure you of the precautionary measures Seven Rays is taking to ensure your … … These particular ascended masters are called the chohans of the rays, which means lords of the rays. [7], They [the “luminous sons of manvantaric dawn”] are the primordial seven rays from which will emanate in their turn all the other luminous and non-luminous lives, whether Archangels, Devils, men or apes. The First Ray that continuously separates from the Heart of the One is of the essence of the Divine Father and His Divine Will manifested into the quality of Power. . They are of a universal nature and their influence can apply to all people, while the other five are more "individual". Reviews “Phillip Lindsay writes in a style that is clear, penetrating and enjoyable to read.” Lawson Bracewell – astrologer, counsellor, group leader. Taken from Alan Oken’s Soul-Centered Astrology: A Key To Your Expanding Self With Comments by Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div. Take this quiz to find out. ", with the different Rays, as they express through the Heads of the, related each of the Rays with seven universal principles: the three aspects of. Each ray has a unique color frequency and quality, and each one represents a … Space and Time are nameless, for they are the incognizable. . ", . Everything, therefore, is in these seven rays. In The Secret Doctrine, the seven rays refer to the seven Primordial beings that appear on the highest plane of manifestation, in whom are the seeds for everything in the universe. It must be understood that we can here mention but the merest outline of the qualities that are grouped under each of the Rays, and but a fragment of the work that the Adepts on those Rays are doing; and care must be taken also to realize that full possession of the qualities of one Ray in no case implies a lack of those of the other Rays. In her writings Mme. The Seven Rays correspond to many “septenaries”, which provide the basic building blocks of occultism. Many of the articles are also being updated. This was known to every high, in every age and in every country: “I and my Father are one,” said. The Ascended Master Hilarion is the chohan of the fifth ray and a healing master on … The Lords of the Seven Rays, etc. . Everything, therefore, is in these seven rays. Each of the seven classes of Logoi has its own peculiar consciousness, and knows that this is so; that is to say, each Logos recognises its own light; but each Logos also participates in the life of all the other classes of Logoi; that is to say, the peculiar quality of their life is represented in it also; so that an. The Rays: their characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment. . . This color will be the characteristic color of that Hierarchy as a whole.[5]. . The Seven Ray Characteristics of Soul. . . Part II: Signs of the zodiac: Aries to Pisces. The Seven Major stars of the Pleiades form the "Galactic Logos," (the consciousness of the "Divine Being" of the Milky Way Galaxy), and have their ultimate origin within the mind of God. Seven rays, Ashrams, and areas of work. . The Mind will be on Ray 1, 4, or 5. It is only after the differentiation of the seven rays and after the seven forces of nature have taken them in hand and worked upon them, that they become cornerstones, or rejected pieces of clay. Out through one or other of that mighty Seven every one of us must have come, some through one, some through another. In the case of the other five Rays a man is merely concerned with his own particular Ray. Read 139 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Part 4. The Federation the Monastery of the Seven Rays represents a group of students and teachers who unify the voice of the active Bertiaux/Jean-Maine groups. The Rays through the Triad of Air Signs . Each of the Primordial Seven, the first Seven Rays forming the Manifested Logos, is again sevenfold. This is the ray that brings vision and spiritual aspiration to … It is for this reason that human beings can be "divided into seven distinct groups",[12] belonging to one of these seven rays: The “triads” [or Monads] born under the same Parent-planet, or rather the radiations of one and the same Planetary Spirit (Dhyani Buddha) are, in all their after lives and rebirths, sisters, or “twin-souls,” on this Earth. The seven rays is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies in both Western culture and in India since at least the sixth century BCE. When He is made to say, elsewhere (20:17): “I ascend to my Father and your Father,” it meant that which has just been stated. The Rays through the Signs An Introduction . Two of these classes of adepts are so mysterious, and their representatives on earth so rare, that they are seldom spoken of. This Encyclopedia contains all the articles of the printedÂ, This Encyclopedia is intended to be a useful resource to everyone. The Seven Rays were introduced to the west by Madam Blavatsky, and included in her book The Secret Doctrine. The Seven Rays should be seen as being much closer to the basic energies of life than their expressions through the archetypes of the 12 signs which are further differentiations of expression of the Seven Rays. They are also known as chohans or angels from heaven. So knowing the characteristics of the soul - of beingness - can greatly help to align with our destined journey through life, restoring inner peace, contentment, harmony, fulfillment and simple joy of living. Although the articles are copyrighted, the articles may be quoted freely provided that theÂ, of manifestation, in whom are the seeds for everything in the universe. The Seven Rays. You will see that four rays are in manifestation at this time, – the second, third, fifth, and seventh. As theosophy teaches that man is a … … There are seven main fields of service work, corresponding to the seven major rays of divine Light. The Seven Ray Institute was founded on September 9, 1985 to inform the public about a subject that had been virtually unheard of until the late 1800’s when H. P. Blavatsky hinted at the “rays” in The Secret Doctrine.About thirty years later, Alice Bailey reintroduced the subject with much more than a hint. From all that I have said above it follows that these seven types are visible among men, and that every one of us must belong to one or other of the Rays. Taken from Alan Oken’s Soul-Centered Astrology: A Key To Your Expanding Self With Comments by Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div. Seven Ray Healing in Lemuria, India, Peru, Egypt, etc. He then makes these principles correcpond to ideals and fields of activity that people of the different Rays feel attracted to. In sharing them here below, I hasten to add that they are my own personal experiences from my own journey. ""The Seven Rays" takes you on a journey of mystery, magic, adventure, and the intricacies of relationships and love. Seven Rays refers to seven forces or types of energy that play important roles in shaping the humanity. stated that the seven Planetary Logoi are the source of the seven rays: The Mystical Seven, the great Planetary Logoi, who are life-centres in the very Logos Himself . Ray 1 – The Ray of Divine Will and Purpose. The Ah-hi are the highest Dhyanis, the Logoi as just said, those who begin the downward evolution, or emanation.[4]. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science. Part 2. , in merging in a particular Logos, is not cut off from the consciousness of the other Logoi, but shares in, and experiences, their consciousness also. No object can exist without the presence of each of these seven forces.[14]. It represents the qualities of Protection, Power and Initiative. These Seven Rays represent the Seven Divine Qualities of the Source. The Seven Rays is an occult concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies since at least the 6th century BC, in both Western culture and in India. The seven rays present seven paths to individual or personal Christhood. . The Seven Rays Center...Where Wellness Lives. There are three primary rays, or rays of aspect, and four secondary rays of attribute. She expanded their name to the Seven Rays, made mention of them in all twenty … This Soul Types quiz draws it's results from Rayology. The following table will make this clear: Ernest Wood related each of the Rays with seven universal principles: the three aspects of consciousness (ichchhā, jñāna and kriyā) and matter (sattva, rajas and tamas), and the field of illusion in which consciousness and matter relate as if they were separate (māyā). He is verily the Arm of the Lord stretched out into the world to do His work. 1-250-947-5722 [email protected] Upcoming Seminars. Seven Rays -a healing arts studio. Each is understood as sacred, and each is… Seven masters have mastered identity by walking these paths, defined as the seven archetypes of Christhood. The energy, as well as the forms derived from it, can be described through seven discrete and archetypal streams. Indeed, within the Esoteric Philosophy it is believed that these seven streams of Divine Life condition all that we see and know. . The knowledge of the Seven Rays gives us the ability to achieve harmony despite our differences. Lords of the Seven Rays tells the stories of seven masters who reached for and accomplished the goal of self-transcendence on each of the seven paths, or "rays," of spiritual growth. Each of the seven rays that is the fulfillment of an aspect of the Christ consciousness is ensouled by an Ascended Master who has graduated from the schoolrooms of earth, ascended into the Presence of the I AM THAT I AM and stands as the teacher of the way of self-mastery on a particular ray, or radiance, of the Christ mind. They embody divine purpose, express the qualities required for the materialising of that purpose, and They create the forms and are the forms through which the divine idea can be carried forward to … In so doing, the Monads assume their different "colors": However, although the Monads have their own primordial color, they still have elements of all the other Rays in them: Even though the Monad in each individual belongs to one of the Rays, determining a person's ray is not easy: Leadbeater explained that the Adepts belong to different Rays, which are more clearly distinguished: Below is a list of Adepts heads of Rays (Chohans) and a brief reference to their work according to C. W. Leadbeater:[26], He also related the three aspects of the Logos with the different Rays, as they express through the Heads of the Brotherhood of Adepts:[27]. 3rd ray of Active, Creative Intelligence. 2. The Lord of Active Intelligence. The seven Rays surpass the possible description by words, or even by thoughts or feelings. -- bestselling author Deepak Chopra ""The Seven Rays" totally awakened the fantasy fangirl in me!" Seven fields of spiritual work. . The Seven Rays ~ Overview and Origin ~ It is no understatement to say that the Seven Rays are foundational to the entirety of Creation. These are of course all lesser cycles within the influence of the sign Pisces. The Second Ray that continuously separates from the Heart of the One is of the essence of the … The Seven Rays book. [10], Each Hierarchy furnishes the Aura of one of the seven principles in man with its specific color. The Lords of the Seven Rays-Chosen by cosmic beings because of their exemplary ability to embody a specific quality over many lifetimes, the Lords of the Seven Rays are ascended masters who have each been appointed to uphold and emanate that quality for a cycle of time for all mankind.