Inspiration & Entertainment . Parashat Terumah. WhatsApp. To learn more, call 503-248-4662. ב"ה. Daily Torah Study. Today’s Daf Yomi; Blogs ; Donate ; The Hub ; Weekly Torah Portion Next Torah Portion. There are 54 weekly portions read throughout the year. 21:1-24:18) explained how the Israelites entered into covenant with the LORD at Mount Sinai.The terms of the covenant were written down in Sefer HaBrit ("the Book of the Covenant"), which contained a variety of laws to specifically govern the Jewish people in the Promised Land. The Shabbat that immediately precedes the holiday of Purim is called Shabbat Zakhor - the "Sabbath of Remembrance." Terumah (Gifts, Portion, Donation or Contribution) 25:1-27:19 Shemot (Exodus) Terumah is the seventh sedrah in the Book of Shemot (Exodus). The Torah and Haftarah reading ceremonies are performed as follows: the Torah is taken from the Ark and paraded around the room before it is brought to rest on the bimah (torah reading podium). Torah Portions. Havurah also has a book showing Torah portions as they appear on the Torah scroll. Along with the numerous articles linked to throughout this guide, the following provide some general information about the Bible, its origins, scholarship on it and the Jewish tradition of commentary. Analysis. The Torah Reading Ceremony. A daily reading from the Torah. mein, "May it be Your will, LORD our God and God of our fathers,that you renew for us a good month in our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. Learning & Values Parshah (Weekly Torah) Shemot - … Community & Family. The earliest reference to a fixed cycle of consecutive readings is found in the Babylonian Talmud, where [Meg. What is the Hebrew Bible (Tanach)? Readings for Combined Portions ; For the Torah blessings to prepare for an aliyah, click here (PDF). For more about this Sabbath, click here. These two readings were selected before Purim because Haman was an Agagite (Esther 3:1), i.e., a direct descendant of Agag, the wicked king of Amalek (whom Saul nearly spared, see 1 Sam. The tradition of reading the Torah out loud in synagogue dates back to the time of Moses.The practice of "completing" the Torah reading with a passage from the Navi, called the haftarah, is mentioned in the Mishnah.Today, the Torah is divided into 54 portions, one to be read each Shabbat, with two portions read together twice during the year. Community & Family. This is “Torah 101” for everyone. February 20, 2021. Today, many Messianic believers also add a reading from the B’rit Chadashah (the New Testament). HaYesod. Jewish Practice. Did Moses Write the Torah? Subscribers to these feeds receive perpetual updates. To reserve an Aliyah or for donations please contact our office. is copyrighted by Society of Biblical Literature and Tiro Typeworks. Learning & Values. For the week of February 13, 2021. Torah reading for Monday January 18th and Thursday January 21st; parshah Bo by rabbi Mordecha Azran. 0. Note: The Torah reading for the second day of Passover is Leviticus 22:26-23:44 and Numbers 28:16-25. 31:35-37). Today is Wed. Feb. 17, 2021 | Adar 5, 5781 This week's Torah reading is Terumah Upcoming holiday is Purim | Feb. 25 - Feb. 26. In a sense, the entire holiday is a spoof or joke made at the expense of those who senselessly hate the Jewish people (and who therefore hate the God of Israel). Leyning coordinators can download these Comma Separated Torah Readings. Inspiration & Entertainment . Peppered with insights from ancient rabbis and anecdotes from modern Christian life, Volume One demonstrates the value of Torah for Christian living today… This honor is referred to as an aliyah (literally, ascension). We read about sibling rivalry, deceit, betrayal and love affairs – all provoking questions that apply to our lives today. Read this week’s digital edition. both traditional (full kriyah) and triennial reading schemes. "Download Study Card, Shabbat Zakhor - The Sabbath before Purim. On Yom Tov (except on Simchat Torah), entire parshiot of the Torah are not read in the synagogue.Rather, select portions of a parsha, generally pertaining to the holiday, are read. Exodus In the Book of Shemot, the Israelites are enslaved by the Egyptians, but then they are led out of Egypt – through Moses, God’s plagues, and then the spitting of the sea. TORAH: EXODUS 21:1-24:18 HAFTARAH: ISAIAH 66:1-24 GOSPEL: MATT 26:20-30 Portion Summary. 15:2-34) speaks of how King Saul later failed to "devote to destruction" the evil tribe of Amalek -- a mistake which cost him the kingship of Israel. SBL Hebrew Font Each week, synagogues across the world read a section from the Torah (the five books of Moses). The Torah and haftarah readings are performed with great ceremony: the Torah is paraded around the room before it is brought to rest on the bimah (podium). Last week's Torah reading (i.e., Mishpatim: Exod. 8 Adar 5781 February 20, 2021 Parashat Terumah “Offerings” Here are the Torah, Haftarah and suggested Brit Chadasha (New Testament) and Tehillim (Psalms) readings for this week. also under a cc-by license. Analysis. This week's Torah Portion is Terumah (read in the Diaspora on 20 February 2021). Israel is God's "super sign" that He is faithful to His covenant promises (Jer. The Torah and haftarah readings are performed with great ceremony: the Torah is paraded around the room before it is brought to rest on the bimah (podium). In this Torah portion, Moses receives God’s commandments on stone tablets. Find or start a Club today! Jewish Holidays Video ChabadU Audio Classes News Kabbalah Online The Jewish Woman Jewish Kids. God tells Moses to create a dwelling place for ... Read more. ב"ה. Shabbat Shalom! Approaches to Bible Commentary Creating the Canon Women in the Bible Did God Write the Bible? Read this week’s digital edition. Torah for Today! However, since the Torah writers were not reluctant to list it, and it … Torah Reading Compatible with Mobile Devices and Desktop Computers by Rabbi Mordechai Schusterman. is observed a day later still (i.e., on Adar 15th) and is called, Weekly Torah Reading Schedule (entire year). I Kings 5:26 - 6:13. Summary. 17:14). The Maftir (additional reading) commands us to remember (זָכוֹר) how the nation of Amalek functioned as Satan's emissary by attacking the Israelites at Rephidim, immediately following the Exodus from Egypt (see Exod. Torah Reading. Vine of David. Pinterest. 25:17-19). This cowardly approach represented the first attack of God's newly redeemed people, a Satanic assault that God vowed never to forget.... Amalek therefore embodies satanic forces arrayed against the people of God. More issues. Amalek therefore suggests "the eye of doubt," or even "the severed eye" (the Hebrew verb מָלָק means "to chop" or "sever" in reference to the "eye" of Ayin). Weekly Torah readings (Parashat ha-Shavua) including verses for each … The reading is divided up into portions, and various members of the congregation have the honor of reciting a blessing over a portion of the reading. More issues. The spiritual war between the light and the darkness admits of no compromise. Facebook. When a Yom Tov other than Yom Kippur falls on a day other than Shabbat, the reading is divided into five sections (not including the Maftir). Modern Source Criticism of the Torah Jewish Practice. Christians likewise can trust that God's sovereign hand works all things together for good -- even if at times things appear bleak and desperate (Rom. To read the entire Torah reading for today, please click here. Twitter. Below are 151 Torah Commentaries written for the Triennial Cycle but arranged and organized, here, for the One Year Torah Reading Schedule. Value (CSV) files and import into Microsoft Excel or some other Download or subscribe to Parashat ha-Shavua (weekly Torah Portion) on your device TEHILLIM: PSALMS/PROVERBS. This honor is referred to as an aliyah (literally, ascension). spreadsheet program. By. Featured Commentary. 29b] it is stated that “in the West” [the Land of Israel], the reading of the Torah was completed in three years. Today: Parshat Hamon: The Torah reading for parnassa (sustenance) – Video. Hebrew for ChristiansCopyright © John J. ParsonsAll rights reserved. “Speak to the children of Israel and let them take for Me a portion (Terumah) from every man whose … Amalek therefore represents spiritual blindness as it acts in the world...The additional Haftarah portion (1 Sam. 15:32-33), and we should therefore link the 'wiping-out' of Haman with the 'wiping-out' of Amalek. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.