Through observation, conversation, and competition with these gentlemen, I was finally able to sort out all the different ballistic variables involved with loading these rifles and a reliable method to isolate and control each one. That can of powder now consist of the largest kernels sitting at the top of the can, the finest dust at the bottom of the can and layers in between which would screen to be sizes from 4-F to as large as 2-F. Tapping The Accuracy & Performance Of An Old-Style Muzzleloader This is a website that's all about muzzleloader hunting today. Lay it out to dry and mark it 6-1. criteria for accuracy was to be able to shoot three shots Use the micrometer ratcheting handle and measure the thickness of the material you used for patching. Here are the steps I follow in loading every shot, every season, every "As our shooting background includes benchrest and extensive varmint hunting, remove the excess fouling while leaving the "first shot fouling" on the the end of the bullet. Pelletized powder has removed some of those loading variables but not all (such as accidental crushing of the pellets). Do not post items unrelated to Muzzleloading. Production rifles may allow shooters to choose between twist rates which are best suited for round balls or one that will better stabilize bullet shaped projectiles. Are you wiping the bore between shots? Years later I became involved with a muzzleloading gun club which holds monthly shooting matches. Traditional Only - no modern designs. These two targets were shot to confirm my results after I finished this load development system with my 40 caliber flintlock. I have been asked about the difference in accuracy between cast balls and swaged balls. Be sure to record all information on each target. This compressed measurement is critical to accuracy in muzzleloading rifles. Now compare all your targets and the one with the best group will show you which material thickness is right for your rifle and that particular size ball. Wind, temperature, humidity, changing light conditions etc. Now that you have discovered the ideal combination of ball size, patching thickness, and lubrication your rifle may show a preference for a slightly increased or decreased amount of powder which might not have been as obvious before. By isolating and testing each of these variables through a logical, systematic method I discovered loadings that greatly improved the accuracy of every muzzleloading firearm I have owned. It won’t soak into your powder charge. It also helps you to notice trends when developing loads for several different guns. It’s also deadly accurate with the right load. I disagree, I believe doing that hides the human error in shooting off-hand. ALL DAY LONG I have no experience in the use of modern shotgun primer, in-line style of rifles and hold no desire or interest in them. If you are not able to mount either sight system on your rifle remember to keep your vision focused primarily on the front sight. His feeling was that this would be a realistic representation of the Outstanding groups are the combined results of finding the “sweet spot” for each variable that works best in your particular rifle. Please note that I was hunting in Colorado where it is required that you to use “open” or “iron” sights. Using this I like to mark the label on the bolt of the fabric with my initials to help identify it when I go back to purchase more. The only downside with cast balls is that you have the sprue to contend with. Smokless powder is never a safe substitute for black powder. For every negative opinion on a particular brand I hear an equal number of positive opinions. Start by putting one measure of oil in a glass jar. Before you begin testing and experimenting with the internal ballistic variables there are some human inconsistencies and errors which must be addressed to get reliable results from your efforts. This is because nothing currently available will work in a flintlock rifle. Loads - When poor muzzleloader accuracy is due to your load, it can most often be blamed on a magnum (150 grain) powder charge. Also consider that barrel groves made on the same machines will vary slightly in the depth of the groves as the tooling wears down. All in all, this is a perfect traditional muzzleloader for a hunter looking for a beautiful and functional muzzleloader at a reasonable price. Be as consistent as possible in how you load the rifle. The round ball sheds energy rapidly. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need the heaviest powder charge your gun can handle to kill game. Be sure to sort all those balls by weight. Lay that strip out flat to dry and mark it 5-1. The very limited information I was able to find on the loading and maintenance of muzzleloaders consisted largely of folklore, myth, and no small amount of farmers’ almanac style ritual that seemed to be linked to a particular phase of the moon. The best we can do as shooters is to consider whether we intend to use our rifle for hunting and the higher velocity loads necessary for that or for match target shooting with slower, lighter loads and order the appropriate twist in a custom barrel. They should all be perfectly round and they will have a black ring in the center. Remember that muzzleloader laws vary by … For the third string, swab with a spit patch. do you use that makes it possible to achieve this level of accuracy?". The vibrations of the vehicle cause this separation to happen at an accelerated pace. Over the course of several years he just topped it off after every event. You can expect to see slight improvements in your rifles grouping as you advance through each step in the process. Written descriptions of how the original muzzleloading rifles were loaded are extremely rare and lacking in details. For a .50 caliber rifle that would be a ball .490 in diameter and a patch .010 thick. 3. You will notice a pattern developing in the size and shape of the groups. I know only that the main difference between them, other than price, is what type of wood was used to produce the charcoal in that particular brand of powder. Sometimes a change of one or two grains will make a discernible difference. Record all the data on the target and repeat with a new target changing only the patching in your load to the strip marked 6-1. dampened with cleaner. Please note that I was hunting in Colorado where it is required that you to use “open” or “iron” sights. The members of this club are extremely knowledgeable in the loading and workings of their muzzleloading rifles. Is now available for purchase in convenient two ounce spray bottles. I am aware that recent ill-conceived government regulations have brought an end to the days when one could walk into any sporting goods store and purchase a pound of black powder for as little as $4.00. While carefully measured loose powder combined with consistent bullet seating can deliver exceptional accuracy in a muzzleloader, loading in the field can introduce variables that may lead to shifting points-of-impact. If you don’t understand the “why” of what you see them doing wait until a break in the shooting and ask questions. Neither is conducive to accuracy. We can’t control these but we can be aware of them and how they affect our groups. If you elect to use swaged balls purchase them from a dependable source so you will always have a reliable supply. Use this simple five step sequence every time you shoot and The first variable we need to get control of is the weight of the round balls. Are you pounding it down the barrel? Lay the patching across the muzzle, place a ball on it sprue up and centered if it has one, put the short end of your starter on the ball and give it a whack with the palm of your hand. It also affects the burn rate and subsequently the velocity of your charges and this will change the point of impact on your target as well as having an effect on the size of your group. And we haven’t yet considered the different rates of twist used by different barrel makers. than barrel, that's saying a lot for the potential accuracy of a muzzleloading This was decades before the internet or google existed. That is a result of the ball slipping out of the patching under the pressures of the burning gases and you need thicker patching material. Unlike spit or wet lube mixtures this will not freeze in cold weather. After the shot, lick a clean, cotton patch. The depth of the groves will vary. using Pyrodex RS on a clean barrel with a Knight Wolverine. Typically a measure marked for 50 grains doesn’t actually hold 50 grains of powder by weight. This is not a "general craft" category. Then add five measures of water and mix well. This is not a "general craft" category. rifle when loaded properly with match quality bullets. Accuracy is something that listening to your gun can tell you about. Attempting to test for patching thickness before you find the sweet spot in your powder charge is not going to show reliable results on your targets. In any event, those sharp edges will usually smooth out on their own after a hundred or so shots have been fired. Measure your powder charge by slightly overfilling the measure and scrape off the excess with the back of your knife or other straight edge. The "spit patch" will That means muzzle velocities of 2,200 feet per second with the new … It has absolutely nothing to do with reliving history through shooting and hunting with a rifle of very traditional design. It will not cause a ring of rust inside your barrel if it is left in the bore over a period of time. I make no claims of being the first person to discover any aspect of this method. Blackpowder and Pyrodex Accuracy for me is to hit a golf ball at 100 yards off a benchrest Unlike grease or straight oils, you can precisely control how much lubricant is applied to every patch. Classic Muzzleloaders: Rifles, Pistols, and Accessories by Traditions Go back in time and experience the excitment of shooting from days gone by; these guns are accurate for hunting and target shooting, and will open up a great new sport the whole family can enjoy. In giving accounts of the heavy muzzleloading target rifle shooting matches he participated in he mentions some of the superstitions held by the shooters of his time. With this method you insure that every patch you load will have the exact same amount of lubricant, thus eliminating one more variable that affects the accuracy of your load. You will be However, if you intend hunt or shoot trail walk type of events that require loading from a shooting pouch you may need to accept some amount of compromise between accuracy, ease of loading, and adequate power / velocity necessary to make a humane kill of your game. As muzzleloading guns fell out of use in favor of breech loading cartridge rifles what was once common knowledge was simply lost to the passage of time. For some time I kept my understanding of this approach largely to myself sharing knowledge of it verbally within a circle of fellow shooters who confirmed my results are sound. Traditions Firearms is celebrating 30 years of business in 2014 and has produced several models of sidelocks and inline muzzleloaders over that time. fly the same over extended ranges due to variance in ballistic coefficiency. This occurs more often in production built rifles. I typically purchase percussion caps by lots of one thousand. The walnut stock and blued barrel both look beautiful and the adjustable double-set trigger helps facilitate excellent accuracy. Then again, no other muzzleloader can really offer a realistic shot a 1 MOA accuracy out to 500 yards, either. Occasionally, even the most experienced bench shooter will pull a shot off of his aiming point. After you have discovered the best load for your rifle, I recommend adjusting the sights to put the center of your groups on the bull’s eye by shooting from the bench rest. remove the excess fouling while leaving the "first shot fouling" on the Learn your gun's accuracy potential by swabbing the bore between every shot. Set your targets from 25 to 50 yards depending on the size of your target and how precisely you can aim. Current wisdom suggests that 3-F granulation black powder is best in rifles of 45 caliber and smaller and 2-F granulation is better for 50 caliber rifles and larger. If you were to measure a different fabric you could very well find that it also measures .015 thick uncompressed but that its compressed measurement is .010. Here is the final 5 shot target after compleating this process. Those out of balance balls will strike outside the group producing a flier on your target. Once dry, roll your strips of patching up and store them in a plastic baggie or air tight container such as an empty pill bottle or Tupperware container. Remember, any deviation of angle in your shooting is multiplied by the distance to the target. By making muzzleloaders easier to load, easier to clean, safer to operate, and more accurate and reliable under all conditions, Traditions and Federal have removed the learning curve and the psychological barriers typically associated with using muzzleloaders. Information concerning load development for centerfire rifle ammunition is widely published and available. Ticking, muslin, denim, or linen are all good as long as these are one hundred percent natural material. Learn your gun's accuracy potential by swabbing the bore between every shot. about 203 grains of powder by volume. It will also hold slightly more 3-F powder than 2-F. After going to all that trouble to find your ideal powder charge don’t lose it because powder measures are made inconsistently. You should also know that poorly constructed rifle barrels or those which have been damaged through improper maintenance and abuse are not capable of any acceptable level of accuracy regardless of how they are loaded. Again, its all part of a broader approach to making muzzleloaders safer and more simple to operate. The easiest way to do that is to chuck your cleaning jag in an electric drill and file it smaller as you rotate it. It’s rare to find two powder measures that are calibrated exactly the same. The first shot out Pillow ticking is a good choice to begin with. barrel. Do not post items unrelated to Muzzleloading. You want cotton, or linen fabric with a tight weave. Price: $369.00. Shooting muzzleloaders can be frustrating, and I’m not talking about the extra steps and mess involved with loading and firing them. You will notice the groups getting smaller and tighter as the thickness of the fabric increases. When you study these fired patches you will notice several things. Now study your test targets again and there on the target with the smallest group will be written the best mixture of water to oil for your patching in that particular rifle. I was almost always using and shooting something historic or a reproduction of something historic. The "spit patch" will One noted muzzleloading expert advises a minimum of 800 ft-lbs of impact energy for hunting deer. patch to the bottom of the barrel. The most humorous example of this sifting effect I have witnessed was when a friend who shoots with me in rendezvous matches was trying to diagnose the reason his rifle was printing groups higher and higher on successive targets over a three day shoot. Now a new Traditions Muzzleloader released in 2014, the Vortek StrikerFire LDR with a 30″ barrel for more accuracy and range. accuracy. Normally each group will become tighter and smaller as you increased the powder charge. Swaged balls lack a sprue so this won’t be a concern. They've partnered with Federal Premium® and Hodgdon® Powder to make muzzleloading safer, more reliable, and more consistent. Do not tap or shake the measure. If one is shooting on a very humid day your powder is going to absorb moisture from the air. Use spit, or black powder cleaning solution (moose milk) for lubrication. I know of absolutely no competitive shooter using substitute powders in traditional muzzleloading rifles. If you neglect to do this fouling builds up with each consecutive shot. Run it through the washing machine first to remove any starch or sizing. Typically, most shooters who use this method will find their best groups to be with a 7-1 or 8-1 mix of water to oil. We also need that material thick enough to withstand the heat of those burning gases without burning through and allowing a gas leak to blow past the ball. If that isn’t an option at least put out some wind flags and try to shoot when the wind is moving the flags in the same direction. The 150 weighed charges that he was shooting were actually equivalent to But after I moved to the High Desert of New Mexico with its drier humidity, I found that I had to change my lube mix to a 3-1 mixture. When I lived in a more humid area of the country that was the best mix for my guns. Regardless, sorting those balls by weight will remove any disadvantage when competing. Are you being consistent in all aspects of shooting from a bench? If your cleaning patches are too tight to pull back out of the barrel dry, you can moisten them slightly. Casual shooters will typically purchase balls of the recommend size along with precut, pre lubricated patches and go shooting. With everything set up and after confirming that your shots are hitting on the target you are ready to begin testing. This is also one of the ingredients in moose milk recipes so you will need to have some on hand. Record the ball size and weight along with the patching material and lubricant used. This target was shot off-hand with my 45 caliber percussion dueling pistol to win the pistol match at a rendezvous. Black powder measures more consistently by volume. This technological partnership will undoubtedly change the direction of the in-line muzzleloader industry and usher in a host of competitors. Do not bounce the ram rod or hammer on it to seat the ball. The water will evaporate out of the fabric leaving only the oil. Inline muzzleloaders generally come with 1:24" to 1:28" twist barrels. You don’t want to miss identify a fantastic load because of a light weight ball. Always seat your bullet using a bullet starter that will not deform Do not tap or shake the measure. Extremely rough or neglected barrels may need to be polished out with valve grinding compound. (saves hands from brusies), Two custom made short starters for use with mallet. Use just enough to dampen the patch. It has absolutely nothing to do with reliving history through shooting and hunting with a rifle of very traditional design. Even if you must use a mallet to start that load into the muzzle. With that No, the frustration stems from the size of the groups most hunters get from their rifles, which rarely seem to match the performance they’ve read about on the internet or seen on television. Now outfitted with the VAPR™ Twist barrel, it has a 1:24" twist. If these measure the same diameter you have again confirmed the presence of a void in that lighter ball. In our example of a 50 caliber rifle, balls are available in sizes .480, .490, and .495. If your goal is strictly match target shooting you can select a tight loading combination of patch thickness and ball size. This is what we call the compressed thickness of the material. 2. I simply learned what the ballistic variables of muzzleloading rifles are and applied the same logical method of isolating and testing them that I used in the process of hand loading accurate ammunition for modern centerfire rifles. If you load the ball with the sprue to one side it will wobble and fly outside of the group. strokes One of my customers thought I disagreed with his logic. It is amazing with a blend of accuracy and grace. If possible, consider temporarily mounting a good peep sight or scope on the rifle for shooting these test targets. work the patch in ever-lengthening This process is often referred to as “developing a load” or “working up a load”. Post a new target and increase the powder charge by five grains. When a competitor discovers a detail that gives him an advantage in competition, he isn’t likely to share that information too readily. Now go down range and pick up as many of your fired patches as you can find. Finding the most accurate load for a muzzleloading rifle requires an understanding of all the variables involved and a systematic approach for isolating and testing each of those variables. Some rifle barrels have shallow grooves while others will have much deeper groves. By sighting from the bench, any error in your stance, posture, or how you hold the rifle will show on your target allowing you to make corrections and perfect your off-hand shooting. Another sign of thin patching is burning inside the black ring on the side of the patch that was in contact with the ball. 1. Let us assume that you are getting measurements that show your fabric to be .015 in thickness. If target shooting for score on paper targets does not interest you, latter on you can save some time and effort by sorting the balls into two groups. It has a beautiful design, and black color adds to its beauty. If your bore is particularly rough it may need to be polished smooth by hand lapping. If you have followed these procedures in the order in which I have listed and explained them your rifle is now shooting some very nice groups. The reason is to keep the bore in the same condition for each and every shot. The 209 shotgun primer is the standard ignition source today. I hope not. method, I have shot my flintlock 100s of times without a full cleaning. One of my 50 caliber rifles shoots its smallest groups with 30 grains of 3-F Goex powder. I know of shooters who, once they open a can of powder to shoot a match, will not use the remaining powder in that container to shoot another match the next day or at times even latter on the same day. That ball with lower velocity will not strike the target in the same place as the others. Retrieve that target and write on it the powder brand, granulation size, and amount in grains. See the 90 grain external ballistics below. Continue shooting five shot groups on the targets, increasing the powder charge by five grains for each target until you reach the maximum charge recommend by your rifles manufacturer. The Pursuit™ series has long been a fixture in Traditions® line and the next generation is here with the Pursuit™ XT. Read the label on the bolt, a lot of denim and lately even some ticking contains polyester. Muzzleloaders, like firearms, benefit greatly from load experimentation.That doesn’t mean you’re weighing charges to 1/10-grain accuracy on a digital powder scale. It also has a barrel made of chrome-moly steel, which has long been recognized as the best barrel material for strength and accuracy for rifles of any configuration. benchrest three times. Use sandbags and a good steady front and rear rest. Typically, an eighth of a yard. The first reliable information I discovered was in the book The Muzzle-loading Rifle - then and now by Walter Cline first published in 1942. Measure your patching strip again but this time instead of using the ratcheting handle of the micrometer which is designed to slip at a certain pressure, grasp the handle with your thumb and forefinger at a point other than the ratcheting part of the handle and apply as much pressure on the fabric as you can using only your thumb and forefinger. You will again notice that the groups on the targets show a pattern of becoming smaller and rounder until the load becomes so tight that pounding the ball out of round causes the group to open up or the load is so tight you can’t get it started in the muzzle. If you are not confident in your bench shooting technique go and watch some bench rest shooters in action. Yes, you read that correctly. One piece steel range rod with muzzle guide and patch jag. When customers asked for a lighter Pursuit muzzleloader, Traditions Firearms answered the call and delivered the Pursuit G4 Ultralight, which weighs less than 6 pounds unloaded. Always lay the fabric strips out flat. This powder was about as fine as 4-F granulation and dust. Take your micrometer to the fabric store and look for materials that when compressed, measure a thousandth inch thicker than what you were shooting. Almost any production muzzleloader has a 1:28 twist and a barrel of 22-26 inches long. Fortunately for us shooters the barrel makers have done the math to determine the best twists.