Adults live in loose knit communities of 4 - 5 raccoons for better protection against predators. In Which Countries Do Raccoons Live? Updated 2018. Also, the raccoon population in cities is higher than it … Furthermore, relocating solitary raccoons or small raccoon families is illegal in most places and will likely result in their being mauled and killed by resident raccoons. Yet, like other wild animals, raccoons can end up in the nooks and crannies of a house, and they can cause problems beyond damaging property. Raccoons Moving Through Northeast Neighborhoods. Because they can find good food where people live, however, they’ve increasingly made their home in urban and suburban neighborhoods. We are located in Tennessee and offer black raccoons, grey raccoons, cinnamon raccoons and albino raccoons for purchase. Raccoons are considered a primary carrier of Rabies in the United States, for instance. Click here to hire a local raccoon removal expert in your home town. Raccoons live all over North America. As you will read below, the fact that raccoons are present in so many states, and probably in your neighborhood, is a clear indicator of the raccoon’s amazing ability to adapt. Coyote or bobcat attacks are usually the result of misguided people feeding these animals, which may cause wild animals to lose their instinctual fear of humans. When you’re certain that the young raccoons have left the nest, frightening devices, such as a portable radio or a mechanic’s light, can be used to evict the animals. Communication: Raccoons communicate with each other using over 200 different sounds and 12-15 different calls. Whether you think they’re cute or creepy, raccoons don’t belong inside your home. More raccoons live in urban areas than they do in wild areas. See how researchers humanely remove raccoons from house attics and crawl spaces. Coyotes, foxes, raccoons and bobcats live all over North America and usually avoid humans. Several sources confirm that raccoons are actually native to this part of the world. A raccoon isn’t picky about where it lives. But read the below advice first! Watch Live ☰ Search site. This is a type of sleep intended to help raccoons and similar animals to increase their chances of … Raccoons are traditionally known to flourish in areas with easy access to water and foliage, such as forests with riverbanks, as well as in fields nearby watering areas for rural livestock. Skills: Raccoons possess amazing dexterity that gives them the ability to open doors, jars, bottles and latches. It must be off the ground, preferably in a tree. We have wildlife removal professionals servicing 95% of the USA. No, raccoons do not hibernate but rather go into a survival behaviour known as torpor. In rural, or sparsely populated areas, you may see evidence of raccoons … For that reason, you will often see a raccoon using holes for denning as well as nesting purposes. If you want […] Raccoon populations have adapted to live in urban areas in many parts of the country out of necessity and may appear comfortable approaching humans, but as with most wildlife the best thing humans can do for raccoons is leave them alone. Most active during the early evening and at night, the raccoon (Procyon lotor) travels widely over its home territory in search of food. At Frazier Farms Exotics we have raccoons for sale. If there is a raccoon in your yard who does not appear to be sick or injured, let him be. News ... Game and Fish says the raccoons are coming into these neighborhoods because they're finding food very easily in the area, and that may not be a … There are very few documented reports of coyotes and bobcats attacking humans. We provide raccoon kits for sale that have been bred and raised in a TWRA state and USDA federally licenced facility.