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Features and Benefits

Centrex lets you order and pay for additional capacity when you need it—critical for growing companies and those with seasonal or temporary demands. Centrex offers unprecedented networking capabilities allowing you to easily incorporate remote company locations, telecommuters, and existing private networks into your system at any time.

These are some of the reasons that GTA’s business customers prefer Centrex solutions:

Minimal Up Front Costs
Centrex does not require a large up front investment in equipment or allocation of valuable floor space to house your system. You can often re-use your existing station sets, important for temporary sites or when cash is tight. Plus, you pay nothing extra for battery back-ups, redundancy, maintenance, insurance, or upgrades.

Expandable For Growth
Centrex service gives you virtually unlimited room for growth. You can add locations, lines, and features to your existing Centrex system based on your business needs - or augment your current arrangement, even if it is CPE-based. And since Centrex service is easy to learn, you don't have to worry about business disruptions while users grow accustomed to the system.

Cutting Edge Technology
With Centrex, your local telephone service provider constantly upgrades your Centrex service at the central office to keep pace with the latest in technology. This guarantees that you are never locked into an obsolete system.

Fault Tolerant
Centrex is engineered as a fully redundant system, following rigorous standards established for the public network. In fact, it uses the same platform that you depend on for 800 service, 911 emergencies, and your residential service. Your local telephone services provider monitors your network 7 days a week, 24 hours a day so that you never worry about system failures. Even during a power outage, Centrex still works, letting you meet commitments to your customers.

Seamless Integration
Centrex service from GTA lets you integrate all your communications services, without hiring a telecommunications manager. With a call to just one vendor, you can resolve billing questions or inquire about your service. Plus, skilled GTA personnel are always available to help you fine-tune your Centrex service to keep producing the business results you need.