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Ordering your new service is easy. Our Customer Support Representatives are ready to help you. Call (671) 644-4GTA and we’ll get you connected.

Customer Support : Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to many questions you may have. If your question is not listed, please contact our customer support team by email at or by phone at (671) 644-4GTA.

General Centrex Questions  |  Show/Hide all answers

What is Centrex?

Centrex is a telephone solution for businesses that require 2 or more lines.

How do I know I need it?

If you have two or more business lines, and are a growing business, you may be able to save costs by using a Centrex solution. Our expert customer service staff can help you understand if Centrex is the right solution for your business.

How is it implemented?

GTA will work with your information technology department to implement it at your site.

Can I buy it in stages?

Once we implement your Centrex solution, you can upgrade your service at any time.

How much does Centrex cost?

Pricing varies depending on the options you select. Call GTA for more information.

Does my company need a special room or space to house any equipment?

Centrex does not require a large up front investment in equipment or allocation of valuable floor space to house your system. You can often re-use your existing station sets, important for temporary sites or when cash is tight. Plus, you pay nothing extra for battery back-ups, redundancy, maintenance, insurance, or upgrades.

Does GTA provide after-sales product training to clients?

Yes, GTA Business Sales Representatives can provide onsite demonstration on how to use the phone system.

What is the normal maintenance period for phone equipment?

The normal maintenance period for phone equipment is based on the duration of the service agreement. GTA provides free maintenance during the contract period; however, after a contract expires, you can sign a maintenance plan to continue service. If a phone equipment fails after a service agreement expires and no maintenance plan has been requested to cover service, the replacement of phone sets or requests for maintenance service will be at the expense of the customer.