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Regulations and Tariffs

Part of GTA’s services is regulated by the Guam Public Utilities Commission. GTA has filed General Exchange Tariff No.1 (GET#1) which regulates all local exchange services for business and residential consumers. You may view GET#1 by visiting our Rates & Regulations office located at GTA Main Office at 624 N. Marine Corps Drive Tamuning. Please contact Rates & Regulations office at 648-2170 to arrange an appointment. You can also request for a copy of GET#1. There is a cost of $50.00 and you must provide your own CD-ROM.

GTA participates and is a member of the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) which administers the FCC’s “access charge” plan. The “access charge” are fees that long distance companies pay to access the local phone network to complete calls. These charges help ensure that telephone service remains available and affordable in all parts of the country. NECA also ensures compliancy with FCC rules. NECA is available on line for review at