Al-Arabiya News reported on the return of Abu Deraa, real name Ismail Hafez al-Lami, to Iraq in the wake of Sunni militants gaining control of Mosul and Tikrit as well as vowing to march on Baghdad. D epressingly, yes. A death squad leader in and around Baghdad, Deraa was known to use a power drill to torture and kill his victims. He also is said to have supervised the forced eviction of hundreds of Sunni families from Shiite-dominated areas of … Abu Deraa's trademark method of killing is a drill through the skull rather than a sword to the neck, but his work rate is just as prolific as the former al-Qaeda leader's and shows the same diabolical artistry. A death squad leader in and around Baghdad, Deraa was known to use a power drill to torture and kill his victims. His appetite for mayhem is so vast that some Iraqis call him the "Shiite Zarqawi" D epressingly, yes. The ISF and its PMF ‘allies’ will struggle to retake Ramadi. The whispers about Abu Deraa and his torture of the Sunnis he captures — he specializes in using electric drills on their skulls — have won him increasingly mythic status. But there is little doubt that Hadi al-Amiri, head of the party and its military wing, will wield the real power in the ministry.”. Then there is Hadi al-Amiri, head of the Iran-backed Badr Brigade. Abu Deraa is also rumoured to have masterminded the kidnapping of Sunni MP Tayseer al-Mashhadani in July 2006, who was released after two months of captivity. Abu Deraa gets suspended prison verdict. Abu Deraa was one of these braggarts and it seems he has returned to Iraq. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in 2006 by a U.S. airstrike but claimed responsibility for several suicide bombings, beheadings, executions and other attacks against Shiites during the Iraq War. Abu Deraa’s trademark method of killing is a drill through the skull rather than a sword to the neck, but his work rate is just as prolific as the former al-Qaeda leader’s and shows the same diabolical artistry. REUTERS/Wissm al-Okili(IRAQ ), US Spy Agencies Warned Maliki Was 'Alienating' Iraq's Sunnis, Bitcoin Hits $1 Tn Market Cap, Stocks Are Mixed, Millions Across The Snowy South Can't Access Water, IMF Dismisses Inflation Concerns Of Biden Stimulus Plan, Some States Opening Up Capitols To Firearms, Others Adding More Controls, Walgreens Opens More Vaccination Sites At Stores In These States, Education Opens Doors To Success — This CEO Opens Doors To Education, Helping Your Leaders Discover Their Personal Core Values, Want To Prevent The Next Generation Of Student Debt? For a taste of PMF’s fanaticism, read about one of their heroes, Mr. Power Drill, a.k.a. Did The Butcher really use a drill to kill and torture his victims? In real life, ther… Moon A 1.5 generation Korean American of conservative leanings trying to be a good husband, father, citizen and man. The main point is … He can be seen on videos standing beside a rocket launcher with his two high-tech mobile phones or … In the film, “The Butcher” is a lieutenant of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Sunni insurgent, terrorist, and founder of Al Qaeda in Iraq, which later became ISIS. These militias used death squads to ethnically cleanse Baghdad and other cities of Sunnis, and, as Will Grigg never tires reminding his readers, imposed a Sharia-compliant constitution over a once-secular country. Electric Drill Amiri is now, according to the Post, effectively the head of security in Iraq: “Iraq’s parliament voted Saturday to put an affiliate of an Iranian-backed paramilitary group in charge of a key security ministry, a move that could strike a serious blow to efforts to unite Sunnis and Shiites to wrest back their country from Islamist extremists. Abu Deraa’s trademark method of killing is a drill through the skull rather than a sword to the neck, but his work rate is just as prolific as the former al-Qaeda leader’s and shows the same diabolical artistry. In the movie, Chris Kyle and his teammates were assigned to take down a terrorist known as "The Butcher," portrayed by actor Mido Hamada. Roads to Iraq has something of a report. Abu Deraa was part of the Mahdi Army, who facilitated his 2004 trip to Iran under the pretext that he wanted to visit the holy sites there. Most of the Sunni victims of Abu Deraa's group were tortured before they were killed. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. Both of these Iran-sponsored real-life head-drilling “butchers” of Iraq rose to power thanks to the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, and are now commanding forces either in the US-backed Iraqi government, or under its protection, fighting alongside the US military against the now ISIS-led Sunni insurgency. Abu Deraa is an award-winning journalist who has reported for leading private daily Al-Masry Al-Youm as well as ... Iran and Russia begin joint naval drill. He also is said to have supervised the forced eviction of hundreds of Sunni families from Shiite-dominated areas of … For one, there is the warlord Abu Deraa, nicknamed “the Shiite Zarqawi,” who according to the UK’s Sunday Times (emphasis added): “…is thought to be responsible for the murder of thousands of civilians, mostly Sunnis, and is said to take personal delight in killing — sometimes with a bullet to the head, sometimes by driving a drill into the skulls of his victims. Many of the victims were shot but some were found with their heads crushed by cement blocks. But it has been heightened for the screen. Abu Deraa was one of these braggarts and it seems he has returned to Iraq. The whispers about Abu Deraa and his torture of the Sunnis he captures — he specializes in using electric drills on their skulls — have won him increasingly mythic status. Shiite militants have posted a video on YouTube celebrating Abu Deraa … It’s easy and free to post your thinking on any topic. Many of the victims were shot but some were found with their heads crushed by cement blocks. Abu Deraa disappeared in 2007. Following Zarqawi's death, Abu Deraa became notorious for his method of using a drill through the skull to kill Sunnis and his militia forces were believed to be behind the kidnapping and killing of Saddam Hussein's lawyer, Khamis al-Obeidi, in 2007, al-Arabiya News reported. Abu Deraa is also rumoured to have masterminded the kidnapping of Sunni MP Tayseer al-Mashhadani in July 2006, who was released after two months of captivity. In the past year, he and his followers are thought to have murdered … American Sniper True Story vs. Movie. For one, there is the warlord Abu Deraa, ... [Amiri’s] preferred methods of killing allegedly involved using a power drill to pierce the skulls of his adversaries. Abu Deraa “…is thought to be responsible for the murder of thousands of civilians, mostly Sunnis, and is said to take personal delight in killing — sometimes with a bullet to the head, sometimes by driving a drill into the skulls of his victims. Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle had at least 1. There’s a rumor flying around that Abu-Deraa, sort of the Mahdi Army’s version of Zarqawi, has been killed. New!! The most harrowing scene in American Sniper involves an Iraqi character nicknamed “The Butcher” torturing and executing an Iraqi child by taking a power drill to his skull. At the end of the day, the American Sniper was not the enemy of the Iraqi Butchers, but their benefactor. View my complete profile com). 5. Bodies were found dumped in the streets, pierced by nails and bolts or bored by hand-held electric drills. : Abu Deraa “…is thought to be responsible for the murder of thousands of civilians, mostly Sunnis, and is said to take personal delight in killing — sometimes with a bullet to the head, sometimes by driving a drill into the skulls of his victims. 5. Many were decapitated. Did The Butcher really use a drill to kill and torture his victims? The Butcher may be loosely based on Ismail Hafidh al-Lami, known as Abu Deraa, blamed for thousands of deaths in the mid-2000s. It’s a tense moment, and the same incident the real Kyle used to open his memoir, American Sniper, on which this film is based. Treasure of Baghdad has an excellent backgrounder on Abu Deraa if you’re interested in more information. It can’t be considered anything but a rumor at this point—Islamemo isn’t a very reliable source. 00. The 2009 State Department cable, referring to that era, said that ‘one of [Amiri’s] preferred methods of killing allegedly involved using a power drill to pierce the skulls of his adversaries.’”. Essayist, Editor, & Educator |, Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Abu Deraa's trademark method of killing is a drill through the skull rather than a sword to the neck, but his work rate is just as prolific as the former al-Qaeda leader's and shows the same diabolical artistry. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki also says he wants to see Deraa and others brought to justice. After a career in petty crime during the Saddam Hussein years, he became one of the first recruits of al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army after the dictator’s fall. Write on Medium, 7 things people who are good with money never buy, This Is How I Now Work 3X Less: 8 Financial Decisions That Led Me There, A Divorce Lawyer Just Gave Incredibly Powerful Marriage Advice and It’s Only 4 Words Long, 15 Mini Things That Can Instantly Make You Less Likable, Trump’s Winning Streak Has an Expiration Date. Following Zarqawi's death, Abu Deraa became notorious for his method of using a drill through the skull to kill Sunnis and his militia forces were believed to … This Shiite jihad was, in effect, Chris Kyle’s true mission, for which millions of American Christians now lionize him. The statement came a day after award-winning Al-Masry Al-Youm and ONTV reporter Abu Deraa was released from custody after receiving a suspended sentence from an Ismailia military court. ... One of his signature techniques is running a drill into the skull of his live victim, according to a recent Time article. Abu Deraa. Special Groups (SGs) is a designation given by the United States military to the cell-based Shi'a paramilitary organizations operating within Iraq, backed by Iran.According to the United States these groups are funded, trained, and armed by the Iranian Quds Force, part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Kyle and Syrian sniper Mustafa go … Sang J. The Butcher, the nickname given to Abu Deraa, an Iraqi Shia warlord who was known for his gory methods. However, in the Iraq of the real world, power drilling human heads is more of a predilection, not of Sunni insurgents, but of their enemies in the Shiite militias. "What Abu Deraa does is just a reaction" to similarly gruesome killings by Sunni gangs, says Abu Ali, 46, a Shiite policeman who has met the death-squad leader. See more » American Sniper. In the movie, Chris Kyle and his teammates were assigned to take down a terrorist known as "The Butcher," portrayed by actor Mido Hamada. Abu Deraa ("Father of the Shield") (Arabic: أبو درع) is an Iraqi Shia warlord whose men have been accused of terrorizing and killing Sunnis. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. Shiite militants have posted a video on YouTube celebrating Abu Deraa returned following years of being untraceable in Iran. Abu Deraa In early 1970s, Baghdadis feared a serial killer nicknamed, Abu Tubar, Father of Hatchet. The motto Ila Tahin (ISIS), Grind you to Dust has made Abu Azrail famous across Iraq. The new interior minister is Mohammed Ghabban, a little-known Shiite politician with the Badr Organization. Abu Deraa is also rumoured to have masterminded the kidnapping of Sunni MP Tayseer al-Mashhadani in July 2006, who was released after two months of captivity. Abu Deraa is nicknamed "The Butcher" because he would torture his victims with a power drill, forcing confessions out of them or killing them. In the past year, he and his followers are thought to have murdered … He … Should Kyle shoot? According to The Washington Post, “A leaked 2009 State Department cable said sources had indicated that Amiri may have personally ordered attacks on up to 2,000 Sunnis.” The Post continues (emphasis added): “…in 2005 and 2006, sectarian killings in Iraq surged as Badr death squads worked under the cloak of the police force. After a career in petty crime during the Saddam Hussein years, he became one of the first recruits of al-Sadr’s Mahdi Army after the dictator’s fall. As radio host Scott Horton never tires reminding his listeners, the chief role of the American troops in Iraq was to fight a bloody civil war on behalf of the Shiite side and to install Iran-backed Shiite militias in power. AQI/ISIS falsely claimed to have killed him in 2006, but after years of hiding in Iran, he recently reemerged in Baghdad once again leading a militia. Bodies were found dumped in the streets, pierced by nails and bolts or bored by hand-held electric drills. The movie shows The Butcher character imploring Abu Deraa's torturous use of power drills. The Asharq al-Awasat newspaper reported then he'd fled to Iran because the Americans were getting too close. Abu Deraa. The magazine also provided a comprehensive background of Abu Deraa: Abu Deraa was born Ismail al-Zarjawi to a poor family in Sadr City. American Sniper is a 2014 American biographical war drama film directed by Clint Eastwood and written by Jason Hall. Although reports of his death surfaced in 2007, it is believed he fled to Iran where he has lived for the last few years. – Abu Deraa Found on Reuters 5 years ago World If we found them innocent, even if they had a takfiri (extremist) mentality, but had no blood on their hands, we freed them, we only tried and punished those with blood on their hands. TIME. According to a 2007 report from the Sunday Times, Abu Deraa would give some victims a choice of how they would die and would dump the bodies at what became known as the "Happiness Hotel.". The movie shows The Butcher character imploring Abu Deraa's torturous use of power drills. The Butcher, the nickname given to Abu Deraa, an Iraqi Shia warlord who was known for his gory methods. As a UPI dispatch quite eloquently put it in August 2010, "most of the Sunni victims of Abu Deraa's group were tortured before they were killed. Abu Deraa started out committing small crimes but rose to power and began killing Sunnis to avenge the deaths of Shiites, al-Arabiya News reported. A woman comes out of a house and hands a Russian-made RKG-3 anti-tank grenade to a young boy. This is the same … Little is known about Abu Deraa but it is believed he was a refugee who headed to Sadr City in Baghdad following the destruction of Shiite villages in the southern marshes of Iraq and is married with two children, Jamestown Foundation reported. Abu Deraa’s nom du guerre means “Father of the Shield” and his method of killing Sunni militants and civilians during the Iraq War landed him at the top of the American most wanted list, the Telegraph reported in 2006. On other occasions, Iraqis say, he gives them a choice of being shot or battered to death with concrete building blocks.”. A top leader of the Mehdi Army using the nom de guerre Abu Deraa (C) stands during a parade in Baghdad's Sadr city, June 21, 2014. • Deraa is said to have been responsible for the abduction of scores of Sunnis whose bodies have been recovered from a garbage dump at al-Sada, a lawless wasteland near Sadr City. The magazine also provided a comprehensive background of Abu Deraa: Abu Deraa was born Ismail al-Zarjawi to a poor family in Sadr City. People ask me all the time, . Abu Deraa's trademark method of killing is a drill through the skull rather than a sword to the neck, but his work rate is just as prolific as the former al-Qaeda leader's and shows the same diabolical artistry. Kyle and SEAL Team 3 keep going back for more and more tours and opportunities to kill Abu Deraa. The scene lends credibility to the narrative of Chris Kyle as basically a hero facing villains. Abu Deraa, a suspected mass killer of Sunnis in 2006, has returned to Iraq amid the push by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). She sends the child running towards the convoy. Iraq's senior Shi'ite religious cleric Moqtada al-Sadr issued a call for unity, saying Shi'ites and Sunnis should rally behind the authorities to prevent the Sunni militant Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant from destroying the country. Yet within hours of last week's operation, he roundly and unexpectedly condemned the raids and, a few days later, effectively nixed further efforts by ordering U.S. troops to dismantle checkpoints surrounding Sadr City, Abu Deraa's stronghold. Explore, If you have a story to tell, knowledge to share, or a perspective to offer — welcome home. Ismail Hafidh al-Lami (Arabic: اسماعيل حافظ اللامي‎)— known as Abu Deraa (Arabic: أبو درع‎, "Father of Shield) — is an Iraqi Shia militant whose men have been accused of terrorizing and killing Sunnis. He also is said to have supervised the forced eviction of hundreds of Sunni families from Shiite-dominated areas of … Iraq between 2. Aaron T. Rose October 7, 2013 . Look Toward Employers. Special Groups (SGs) is a designation given by the United States military to the cell-based Shi'a paramilitary organizations operating within Iraq, backed by Iran.According to the United States these groups are funded, trained, and armed by the Iranian Quds Force, part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The opening sequence of the movie, also featured in a trailer, depicts Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) with his sights trained on a street in Iraq ahead of a marine convoy.