Counties are assigned tiers that are updated weekly and determined by the county’s case rate and test positivity rate. Essential workforce and critical infrastructure sectors are defined on the Essential workforce web page. The California Department of Public Health, in consultation with county Departments of Public Health, will regularly review and assess the impacts of these imposed limits on public health and provide further direction as part of a phased-in restoration of activities in places of worship. The advisory also strongly discourages nonessential travel from other states or countries and asks that everyone arriving in California from out of state quarantine for 10 days after arrival—essential workers are exempt. Both the Limited Stay Home Order and the Regional Stay Home Order were lifted January 25, 2021. To prevent further spread of COVID-19 and help contain any new sources of infection, Californians should stay within 120 miles from their home or … California’s new widespread curfew calls for people to remain at home between 10 p.m and 5 a.m., but it doesn’t shut down hotels. Wedding ceremonies should follow the guidance for Places of worship or cultural ceremonies. As described in more detail elsewhere in applicable state public health directives (including on this page), there are a wide range of circumstances in which you may leave your home or other place of residence, even if you are not an Essential Critical Infrastructure Worker. Thus, Disneyland and Disney California Adventure and major theme parks are currently closed in California. Further local restrictions may apply. Even with adherence to physical distancing, convening in a congregational setting of multiple households to practice a personal faith carries a higher risk of widespread transmission of COVID-19, and may result in increased rates of infection, hospitalization, and death, especially among more vulnerable populations. Museums, movie theaters, zoos, and aquariums, are allowed to reopen, but only outdoors. You can walk your dog. Hair salons and barbershops can open in every county, with modifications for safety. This interim guidance is effective immediately. Yes. In addition, performances are permitted only if, in the exercise of their discretion, the relevant local or city health officer approves the precautions taken to ensure the safety of audience members, performers and others connected with the performance. This guidance is designed to address sectors and activities opening statewide. In the Substantial (red) tier, indoor services in places of worship are permitted at 25% of room’s usual capacity. Bay Area: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma counties. CHLA has an index of all county orders related to COVID-19, … Local Health Officers are advised to consider appropriate limitations on outdoor attendance capacities, factoring their jurisdiction’s key COVID-19 health indicators. This order was ended February 5, 2021 and is no longer in effect in any county in California. Indoor swimming pools are closed in counties in the Widespread (purple) or Substantial (red) tiers. Due to a sharp rise ... hotels may not accept out-of-state reservations for nonessential travel unless a visitor plans to stay for 14 days and restaurants cannot offer dine-in … Playgrounds may remain open to facilitate physically distanced personal health and wellness through outdoor exercise. Georgia. As of January 12, there were no statewide travel restrictions in Georgia. Will be self-isolating upon arrival by car at the destination (private home). This advisory affects all counties in California. All four Regions that were subject to the Regional Stay Home Order have exited because their projected four-week ICU capacity is above 15%. The order was modified on May 4, 2020. Elections are an essential activity, and applicable provisions of the Elections Code continue to govern elections during COVID-19 unless suspended or amended. ICU capacity is projected four weeks out because ICU capacity is a lagging indicator; even if ICU capacity is below 15% today, those hospitalizations are results of infections that were weeks ago, not because of current transmission rates. Remember to wear a face covering and distance yourself at least 6 feet from other pets and owners. While COVID-19 remains prevalent and dangerous, with cases still well above our summer surge, the crisis experienced at the end of 2020 has subsided and the additional restrictions imposed beyond those applicable under the Blueprint for a Safer Economy can be rescinded. The purple tier mandates that theme parks must remain closed. These metrics, along with declining cases, hospitalizations, test positivity and transmission rates across the State, demonstrate that the Regional Stay Home Order had its intended effect of interrupting the exponential rate of community transmission that threatened to overwhelm our healthcare delivery system. The Blueprint for a Safer Economy has a map of California with each county’s current tier status: Widespread (purple), Substantial (red), Moderate (orange), or Minimal (yellow). When you are otherwise out in public, public health directives do not prevent you from engaging in political expression—such as by wearing or carrying a sign. Failure to follow these requirements may result in an order to disperse or other enforcement action. On January 26, a new nationwide order mandated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requires international arrivals to provide documentation of negative COVID-19 test results procured within three days of their departure to the U.S. While only very small wedding receptions are currently permitted, consider safer options like sharing your wedding online via video conference (Zoom, Google Meet, or other platforms). Under the stay-home order, outdoor dining had been considered off limits with restaurants able to only accept takeout and delivery orders. Regions exited the Regional Stay Home Order when their projected four-week ICU capacity rose above 15%. In December, as each region in California hit less than 15 percent ICU capacity within its hospitals, the region was required to comply with the order. Hotels, inns, bed-and-breakfasts and other lodging areas will be allowed to resume operations May 22, but all nonessential travelers must follow a self-quarantine mandate. These include collection and drop-off of ballots, and collection of signatures to qualify candidates or measures for the ballot. We ended the Regional Stay Home Order and hope we do not need to resort to such strict measures to keep our health care system protected and to save lives. Yes, although in-person protests and rallies present special public health concerns for high risk of COVID-19 transmission. Drowning prevention classes, including swim lessons with certified instructors, are permitted in indoor and outdoor swimming pools in all tiers, as they are deemed essential. The guidance was created by CHLA in conjunction with hotel leadership from across the state, as well as COVID-19–specific protocols created by the California Department of Public Health and OSEA. Some of the shopping areas, however, remain open, including the Downtown Disney District, the Universal CityWalk at Universal Studios Hollywood, and the Big Shop at Legoland California. There are currently no additional restrictions on travel to California from within the United States, and all of the state’s major airports, including Los Angeles International Airport and San Francisco International Airport, remain open with flights operating. AFAR participates in affiliate marketing programs, which means we may earn a commission if you purchase an item featured on our site. Yes. Court operations vary from county to county. Places of worship such as churches, mosques, temples, and synagogues can open throughout the state, with modifications for safety (PDF). When Will Disneyland and Other California Theme Parks Reopen? Currently, all California hotels and lodgings, including short-term rentals like Airbnb, are prohibited from accepting or honoring out-of … Official travel restrictions in California; Is it safe to fly? Hotels, Lodging, and Short Term Rentals July 29, 2020 All guidance should be implemented only with county health officer approval following their review of local epidemiological data including cases per 100,000 population, rate of test positivity, and local preparedness to support a health care surge, vulnerable populations, contact tracing, and Under the guidelines for the purple tier, hotels and lodgings can resume operations with some modifications—fitness centers can only be opened outdoors, and indoor pools, hot tubs, and saunas must remain closed. Some smog check locations may be closed. Court operations vary from county to county. According to L.A. health officials, a quarantine “means staying at home or another place of temporary shelter and away from contact with others, including those in one’s household (unless they are also under quarantine), for a period of 10 days.” The county asks that inbound travelers continue to monitor themselves for COVID-19 symptoms for 14 days after arrival. While in the purple tier, restaurants and wineries can open for outdoor dining and tastings again. Several counties will keep mandatory quarantines in place and are still dissuading tourism. Performers who are not wearing face coverings must be at least six feet apart from each other. However, state public health directives do not prohibit in-person outdoor protests and rallies as long as you maintain a physical distance of at least 6 feet between persons or groups of persons from different households at all times. There are many ways for you to express your political views without holding a physical, in-person gathering. Because such gatherings frequently involve the mixing of people from different communities creating a high risk of transmission of COVID-19, until further CDPH guidance is issued, such gatherings are  allowed only in counties in the “Moderate” (orange) or “Minimal” (yellow) risk levels. A. For example, you may leave your home to work at any business or other entity that is allowed to open, to engage in in-person worship and protest activities consistent with public health directives, to patronize local businesses, or to care for friends or family members who require assistance (as set forth under Health care). This story was originally published on June 9, 2020, and was updated on January 25, 2021, to include current information. Group gatherings are not allowed. This limitation will be regularly reviewed by the California Department of Public Health. In counties in the Moderate (orange) and Minimal (yellow) tier, indoor services are permitted at 50% capacity. The Regional Stay Home Order was necessary to avoid a collapse of hospital capacity and the need to transition to crisis standards of care, which could result in rationing of access to ventilators and other lifesaving treatment and  scores of unnecessary deaths. Those directives take many forms; they include specific materials linked on this page, as well as these questions and answers. Playgrounds located at schools that remain open for in-person instruction, and not accessible by the general public, may remain open and must follow guidance for schools and school-based programs (PDF). In particular, activities like singing and group recitation dramatically increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission. The State will continue to take public health measures necessary to protect vulnerable Californians and the health care delivery system. October 20, 2020 . Places of worship may open indoor operations, observing capacity limits as noted in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, and complying with all safety modifications and guidance requirements, when permitted by relevant local restrictions. Regions entered the Regional Stay Home Order when the regional ICU capacity fell below 15%. The State Public Health Officer may issue new orders as the public health situation changes. Safety measures in place for behind-the-wheel tests include required face coverings, responding to health screening questions, temperature checks, cracked windows for increased air circulation, and seat covers. This order is in place until it is officially rescinded.