In addition, the Bark and twigs of Cherry trees should be avoided. Take the time to learn about different types of wood in your rabbit’s litter, in your furniture, and in your rabbit’s toys, so you can make sure everything is safe for your bunny. Fresh cedar, in the form of branches or twigs from trees, should also be avoided. These include: Other unsafe woods for rabbits that should be avoided include: Please note that this is not a complete list of woods your bunny should avoid. Or I should say they contain chemicals which are toxic to humans, especially in the presence of heat, which decouples the oils from their host (the wood) For instance, there's a list of woods a pipe carver should not use, and the pine family is one that's high on the list. If your rabbit continues to behave normally with normal energy levels, then there is no need for immediate medical attention. Chewing on wood and eating other high-fiber foods, is necessary for keeping rabbit teeth healthy. Yew foliage and berries are also highly toxic for rabbits and should be avoided. Now that you know the places where your rabbit can find wood to chew on, you can take steps to make sure they can’t get access to anything dangerous. So if you have furniture made from an unsafe type of wood, but your rabbit doesn’t chew on it, then there is no reason to replace it. It also is considered an economical option for rabbit bedding. These trees are native to Europe, but they now grow in areas around the world including North America. Alternatively, you can also buy safe wooden rabbit chew toys from your favorite pet store. Some bunny chew toys are even made from balsa wood. But if your bun chewed some that’s fine I don't think a cedar building would be near as bad as an animal sitting in cedar shavings. Check out which types of wood are safe for rabbits to chew on. Because your rabbit’s teeth are constantly growing, it needs chewables, such as hay, chewing toys, and branches. 2. However, they must be carefully prepared before being given to your bunny. Both are toxic but the second more so. Top 8 Giant Rabbit Breeds That Make Great Pets, How to Keep Your Rabbits Warm This Winter. Pine that has been kiln dried and used for furniture and construction is safe for rabbits. But like they said, pine and cedar bedding has been implicated in causing liver/kidney damage because that nice smell it has causes damage overtime. You’ll also want to avoid high-pollution areas, such as trees near major roads, and clean the branch thoroughly to remove any bugs, moss or mold. If the rabbit chews on this wood, it can get sick! Crazy because those fancy rabbit cages you can buy in stores are made of cedar. While some sources say branches from some of these trees are OK when they’ve been dried for at least a month, they’re generally best avoided. The rabbit's intestinal tract is unable to remove these gases through flatulence. Holly trees, foliage, and berries are mildly poisonous to rabbits and should be avoided. Your friendly neighborhood guinea pig writer right here made the same faux pas a good 25 years ago. But where you get the wood is also important. Nope not toxic at all-even if they are eating it a bit. Be sure to choose a brand that removes the dust and wood debris. If your rabbit chews on furniture, you can wrap cat scratcher mats around the wooden legs to keep your rabbits away. Sometimes rabbits will instinctively avoid chewing on anything that has been treated, but many times they don’t know any better. Rabbit teeth are open rooted, which means they will continuously grow. The following materials are not safe if toxic chemicals or insecticides have been sprayed on them. At the very least, it is best to not use cedar wood around rabbits if it still has that strong cedar smell, which may indicate a high level of phenols is present. In addition, fabric bedding i.e. You should not give your rabbit yew branches, even if they have been cut from the tree for a few weeks and dried. Wood from apricot, peach, cherry, avocado and plum trees is toxic to rabbits. A hutch that is made from toxic wood should be taken away. If you’re unsure whether a particular branch is safe to give to your furry friend, consult your veterinarian. The Non-Toxic and Toxic wood list is thanks to Mario D. Vaden: M. D. Vaden – Trees & Landcapes. This type of bedding is a safe alternative to pine and cedar. Even better, it’ll also provide the sort of boredom-busting mental stimulation that every rabbit loves. Safe wood for rabbits is untreated and pesticide-free, with popular choices including willow, apple and spruce. Cedar and many of the other aromatics are in fact slightly toxic. MDF boards contain a formaldehyde and is toxic to rabbits if they chew on it or if they even inhale the dust particles from the wood. This used to be a common form of bedding and litter for rabbits, but is now known to be dangerous. Do rabbits need to chew on wood? This means if your rabbit isn’t actually chewing on it, they won’t suffer the negative side effects. “Literboxes and Liver Disease.”. If the pine wood that you are using still has that strong pine smell, then it may be best to keep it away from the rabbit area. Chewing safe items like wood helps trim their teeth down and maintain good health. Maybe someone else can help with the cedar boards. Your email address will not be published. Cedar and pine became popular as pet bedding materials because they are good at controlling odor and have some natural insecticidal properties (they kill or repel bugs like lice, especially the cedar chips). But when you’re searching for the best rabbit chew toys, how do you know which wood is safe for rabbits to chew? What Lettuce Can Rabbits Eat (Romaine, Iceberg, Red Leaf…)? However, branches from stone fruit trees are safe for rabbits to chew on if they have been dried for a month or longer. This will not only prevent him from damaging your belongings, but it’ll also stop him from chewing anything toxic or dangerous. Cedar shavings are not recommended for small animals such as rabbits or any domesticated rodentia in enclosed cages. To be on the safe side, it’s best to make sure your rabbit cannot chew on any of these toxic types of wood. It’s common for people to expect to care for a rabbit the same way they care for a gerbil or hamster, only to find... My name is Amy and I am the Bunny Lady! If you have peach trees in your yard and want to harvest some sticks for your rabbit, you can set them to dry out in the sun to allow the cyanide time to dissipate. They’ll chew on cardboard, furniture, and any kind of twigs, branches or toys you can find. You can keep your rabbit away from baseboards by covering the perimeter of the room with fencing. “Feeding the house rabbit 6: twigs and branches.”, Harriman, Marinell. Subscribe to the Bunny Lady e-Newsletter and receive a FREE pdf guidebook going over all the basics of rabbit care. You can usually tell if the toy uses a vegetable-based paint by running it under water. Cedar, rose, oak, olive, fig, and citrus fruit branches are toxic for rabbits. Leaves and branches are fine for them too! Hemlock has purply/pinkish spots on the stems, shinier leaves than cow parsley and is a … Cedar is another soft wood that may cause illness and premature death in rabbits. Flentke, George Ph.D. “The Dangers of Softwood Shavings.”. However any other type of paint should be avoided and the toys should be replaced. Required fields are marked *. There is only one species that produces the tasty results we are looking for and that is the mighty Western Red Cedar. Some are toxic cause they contain poisonous elements, whilst others are not poisonous but cause gases. The second is the relatively poorly characterized … The category of cedar trees encompasses a wide variety of genera and species, some of which are toxic to cats. Any branches or sticks will need to come from a tree that hasn’t been sprayed with any pesticides or harmful chemicals. In urban areas where rats have invaded, the use of cedar will not only drive off the unwanted pests, one study* showed that the mortality of rat pups exposed to cedar shavings was t… As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. I had to buy some. There are plenty of options to choose from, many featuring interesting shapes, colors and designs to provide some mental stimulation for pets. If your rabbit manages to chew on some wood that is toxic to them, then there is no need for immediate panic. Despite popular belief, the oils in pine and cedar woods are not what make them dangerous for rabbits. Steven is the guy behind SmallPetJournal. Before allowing our pet rabbits to chew on toys and wooden objects, we’ll want to make sure we know exactly which types are toxic for rabbits so we can avoid them. Pine branches, needles, and twigs should also be kept away from rabbits. Cedar bedding is one of the most common mistakes new piggie parents make. You can do all the research in the world and still have no clue what to do when your two rabbits won't get along. You'll be fine if you stick with hay, straw and non-toxic sawdust. aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols) that are given o… It’s best not to give this to rabbits unless it has been kiln-dried. Pine. There are two major concerns with the use of cedar and pineshavings as litter. It gives them mental stimulation throughout the day, ensuring that boredom doesn’t lead to destructive behavior. They can impact the liver. Also toxic and not to be fed to rabbits are arum, bryony and hemlock. It is commonly used in carpentry such as for bookcases and cabinets. Copyright © 2018 - 2020 As rabbits tend to chew on their hutches I'd not use cedar for the box. Never really thought about it. You’ll also want to make sure you don’t use any fertilizer or pesticides that are not safe for rabbits. Look at the stems. Any words in red were added to the list by me. According to, research suggests that yogurt drops may contribute to lethal cases of enterotoxemia, “a toxic overgrowth of ‘bad’ bacteria in the intestinal tract.” If you’re looking for a healthy treat to feed your bunny, try green peppers or Brussels sprouts. If a rabbit is around these shavings for long periods of time, it can cause changes in the way their liver produces enzymes and can even cause medicines for rabbits to be less effective. Any pine cone you give to your pet must be entirely free of pesticides, plus it must also be thoroughly cleaned and dried (you can even bake them in the oven if you want) before your bunny gets their paws on it. It’s also important to note that most toxic wood (with the exception of aromatic woods that contain high levels of phenols) are only harmful when ingested. I was doing some research, looking for plants that are good for the rabbits, and I ran across a long list of plants that are dangerous for them. Yew is very dangerous and contains chemicals that can cause sudden death in rabbits. abale/esia; alder; almond (can produce cyanide) apricot (freshly cut branches are toxic)   balsam fir; beech; birch; black locust; blackwood; bogwood; boxwood; buddleia; cashew; cedar   cherry; citrus (all citrus woods including lemon, orange, etc.) Chewing is an important way for your rabbit to stay healthy, so ensuring that your pet has safe items to chew on is vital. The latter is safe for rabbits. There are some companies who will use a vegetable dye paint which is safe for rabbits. You will find some resources saying bamboo is completely safe for rabbits, and others saying it’s toxic. No, the chemicals in treated wood could be harmful to your rabbit, so it’s best avoided when searching for safe wood for rabbits to chew. However, there are certain types of wood that rabbits should never chew. It’s still a good idea to keep an eye on your rabbit to make sure they are still eating and pooping regularly if they did manage to chew on something they shouldn’t have. While it is usually less toxic than cedar, pine can still cause liver complications and the decreased effectiveness of common rabbit medicines if they have prolonged exposure to the pine. The wood that rabbits have access to in a household is more than just the toys you give them. I have one i bought used. If your rabbit has access to types of poisonous wood on a regular basis it can cause health problems in rabbits. Cedar and pine contain phenols, which are chemicals that give the woods their … Try to remove or fence off any areas that have toxic wood or plants that are poisonous to rabbits. … This means taking steps to rabbit proof your house. In 1989, the House Rabbit Society, which has fostered thousands of rabbits until homes can be found for them, ... bedding is truly safe, but hardwood beddings, or the softwood spruce, which in the 1981 study appears to be less toxic than cedar and pine, are certainly safer choices. 8 Types of the Best Bedding for Rabbits Hay. It contains high amounts of cyanide that is toxic to rabbits. Repeated or prolonged exposure to unsafe wood, shavings, or even varnishes can cause digestive or liver complications. Non-Toxic. Instead it is better to use hardwood shavings, such as aspen, or opt for a paper-based litter instead. As far as the kennel, go to the feed store or a Tractor Supply and they have the connector to put it together. He currently lives with his wife & three guinea pigs in Texas. Even many types of poisonous wood are actually safe once they have been dried completely. Your rabbit’s teeth grow continuously throughout his life, so giving your bunny suitable chew toys will help wear down his teeth. However, once the twigs or sticks have been dried for 30 days or more, they are safe to give to rabbits. Now that you know what the best essential oils for rabbits are, here are some great ways you can safely use them to take care of your rabbits: For bad odor – Diffuse lavender essential oil. A Guide to Bonding Your Free Roam Rabbit With a New Bunny. It’s still important to make sure you’re being cautious though. 36 Related Question Answers Found What is the best bedding for a rabbit? These softwood shavings also smell nice due to the volatile compounds (e.g. If your rabbit has access to an outdoor run, then you may also have to do some rabbit proofing in your yard. However, not all small animal chew toys are created, especially for bunnies, so double-check that any toy you buy is made using a rabbit-safe wood. However, there are several types of wood that should be avoided, such as cedar, fresh pine and wood from stone-fruit trees, as these can be harmful to your pet. These toxic gases are therefore incorporated into the rabbit's … Be forewarned pet owners, it is highly recommended that cedar (and some types of pine) shavings or products are never used for pet insects or rodents, especially as a bedding material for mice, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc.. Some popular woods that are safe for bunnies to chew and that rabbits like to chew on include: There are also toxic woods for rabbits that should be avoided at all costs. To be on the safe side, I recommend staying away from any hutches or furniture that use cedar. This post may contain affiliate links. Unfortunately hemlock is easily confused with cow parsley, which rabbits enjoy very much. Wooden and wicker furniture could be treated with a wide range of harmful chemicals, so be sure to stop your bunny chewing these items. Finally, it’s worth remembering that your bunny may also decide that he needs to chew on his hutch. Amoxicillin: Antibiotic used for cats and humans.Kills rabbits Cedar/Pine Shavings: Inhaled hydrocarbons cause liver damage Houseplants: Many houseplants are toxic, bunny doesn’t know what is safe Electric Wires: Fires and electrocution could result Stray/Strange Dogs: Always supervise your rabbit around dogs … Furthermore, is fir wood toxic to rabbits? The toxic compound called 'Persin' found in Avocado fruit, seeds, leaves and bark is harmful, even fatal, to rabbits. Bamboo is one of those types of wood that people have mixed opinions on. Another advantage of using pine for rabbit bedding is that the plant chemicals present in pine can cover the ammonia scent given off by the excrement of your rabbit. Branches from cherry trees should also be avoided. My rabbit chews on and eats the large chips and a rabbit needs to chew on wood to keep their teeth in shape or you will have to take them to the vet to have them filed down, so do you rabbit a favor, give them the cedar chips mix it with the corn cob pellets, the corn cob pellets absorb odors, even if I get busy … Cedar and pine. Bonding becomes even more difficult when... To the general public, rabbits are often thought of as easy beginner pets. Like with cedar, pine is dangerous to rabbits because of the high levels of phenols it produces. There are two reason that bamboo has such mixed opinions: All parts of a European elder tree are considered mildly toxic to rabbits and should be avoided.