Labor-like pains. Homeopathy Materia Medica by Dr. James Tyler Kent. Burning in back, in lumbar region. Violent headache in SIDES OF HEAD. Pain deep in ear. Suffocation of lungs. Cramping, drawing, pressing. Delirium 'tremens. KALI PHOSPHORICUM | Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent. Vision ,weak. Labor-like pains. Great lassitude. Thirst during heat. Presented by M di-T. Kali Phosphoricum. Pain in the back during rest, ameliorated by motion, respiration aggravates, during menses. Spasmodic constriction. Address: Alonissos, Northern Sporades, 37005 Greece Tel: +30 (24240) 65142, Fax: +30 (24240) 65147 E-mail: Contact us Imaginations. Softening of the brain. Stitching in the urethra. Discontented and sad. Pain in scapulae morning on waking, had to sit up to turn over. Pain in occiput as if hair were pulled; must let hair hang down. Restlessness during menses. Neuralgic stitch riding in cold air; ameliorated by heat of hand. Aching in left side of chest through to scapula. Low form of delirium in typhoid and septic fevers. The nose is swollen. Cough from irritation in larynx and trachea. Rumbling and tension. VIOLENT. Offensive odor, putrid morning, like spoiled cheese. Catarrh of the chest. Sweat mornings and nights, when eating and drinking, and on slight exertion, during sleep offensive; profuse night sweats. Grinding teeth in sleep. Tel: +30 (24240) 65142, Stunning pains. Presented by Médi-T. Kali Phosphoricum. Whooping cough with great nervous exhaustion. Shifting and wandering rheumatic pains in the joints. Internal heat. You can read the full book here. Sneezing frequent; violent at 2 A. M., from slight exposure. Lump in throat. She is cruel to her baby and husband. Pimples in the canal. Loose cough. He is indisposed to talk, or to be talked to. Kali-p. MATERIA MEDICA By James Tyler KENT, A.M., M.D. Materia Medica sources for Kali Phosphoricum Face Boericke Clarke Kent Lectures Reversed & reworded Kent repertory. Septic, PUTRIDHEMORRHAGES, and great prostration. Pressing in occiput, ameliorated by eating. Perspiration on mental exertion, of the forehead; cold sweat. Diarrhoea, morning, 6 A. M., evening, night, during or after eating; colliquative; from fright or excitement, during menses, painless, with vomiting and cramps, with great exhaustion, in typhoid. Haemorrhoids, external and internal, itching, painful with burning and swelling. He is easily frightened, which increases his many nervous and mental symptoms. Pressing and stitching in the bladder. External and internal chill. External and internal chill. Sleepiness early in evening, after eating. Oedema of the limbs and dropsy of serous sacs. Sticking in skin. Soreness in chest. Hypochondriasis and hysteria. Inflammation of glands. Stitching, catching in spleen, aggravated from motion. Sleepiness early in evening, after eating. Walking in sleep. INTRODUCTION – Kali phos. Weak memory. Ulcers, burning, offensive, even putrid, with yellow discharges. Chilliness after eating. Stream stops and starts. Sore burning mouth and tongue. The tongue is white, slimy; greenish yellow. Pain in shoulders and arms, in arms when raising them. In tired out nervous women who are subject to abortion. Stupefaction and suspicious. Singing in ear. Cold hands and feet. Jerking pain, pressing pain. Restlessness during menses. Cannot sit erect without a chair back to lean against. Weak back. The irritability is very marked, in morning on waking, in the evening, after coition, during headache, during menses, when spoken to, on waking at any time, after becoming exhausted from a diarrhoea. Vanishing of thought. Inactivity of the rectum. Pain in dorsal region. Sensation of coldness in the stomach. Aversion to coition. Swelling in axilla; abscess. Fever with no sweat. Pain in back of neck. Expectoration in morning, bloody, frothy, greenish, mucous, offensive, purulent, putrid, salty, thick, sweetish, viscid, yellowish white. RESPIRATION Respiration, asthmatic (p. 763) Respiration, asthmatic, eating, after (p. 764) Respiration, difficult (p. 766) Respiration, difficult, night, during (p. 767) Respiration, difficult, ascending (p. 768) Respiration, difficult, eating, after (p. 769) Chill, morning, forenoon, noon, afternoon, evening. Emptiness with nausea, during menses, after eating. The skin is cold, jaundiced, dry. Dryness and dullness of the eyes. Heartburn. Itching and burning in the nose. He takes cold easily. Receding gums. Much soreness inside of the nose, with yellow crusts and dark blood. The balls are sore to touch. select:focus, Retching. PARALYSIS OF LIMBS. Mistakes in speaking and writing. It cured a chronic abscess discharging periodically through the vagina and rectum a copious orange-colored fluid. Loathing of food. Fainting spells. Lids agglutinated in the morning and a discharge of mucus, aggravated in the evening. Marked disturbance of the sympathetic nervous system. Conditions arising from want of nerve power, neurasthenia, mental and physical depression, are wonderfully improved this remedy. The function of kali is impulse transmission and to maintain the tone of muscle. Pain lower part of chest on coughing, in sides of chest, in heart. Dreams anxious, AMOROUS, of falling, frightful, of being naked, nightmare, vivid; night terrors in children (BORAX). Vertigo from anaemia. Heat in head evening, flushes of heat in the forehead. Pain in uterus and ovaries at night during pregnancy. Dim vision after coition. Dribbling after urination; feeble stream, frequent, copious at night. Vision is foggy. Sugar in the urine. Dry mouth and tongue in the morning. Neuralgic pains relieved by warmth. Catarrh of the chest. Drawing in back, lumbar region. Griping in hypogastrium with ineffectual urging to stool. The patient in general, and his pains, are aggravated in cold air, from becoming cold, after becoming cold, from entering a cold place, and in cold, wet weather. Pressing after eating. Profound sleep. Falling of the lids. Stinging in ear, aggravated lying. Respiration difficult at night; rattling, short; difficult on going up stairs. Pain in lumbar region during menses, while sitting, ameliorated by motion. The abdomen feels cold, and is sensitive to uncovering. Forehead as though bored, ameliorated by eating. Stitching. Presented by Médi-T KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM Phosphate of Potassium (KALI PHOSPHORICUM) One of the greatest nerve remedies. INACTIVITY OF THE SKIN. Sticks. Offensive catarrhal discharges. The high and highest potencies have served the best, and it should be used in the single dose. Fever alternating with chill. Fasting ameliorates. Weakness of chest Weak heart. Effects of grief and prolonged sorrow." She is impatient and impetuous. The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH) is an educational institution which presents academic Courses in homeopathy for the effective clinical practise of Classical Homeopathy. Hunger during menses. Burning in the urethra during and after urination. Discouraged. She does not recognize her surroundings. Kali iod 2; Kali phos 2; Kali suiph 3 (18) In general Kalis are never constipated However each salt may have some constipation in its pathogenesis. Pressing pain in shoulder and thighs. Photophobia. Sensation of emptiness. 660 Kalmia lat. Oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest. Indifference to surroundings, to joy and to her family. Nervous asthma, aggravated after eating. The typhoid mouth, tongue and teeth in septic fevers when there are putrid odors. Pressing in temples and vertex. Neuralgic stitch riding in cold air, ameliorated by heat of hand. Whenever he wakens it oppresses him, and he becomes hypochondriacal. Parts become black. The Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent was written in 1905. Pain in ovaries, in left, ameliorated lying on the back and bending double, during menses. Heaviness of limbs, of lower limbs and feet. In the brain, nerves, muscles and blood especially, its mere presence is not enough, rather, it … This has been a useful remedy in hydrocephalus and many brain affections, when associated with putrid diarrhoea. One-sided coldness. Stitching in the head, forehead, over eyes, in occiput, sides of head, right frontal eminence and in temples. The roof of the mouth swollen in ridges, feels as if lined with grease. Complaints come on from uncovering the head. Stitching. Dusky spots on calves. Ineffectual urging to stool. Staring, restless, excited look. Anaemic; and chlorotic patients. Specific gravity increased. Typhoid fever, low, putrid type. It is a long-acting antipsoric. Hunger soon after eating, from nervous weakness. The pains in head are ameliorated by gentle motion; aggravated from noise, riding in a carriage, after sleep, sneezing, stepping, stooping, touch, pressure, walking and writing. It was used extensively as an antiperiodic after quinine had failed, and as a tonic, for skin diseases of all sorts, for syphilis, for anaemia, etc. Swollen lips, parotid and submaxillary glands. Burning feet, soles and toes. The head is cold, and sensitive to cold air. Lienteric stools. Heat all night, with hunger. Herpes. Irritation of the larynx and trachea in cold air. Paralysis of limbs. Paralytic drawing in limbs, ameliorated by warmth and gentle motion. Ulceration in the nose. The stomach is commonly disordered. Flatulence, OBSTRUCTED, NOISY. Epistaxis in the morning, on blowing the nose, in low fevers. textarea:focus { Sediment is flocculent, mucous, red and sandy. Anxiety in the chest in the evening. The head inclines to fall forward. Drawing in back, lumbar region. Headache comes from eye-strain, and is ameliorated by wrapping up the head. Could scarcely get warm in bed. Yellow crusts, worse in right nostril. He suffers much from dryness in the nose. Choreic movements. Fermentation with distress in heart. Pressing OUTWARD in FOREHEAD, over eyes as if brain would expand. Irritation of the larynx and trachea in cold air. Flies into a passion and can hardly articulate. Face pale, sickly and dirty. Stitching. A Memorable Rendezvous with Prof. George Vithoulkas, Address: Alonissos, Northern Sporades, 37005 Greece Constriction of the heart. Eruptions on the back, pimples. Stitching in the head, forehead, over eyes, in occiput, sides of head, right frontal eminence and in temples. Kali phos [Kali-p] Dizziness, swimming of the head, when from cerebral or nervous causes, and weakness, not gastric. Stitching toward front of chest with dyspnoea, ameliorated leaning back against chair, aggravated lying on the back, sitting or walking. Leucorrhoea ACRID, BURNING, COPIOUS, greenish, yellow, offensive, putrid; after menses; in young girls. HOMŒOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA by William BOERICKE, M.D. Paralysis of one side of face (CAUST.). Tearing pains in the back, in lumbar region. Late Professor of Materia Medica in Hering College, Chicago. Deafness. Potassium Phosphate is an important element found in the secretions of the human body and glands. Itching from leucorrhoea. Herpes. Pain in teeth from taking cold, aggravated by cold things, aggravated masticating, aggravated after sleep. 645 Kali silicatum 654 Kali sulph. Inflammation of uterus. Ulceration so extensively that it has destroyed the whole soft palate. Pain in chest during cough, on inspiration, on motion, on breathing. Pain in hip and knee. Tearing pains in chest. Buzzing, fluttering, humming, ringing, roaring, rushing, SINGING, whizzing. Weakness of memory for words, and great PROSTRATION OF MIND. Colors before the eyes, floating black spots, dark colors; halo around the light. The pains are aching, pressing, stitching, tearing, tearing downwards, paralyzing. Cold applications ameliorate pain in right side of face from a hollow tooth. Paroxysmal cough. Scorbutic, spongy gums. Pain in throat on swallowing. The brain is very sensitive to jar, and to sounds. Respiration difficult at night; rattling, short; difficult on going up stairs. Stinging in soles. This remedy has been favorably mentioned in angina pectoris. Brown patch from the edge of the brows to the eyebrows, three inches wide, lasting three months. Especially suited to tired, languid, exhausted subjects. Walking in sleep. Glands dwindle. The hands are hot. The pains are aching, boring, burning. Pain in lumbar region during menses, while sitting, ameliorated by motion. Aversion to coition. Indifference to his business matters, and then comes indolence and lassitude. It is a great remedy for IMBECILITY. Shrieks and acts like one insane. 443 Kali silicatum 601 Natrum carb. Aversion to answering questions. Relaxed anus. Kalium Phosphoricum. The abdomen feels cold, and is sensitive to uncovering. Weeping and weary of life. Sore, bruised spine. Taste bad, bitter, insipid, PUTRID, sour; bitter in the morning. Gnawing pain at 5 A. m. on waking. Tension of scalp Heaviness of the head, morning on rising, in forehead and occiput. Cough in cold air, from deep breathing, during chill and fever, after eating; aggravated lying. Itching of the scalp morning on waking, in the night in bed, aggravated 3 to 5 A.M. IMPOTENCY. The head inclines to fall forward. Most complaints are worse during rest, and ameliorated by gentle motion and slowly walking about. Drawing in upper limbs, in the thighs, knees and legs. Twitching, Hearing acute to noises and voices, but impaired as to the articulation of the human voice. Heaviness of limbs, of lower limbs and feet. All forms of nervous weakness. Symptoms are often ONE-SIDED. ac., Nit. A nervous hurry is noticed in action and speech Nervous excitement bus increased until hysterical conduct is present "It is a great remedy for imbecility. Pressing and stitching in the bladder. Orgasm of blood. Yellow crusts, worse in right nostril. Fermentation with distress in heart. Dysentery. It is a long-acting antipsoric. Fullness in ears. The expression is haggard, sickly and suffering. Aching between scapulae. Sensation of sand. The aim of the IACH is the professional education of Medical Doctors, Medical students and health practitioners in order to become effective Classical Homeopaths, according to the principles of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Vexation brings on many complaints. Circumscribed red cheeks. Lameness and stiffness of whole back, ameliorated by gentle motion. E-mail:, input:focus, Fear of a crowd, of death, of disease, of evil, of people, of solitude. FULLNESS and distension. Swollen oedematous lids. Hay-fever with great nervous weakness. Pulsation, forehead and temples. Stopped sensation. Pain in forehead before menses, above the eyes extending to occiput; across forehead into both temples. Violent pulsating pains. Vision weak. Itching of the limbs, of palms and soles.