Maize yield is closely related to plant population. Corn also requires ample space as it grows large in s… Maize varieties. Moderate MSV tolerance; Good GLS tolerance and cob disease. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Scolecosporiella sp. Stem borers affect maize grown in the late season. Results Comparable disease pressure was observed in each environment as indicated by significant genotypic variance at each environment for each population (Table S1). The main objective of this article to provide best knowledge of maize disease and management so that maize production in India should be improved. syringae van Hall, Glomerella graminicola [teleomorph] The most feasible means of control is by planting resistant varieties. The marker‐free transgenic lines with S6RNAi, driven by either maize ubiquitin‐1 promoter or rice rbcS green tissue expression promoter, in elite rice background should have great potential in breeding of resistant varieties to both RBSDV and SRBSDV and provide a basis for further safety evaluation and commercial application. Maize (Zea mays L.), a major industrial commodity, feed grain, and staple food for many people in the developing world, is especially prone to contamination by aflatoxins produced by the fungi in the genus Aspergillus [].Because of the established ability of aflatoxins to suppress human and animal immune systems, negatively impact growth and development, and induce … Bins 1.05/07 and 9.05 were found to carry population‐specifc genes for resistance to S. turcica and other organisms. Maize Field Guide Maize Crop Development, Pests and Diseases. The spots are usually small and circular with grey center and brown borders. Curvularia lunata Neil Groom, technical director for maize seed supplier Grainseed looks at … Average stalk height is 2.6m with a cob placement of 1.4m. Maize rough dwarf disease (MRDD) is one of the most damaging viral diseases found in the maize growing areas of Europe, Asia and South America. Erwinia chrysanthemi pv. Exserohilum pedicillatum Penicillium expansum Mycosphaerella tassiana [teleomorph], Ascochyta maydis The average cob placement confers excellent standability. In their model, Collins and Duffy studied the dynamics of susceptible plant, infected plant and pathogen dynamics. (2) Threshold quantity (the basic reproduction number R 0) To analyze the stability of this equilibrium point, we consider a threshold quantity known as the basic reproduction number. The combination of legume (i.e., soybean) and cereal crops (i.e., maize) creates a stable system that can help protect soil fertility and reduce abiotic and biotic pressures, while also producing high yields [9, 22–24]. Good heat and drought tolerance aiding wide adaptation. Rhizoctonia zeae Maize cultivars with quantitative, “horizontal” or non-race specific resistance show a significant reduction of disease severity, but may still produce conidiophores and conidia ( Hilu and Hooker, 1964 ). Diseases account for 2 to 15% of maize yield losses annually, and foliar diseases are the most destructive in terms of yield. Northern corn leaf blight (NCLB) is one of the most devastating leaf pathogens in maize (Zea mays L.). The raw materials for this process are water and mineral nutrients (from the soil), and carbon dioxide (from the atmosphere). Introduction. Sometimes these spots (lesions) could be many and could coalesce and make the leaves appear ‘burnt’ hence the name “blights”. crop rotation, intercropping, and the use of trap crops. The leafy stalk of the plant produces pollen inflorescences and separate ovuliferous inflorescences called ears that yield kernels or seeds, … Nectria haematococca [teleomorph] So far, the studies on the disease have not been carried out intensively in tropical countries including Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. The leaves of infected plants show broken to almost continuous longitudinal chlorotic lines along the veins and the leaf surface. Basic requirements Corn is best grown in warm, tropical and sub-tropical regions as it requires warm soils to develop optimally. More plants mean higher yield. Most of these diseases are prevalent on maize in the humid coastal and rainforest areas if the tropics and are less troublesome in the drier areas of the interior. Doratomyces stemonitis = Cephalotrichum stemonitis Macrophomina phaseolina Online. Cochliobolus intermedius [teleomorph] ← Rice Diseases and How to Prevent/Control it for Higher Yield Advantage, Cats Signs of Affection – Does your Pet Headbutt and Lick you →, Celosia argentea Cultivation for High Yield, Sunflower (Helianthus annus) Pollination Fact, How to Make Broiler Starter and Finisher Feed, Maize Diseases and Ways to Prevent or Control them. Dithane S-31), the most feasible control measure is the use of resistant varieties. While the genetic basis of resistance to multiple fungal pathogens has been studied in maize, less is known about the relationship between fungal and bacterial resistance. The selection response of a complex maize population improved primarily for quantitative disease resistance to northern leaf blight (NLB) and secondarily for common rust resistance and agronomic phenotypes was investigated at the molecular genetic level. Botrytis cinerea Mucor spp. Ascochyta zeicola P. neglectus Fusarium tricinctum Pithomyces maydicus The primary damage caused by this species often makes possible the introduction of secondary pests, such as the flour beetles. Cochliobolus eragrostidis [teleomorph] However, there are limitations to increasing plant population under humid, tropical conditions. Fusarium sulphureum [anamorph] Ascochyta tritici Aspergillus spp. Penicillium oxalicum, Pythium arrhenomanes Dictochaeta fertilis Cunninghamella sp. No need to register, buy now! Maize (Zea mays L.) is the leading grain in the world with an annual production of more than 1 billion tons in 2013, and it constitutes staple foods for large groups of people in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.Maize production has increased the most because of its greater adaptation to different ecological systems and strong demand for bioethanol and animal feed and for the … Fusarium equiseti Results: We evaluated a diverse maize population comprised of 999 inbred lines across different environments for resistance to NCLB. POPULATION DYNAMICS AND MANAGEMENT OF VECTORS OF VIRUSES CAUSING MAIZE LETHAL NECROSIS DISEASE IN BOMET COUNTY KENYA Namikoye Everlyne Samita (M.Sc. oryzicola, which does not cause disease on maize, and the maize/sorghum pathogen B. andropogonis. The chromosomal bins 3.05, 5.04 and 8.05, or adjacent intervals, were further associated with QTL and major genes for resistance to eight other fungal diseases and insect pests of maize. Plants were grown in a greenhouse and moved to the growth chamber for disease trials 24 hr before inoculations. Curvularia tuberculata The maize Rxo1 gene therefore conditions the HR to both the rice pathogen X. o. pv. Thus, plants infected at early stages suffer a 100% loss of yield. Bacterial Stalk Rot: This varied significantly by region with estimates of 4% in northern Europe and 14% in West Africa and South Curvularia pallescens The popular disease guide with all the commonly occurring and economically significant diseases and disorders of maize, sunflower and wheat in South Africa will remain in the app for quick and easy self-diagnosis. In the 1980s, a larger grains borer, Phostephamus truncates (LGB), a native of Central America, invaded sub-Saharan Africa. nebraskense, Pseudomonas syringae pv. Twenty-nine quantitative trait loci were identi fied, and most had multiple alleles. American Indian populations were decimated by European diseases. Trichodorus spp. 2007. Brown spot is caused by Physoderma maydis. Gonatobotrys simplex Fusarium oxysporum Maize pellucid ringspot Maize pellucid ringspot virus (MPRV) Maize rayado fino (fine striping disease) Maize rayado fino virus (MRFV) Maize red leaf and red stripe Mollicute? Control of borers can be affected by the use of insecticides, early planting, roguing of affected plants, burning of crop residues, and observing a close season. Diplodia maydis P. scribneri Mariannaea elegans Gibberella acuminata [teleomorph] Phomopsis spp. a 5,000-inbred-line nestedassociation mapping population for resis-tance to northern leaf blight, a maize disease of global economic importance. Fusarium merismoides Crops are hosts to numerous plant pathogenic microorganisms. A maize plant uses sunlight as an energy source to produce carbohydrates, protein and oil, which are stored as grain. It has been identified as one of the most serious constraints to maize population in the forest ecology. Aspergillus niger the impacts of maize foliar diseases on m aize population [15]. P. zeae. MAIZE PEARL MILLET SORGHUM RICE ONION TOMA TO COWPEA GROUNDNUT YAM CASSAVA IRISH POTATO 3. Fusarium moniliforme Overall, this study provided a systematic, rapid, stable, and simple identification method for maize inbred lines resistant to FSR in the field. Maize (Zea mays L. ssp. However, this requires the identification and use of stable resistance genes that are effective across different environments. maize and shed light on the genetic basis of agronomic and domestication traits, we developed NILs from 10 teo - sinte accessions in the B73 background. Bipolaris maydis [anamorph] = Helminthosporium maydis. American wheat striate mosaic virus mosaic, "Invasive fungi. In [17], the authors proposed and analyzed an SI-SEI maize disease model which is a combination of both the host and the vector population models … Successful maize production depends on the correct application of production inputs that will sustain the environment as well as agricultural production. Farmer's choice for livestock feeds and green mealie production as well as yellow grain. Based on simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, an analysis of molecular variance indicated a significant correlation between population of the inbred maize line and resistance to FSR (P = 0.001). Curvularia inaequalis The disease has been reported on maize growing in hot, humid, lowland tropical areas, where it causes no economic damage. Rhizoctonia solani A predatory beetle, Teretriosoma nigrescens was introduced to east and west Africa and has reduced the problem of a severe infestation of LGB in grain stores. Combined with a genetic map constructed from 1635 SNP markers obtained from the maize 9.4 K SNP … 1. 1 Introduction Worldwide losses in maize due to disease (not including insects or viruses) were estimated to be about 9% in 2001–3 (Oerke, 2005) . Fusarium acuminatum maize plant population at any time t is given by N(t)=S(t)+I(t). The large variation in resistance pheno-types could be attributed to the accumulation of numerous loci of Social Studies. B. Fusca is perhaps the most widespread noctuid in the African region south of the Sahara. Bipolaris sorokiniana [anamorph] = Helminthosporium sorokinianum = H. sativum Exserohilum prolatum = Drechslera prolata Fungal diseases on the leaves can reduce the capacity of photosynthesis, negatively affecting the yield potential, standability and grain quality. Exserohilum turcicum = Helminthosporium turcicum Rhizopus microsporus In the growth chamber, each experiment included an F 2 population and the maize inbred lines B73 (moderately susceptible) and Mo17 (moderately resistant) as checks. Storage insects can be controlled by fumigating stores with insecticides e.g aluminum phosphide or one tablet of fumigant per two bags of maize. In this study, two connected recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations were constructed to elucidate the genetic basis of resistance during two crop seasons. Graphium penicillioides They represent a total of 92 cycles of recurrent selection, and all are resistant to Maize mosaic virus maize mosaic virus Subject Category: Organism Names see more details. Seed dressing with appropriate chemicals eg. Enslaved Africans died on voyages from Africa to the Americas. The most reliable method of control is the use of streaks-resistant varieties. It is favored by a high temperature of about 27°C and high humidity. Growing Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seeds for higher Yield, Tobacco Plant Cultivation and the Uses of its Leaves, How to Cultivate Carrot (Daucus carota) for maximum Yield. within populations and Improved maize for African Soil (IMAS) panel and among the IMAS and F3 populations in order to understand the genetic architecture of maize CR resistance. zeae, Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. Fusarium culmorum P. minor Which options identify effects of the Columbian Exchange? The diseases can be controlled with fungicidal sprays, e.g. Periconia circinata Plants infected at an early stage of growth become stunted and produce poor cobs. Common Maize Diseases, Symptoms And Treatment. Fusarium oxysporum The spores (Conidia) are wind-borne. Microdochium bolleyi Maize cultivars need to be equipped with broad and stable NCLB … It occurs in many parts of the world, and it is a recent introduction in the peninsular India in 1991 (Karnataka and Tamil Nadu during rainy season and Coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh during winter) on certain maize cultivars … Gibberella intricans [teleomorph] NCLB is the most devastating leaf disease in European maize, and the introduction of Brazilian resistance donors can efficiently increase the resistance levels of European maize germplasm. Paraphaeosphaeria michotii Outstanding tolerance to Maize Streak and Mottle Viruses. Pythium spp. Maize rough dwarf disease (MRDD) is a significant viral disease caused by rice black-streaked dwarf virus (RBSDV) in China, which results in 30% yield losses in affected summer maize-growing areas. Maize is susceptible to numerous diseases. THE FUTURE . Sitophilus zeamais, the maize in the tropics. Fusarium solani Agricultural Entomology) Reg no. - Version of Disease Overhaul combined with More Stable Populations by sckchui. The choice of variety will depend on market requirements, environmental conditions, whether the crop is irrigated and the level of disease resistance required.Varieties are continually changing so ensure you have up-to-date varietal information. A Maize Foliar Disease Mathematical Model with Standard Incidence Rate ... that the disease-free equilibrium is asymptotically stable whenever the basic reproductive ratio is less than one. [anamorph] Setosphaeria prolata [teleomorph]