mission that grants a hefty 25% Fire Damage modifier for 20 years, useful to pop when going up against a major enemy, usually Ming. Alternatively you can begin building heavy ships day 1 to send on a pirate hunting mission so that the effects of raiding can be somewhat mitigated or you can play without the Golden Century DLC. Because of this, its best to begin by dealing with the Plight of the Peasantry by saving up monarch points to develop all provinces in the Korea region to at least 6. In one of my Japan games I was the emperor and had the Shinto faith. In the game Jainism starts as a major religion in India, but gradually declines into a minority religion in later starts. "Repeat" action to return. Korea at first will be unallied. Kyoto immediately turns to Catholicism, and for 10 years a modifier of + 3% is given to the effectiveness of missionaries. Each ordinary land province belongs only to one area, which belongs to one region, which itself belongs to one super-region (also referred to in-game as subcontinent). The decaying authority of the central state in Japan has lead to a large number of pirate societies being formed, some even funded by outside investment. Welcome to Korea! Forming Manchu will also free Korea from the Peasant Revolts or the Literary Purges, so the player will not have to deal with them. Networking: Have 100 point spy networks in 3 rival nations. Europa Universalis 4 Korea Let’s play and Achievement run Welcome to my Europa Universalis 4 run as Korea. This is because Confucian and Harmonization bonuses are mediocre at best and Confucians are unable to convert the religion of provinces properly without tanking a large amount of Harmony, causing unrest in the early game, the part of the game where rebels are most dangerous. Total development of 200 in owned provinces with: Has opinion modifier 'Scornfully Insulted', Korea owns Beijing (1816) and Nanjing (1821) as core provinces, Korea has an army equal or larger than 100,000, Korea has an army equal or larger than 60,000. Korean missions mainly focus on expansion into its three neighbors, China, Manchuria, and Japan. Was this site helpful to you? Shinto is okay, it has fun events but nothing else really going for it. The relationship between China, Korea and Japan has always been troubled. The basic strategy for dealing with Ming is comparable to the strategy England would use to neutralize France. Korea follows the Confucian faith and is in the Chinese tech group. I like Shinto in a vacuum, but once you start conquering, you never seem to have strong enough missionaries or enough of the ones you have, plus the Isolationism bonuses aren't easily moved up or down. The Shinto religion is restricted to Japan where it may be replaced by Catholicism depending on events such as Christian Converts and Kirishitan Conversion. They can't. Korea begins the game with an excellent ruler (6/5/5) which is necessary for the development that it must do to avoid bad events. For their part, the Chinese viewed Joseon Korea as the 'country of courteous people in the East.' Choson One: As Korea, own or have a subject own all Shinto, Confucian and Buddhist provinces in the world. Over time Christianity has come to overtake the Shinto, Buddhist and Confucian traditions of Japan, and it is the guiding ideology for our state. Steam News Community News Site News Site Updates Suggest News. The republic replaces the control of the Confucian Qing into the new government on February 12, 1912, gaining cores, bordering Secular Great Britain (Hong Kong and India subcontinent), Modern France (Indochina), Nepal southwest, Vajrayana Bhutan southwest and Mongolia north, Theravada Sikkim southwest, Hindu Kangra west, Orthodox Russ… Korea must be vigilant, lest a united Japan seek to expand its power across narrow channel of the Korean Sea. Its much easier to take on Japan when there are a few larger daimyos remaining as it will lessen the number of capital forts in the area and also reduce the numbers of the Japanese army and navy. is not a junior partner in a personal union. If you choose to expand, make sure to revoke the Inwards Perfection privilege from the Clergy to prevent nasty stability hits from surprising you. Both Manchu and Japan provide new opportunities for Korea with their superior culture and ideas. As Korea, own or have a subject own all Shinto, Confucian and Buddhist provinces in the world. Now that Japan is a more united and ordered society, perhaps the time has come to complete the transition and adopt Christianity as the religion of our state? The final modifier that is noteworthy comes from the Set Sail the Turtle Ships mission that grants a nice 10% Morale of Navies: although not that important against the AI, it is a good bonus to keep in multiplayer. Because of Korea’s small starting development and the fact that they begin with 2 Jurchen provinces, Korea can swap their primary culture to Jurchen without even needing to destate Korean provinces. Europa Universalis IV > General Discussions > Topic Details. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. Korea owns at least 8 provinces in the following areas: All the provinces in the following areas are owned and cored by Korea: At least 8 provinces in the following areas are held by Korea: The province that fulfils the conditions of this mission will gain. Further notable progress was made in the fields of agriculture, gun powder and the codification of the law, and major efforts were made to survey and recorded the geography of the land. Korea is Confucian and has harmonized Shinto; Korea is not Confucian and all provinces of Japan (region) have Korea's state religion; If Korea has a Stability of less than +3, then it gains +1 Stability; else it gains 50 Administrative Power; Defeat the Shogun Achieving Juche . How to unlock the Choson One achievement in Europa Universalis IV: As Korea, own or have a subject own all Shinto, Confucian and Buddhist provinces in the world. When the game begins, the first thing that the player should notice is that Japan and Ming share a very similar situation to France and England. With the combination of Unam Sanctum and Divine Supremacy playing as a unified Japan it is possible to declare a holy war on any other … Europa Universalis IV. Although the Korean mission tree attempts to persuade Korea into culture converting Manchuria into Korean culture, this is very tedious to do, not only because the Manchurian land has much higher development than Korea, but also because of Korea’s Confucian religion, which decreases harmony by a lot when attempting to convert the religion of provinces. Korea: is not a vassal. For as long as Ming remains the undisputed claimant to the Mandate of Heaven, the maintenance of these strong bonds will remain vital to the survival of the fledgling Korean kingdom. Using enforce peace on daimyo does not call in the Shogun, allowing you to easily stomp the small minors in Japan and slowly expand while waiting for the truce with the Jurchens to expire. You automatically lose the government type of Shogunate upon taking the mandate since it forces the celestial empire … TrueSteamAchievements. North Korea is a Confucian Korean autocracy located in the Western Korea, Pyongan and Hamgyeong areas, Korea region, Far East subcontinent, of the Asia continent; cores appearing during 'The Second World War' era. Europa Universalis IV. The Korean troops have entered the city and systematically sacked it, finally releasing the pent-up animosity built up over generations of conflict between Korea and Japan as the city's survivors weep and cower. Once Manchu forms, all Jurchen provinces immediately convert to Manchu, meaning a player Korea can just run the newly formed Manchu over and steal their cultural union over China. has more cities than Korea. This page was last edited on 20 January 2021, at 18:50. Paradox is ringing in the Lunar New Year with discounts on tons of games at the Paradox Store. One important thing to mention is the new nation So in Tsushima/Daema island. Korea's navy is much larger than anything Japan can field on it's own. (Interestingly, there is no requirement that says you cannot switch nations, meaning it is theoretically possible to start as Korea, form Manchu, and then release Korea as a vassal at the end of the run and feed them your provinces. Mission Completion Requirements Effects Prerequisites Prospering Economy Korea has at least 250.0 Ducats Korea … Staying Shinto will give you +10% army morale which is quite handy. Most of the events provide nice quality of life bonuses, but some are reserved for the Factional Strive and Rebel events that Korea is penalized with. Therefore, finding another religion is a very common idea and will reward you greatly. Gaming. However, threats to the Korean kingdom remain from both within and beyond its borders. Should a player overcome these obstacles, Korea can prove especially rewarding as a "tall" nation, focusing on maximizing their core lands. Paradox Lunar Sale is now live - Up To 75% off. Close to Alaska, Korea is poised to contest control of the New World; clos… Why you should play them: Ethiopia is a really … Since Japan is the only country with Shinto and they start surrounded by heretics it would be easy for the player to influence the … There was also a flourishing of academia and knowledge. If Mandate of Heaven is not active, then: Korea gets "The Emperor's Patronage" for 20 years, giving the following effect: Korea gains 10 Legitimacy 200 months The country: gets the The Wokou Pirates and the Bahan Trade. Korea gains a permanent claim on the following areas: All provinces of Korea (region) will receive the "Three Koreas United" modifier for 50 years, giving the following effects: All provinces of Manchuria will recieve the "Korean Manchuria" modifier for 50 years, giving the following effect: Korea gains a permanent claim on Manchuria. Hangzhou is an important node that connects Nippon into either Indonesian trade or into Beijing. While Ming and Japan get opportunities for Catholicism via events, Korea unfortunately does not have this option. Similarly, across the sea to the east lies Japan, a nation of warring daimyos and would-be shoguns. The perks from Shinto are decent. Korea gains a permanent claim on the following areas: Korea gains 50 Administrative power Korea begins the game with Confucian, arguably the worst religion in the game, even compared to Animist. That means we need to conquer east asia including the mighty Ming! does not have an alliance with Korea. Expanding into Manchuria is similar any other early game expansion: make a few alliances with the tribes in the region and backstab them in the peace offer by not offering land. +15.0% Monthly Estate Loyalty Gain Confucian isn't a necessity That requires some seriously gamey strats though, especially if you want to keep shogunate government. Lux stella name of the eastern religion group is only based on buddhism although each religion of eastern has very unique identity. The event “Factionalism Boils Over” will no longer fire. At the time of the event, there … Unified Japan for the daimyo (Uesugi), and in 1648 there was an event that gives a choice - either stay in Shinto, or go to Catholicism. Korea begins the game with very few immediate expansion routes due to start-game truces and a border with Ming. The autocracy will change the state religion from Confucian to Secular in 1910, and will reform into a communist dictatorship in 1920. All of the following must be true: Artillery fraction at least 30.0% Steam Games Steam Game Series Steam Achievements Popular … You can also convert to other Christian denominations (i.e. Keep in mind that you only get the conversion events if you are a daimyo, not a shogun or a united japan. If this happens, restarting the game and waiting until So chooses to remain a monarchy is most optimal, as Korea really wants the early prosperity for the development cost reduction. With the fall of Kyoto, the Japanese Shogunate lies in ruins. The player must be aware of these lest they fall into internal turmoil and factional dissent. Emerging from Secular Korea on August September 9, 1948 the republ… If a player decides to be expansionist, the possibly of swapping cultures or even switching tags as Korea comes up often, considering the nation begins in one of the only isolated culture groups in the game and has sub-par national ideas. It is also required to stop the negative events that Korea is plagued with. Ironically european name "Johan" is the most suitable name for China and Korea. owns the provinces Geyongsang (736) and Jeolla (737). Tengri, although initially seeming like an easy pick, is actually bizarrely unviable because it is a pagan religion, meaning you would have to convert to Animism first due to how you are unable to rebel flip to non-Animist religions in the Pagan group without first being Pagan yourself. Though catholicism does have more interesting mechanics and will make you better friends in Europe. +5.0% Local Production Efficiency This page was last edited on 10 February 2021, at 13:42. Manchuria presents a large culture (Jurchen) that you should accept. 1. Hindu is another viable alternative as it can be found in the Philippines and Indonesia. Acquisition chance: Base weight: 1000 has relations of less than 0 with Korea: ×2; Temporary effects: One of the following must be true: The estate Loyalty modifier "Factionalism Ended" is added to all estates for 20 years, giving the following effect: Trigger conditions. Korea gains a permanent claim on the following provinces: If Mandate of Heaven is active and Korea is harmonizing Shinto, then: Korea gains a permanent claim on Japan (region), Korea has an Income of at least 1.5 times its starting income, Completing this mission early will prevent the event “Peasant Upheaval in Korea” from firing, -10.0% Local Construction Cost has at least 1 port. https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Korea&oldid=131420. totemist, fetishist and animist is bad. The 10% morale is very nice in the early game, but once Japan is united you end up with high prestige and (often) A or S-tier combat ideas anyway. Sikh is bad. Another is the Defeat the Shogun mission that grants a modifier in Hanseong that gives a national -5% development cost - Korea needs all the development cost modifiers it can get. A truly min-maxing, competitive player can form Manchu, swap to Japanese culture and form Japan for their better ideas, and then swap back to Manchu culture for the Chinese cultural union. After developing all provinces to 6, the player can choose to either continue developing for Renaissance or expand into Manchu. The Joseon dynasty of Korea is a nation with a challenging start, plagued with unique internal instabilities and quirks that are not made too apparent by the game. Maybe down the line they can because Korea isn't one for expansion, but on a purist footing (no holdings off of their historical borders) Korea stomps Japan with ease. As followers of Confucianism, Koreans viewed China as being at the heart of the Korean world, and Joseon Korea came to be in some ways even more sinicized than China itself - a 'little China'. Unlike the Chinese alphabet, it was designed to be both easy to learn and easy to adapt to the Korean language, making its use far more convenient and allowing a far broader section of society to read scholarly texts. Malacca serves as an excellent collection point if the player desires to move away from Nippon. They begin the game with an excellent ruler (6/5/5) which helps get an early start by improving development - the extra monarch points also don't hurt when trying to curb internal dissent! In addition, going below 50 harmony gives horrendous negative modifiers, thus penalizing the player for attempting to use Confucian's only mechanic to quickly harmonize many religions. Ming is a paper tiger, and 1:1 Japan should be able to defeat Korea. Keeping a high percentage of heretics helps with maintaining a stable empire while converting into Shinto helps with aggressive expansion and colonialism (which is a bit early but not too much considering EU4 is only simulation and not exact history). inti, mayan and nahuatl are alright if you reform them, which is a chore Last edited by Dolly; Jul 24, 2017 @ 11:00am #12. To be safe, Japan will need to become a naval powerhouse, with fleets bigger than those of its rivals. Choson One - As Korea, own or have a subject own all Shinto, Confucian and Buddhist provinces in the world. Splitting into many different daimy… Country gets “Silk Road Control” for 20 years, giving the following effect: Please help with verifying or updating this section. Time Bandit: … China, at its start, is a Confucian Beijing revolutionary republic located mainly in the China subcontinent of the Asian continent. Daimyo are special vassals that do not occupy a relation's slot. Jul 11, 2017 @ 12:57pm Shinto incidents So I'm trying to go for the achievement that requires you to go full isolation in 6 incidents, bit I'm playing on doing it as a custom nation. Daimy… The White Company: Hire your army out to both sides in a war and fight in a battle against your former employer. Its important to realize that when going for Choson One, the Korea tag (KOR) must be the one who controls all the Eastern religion provinces, meaning you cannot be Manchu for the achievement to fire. Confucian China and Korea (sometimes Vietnam), Shito Japan should have heir named "Asoka" or "Sikandar" which bear no relation to them. The waters of The East China Sea and Coast of Japan (Northwest Pacific region) surround the island nation. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Europa Universalis IV > General Discussions > Topic Details. This Europa Universalis 4 series features Mandate of Heaven, the newest DLC for EU4 released alongside the “Ming” patch. One is the Fire the Hwacha! Gaming. There are a couple ways players can use these two formables to their advantage: As mentioned, Korea can decide to directly form Manchu for the cultural union over one of the largest culture groups in the game, Chinese. In particular, the hangul alphabet was introduced in 1446. Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that prescribes the path of ahimsa or non-violence towards all living beings. is not Shinto. Because Korea starts with an excellent ruler, spending monarch points on raising stability once is not a bad idea as it allows them to begin obtaining prosperity, which lowers development cost and will be vital when developing institutions. +5% National tax mo… Of course, Korea can also expand into Ming easily because of the more reliable Mingsplosion introduced in 1.29. To stop Ming's march of assimilation, Japan will need friends to fight the endless battles with, either to send aid or to con… Korea has had the event “Third Literati Purge” On the foreign front lie threats aplenty. It was last verified for, /Europa Universalis IV/missions/Korean_Missions.txt, https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Korean_missions&oldid=131792, Articles with potentially outdated sections, Korea owns Jianzhou (4201) as a core province. The empire of Japan is not represented as a single country at the start of the game, but is instead divided between the many daimyo and their shogun overlord, who is Ashikaga in 1444. This is a list of all missions of Korea.[1]. This article has been verified for the current version (1.30) of the game. Save up to 75% on titles like Cities: Skylines, Crusader Kings, Stellaris, Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis, Prison Architect and more. Protestant and reformed both work really well too. At some point in the early-mid game, it's advised to take out Japan as they will steal a significant portion of the Nippon node with their superior development and province density. Does it matter what tech … Korea can also (relatively speaking) form Japan quite readily, although this will likely involve minor destating. Jul 24, 2017 @ … They may ally, rival, and fight other daimyo (particularly with the "Sengoku" casus bellithat gives 25% less aggressive expansion), but not external countries. For console use, Jain's name is jainism. Korea will be annexed by Shinto Japan on August 20, 1910, breaks free from Japan control on August 15, 1945, finally split between Secular North Korea and South Korea on September 9, 1948, losing its cores and never appears on-map again. We're off on a quest to control all the buddhist, shinto, and confucian lands in the world. Korea is saddled by unique modifiers and events which hinder the nation. To the north await the warlike Manchu - although presently divided, should they come to be unified under a strong leader, an invasion of Korea might follow swiftly. And do not forget to colonize the Kuril Islands, as they belong to the region of Japan. All provinces of Manchuria get "Korean Rule in Manchuria" for 20 years, giving the following effect: Korea gains a permanent claim on the following areas: If Mandate of Heaven is not active, then: So what you do is conquer all of Manchuria and Buryatia, do some colonizing, have Defensive ideas, and just wait until Ming is engaged in some war in South East Asia and 100% Korea and siege Beijing before they can arrive. +5.0% Local Tax Modifier. Converting to any of the non-Confucian eastern religions is a good idea as it provides military bonuses that Korea needs to expand into Japan early on. Tengri is decent but all countries with it aren't good. The empire is formed by Shinto Yamato in 794, with cores, bordering fellow Shinto Emishi northeast, across the waters Mahayana Silla northwest, and Mahayana Tamna and Confucian Tangwest. Finally, although Korea basks in the shadow of the Ming Empire, woe betide the Joseon prince who wakes the dragon! Korean events focus on their historic internal affairs and potential expansion into Manchuria. Japan, at its start, is a Shinto Yamato feudal monarchy located in the Japan region, Far East subcontinent of the Asia continent. Not really You get a pop-up about which religion you want. The achievements of the first century of Joseon rule were considerable. The most practical and strongest religion to convert to is Shinto, as it can be easily obtained by annexing a Japanese daimyo using Enforce Peace. Remember that since 1.29, coalitions in NE Asia are much more serious, so improve relations with outraged nations to prevent a massive coalition from firing. 76561198100676007. Choson One achievement in Europa Universalis IV (Win 10): As Korea, own or have a subject own all Shinto, Confucian and Buddhist provinces in the world - worth 10 Gamerscore This close connection to Ming China was to remain until the downfall of the Ming in the mid-17th century - as was Korea's subordinate status in the relationship. 2 owned provinces with: Korea gets “Firepower of the Hwacha” for 20 years, giving the following effect: Korea has more or equal heavy ships than 5. As cursed as it is, Shinto may be the easiest and best religion to access because of its Morale of Armies boost, Development Cost modifier, and its nice events that give even more good modifiers. is a neighbour of Korea. In addition, Korea is an excellent colonizer as they can reach Alaska for a chance to spawn colonialism. If Korea is to expand into China, it is highly recommended to form Manchu even for a casual run as getting a cultural union on the extremely developed Chinese region is huge, especially once high level manufactories are unlocked. Catholic is pretty good, you can't get cardinals I don't think but you will get a good windfall from converting provinces to spend on the 20 year modifiers. However after you take a chunk of Korea, it will 100% ally Ming. Fantastic Fwoosh. Furthermore, although the upper class of yangban elites has for the most part been united, the cracks in this façade are already beginning to show and could erupt into factional strife at anytime. Clicking on a mission icon leads to the appropriate table row. Korea gets "Korean Trade Ports" for 20 years, giving the following effect: Country has the most Trade power in one of the following trade nodes: Country gets “Spice Trade Controlled” for 20 years, giving the following effect: Country has at least 8 provinces producing Silk. To do this, you would have to have Korean rebels walking on the map when you form Manchu, so that the rebels can recreate Korean cores.) Korea is an East Asian country which is surrounded by Japanese daimyos, Jurchen hordes, and Ming China. Is Japan; Country flag … has at least 1 neighbor. Korea is a nation with a challenging start, plagued with internal instabilities. Although harmonizing religions is a way around this, not only is it very long, but you will then discover that you cannot convert the culture of provinces with a harmonized religion, essentially locking you out of doing so and ironically creating more unrest. Indonesia is also ripe for taking as they will stand no chance against a player who has developed institution and is on time with technology. Protestant, Reformed) later. If one is going for the Choson One achievement however, it is not a bad idea to stay Confucian as the base Tolerance of heretics and the bonus from the event Resurgence of Neo-Confucianism means you can essentially ignore the negative penalties of having Buddhist or Shinto provinces while you decide to slowly harmonize them. So obtains an event early on that allows them to switch to a pirate republic. Similar to Japan, Korea finds itself close to Alaska and is in a prime position to snipe the Colonialism institution from the Europeans. The player must be aware of these hurdles to overcome prior to playing as the nation. However, one has to realize that all religions have access to the Burgher privilege that gives +2 Tolerance of Heretics and Heathens, so from a gameplay perspective, there is no reason to stay Confucian when all forms of Buddhism give vastly superior modifiers and can also obtain the same max Tolerance of Heretics as Confucian. Jan 8, 2019 @ 5:13am Proliferation of Firearms Its my last event for Sokuko Law Achivement. They are usually based on historical context and have a tendency to be around the same development levels within their region. This is a compilation and strategy article for Korea.Mechanics and flavor content are transcluded from other pages. We will play in the new released Manchu patch 1.29. Sailor Mon: As Pegu, have at least 100,000 sailors. The republic gains its cores in August 15, 1945. Japan's idea set is basically superior to Korea's and is probably the best idea set that is formable in the East. If you do not want to form Manchu and stay as Korea but still benefit from a Chinese cultural union, waiting at the beginning of the run for Manchu to form via AI is not too implausible. It is also possible to start expanding into Japan before the Manchurians. Remember to colonize Polynesia as the new node provides some opportunities to bring back trade from the Philippines. Stay shinto or flip to catholic/protestant/reformed. RinkRat. From there, expansion into Mexican gold is easy and the money from the Mexican, Californian, and Rio Grande nodes can be brought back to Asia.