Drugs are bad. 3, Restricting me only leads to acting out or finding ways around it. I felt so betrayed and like I was 16 years old again. To be honest- i don't think people should monitor their teens phones. I rose my voice at her, not because I was mad but scared, asking her why she told? Kid, 12 years old June 5, 2019 Yes, they do tell me I can’t get some apps, and once in a while they go through my phone, but I have nothing to hide and they know that I am responsible with my decisions. Also, you need your child to learn the consequences of bad online decisions. again it's stupid. If there are any teens who can offer me some hope, I’d love to hear from you. And for those of you who do check your kids phone and read their texts, please, don’t confront them about their friends choices that they might have made and told to you kid, and don’t get in between their conversations unless it’s something really serious. This doesn't mean just take away consequences from them. Try showing a little gratitude for what you have and a little respect for your parents. You parents MUST trust your children. Overall, if your kid wants to tell you something, they will. see our answer By the way, my Daddy just passed away in October 2017, he told me you don't know until you know you can't pick up the phone and call your Mom or Dad, because his Mother was already gone. It was never like this before quarantine. however, i am 13 years old and i have parental controls on my devices and hate it. Teen, 15 years old written by mylife573 April 14, 2019 I could defend myself as well as sense dangers. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts and you won't think very much of it because I'm 13 and your an adult and adults think we will just think that is bad so we can get away with things but if I knew that my parents had that app at first I would be furious and then heart broken. Even now, I don't trust her much at all. You don't appear to be a parent, so you may not know what's right for a child. Our job is to Keep You Safe. Teen, 15 years old written by mylife573 April 14, 2019 When I am having a problem and need to talk, I will text my friends about something I don't want to bring to my parents yet. I was grounded for 2 weeks and lost my phone for 3. Even though I am currently residing with my mom at this time, i do feel that a few boundary rules should be present. If I have social media, she will ground me and delete it. They both say I was an awesome parent. Maybe thank them, maybe this is why you have straight A’s. Flag as inappropriate  Seems over-exaggerated, right? Parents could get exhausted. For several times http://smstrackerapps.com/mobistealth-review actually helped to make some situations clear. We're teens, not toddlers, and we're not running into busy streets, more like going outside. I'm fine if he wants to keep me away from 18+ stuff, but that was clearly NOT his goal. I learned not too long ago that my dad has been tracking the location of me and my brother's phones. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts Adolescence is a hard enough time for your child you have to try as hard as you can to give them space to be themselves. My dad bought her the newest iPhone just because she wanted to show off. When I turned 13, all of my friends had social media, instagram, snapchat, twitter, tik tok, the whole package, I felt so disconnected from all of them, they would have their own chats on these platforms that I wasn't included in, they had their own inside jokes, and I was so lonely. Flag as inappropriate  I've called a hotline twice and the second they saw that on my records they took my phone away for three months. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts He's 15 hun. Even though I am currently residing with my mom at this time, i do feel that a few boundary rules should be present. the bus ride is 1 hour and 5 mins so the screen time is 1 hour and 20 mins so they can have their phone for the whole time on the bus. Parent of a 14 and 15-year-old written by LonBoy August 7, 2017 Is there anything I can do about the spam my kid's phone gets? dude please teach me your ways my mom is a pyschotic amish loving freak and thinks phones are the spawn of satan they lose trust in their parents, and in turn you'll loose trust in us. All humans are curious and want to see what sex is. Its not like I went to text you that I like a girl or my best friends secrets. She cried about this and was complaining about it last night and said that I "made all my friends block her" (not true). its disrespectful to them and make them learn to fear you. What are the basic safety rules for cellphones? Teen, 13 years old written by released April 22, 2020 Hi - I just wanted to add my recent experience of this. And that's obviously a bad thing to wake up to, but I reply 'yes' because my father told me that when I got my phone returned to me early in the school year, but my heart's still beating extremely fast because I know it's leading to something bad. I feel it's my job to guide my child to making the right choices. Well written! Such as deciding if I should come out. There are kids brutally bullying other kids. see our answer Teen, 13 years old written by Teen- 13 November 23, 2020 It got to the point where I began to think that there were cameras put up in our house to spy on me. She has been scoring drugs and sneaking out in the middle of the night to do drugs and meet boys. If a parent doesn’t see an app on their child’s phone it doesn’t mean they aren’t using it. How do I monitor my kids' cell phone use without seeming intrusive? It wasn’t the part were they checked my phone but more how they did it and how they felt with it after. But hey, what do I know? I recently made the mistake of creating a Facebook account and then relaying this information to a cousin of mine. So I tell my mom, "If it's about snapchat-" She then cuts me off and says that isn't it. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts It makes sense-- raising a girl is nothing like raising a boy. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts 3. 761 comments I began to lose trust in my mother at a very young age. I recently made the mistake of creating a Facebook account and then relaying this information to a cousin of mine. Flag as inappropriate  To be honest- i don't think people should monitor their teens phones. 5 comments im not actually sure what he monitors but it makes me feel so violated and scared to use my phone and not relaxed in case i do something that will get me into trouble. My parents have been monitoring all my devices without my consent for a long time and have been doing it in secrecy. Kids should have their own privacy about crushes and their personal life. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts I only check her contacts for suspicious entries couple of times a month. And by that I mean that someone is being bullied or could get hurt, or inappropriate pics are being sent, not just that they think we have a boyfriend or whatever. So you don't have to 'cover every possible loophole'. i didnt have parental controls then but after that he put them on. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts Also, if a teenager chooses to look at sexual content that is a natural thing. whats wrong with using whatsapp on the 1 hour bus ride to school? Reading all of these comments has literally inflamed me and pissed me off more than I already was. You clearly raised them incorrectly then. don’t get me wrong i love my mom but i just don’t like feeling violated and not being able to be normal or myself over text. My mom, sensing an opportunity, let me log in and asked me to sign in with my school email too. How is your son ever going to learn to deal with problems by himself if you keep stepping in? Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts It is not the end of the world if your kid's friend says s*** over text. I am a teenage girl, and I just want to tell you, not all of us are like that. see our answer the temptation is natural. They’ve always been conservative in the sense that they don’t let me have sleepovers, wear shorts on the shorter side let alone a bikini but this is a step too far. Your parents know a lot more about the evils of the world than you do and they are trying to protect you. I was forced to go to school and focus. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts Flag as inappropriate  they mke me feel likei cant do anything right; i get in trouble for the smallest thing, and frankly, im sick of it. Should I worry about my kid's exposure to cell phone radiation? Sorry im getting a bit heated. I personally feel that parents should monitor what's going on all the time. I don't even feel comfortable texting, snapping or DMing my friends because I know my parents will read it. Like, I understand you care, but give me space to mess up. It just is very sad how parents are so damn overprotective these days. She tells me this is my last chance as if I did something in the first place, and I'm terrified. I think you should only monitor if you think something is up or if your child is acting suspicious. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts It'll scar them if they see YOU engaging in sexual intercourse with your partner. Teen, 14 years old written by joecurryvang January 12, 2018 When I ask her if she evsn trusts me she says, “I do trust you but I’m scared you’re going to make a mistake,”. Your parents know what is out there, that is why they try so they are not blamed later because they didn't pay attention or keep the reigns close or to keep from being sued because of some learning mistake teens make. I am so sorry that you feel like you have to be a different person around your parents then your true self. Right now, we are in the middle of a pandemic, meaning that we can't leave the house or hang out with our friends . With social media being a large part of a teen's life today (even though my parents won't let me get social media even if it is 12+) the lack of it can really give a child anxiety. You have to be patient and, most of all, develop a trust between you and your child. My parents didn't have a SINGLE CLUE about all of this. "I would tell my 15-year-old self: That boy who just broke your heart, don't sweat about him. I will not attempt to bypass the administrator password. I wish I was with another family who actually treats me like a 16 year old. So I go into settings, and force stop the app. I feel like it depends how responsible, mature, and old your kids are to have an app on their phone that controls it. I'm 23 years old and boy do I wish my parents restricted my phone usage. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts If it was anyone but you, that would be classified as stalking and would definitely be one of the signs of an abusive relationship. Religious fanatics are not included in this kind of people (couldn't stop myself from saying this, sorry). And certainly I made a few errors as a teen. On another end, I moniter my siblings internet usage by watching the films/reading with them to make sure they don't visit shady sites because they are still very young. My kid's friend texted an embarrassing photo of her to other friends. The iphone is pretty solid. Flag as inappropriate  Both my children are out of high school now but 80% of the drama came from something on the phone or because of the phone. hiding apps on the tray, locking stuff with a password, and stuff like that. But other than that I’m sorry but parents who have their kids passwords are over the top your kids may be kids but they need to be trusted they have feelings just like the rest of us and it’s better to talk to them in an adult way about things also treat them how you would like to be treated Great, you have realized he is going through puberty and was curious, don't give him crap about it. the temptation is natural. I hate it. I even tell her about mistakes/decisions I've made that she may/may not agree with. If that's not possible, or she doesn't want to, maybe remind her that you just want her to be safe and that you care about her, and maybe monitor her a little. All due respect, ma'am/sir, but maybe I don't want my parents knowing everything about my personal life and my friend's personal lives just because it came up on a conversation on my phone between my FRIENDS and I. If they become overwhelmed, they'll stop sharing anything with you. I can't believe my own parents are actually paying money that could be used for better things because of their lack of trust for me. My parents tend to restrict my phone time and read my text messages to the point where it's crazy. I am also not allowed to have social-media or games on my phone because my parents think it affects my grades and my ability to make good decisions. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts Parenting is an art as much as a science, what works for you and your family may not work for me and mine. I did not trust them. Flag as inappropriate  The TV, your phone, and your video games is their best weapon. Sign in or sign up to share your thoughts But I'm the only one in my friend group that doesn't have social media! thanks - cocoa3 Monitor your child 100% until they have proven themselves to be able to handle the responsibilities of having 24/7 access to their friends the entire world and worse their friends and the entire world have24/7 access to them!!! however, he is sending pictures or meeting up with people, it's definitely okay to moniter. Also, I'm so sorry that happened to you and your teen, I could never imagine how that must've felt as a parent. Kid, 11 years old January 22, 2019 What are the basic safety rules for cellphones? Is it safe for teens to use location apps? A valid reason is not "she's missing one 5 point assignment!" Privacy Program I was raised by people two generations my senior, yet I had total privacy. That is a horrible way of thinking. my dad doesnt restrict my phone as much as he did before but he monitors it. So that out of the way, your parents 9 times out of 10 loaned (yes I said loaned) you the phone, they didn't give it to you, the phones in their name, the service is in their name, they pay for everything, it's their phone they loaned to you to ensure you're able to contact them incase you need help, anything on top of that many teens assume they put their apps and what not on the phone and that makes it theirs. CommonSenseMedia despite what they say, is behind and always will be. I’ve lost some trust in my parents for doing that. Don't ever let society push you into raising your child against your better judgement! Facebook Parents will always violate that contract. They can understand these complex concepts. In a few years, as you prepare your college applications, and after that your employment applications, you'll wonder why you ever posted such stupid stuff anyway! things you need to sustain life, not checking facebook to see if felisha got a tattoo on her butt. Sometimes my dad will check my phone and i'm 100 percent okay with that - parents should check their children's phone anyway but it's the silly restricted stuff that i hate. Teen, 13 years old written by qwertymcqwerts December 2, 2016 I was so young and didn’t understand life like I do now and I wish someone actually cared. Might has well read their diary has well. How can I get my kids to put down their phones? But some of it's a bit heavy, especially since me and some of my friends are LGBTQ+ and our parents don't know. This doesn't mean they're doing anything wrong! This paves the way for open discussion. Teen, 15 years old written by mylife573 April 14, 2019 Flag as inappropriate  Flag as inappropriate  my mom found out about some old things i used to do to get around her restrictions and she’s since tried her best to invade my privacy even more because she no longer trusts me (as if she trusted me in the first place). i didnt have parental controls then but after that he put them on. Teen, 13 years old written by callie.sones April 8, 2019 I have a mixed opinion about the situation. I was also recommended she have a tracking device on so that we knew where she was - as we live in a remote area. Teen, 15 years old written by mylife573 April 14, 2019 Flag as inappropriate  My parents monitor my phone, which I find annoying. I didn't have a phone, so I asked my mom if I could use hers. I’m currently 22 years old back from college for the summer (my school shut early because of coronavirus) and thought I could give a little insight as I had what some would call overbearing parents at one point. What are the rules about using cell phones at school? e.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? to this day, i have to take every backdoor just to do things like text my classmates about homework. Teen, 14 years old written by 4321hello1234 December 21, 2020 There are a few ways that you can monitor your child's facebook account, if you are not friend visit faceves.com. I understand that you feel restricted that your parents randomly take your phone and push their insecurities on you, but try to tell them or explain to them that this parenting method isn’t helping you in the slightest and that they could turn it down a notch and be less insecure about you Parent written by John H. February 12, 2017 Our phone is our only way to communicate and our main way to keep ourselves entertained. Flag as inappropriate  Meet Our Team Unless you have a kid or a teenager prone to keeping secrecy of his personal life – you simply preinstall the tracking app onto the target device and give the device to him or her as a present. Checking everyday can make your child think that you don't trust them at all. Children are a lot smarter these days than you may think. I want doing anything really bad like sending nudes but I had said some questionable things. Flag as inappropriate  However, I have straight A’s and good friends that don’t cause any sort of trouble. What are the basic safety rules for cellphones? They put secret monitoring apps on my phone. But at the same time I had felt relief that she didn't tell my dad, for I knew my dad wouldn't believe me.