So, if you do not want a unique user interface (like Ubuntu), Linux Mint should be the perfect choice. Example: you can install the Cinnamon Desktop in Pop_OS! Pop!_OS is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution featuring a custom GNOME desktop. Linux Mint is an amazing Windows-like distribution. They had hung tight and stayed faithful as we all aw… Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian, and on the other hand, Linux Mint is developed based on Ubuntu LTS. I'm currently using MX so MX would be my choice between the three. Most Linux software developers provide their apps in both .deb and .rpm file formats.. I work away from the … I've used Mint and MX as well. Pop!_OS by System76 includes the system76-power package, which includes the ability to switch between integrated, NVIDIA, and hybrid graphics modes. It's nice to distro hop until you find a sweet spot that you like. Pop Os Automatic Screen Tiling Pop!_OS by Sytem76 is a great pick for developers or computer science professionals. Of course, not just limited to coders – it is also an excellent choice if you’re just starting to use Linux. I had issues with mouse acceleration on both Mint and MX, so out of everything you've mentioned I'd personally grab Pop, but I don't really see any benefit Pop has over just running Ubuntu personally. I’d spilled tea on my Windows laptopa couple days prior, so I did the presentation with my MacBook Pro. If I rate them in order, I would rate them like this. Because anything else has a better out of the box experience, which I value. The most popular suggestion would be to go with Linux Mint Cinnamon edition. The subject of today's Linux distro review is perhaps one of a kind—as far as we know, Pop!_OS is the first Linux distribution to be created and maintained by a hardware OEM manufacturer. In the question“What are the best Linux distributions for desktops?” Linux Mint is ranked 13th while Pop!_OS is ranked 21st. Questions are encouraged. So use either one. The hardware might look like any other laptop, but the minimalistic, web-browser-based Chrome OS is a different experience from the Windows and MacOS laptops you're likely used to. While there are some computers that come with Linux Mint pre-installed, it's much more likely you'll be installing it onto a machine that already has an operating system. 14. I've been using Linux Mint 19.2 Tina for a month-or-two now after coming from Windows 10 and so far it's been great. Mint is great if you want a Windows-style traditional desktop environment; similarly Elementary is great if you're coming from OSX and want something that looks and feels similar. Manjaro) in a virtual machine (there are plenty of tutorials around on how to use VirtualBox) and seeing if you like these better than what you're currently using and who knows - something else may become your new daily driver distro! Extremely easy to use. Jason Evangelho. Keeping this in mind, some people might also recommend Ubuntu or Elementary OS, but we will stick with Linux Mint. Pop OS Review – The Desktop Installing Pop OS. I'll try out Pop and a few distros and find one that works best. Well it's good to hear someone recommend distro-hopping. Welcome to Pop!_OS. Pro. There is a "system restore" tool to restore the OS if something breaks. Any distro, any platform! Mint is ok if you like the Cinnamon DE but otherwise there's no point. I've been using Linux Mint 19.2 Tina for a month-or-two now after coming from Windows 10 and so far it's been great. The Surface Go is by no means a powerful machine. Debian is a community-driven open source Linux distribution, and the primary aim of it is to be robust, capable, and, most importantly, free. This article provides an overview of these distros, then compares the Manjaro and Linux Mint distributions in greater detail. I ended up going back to Pop because of the built in Nvidia support and the bettter HiDPI scaling. They have a custom Gnome theme and then a solution for Optimus that doesn't work on my hardware, and I think they ship without snaps if you care about that. There are two types of RAM; DRAM and SRAM.DRAM is more in use because it is not as expensive as SRAM they both do the same thing only DRAM provides access times of about 60 nanoseconds whilst SRAM does in 10.. As u/nhasian suggested, try out some other distros (e.g. I do have a favorite top 5 of Linux distro's of all the ones I try out. . Of course, things have improved over the years but even with Ubuntu 20.04, on board, you will often notice it loading up slow or freezing when updating/installing an app. Is there anything in particular that 19.10 offers? MX is based on Debian but has some backported stuff, and also doesn't use systemd. Installer . Or which other distro would be best suited for my usage? Yeah I also had my eye on Manjaro although I was a bit hesitant as everyone says it's designed for advanced users. Many Linux OSes borrow from other OSes in one way or another but add their own spin to the OS in question--like … I guess since I just started on Mint due to coming straight from Windows 10 and I wanted something familiar. Linux Mint Software Manager. I would go with Mint Cinnamon. Not All Ubuntu-Based Distributions Are Created Equal. I like MX. Jason Evangelho. OS that has a build that has nVidia GPU driver pre-installed. However, I've also been really interested in Pop!_OS lately due to it's simplistic design and the rave reviews about it. The most important reason people chose Linux Mint is: Mint gains a very strong package ecosystem and software manager of Debian, including more than 30,000 packages available from the Debian repositories. This free, open-source distro installs quickly and easily from a USB or blank DVD and offers full multimedia support from the get-go. I won’t bore you with the details you’ve most likely read before. Here's how it looks post-install: Linux Mint Review – Welcome Screen. They are both quite user-friendly and for the Linux newbie, you couldn’t be wrong choosing either.. For a very long time, Ubuntu was considered the distro of choice by most Linux enthusiasts, but it has currently been surpassed by Linux Mint (and Debian) as the distro with the most hits. If you are used to how Linux Mint operates deeper down (using the apt package manager etc. Getting the Pop! The desktop will remind you most of Windows and be more familiar. Personally, when I moved from MacOS to Linux, Elementary OS was the obvious solution. A little convenient page to get the latest Pop!_OS torrents in one click. Click on NVIDIA, Integrated, Hybrid, or Compute depending on your use case. Just pick the one that catch your fancy and run with it. I know distro-hopping is discouraged and that I should just try to optimize Mint (which I am kind-of trying to do) but I wanted some opinions on which one is better? Pop_os however, the fact that I can't even see my dock/nav bar without a menu, then have to use that bar to find "all apps" bugs the crap out of me personally lol Part of me is thinking about a dual boot to zorin but it just doesn't have the same support as LM and that's part of the problem too. Pop OS from System 76 is an ideal Linux OS for gamers. Mint is always in sync with the latest Ubuntu LTS releases, meaning you don’t need to worry about being left vulnerable during zero-day scares or malware outbreaks (well, no more so than the Ubuntu crew anyway). Mint. Linux Mint is ranked 13th while Elementary OS is ranked 31st. To distro hop start using Virtualbox to see how other Linux distro's workout for you. However, high-end users won’t agree with this, as it is silly for one OS to … Pop Shell takes the core ideas of window tiling and reimagines it from the ground-up for 2020. Linux Mint is open-source and community-driven. OS is more than just another Linux distro. All three are good choices, all you do is just choose. Solus 9. No such issues with Pop running gnome, so that's what I'm sticking with. Note: Distros are not ordered in the list based on popularity. Pop!_OS is designed to have a minimal amount of clutter on the desktop without distractions in order to allow the user to focus on work. Or which other distro would be best suited for my usage? I do like Mint Cinnamon and many do. Mint with Cinnamon does HiDPI well too, but I struggled with correct scaling on my external display. Although if in trying out different distros then I guess I'll try Ubuntu then. You'll notice that the first thing to pop-up is a welcome screen introducing you to the system. Pop!_OS 8. Pros/Cons of each distribution, personal experiences, that kind of stuff. While Ubuntu works great on high-end devices, Linux Mint is great on both low- and high-end devices. (I know both Pop!_OS and Mint are both Ubuntu-derrived). They are probably pulled from Debian Sid? System 76 announced Pop!_OS after Canonical decided to stop development of Unity 8. Linux Mint 20 desktop. Ubuntu and Linux Mint are two popular Linux distros available in the Linux community. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the linux4noobs community. Welcome to Pop!_OS. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the DistroHopping community. Some years later, when Unity was released – Linux Mint received a huge shot of popularity … And I try out 44 Linux distro's in that 16 years using Linux. Click the system menu in the top right corner of your screen to access graphics switching. The distro is the easiest operating system to run ever. Linux is all about preference and freedom of choice. I been distro hopping for over 16 years. Personally, when I moved from MacOS to Linux, Elementary OS was the obvious solution. There is no best one. From my experience, I’ll mention that it is not entirely true. If you like the look of default Mint, it uses the Cinnamon desktop environment, which you can install through the command line afterwards, alongside Gnome, which Pop uses. The only other thing that comes to mind is pop's custom power/battery management (if ur on a laptop). On the other hand, Linux Mint’s Software Manager is lighter and quicker. Most all of the MainStream Disrtos can work for 'basic tasks' and 'games' these days. Repositories. Personally, for gaming, I'm going to recommend Pop!_OS and Manjaro due to the newer versions of packages they use compared to other distributions, such as Ubuntu. Is there any reason you are not considering Ubuntu 19.10? So I've never used MX before, but I'm a pretty big fan of Mint. The Short Version Of The Answer. Fedora 10. Pop_OS! Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. The b… If you want something completely different and new, Pop fits the bill. All three are good and strong Linux distro's. All three are good choices, all … An Operating System by System76. Pop!_OS is designed to have a minimal amount of clutter on the desktop without distractions in order to allow the user to focus on work. Pop!_OS is a recent Linux distribution from system76, one of the hardware vendors that exclusively provides systems pre-installed and pre-configured with Linux.Based on Ubuntu, Pop!_OS provides all the good stuff that comes with Ubuntu, with some additional bells and whistles. And start learning all the Linux tools and applications to help you along the way. Ubuntu Software Center takes ages to load, heavily eats up resources, and is slow while interacting with it. Pop is also a really good OS so it's not a matter of "better" but really what your personal preferences are. So I downloaded and it was the same as mint okay the background was different, but everything else was the same. For those of you in a hurry, here is the short version of the answer. Linux Mint. Linux Mint first made its appearance 14 years ago in 2006. Mint 4. But, you can explore whatever you want. Try all three and see which one you like. The desktop environment is basically the top graphical layer of the OS. The key features offered by Linux Mint include: Full multimedia support. Explicitly noob-friendly. Pop!_OS, elementary OS, Zorin OS. Pop!_OS’s adaptation of Ubuntu sounds similar to Linux Mint, with few key differences. Grea… I knew this stuff front to back so what could go wrong? Pop is based on the 6 month Ubuntu releases while Mint is based on the LTS. Pop!_OS, elementary OS, Zorin OS. I say claims and they are entitled to claim that. Your comment is a treasure trove of information, thanks so much :). Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint are currently arguably two of the most popular Linux distros (with Debian) around. Imagine an OS for the software developer, maker and computer science professional who uses their computer as a tool to discover and create. Which means, you didnt have to face the hustle installing it and facing software brick during the restart. Ubuntu allows users to configure everything in the installer itself so that they can straight away start using the OS right from the first boot. If multiple desktop environments are installed, GDM will display a gear icon, which will allow you to select the desktop environment you want to launch. Linux Mint vs elementary OS: What are the differences? Any user can perform this action. Mint is the oldest and PoP! Amongs all those 3, only Pop! Linux introductions, tips and tutorials. 1. As for Linux Mint and Pop OS I can with high certainty say that are very stable. Specs: Linux Mint 19.2 Tina x86_64, Cinnamon 4.4.20, AMD Ryzen 5 2600x, GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, 16GB RAM, x2 1080p displays. The Cinnamon desktop is a very well put together desktop environment that is in version 4.0 as of the latest Linux Mint release. Users get access to 30,000 packages. Pop OS vs Ubuntu: Ease of Use. If you instead prefer to check the version of Linux Mint in use through the graphical user interface (GUI), follow these steps. Honestly I dont see much point in mint these days, years (and years) ago it had a lot of stand out features, but these days, not so much. Simple and useful: Linux Mint's Kernel Updater. However, due to Ubuntu’s massive popularity and larger userbase, some software vendors only provide DEB packages or choose to release their apps in .deb format first. This free, open-source distro installs quickly and easily from a USB or blank DVD and offers full multimedia support from the get-go. In addition to the look and feel, Ubuntu customizes the GNOME experience by adding a dock and a few more tricks. All based on Debian in some way, so how and why is one better than the other, or better than the distros they are based on for that matter? Because back then, Ubuntu was using GNOME 2 (as was Mint at that time) and outside of codecs, there really wasn’t a tangible difference between Mint and Ubuntu. Really like the feel of it, y'know? The #2 Linux distro in our quest to list the top Linux gaming distros, is Game Drift … Imagine an OS for the software developer, maker and computer science professional who uses their computer as a tool to discover and create. If pure performance is measured, it could very well be outranked by last year’s iPad Pros, especially when it comes to battery life. In this article let us have a look at 2 very popular distros Linux Mint and Pop!_OS and see where each distro shines so that you can pick one that best suit your needs! The 10-inch screen still bears Microsoft’s unique 3:2 ratio, this time at 1800×1200 pixels. The installation process is straight forward and involves pretty much the same process as you'd expect from most installations nowadays with a few exceptions. Can't comment on MX linux but between pop and mint "better" is all based on personal preference. Torrents for Pop!_OS 20.10-10 / 20.04-22, 20.10 - rev10, 20.04 LTS - rev22 Linux/BSD Distributions Games Softwares System 76 was one of those groups of people who had high hopes for Unity 8 and the future convergence had to offer. Ubuntu vs. Linux Mint are currently arguably two of the most popular Linux distros (with Debian) around. Get all of's best Movies lists, news, and more. In this case, it is also a feature that could bring an advantage to Linux Mint. This tool backs up the core OS files to an external drive with an option for full encryption. We can say that this desktop environment looks like Windows 10, and for daily use we recommend you to use Cinnamon version for modern computer. That means it is more or less down to the out-of-box look and feel (if you are gonna really customize then which distro you use in general is even less important). The most important reason people chose Linux Mint is: I personally use KDE and it consumes around 350-400mb idle. I've tried Pop!_OS, But hear so many good things about Mint & MX Linux, so I felt like asking. Follow their code on GitHub. Pop!_OS is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution featuring a custom GNOME desktop. It is reliable and safe to use. + Cinnamon. And you can install most of the various 'Desktop Environments' in either Disrto. Ubuntu is an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things. There I was, giving a presentation for a group of people on Blazor earlier this month. Feren OS claims to be based on Mint ! Press J to jump to the feed. Then I nuked Pop!_OS from my Dell XPS 13 in favor of Peppermint OS, and was welcomed with dramatically longer battery life. I imagine most any 'issues' will be similar in Either Distro, or in most Ubuntu based Disrtos. Pop and Mint are both based on Ubuntu, which is in turn based on Debian. You choose which one you like. I like MX. PoP! Jason Evangelho. Pop!_OS. Now, the bad news: Unlike Pop OS, Linux Mint 19.2’s Steam package is not modified to … A lot of users think that Pop!_OS is just Ubuntu with a different skin. When comparing Linux Mint vs Pop!_OS, the Slant community recommends Linux Mint for most people. Pop!_OS has 164 repositories available. So far Proton/Lutris has been working okay, but I have been running into many issues and wondering if gaming is easier on Pop!_OS. However, I've also been really interested in Pop!_OS lately due to it's simplistic design and the rave reviews about it. Yeah I figured most popular distros act similar. But, none of them are bad choice. As others mentioned they're both based on Ubuntu so they're quite similar in that regard. What would you suggest out of Manjaro's GNOME, KDE or XFCE? OS. Well, here are some benchmarks. A 2016 Stack Overflow Developer Survey showed the desktop operating system used among developer responses to be 56.7% Ubuntu, 8.8% Debian, 7.8% Mint, 6.5% Fedora, and 20.3% Other. I practiced the demos a few times and everything seemed hunky dory. You choose which one you like. Comparing to Ubuntu, Pop!_OS ships default installer with less options. Mint is the oldest and PoP! Linux Mint with KDE plasma is the best choice for computer or laptop with the high specification. If you run the previous version of Pop OS (based on Ubuntu 18.10) you can upgrade to Pop OS 19.04 using the built-in system update (a quick way to get it to show is to run the do-release-upgrade -c command). If you’ve ever given a technical demo, you know how this goes: what worked a few hours ago won’t work on stage. $ dnf install firefox #5. An Operating System by System76. From GNOME Desktop. Linux is more than just a digital hazmat suit to shield people from .exe malware: it’s inherently powerful – something Pop OS 20.04 showcases well. brings great user experiences and competitive design to the open-source desktop. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you. I had no idea MX was without Systemd, does it use Runit or OpenRC? All three are great. Many people were excited about this, while others were quite disappointed, myself included. OS is the youngest. ), then stick to Debian/Ubuntu based distros, like Pop!_OS, which will let you continue using Ubuntu/Linux Mint solutions and forums you may have already been using. Can you please elaborate your last sentence? Debian vs … OS is the youngest. On the other hand, Ubuntu is also free and open source like Debian, but it’s backed up and developed by a corporate company called Canonical. Every bodies top 5 are different. Been using Pop OS on my PC, which is the GPU variant and still rocking smooth. Offers both free and open-source solutions. Not All Ubuntu-Based Distributions Are Created Equal. That's if they even try out 5 in the first place and what 5 or 20 that try out while using Linux. Ubuntu 5. But just to recap, Microsoft’s smallest Surface runs on a “special” Intel Pentium Gold 4415Y. Yes, they both rock GNOME desktop environment – however, Pop!_OS just feels more polished.. Microsoft recommends 4Gb of RAM for … From the Menu, select Preferences > System Info. There is no wrong choice here. Repairing Existing Operating System Since the live environment is a full Pop!_OS installation, it works just like the normal environment. Debian 6. I might try a few different distros and find some that I like. You choose which one you like and stick with it. I'm currently using MX as my main driver and it fits me perfectly. Linux Mint. I use Pop with my ThinkPad X1 Extreme. Your Linux will run perfectly! Linux Mint is a good choice, Cinnamon is a good choice. A fully illustrated, wire-bound book with clear instruction for teaching Pilates to people with Parkinson’s. There are also a lot packed into the functionality of Cinnamon that Gnome (which Ubuntu and Pop use) doesn't have. Pop! Resource Usage: It mostly depends on the Desktop Environment you choose, being the heaviest (I think) GNOME, and on the light side you have MATE, XFCE, LXDE. Pop OS from System 76 is an ideal Linux OS for gamers. Which is where Pop OS 20.04 LTS comes in. Game Drift Linux. Linux mint is a popular desktop distribution based on Ubuntu or Debian which comes with lots of free and open-source … What are the differences between Linux Mint and Pop!_OS? Developers describe Linux Mint as "The most popular desktop Linux distribution and the 3rd most widely used home operating system behind Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS".The purpose of Linux Mint is to produce a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Zorin. So where does this leave us? The Zorin OS project began in 2008 with the sole intention of making Linux user-friendly. Now just state your problems your having and see if we can fix it. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, If you’re interested in the backend behind the bling, Flurry’s developer offers a bit more detail in a couple of follow up comments to other Reddit users: “I’m using QtWebkit for everything web-related. If you are having specific issues, then you may want to make some posts about that. I've used Pop in the past, and their driver seem more up to date than what you get on Ubuntu. I can game on any Linux distro and do any kind of homework in Linux. But, none of them are bad choice. Tweaked Gnome into Mint, may be a bit harder to do. This marked the end of Canonical’s hopes of implementing convergence in Ubuntu proper and sparked the beginning of a collaborative relationship with the GNOME team. Since both are strongly based on Ubuntu, I doubt if gaming will be that much different on the two. All three are good and strong Linux distro's. There are tools and methods that allow to chroot (change root) into the normal installation and work in the existing operating system to repair a broken package or other problem that is preventing normal booting. I mainly do a lot of schoolwork during my university semesters, but apart from that I'm mostly trying to play through my Steam library, which is primarily Windows games. Manjaro is an open-source and freely available Arch-based Linux operating system, while Linux Mint is an Ubuntu- or Debian-based, community-driven Linux operating environment that contains several open-source applications. Part 2 of an expansive series that puts Linux and Steam gaming under the microscope. The desktop environment is launched by a display manager; Pop!_OS and Ubuntu both use GDM (GNOME Display Manager) by default. So I thought to myself that's good, I like Mint so what see what they've done differently. Follow their code on GitHub. If you do not currently use Pop OS, but you think you would like to, you can download a 64-bit ISO image from the System76 website. I would love to know more about it. Linux is just Linux. But it seems MX stop me in my tracks, so only distro hopping I'm going to do is in my Virtualbox. They are both quite user-friendly and for the Linux newbie, you couldn’t be wrong choosing either.. For a very long time, Ubuntu was considered the distro of choice by most Linux enthusiasts, but it has currently been surpassed by Linux Mint (and Debian) as the distro with the most hits. Linux Mint vs Pop!_OS April 10, 2020 February 22, 2020 by Etcher One of the most popular desktop Linux distribution preferred by many people all over the world is Linux Mint since its entirely free and open source. Take a look at my article on my experience on Pop OS: Pop!_OS has 164 repositories available. This will open the System Info window, which shows that we are running Linux Mint 18.1 with Cinnamon. if you wanted Pop! Not sure if you've tried pop 19.10 but they re-did their theme and I'm a fan. Works out of the box. Ubuntu isn't "teak friendly" out of the box and I feel Mint does a much better job making the end user experience better. A Phoronix Premium reader recently asked about whether Pop!_OS 20.04 performance differs from Ubuntu 20.04 given some underlying changes made by System76 to their distribution, besides the plethora of higher-level desktop improvements. Try all three and see which one you like. Well we can look at system requirements that support both OS’ as a place to start. Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian, and on the other hand, Linux Mint is developed based on Ubuntu LTS. It's only been a few short days, but Pop!_OS 20.04 has quickly made its way up my list of all-time favorite Linux distributions. Linux Mint vs Pop!_OS for gaming and schoolwork? Straight Installation vs. Dual Booting . The last one is the only thing that's a tangible benefit to me. does have support for Nvidia Hardware out of the box, including working on the Live-USB setup, can make a 'recovery' partition for easy reinstalls, and updates (a work in progress feature) and has optimizations to gnome, and for Laptops with Dual GPU setups. Ubuntu and Linux Mint are two popular Linux distros available in the Linux community. In this edition we tackle the wonderfully simple and polished Pop!_OS from boutique PC builder System76. When it comes to Ubuntu vs Pop OS ease of use, I only compare them in two aspects: 1. This is a great synopsis and I just realized how much this would explain nothing to someone who doesn't linux. Elementary 7.