spot report [spotrep] Use to send information to provide timely intelligence or status regarding events that could have an immediate and significant effect on current planning and operations. Marines saluting protocol. When dismissed, snap to attention, salute (if required), and march in a smart military fashion out the door. A spot report does not have a prescribed format, but use of the SALUTE format will ensure reporting of essential information. This needs to be printed on statement size paper 5.5x8.5 reproductions will have it and it is easier to print it on this rather than full sheet and cut. The person of lower rank should initiate the salute and maintain it until the superior has responded in kind (unless the superior officer is riding a bicycle). Good SALUTE reports will allow command to develop a clear picture of the threat of opposing forces in the area. In short, it’s a fragmentary report given as a rapid update to the initial SALUTE report. Send Recommended Improvements or Modifications to LACE is an acronym to help militia members report on the status of their team. An established method to remember how and what to report about the enemy ... everything of military Marine Corps Funeral Honors is dedicated to ensuring all Marines who have served obtain the appropriate honors as a final salute to their life and the final demonstration of the country’s gratitude to those who, in times of war and peace, have faithfully defended our nation. L.A.C.E. MCO 5530.15 PS 14 Oct 2008 MARINE CORPS ORDER 5530.15 From: Commandant of the Marine Corps To: Distribution List Subj: U.S. MARINE CORPS INTERIOR GUARD MANUAL (1) S-Size. This format works great in many instances, but it does not work well in others. Problem: The SALUTE report is a great guide to report intelligence information. The details of a LACE report are: Report the number of personnel, vehicles, aircraft, or size of an object. One of many customs a Service member must master is learning how, when and who to salute. Position of observer C. Direction of attack from Obs D. Date/Time of detonation or beginning of attack E. Date/Time end of attack F. Location of attack G. Means of delivery H. Type of agent, burst, persistency J. Follow the SOI codes to prevent opposing forces from learning what you are reporting on them. Reports. SALUTE Report Information must be reported as quickly, accurately, and as completely as possible. It is thought that the Navy use the 'shortest way up and down' method because space was restricted on board. B2H0383-D: Combat Reports Decision Exercise. Flash to bang time K. Terrain, vegetation, and crater description L. Nuke Burst Cloud Width NBC1 Report: A. NBC strike serial number B. After pledging to serve, Service members are inculcated with military customs and courtesies. For example, you’re watching an armored column show up at one corner of town from your Hide site, and another group of vehicles shows up 20 minutes later, dismounting additional troops and a group of well dressed civilians wearing body armor. Reference: FM 17-15, FM 17-98, and FM 7-7. Report detailed account of actions, for example, direction of movement, troops digging in, b. Supplemental Information. TBS Smart Pack Ver 3. Once outside the door, you can relax, sit down, throw up, or whatever. (2) A-Activity. The Marine Corps Drill and Ceremonies manual states that the purpose of the hand salute is "to demonstrate mutual respect and courtesy between members of military organizations and to show respect to national colors.". By saluting first, no military officer implies that he is inferior to the person whom he salutes, according to Marine Corps … Define SALUTE acronym.