However, as he is walking across the log, the wood snaps beneath him, and he nearly falls into the river. When Bunga and his friends attempt to keep a family of baboons from falling with a loose tree off a cliff, the baboons refuse to see reason, and Kion sends Bunga up to scare them down. Though Beshte initially has the upper hand, he has to pause and roll around in the mud due to a severe sunburn, which allows Imara to win. While Beshte is talking to Mbeya, Bunga and his friends wait on the edge of the water hole. After the results are sorted out, Kion asks Ono to look for Beshte, who hasn't shown up for training yet. Bunga expresses satisfaction over Chama's return to Ma Tembo's herd. On the way to the tallest tree in the Pride Lands, Fuli wonders whether they should be doing more important work than building a ceremonial nest, but Beshte defends the task by reminding her that Hadithi is Ono's hero. Just then, Kion gets an idea and runs off with his friends. She then leads them into a chamber where there is a pool of water and yet another painting. Bunga displays his enthusiastic and optimistic nature. The other young animals are excited by this idea, but Kion admits that they have business elsewhere. In repayment for their past crimes, the troop agrees to hand out food to the Pride Landers. Mtoto announces that he must return home, and Bunga comments that he is glad that he cannot hear as well as Mtoto, else he would know everyone else's business. Later, Ono informs Bunga and the Guard that Janja and his crew are at it again. The team assures Ono that he is a valuable member of the team. Makini interrupts, explaining that Kion might be practicing his Roar at Cikha Escarpment, as Askari used to do so long ago. This causes Kion to recall Askari's statement that only one who can let go of the Roar can truly master it. A miffed Kion reluctantly agrees to her demands, but makes her promise to stop stealing the possessions of the aardvarks. The group starts to break up and leave, but Kion calls them back. Twiga is quick to deny this assertion, and Vuruga Vuruga backs her up, with both acting suspiciously. Ma Tembo points out that they will never be able to live up to Bunga's expectations, and Simba agrees. Just then, Beshte spots a chameleon, which prompts Hafifu and Majinuni to launch into a game of "chameleon hide-and-seek," in which they take off into the forest. Reirei and her family plot to attack a herd of zebras. Startled, the klipspringer hops safely to shore, and the Lion Guard rejoices in their victory. This leads the Lion Guard to inquire about Zazu's whereabouts to Bupu and Nyuni, who have formed a partnership and are getting along famously. Ono realizes that the bridge is unstable, and the Lion Guard warns the hyraxes away moments before the rocks give way and collapse. With Janja gone, Jasiri thanks the Lion Guard for their help. Bunga assumes that there is trouble. At Pride Rock, the Pride Landers sing "Good King Simba" in honor of the Kumbuka celebration. After the argument, Kion instructs Fuli to rest while the other members of the Lion Guard help Bunga find Utamu grubs. Later that day, Ono spots a skirmish at the Watering Hole, and the Lion Guard arrives to find Kenge making a scene. Just then, Ullu arrives and warns Rani that Janna wants to see her, Kion, and the rest of the Night Pride immediately. Bunga saves a galago from a fire in Ndefu Grove. At Badili's words, Kion realizes that he had made a mistake in having chased off Mapigano himself. Anga approaches the snow monkeys and tells them that she will lift them to safety in her talons.