RELATED: The Best Way to De-stress For Your Zodiac … Pay attention to when he texts you. For zodiac signs who don't text back right away, timely replies simply aren't a priority. It's not you, it's them (and their totally inability to text their boo back in a reasonable amount of time). Though they are known for their witty captions and original comebacks, Aquarius men are some of the Zodiac’s worst and (most easily annoyed) texters. However, they are also notorious for being emotionally and mentally detached. Through it all, it’s become clear which of our pals can maintain a lively texting thread and which forgot to respond…three months ago. She texts almost constantly, asking how people are or sending funny moments that happen to her throughout the day. Here’s what the stars have to say. Just as important as what he’s saying is when he’s saying it. Differentiating between “k” and one word answers can be hard. And it turns out, astrology has its own takes on which zodiac signs are the best and worst texters. sometimes abit boring but reply quick Libra: slowest repliers I know Scorpio: pretty quick repliers, and they're interesting to text with The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Text Back Immediately (And One Who Leaves You on Read) ... And it turns out, astrology has its own takes on which zodiac signs are the best and worst texters. As the first sign of the zodiac, you have a fiery, competitive streak that’s impossible to extinguish. Maybe he’s not a frequent texter, but if he asks you out in advance, responds quickly enough when you ask a question and most importantly, has never sent a Friday night ‘u up?’ text, you should probably look past the fact that you sometimes don’t hear from him for a couple days. (Be sure to check your Mercury sign along with your sun sign, since this tells us your communication style.) And it turns out, astrology has its own takes on which zodiac signs are the best and worst texters. Oh no, he responded the worst letter anyone could possibly ever text, the “K.” Don’t get paranoid, boys typically don’t plan out what their going to text anyone (girls, we’ve definitely all “k’d” a boy at some point, admit it). Aries: reply quite quickly, but short answers and it's boring Taurus: interesting people to text with, keep convo going Gemini: fab texters, but the convo ends quickly Cancer: reply slowwwwly Leo: average texters, keep convo going Virgo: good texters! When they’re interested, you’ll get a lot of replies but none of them make sense. The Ones Who Text Back Right Away: And it turns out, astrology has its own takes on which zodiac signs are the best and worst texters. Here’s what the stars have to say. Leo women are some of the worst offenders of text message etiquette. They don’t necessarily understand that other people don’t treat text messages like the Leo woman does. When they’re in a new relationship, Pisces is too busy worrying whether they’re making their new person uncomfortable to know how they feel. Here’s what the stars have to say. Here’s what the stars have to say. And it turns out, astrology has its own takes on which zodiac signs are the best and worst texters. 2. Pisces is the worst at texting. These Uranus- and Saturn-ruled men are all about innovation, spontaneity, and intellectual fun. (Be sure to check your Mercury sign along with your sun sign, since this tells us your communication style.) The Best Way to De-stress For Your Zodiac … While that’s great, you probably don’t need …