diviblurbexamples.com is 1 year 3 months old. Download the free Divi Blurbs Module to go with Divi Theme. Your email address will not be published. Custom Padding: 2vw Bottom, 2vw Left, 2vw Right, Box Shadow: See Screenshot <——— !!! In the style of the new Falkor Bundle, the spring 2018 UI Kit bundle, this fun four up blurbs module will readily fit in any page layout. This next design is a fun way to create lists using blurbs. Then update the Title and Body font and spacing as follows: Title Font: Yeseva One Using the right click menu option or the cmd+c and cmd+v shortkeys, copy the module you just created and paste it into column 3. Unlimited Users. Use the following CSS variable in the Blurb Element Settings > Advanced Tab … Vishvendra believes in the keep learning process and applying those learnings into work. Body Font: Noto Sans Thanks. 1. Custom Padding: 0px top, 0px bottom. Divi Flexile Hero Sections – A pack of Ultimate Divi Hero Sections, Divi Flexile Footers – A pack of Ultimate Divi Footers, How to add an Ajax Add to Cart button to Shop module in Divi. Search his name with "Nathawat," and you'll easily find him over the internet. But you can also use box shadows as a creative way to frame your content with broken grid designs. Creating pop-out blurbs is a fun way to make your blurbs stand out and having adjacent list blurbs on the side gives you some additional options for more creative designs. Set a narrow row width so the 2 CTA stack behind the Blurb module; Use z-index to keep the Blurb module sitting above the CTA modules; Use the hover settings for the row to change its width and trigger the animation; Change the width of the row on row hover so there is room for all 3 modules to sit inline. Extended – $69.00 Make This Row Fullwidth: YES Can you please give me an answer to my question above this comment. Add any of the classes to Image Settings > Advanced tab > CSS ID & Classes > CSS Class. It is a domain having com extension. The video . Next, update the color and size of the icon as follows: Icon Color: #96a6bd Divi Blurb Extended has five uniquely designed Divi Blurb layouts. ... We’ve listed below an extensive list of places you could get tons of design examples and spark new ideas for … Custom Margin: 50px Bottom Hey Divi Nation! Sneak Peek. If you are interested exploring more fun blurb module designs, check out the links below: Well I hope these examples have inspired you to see what’s possible with The Divi Blurb Module! LEARN MORE. This Divi blurb plugin will enhance your level to use the default Divi theme blurb module and designing the blurbs. Blurbs are a great way to showcase small bits of important information, and are often used in rows to display skills or features.” Elements of a Blurb However I have to compress the DIVI-PNG-LOGO again after each DIVI update, because it costs one percentage point. (make sure it is an inner shadow). This is in the article right before add the custom CSS. Then update your image with a book image (or an image of your product). Background Gradient Left Color: rgba(2,0,76,0.51) Title Letter Spacing: 2px Affiliate Disclosure: This website contains some affiliate links to 3rd party websites (including the Divi Theme by Elegant Themes, divithemestore.com, divi.space, divilife.com, divibooster.com, besuperfly.com, thedesignspace.co, divi-den.com etc.) An icon of a book or something will also work as well. To gain access to the download you will need to subscribe to our Divi Daily email list by using the form below. In other words, you don’t have to start with the first one. Preview 110+ Premade Websites & 880+ Premade Layouts. Now only the icon should be visible. How to host a fast and highly scalable WordPress website on Digital Ocean, How to design beautiful separator in the Divi theme. End Position: 70% Then add a background gradient to create the circle background as follows: Background Gradient Left Color: #fa7f28 Custom Padding: 20px Top, 20px Bottom, 3vw Left, 3vw Right. Recently, we shared a brand new Telehealth Layout Pack. 2: Image Box Shadow: see screenshot <——— !!! Custom margin (tablet): 0% Left, 0% Right When it comes to web design websites, the bar is high. They’re often used for links to pages, descriptions for services, call to action, food menu categories, links to team member pages, links to events, a weekly schedule, links to store categories, portfolios, and much more. In this post, we’re going to explore one of Divi’s most popular features, the Blurb Module. TIP:You could also add a Module Link URL to this module in order to make the entire module clickable since it can serve as a promotion. First add a regular section with a two-column row structure. You can also use multiselect to select all three blurbs in column 4 and bulk edit the element settings to change the icon color of all three to #24c4a3. frendly with whm & whmcs. When making adjustments, don’t forget to take advantage of Divi’s Multiselect feature to make bulk edits to all modules at once. That’s it! Place Gradient Above Background Image: YES. In this design, I’ll show you how to combine borders and box shadows in a unique way. Elegant Theme’s Divi Blurb Module. 1. Moreover, if you want to see all the blurb examples created using this plugin in real action, then you should visit the demo page here. Title Font: Noto Serif Below are the Divi blurb examples of Advanced Flip Box module’s layout 2. Completely restyling and repositioning the slider dot navigation so it sits over the blurb module and changes opacity when the relevant slide is active. Icon Font Size: 30px Body Font: Robot Also, this css uses flex to center the blurb content within the circle. As no active threats were reported recently by users, diviblurbexamples.com is SAFE to browse. That being said, I completely understand the benefit it may provide you and others and we will definitely consider this going forward. Content Width (desktop): 60% Unlimited Websites. The perfect theme for bloggers and online-publications. Divi – blurb text overlay. Let’s have some fun! Custom margin (tablet): 0% Left, 0% Right “The blurb module is a simple and elegant combination of text and imagery. Never fear, in this tutorial I show you how to make it as large as you want. Flipbox will extend you Divi blurb in many ways. Box Shadow Horizontal Position: -20px How To Use the Layouts. Then take out the Title Text and content. Box Shadow: see screenshot diviblurbexamples.com Blurbs are one of the most popular and versatile modules in Divi. Divi Sliders and Headers (21) Divi Blurb Modules (7) Divi Pricing Table (8) Divi Email Optin & Forms (2) Divi Footer Module (9) Divi Testimonial (9) Divi Content (21) Divi Person Module (5) Divi Shop Module (2) Divi Call To Action (5) Divi Portfolio Module (1) Buy Now 02. When I use the Blurb module, though, I’d love to be able to tighten up the spacing between the image and the header text. Then take out the last sentence of the content to decrease the amount of text. Sorry for the confusion. That’s it! Background Color: #df4570 Body Font Weight: Light Brown in Divi Resources. Title Font: Oswald Title Text Size: 26px This Divi tutorial and many others like it really are meant to teach some valuable techniques for using Divi in new and creative ways. Thanks for joining us for the next installment of our weekly Divi Design Initiative where each week, we give away brand new freebies. Image Width: 150px How to set background color of blurb-effect-11: Make sure the background is set to transparent. Sorry for the confusion.This is done by adding a box shadow to the blurb module. Title Line Height: 1.5em Gradient Type: radial We offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, so joining is Risk-Free! Box Shadow Horizontal Position: 0px For additional space, you can always decrease the size of the blurb icon to something like 50px in order to keep the circles from colliding on smaller browser widths. Not sure if I am asking in the right place, but I tried doing #2 but can’t seem to get my image to sit above the background image as you have done with the book. Now we need to add a box shadow at the top of the blurb to create the impression that book image is extending above the module for a nice overlapping effect. Background Gradient Right Color: rgba(2,0,76,0.84) What about my comments with missing part in blurbs 2 & 3 in the turorial? This will be the first of five total blurbs that will make up our list. You may need to adjust these settings depending on the amount of content you have. Gradient Direction: 90deg By using its blurb layouts, you can easily create blurb designs with a custom icon, add a button to the blurb, set blurb icon on the right, and many customizations. For the third blurb in the column, update the following: Background Color: #96a6bd Bottom Border Width: 15px Box Shadow Vertical Position: 50px ... We’ve listed below an extensive list of places you could get tons of design examples and spark new ideas for … Right Border Color: #2f3854 1 License. Image/Icon Placement: Left To get started, you will need to create a new page. Duplicate the module four times until you get a total of five blurbs stacked in the right column. Start Position: 60% Next click on the General Settings tab and enter a Title and URL for your blurb module (the image and blurb title link to a url), if you don’t want them to link just leave the url field blank. I think it’s just a little silly to force the interested users to build it themselves. Before you leave this module, copy the rounded corners by right clicking on the option in the blurb settings. The key design technique here is giving both the image and the content a custom width so that the content can be positioned to the left later on. Jason, you still have not added the actual SCREENSHOT to your tutorial of the settings that you mention here for Blurb No. Other than technical writing, he likes to write fiction, non-fiction, songs, and comic ideas. Or if you liked this plugin already, and want to make it yours, then go to the product page and begin creating impressive blurbs without spending more time. Using some custom margins, you can curve your blurb list items to wrap around elements on your page. But when you do, Divi makes the image minuscule. This is in the article right before adding the custom CSS. Thanks for the great design ideas. Note: In this blog post, you’ll see 20 appealing blurb layouts that you can create without any coding or design skills easily. Body Font: Noto Sans Then we can use the adjacent columns next to each to add a few blurbs with left aligned icons to serve as featured list items. See the best Divi theme examples from around the web. First, add a new regular section with a two column row structure. Your competitors have it and you already create the content so why not build it right into DIVI? Check out the Divi blurb examples made using this amazing Divi Blurb plugin. Shadow Color: #ffffff, to advanced tab > custom css > Blurb Image field. Hence the plea to you: Can’t you also make these things available for download? Custom margin (desktop): 20% Left, -20% Right Our Divi Blurb Module Design for you to display Services Details faster and simpler and beautifully with minimal setting and sort code possible in different template styles .Each Bundle have 10 per designed and each design have following 5 different layouts Designs Body Text Size: 16px Background Gradient Right Color: rgba(255,255,255,0) The basic idea is to position the blurb content to the left of the module in order to make room for the custom background image. Shadow Color: #ffffff. Then add a background gradient to serve as a partial overlay that sits behind the content and overlays the background image to make the text more readable. The blurb module has always been one of the most popular Divi modules and with a little extra custom CSS added to your theme options, page options or child theme you can create some cool hover effects to add a little extra eye candy for your viewer. Width (tablet): 80% Add an image to the blurb. Image Module Rounded Corners: 50px top right, 50px bottom left. Then use Divi’s Multiselect feature to select all three blurbs and then copy and paste them into column 4. Module Alignment: Center Icon Font Size (desktop): 400px Select the option “Build From Scratch”. It will help developers in ways to design beautiful blurb sections. Then update the design settings as follows: Icon Color: #df4570 Simply Make the Texts Playful & Appealing. Box Shadow Vertical Position: 35px Advanced Blurbs adds a custom blurb module that replaces the default Divi icons with the entire Font Awesome collection of over 600 icons. Custom Margin (desktop): -5vw Top, -5vw Bottom In the right column, add a new blurb module. Equalize Column Heights: YES In this blog post, we’ve shown you 20 interactive Divi Blurb examples created using the Divi Blurb Extended plugin. In the left column add a new blurb module. Place Gradient Above Background Image: YES, Image Box Shadow: see screenshot Then open the module settings and take out the content leaving only the title text. Content Width: (smartphone): 80% THX, This is weird. Next update the design settings as follows: Background Color: #bb7860 Then choose the right arrow icon for the blurb. Custom Padding (desktop): 20% Top, 25% Bottom, 20% Left, 20% Right Divi is a registered trademark of Elegant Themes, Inc. It comes with 12 main pages, a custom header and footer, a custom slide-in, CSS, bold colors, and more. These hacks use the css clip-path property to ‘crop’ out the edges to give the image a new shape. Check out our demo site for Divi blurb examples. Screenshot settings image box shadow is missing as well as the explanation how to move the image of the book up with a negative top margin. Bottom Border Color: #2f3854, Image Box Shadow: See Screenshot Furthermore I would like to ask you again a very simple request: I am a speed-nerd and reach 100/100 with all my projects at Google Insights. Classic, Flipbox, Easebox, Border box, and Image card. Now he works full time as a content creator for Elegant Themes where he enjoys contributing blog posts, tutorials and documentation about all things Divi. In this first example, we are going to have a little fun with expanding blurbs outside of the row to create a pop-out effect. Then give your page a title and deploy the visual builder. Shadow Color: #ffffff. Then go ahead and update the row settings as follows: Background Color: #2e3858 Our favorite examples of websites, themes, and layouts powered by the Divi WordPress theme. Harness the power of Divi with any WordPress theme. However, you've probably seen... © Divi Extended 2020 | Divi Extended is a business unit of Elicus. Usage. Therefore, if you want to create attractive blurb like above, you should try this Divi blurb layout plugin. I’m also actively working to add compatibility to any 3rd party modules that don’t work with Divi Font Awesome right … I am using Divi 2.6, if you are using an older version of Divi then the css class field will be at the bottom of the General settings tab. Custom Padding: 2vw Bottom. To complete the design, you can add a background image and gradient to your section as follows: Add Background Image Divi Blurb Module Bundle 1 (Templates 1-10) is a layout with 10 different blurb designs with multiple styles for each design. Title Letter Spacing: 1px Make sure the background image is a header like image with the focal point of the image to the right side that way you can add your content to the left of the image with it the background distracting from the text. Posted on February 19, 2021 by Donjete Vuniqi in Divi Resources. Take out the last sentence in the content box to shorten the amount of text a bit. Here is a sneak peek of the 5 blurb module styles I’ll be creating in this tutorial. Download Divi layout on the Elegant Themes blog Therefore, please use the compressed PNG logo in the future. The users, who want to learn something, don’t have to use the download. Title Font Style: TT Simply Make the Texts Playful & Appealing. Then select to use an icon instead of an image and choose an icon (anyone will do). Like to create blurbs on your website with the native Divi blurb module, and looking for more design options? Content Width (desktop): 60% The shop module only displays products with pricing, sale tag (if the products are on sale), and a sorting filter, but no "Add to Cart." And then choose the light bulb icon. Title Font: Encode Sans Semi Condensed Generally, the Blurb Module is used for things like services, benefits, contact information, etc, but with Divi, the possibilities are endless. One of my all time favorite Divi design features to have fun with is box shadows. 6 Stunning Divi Flipbox Layouts. LEARN MORE. The blurb module is one of the most popular of all 46 Divi modules and this little bit of customization will allow you to increase your click-through rates to the content you are highlighting by adding an animated button when the user hovers over your module.. All that is required is a few lines of CSS code that can be added into your page or posts custom CSS … We already featured a creative use for box shadows in our promotion blurb design earlier where we created the overlap effect. To add the background gradient update the following: Background Gradient Left Color: rgba(255,255,255,0.8) For more information, visit the product page . Content Width: (smartphone): 80% Then update the row settings so that it has a custom width of 80% and a Gutter width of 1. If you want to put a magnificent impression on the user from the very start of your website, it’s essential that the website's hero section should look engaging and impressive from each angle. If you define an URL in Blurbs Module general settings tab, like this: The part of the Blurb, which actually’s going to be clickable is an icon and the title.You can see it on the demo page I’ve set up.. Thanks for joining us for the next installment of our weekly Divi Design Initiative where each week, we give away brand new freebies. This simple blurb style uses background gradients to serve as a circle background to your blurb content. Box Shadow Vertical Position: 50px This module is extremely popular and will probably be used on almost every site you build so it’s good to have a versatile set of ideas so designs don’t start looking the same. Divi Flipbox layout available in the plugin adds the missing feature of Divi blurb module hover effects. Built to get you more shares and more followers. combine blurb icons to create a centered graphic, Download a FREE Header & Footer for Divi’s Telehealth Layout Pack, Download a FREE Blog Post Template for Divi’s Acupuncture Layout Pack, How to Hide Elements with CSS on Your Website, Employee Training: What It Is And How To Approach It At Your Company, You can create your own background image shape to build a. For the fifth blurb, simply copy the rounded corners in the fourth blurb and paste them in. Then add the blurb module to the first column. Even if I could do it myself, I don’t have the time to rebuild them. This will be fun for people who don’t know how to solve this… . Only The Best of Friend &The Worst of Enemies Visit Us. For more information, visit the product page. Try Out The Drag & Drop Page Builder for FREE! Divi Blog Examples. You can also click the Use Visual Builderbut… Jason started a career in education before co-founding a web agency specializing in Divi websites. Let’s get to it. Rounded Corners: 50px top left, 50px bottom right. To start, add a new regular section with a three column row structure. Learn how your comment data is processed. This plugin comes with multiple features & customization options that you can use to create even more beautiful and attractive blurbs. Image/Icon Placement: Left 4. Get it now. Now let’s continue to update the last three modules with proper colors, spacing and rounded corner designs. Sometimes you want to make your blurb module read left to right, and not top to bottom. The World's #1 WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder. Custom Padding: 5vw Top, 5vw Bottom, 3vw Left, 3vw Right Shadow Color: #dddddd. This free Divi layout pack includes 10 Divi Blurb modules with unique hover effects. Divi Next Blurb Plugin has introduced unlimited hover effects with so many design options. Shadow Color: #f89da9. And you can get a little creative. Custom Padding (smartphone): 20% Top, 25% Bottom, 10% Left, 10% Right. The hover effects are added to the Blurbs using custom CSS that is included via a Divi Code Module. In this post, we’re going to explore one of Divi’s most popular features, the Blurb Module. Clicking this button will enable the Divi Builder, giving you access to all of the Divi Builder’s modules. Thanks for your comment, Eric. You present so many designs (at least 1 a week I think) so perhaps you could add new DIVI feature: module and section library – just like the layout library. You can use a Divi footer to emphasize your website’s bottom area for better user interaction and get multiple goals fulfilled, such... By default, when you insert the shop module in the Divi theme, you don't get any add to cart button. Learn how to style a Divi Blurb Module in this easy to follow free tutorial. Shadow Color: #ffffff Divi Next Blurb Plugin has introduced unlimited hover effects with so many design options. Box Shadow Horizontal Position: 20px Next, add a background image to the module. In this example, I’m going to curve the list to wrap around the right side of a large blurb icon. 02. In the module’s Custom CSS tab, give the module the following CSS Class: gq-blurb-hover. Select Save & Exit and Update the page. i think Kamil has a good suggestion. This tutorial is designed to make it easy to create each of these blurb style designs individually so feel free to jump down the post to the design you want to build. This is done by adding a box shadow to the blurb module. Isn’t it amazing way to enhance your Divi Blurb? He loves what he writes and writes what he loves. Divi Blurb Extended Examples. The sky’s the limit here. Before you can add a blurb module to your page, you will first need to jump into the Divi Builder. Body Text Size: 16px Custom Padding: 3% Top, 10% Left, 2% Right. Custom margin (tablet): 0% Left, 0% Right I wasn’t aware. Here we’ll share a number of great examples of Divi used in these niches. If I went smaller the circle remained the same size while the icon within it became smaller. 3. It is important for this design to keep the text amount somewhat small because you will be fitting it inside of a circle. Now you can copy and paste the module into the remaining columns. Plz create a webhosting layouts. Body Font: Montserrat The ultimate email opt-in plugin for WordPress. Title Font: Encode Sans Semi Condensed Then give the second blurb a new color, custom margins to push it to the right, and creative rounded corners as follows: Background Color: #393e56 Not being an IT person I love these step by step tutorials, especially once having mastered them I can see the visual results within my own website pages. Duplicate the blurb twice so that you get three total list blurbs in the column. Great stuff Jason.Thank you. Then save the blurb settings and right click on the first (top) module you created and paste the rounded corners style the module. Lets Get Started On The Divi Blurb Module . I replaced the blurbs in the Doctor’s Office layout pack with Divi Blurb Extended modules. Title Text Size: 20px If you were looking to turn the entire module into a circle (instead of using the background gradient), replace the gradient with a regular background color and add this custom CSS under the Advanced Tab of the blurb module settings: This custom CSS overrides the padding set in the blurb module settings so you may need to take that snippet out if you want to gain back control of those settings. For the fourth blurb, update the following: Background Color: #393e56 Rounded Corners: 50px top right, 50px bottom right. I set it to 16. The only changes I made with the colors and size of the icon. Generally, the Blurb Module is used for things like services, benefits, contact information, etc, but with Divi, the possibilities are endless. This was helpful information since I am new to Divi. Start by add a new regular section with a three column row structure. Title Text Color: #ffffff This is a fun alternative to turning your entire blurb module into a circle using custom CSS. Box Shadow Horizontal Position: 0px Icon Font Size (smartphone): 200px. What am I missing? Icon Color: #ffffff In this article, we’ll take a look at the DiviHvac child theme to help you decide if it’s the right child... Posted on February 17, 2021 by Donjete Vuniqi in Divi Resources. Then update the rest of the design settings as follows: Text Orientation: Center Place Gradient Above Background Image: YES. To do this, go to the advanced tab and add the following custom CSS under the Blurb Content input box: TIP: Don’t forget about the hover options that are available. Then take out the mock text in the content box so that only the title text remains. The default icon size was 96 pixels. Start Position: 40% We are going to share some awesome Divi Site Examples that are built with the Divi Elegant Theme. Body Text Size: 16px Your email address will not be published. It has two faces on hover and non hover state. To do this add a new blurb in column 2. This blurb style is great for featuring content and promotional offers like a free book. Before you add any blurb modules, give your row a custom width and gutter width by updating your row settings as follows: Now let’s create the large blurb icon by adding blurb module in the left column. To help you get your website up and running as soon as possible, we’re sharing a... Posted on February 18, 2021 by Randy A. Divi Blurb Extended plugin adds two modules in the Divi module library that allows users to create attractive blurbs & interactive flip boxes. Then update the new blurb module settings with another bright (but complimentary) background color: Now it’s time to add the list item blurbs adjacent to the pop-out blurbs we just created. Then give the blurb image a border and box shadow by updating the design settings as follows: Image Top Border Width: 8px It doesn’t look like that’s customizable in the module, though. Once the visual builder loads on the page, you are ready to start designing. It is a compliment that such values are achieved with DIVI. But I like my blurbs to be clickable as a whole. Now, each with amazing features, new design, and button addition options. Box Shadow blur Strength: 80px. To do this, update the following: Box Shadow: See Screenshot To start, create a new section and a row with a four-column structure. To help you get your website up and running as soon as possible, we’re sharing a... On blurb #4 you’ve been copy/pasting the border info and the settings (color / border sides) are now incorrect… , Blurb #2 has errors too. All time favorite Divi design Initiative where each week, we ’ ve shown 20! Plugin adds the missing feature of Divi used in these niches up our list to up. Have repeated the instructions a few times but it isn ’ t moved up with a structure... To pages > add new new freebies the missing feature of Flipbox is choice of and... Solid or blank backgrounds the overlap effect the Builder in Visual Mode and looking for design... And paste the module the following CSS Class: gq-blurb-hover show you how to a! Select to use an icon instead of an image of your product ) needed to align the blurb so! Blurbs stacked in the comments designing the blurbs choice of color and image card gradients to as! Plea to you: can ’ t have the time to rebuild.. Elegant Themes a blog about blogs, so what better showcase than this one a circle custom! 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