Le rince-bouche Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief crée un écran durable qui agit comme un scellement protecteur contre la sensibilité, lorsque utilisé régulièrement. Colgate® SENSITIVE INSTANT Relief Toothpaste contains Sodium Fluoride (1450ppmF) the recommended fluoride level for effective caries prevention. Présentation de l’UFC-Que Choisir Fill a rotary cup with polishing paste, use low to moderate speed to apply. 5. DİŞ HASSASİYETİNİZİ ANINDA RAHATLATIN! With clinically proven PRO-ARGIN technology that dental professionals recommend to their patients for relief from the pain of sensitivity. RESULTS: When used over a period of 8 weeks, the novel toothpaste containing arginine and MFP in a calcium carbonate base significantly reduced dentine hypersensitivity (p < 0.05) in response to both the tactile and air blast stimuli. votre mensuel et dans nos courriers. Sodium lauryl sulfate. Don't think twice about sensitivity with clinically proven Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief. L'UFC-Que choisir est une association à but non lucratif entièrement consacrée à satisfaire les besoins des consommateurs, protèger leurs droits et leurs intérêts par ses campagnes, enquêtes, actions collectives et achats groupés. Protect yourself from sensitivity and whiten enamel with Colgate Sensitive Whitening toothpaste. Pour rejoindre nos 4 000 bénévoles ou bénéficier de leurs conseils, contactez l’une de nos 150 associations locales. Study Results. 4. Voici un dentifrice PreviDent* idéal pour vos patients aux dents sensibles. Flouride; Peroxide; Baking soda; Calcium Sorbitol. Mint; Fruit; Coconut ginger; Cinnamint; Type. SHOULD A PATIENT CONTINUE USING COLGATE® SENSITIVE INSTANT RELIEF TOOTHPASTE ONCE THE DENTINE SENSITIVITY HAS … Non seulement ses soies multifonctions uniques nettoient mieux que les soies plates d’une brosse ordinaire, mais elles appliquent également moins de pression sur les zones sensibles de la dent. Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief Alcohol Free … Helps clean and polish teeth. Bulk set of 5 x packs, 75 ml each Free delivery on your first order. Its pro-argin formula remineralises enamel, strengthens teeth against acid in food and drink, plus instantly plugs channels to sensitive nerves. Pro-Argin formula helps to seal areas which lead to sensitive nerves to help create a barrier against pain. Aqua. Guide d'achat : Dentifrice, Association indépendante de l’État, des syndicats, des producteurs et des distributeurs depuis 1951, Actus, tests, enquêtes réalisés par des experts. Vous êtes sur le site canadien en français. Procure un soulagement instantané et durable de l’hypersensibilité; soulagement instantané lorsqu’appliqué directement avec le bout du doigt sur la dent sensible, en massant doucement pendant une minute; soulagement durable de la sensibilité avec un brossage quotidien, deux fois par jour. La technologie Pro-ArginMC bouche et scelle les tubules dentinaires ouverts en formant une couche minérale riche en calcium. Benefits Clinically proven sensitivity relief. The exclusive Pro-Argin ® formula is clinically proven to seal the opening to exposed nerves for long lasting sensitivity pain relief. It contains SLS. Si vous souhaitez obtenir un exemplaire de cette étude clinique, vous pouvez le commander en téléphonant au 1 800 2COLGATE ou en envoyant un courriel à Colgate. Colgate PRO-Relief Toothpaste. Freshens breath and improves a product's taste. Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ Repair & Prevent toothpaste is clinically proven for instant & lasting* sensitivity relief. Crest Sensitivity Provides 24/7 sensitivity protection. Produits au rappel, → Que Choisir vous conseille : Calcium carbonate. Sensitivity relief; Orthodontics; Anti cavity fluoride; Plaque; Whitening-treatment; Flavor. Helps to dissolve the ingredients and prevent drying or hardening keeping the product smooth. Characteristics. PRODUCT AND COMPANY … Le dentifrice Colgate* Sensitive Pro-ReliefMC avec technologie Pro-ArginMC est le premier dentifrice à être éprouvé en clinique pour procurer un soulagement instantané et durable de l’hypersensibilité dentinaire. Ingredients. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. Guildford; GU2 8JZ. Lasting relief – Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Toothpaste gives you long lasting relief from the first use Instant relief – Apply toothpaste directly to the sensitive tooth with your fingertip, and massage gently for 1 minute, up to twice a day. Comment retrouver votre numéro d’abonné ? Vous avez un litige ? Calcium carbonate is the compound that plugs the tubules in the dentin, and repairs the lost calcium on the tooth. Are your teeth sensitive to hot or cold? Il y en a forcément une près de chez vous. Colgate® Sensitive Prevent And Repair™ provided superior sensitivity relief at 8 weeks* vs. Sensodyne® Extra Whitening Toothpaste. Ingredients. Start your day the best way possible and end it great too with a fresh-tasting mouth full of clean teeth! Aqua. *With continued use 2x per day. Nathoo S, et al, New Jersey Dental School, UMDNJ (2006), Data on file, Colgate-Palmolive Ltd 2. Williams M et al (2004) Compend Contin Dent Educ, 25, 10 (Suppl 2), 22-27. WHAT IS THE FLUORIDE CONTENT OF COLGATE® SENSITIVE INSTANT RELIEF TOOTHPASTE? Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Whitening Toothpaste Do two amazing things at once for sensitive teeth. Clinical efficacy of Colgate ® Sensitive Pro-Relief TM toothpaste. Ingredients. Soulagement de la sensibilité. TVC; Category: Colgate Tooth Paste. Graphed results from 1 of 2 clinical studies performed, N=93. The gentle wave bristle design of Colgate* Sensation* Sensitive effectively cleans sensitive teeth and gums. Active Ingredients: Sodium Fluoride (0.24%) (0.15% w/v Fluoride Ion), Triclosan (0.3%). Treats the cause of sensitive teeth Clinically proven Pro-Argin formula Long-lasting protective barrier Don't think twice about sensitive with clinically proven Colgate Sensitive PRO-Relief Multi-Protection toothpaste. Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief. Size: 75ml (Approx.) COLGATE Sensitive Pro-relief - Toothpaste (Produits d'hygiène dentaireDentifrices) : découvrez gratuitement si ce produit est dangereux ou sain pour vous. Natural aminoacid to enhance active ingredients performance. Calcium Carbonate, Aqua, Sorbitol, Arginine,Aroma, Poloxamer 407, Sodium Monofluorophosphate (1450 ppm F), Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Zinc Oxide, Benzyl Alcohol, Cellulose Gum, Zinc Citrate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Saccharin, Sucralose, Limonene, CI 77891. Tous droits réservés. Colgate* Sensitive Pro-ReliefTM/MC Study Summary Ayad et al - Instant, F Ayad, N Ayad, E Delgado, YP Zhang, W DeVizio, D Cummins, LR Mateo. Si vous souhaitez obtenir un exemplaire de cette étude clinique, vous pouvez le commander en téléphonant au 1 800 2COLGATE ou en emailing Colgate. Helps protect teeth against cavities and promotes healthy gums (with regular brushing). Return To Colgate-Palmolive Guildford GU2 8JZ. Faites baisser votre facture annuelle d’énergie, Ingrédients indésirables dans les cosmétiques, Trouvez la mutuelle santé adaptée à votre profil, Trouvez la multirisque habitation la moins chère, Comment choisir une bouteille de champagne, Trouvez le supermarché drive le moins cher près de chez vous, COLGATE - Sensitive Pro-relief - Toothpaste, Comparatif Substances toxiques dans les cosmétiques, Dossier Ingrédients indésirables dans les cosmétiques, Droits de reproduction et de diffusion réservés. Arginine. EMPLACEMENT | VISITEZ-NOUS DANS LE MONDE ENTIER, Dominican Republic - República Dominicana, 1. Standard laboratory testing of bristle stiffness versus a leading soft manual toothbrush, Data on file, Colgate-Palmolive Ltd 4. For lasting relief, apply to a gentle toothbrush making sure to brush all sensitive areas of the teeth. Arginine. Switch to Colgate ® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ and start repairing†sensitive teeth today. Twice Toothpaste vs. Colgate Sensitive Pro Relief December 10, 2020 You might not think twice about your toothpaste’s ingredients p- much less its impact on the planet -- but these are honestly two huge things worth considering, and today we’re going to compare two popular brands of toothpaste that both aim to clean your teeth but in notably different ways. Guildford; GU2 8JZ. Return To Address. 3 . Manufacturer . Foaming agent to aid in the removal of debris. Place enough polishing paste for one procedure in a clean dappen dish or other suitable container. Its Pro-Argin formula instantly seals channels to sensitive nerves and creates a fixed, long-term barrier to pain when used regularly. Il ne contient ni alcool ni éthanol. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label. AVAILABLE FLAVOUR. Colgate* Sensitive Pro-ReliefTM/MC Study Summary Schiff et al - Instant, T Schiff, E Delgado, YP Zhang, W DeVizio, D Cummins, LR Mateo. Consultez nos conditions d’utilisation, notre politique de confidentialité et notre politique de protection de la vie privée des enfants et notre, Outil Relatif Aux Cookies. comparateur mutuelle, mutuelle pour les retraités, crème solaire, épilation. Merci. Helps repair sensitive areas and prevent further sensitivity* PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS. An artificial sweetener (E950) that consists of a ring molecule with sulphur and nitrogen atoms. © 2018 Colgate-Palmolive Company. Colgate® Sensitive PRO-Relief works by plugging the channels that lead to sensitive tooth nerves to block the pain With regular use, it builds a long-lasting protective barrier that acts like a seal against sensitivity. Also helps to prevent cavaties when used regularly. Other ingredients. Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief (Toothpaste): 2 out of 5 stars from 79 genuine reviews on Australia's largest opinion site ProductReview.com.au. Call free: 00-800-321-321-32 www.colgate.co.uk Preparation and Usage Directions: For instant relief, apply directly to the sensitive tooth with your finger tip, and massage gently for 1 minute, up to twice a day. The toothpaste contains potassium salts that soothe and desensitise the nerve endings in teeth to significantly lessen sensitivity pain over time. Dissolves substances or ingredients. Version 1.5 SDS Number: 660000001219 Revision Date: 13.04.2016 1 / 13 SECTION 1. Nathoo S, et al, New Jersey Dental School, UMDNJ (2006), Data on file, Colgate-Palmolive Ltd. Colgate* 360® * Sensitive Pro-Relief* est conçue spécialement pour nettoyer efficacement et en douceur les dents sensibles. Mint. COLGATE SENSITIVE PRO RELIEF TOOTHPASTE-REPAIR & PREVENT This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. Instant* relief and lasting protection. l’UFC-Que choisir vos propose toute une palette de solutions pour y répondre, en ligne depuis chez vous ou en vous rendant dans l’une de nos associations locales. Its active ingredients are Arginine and calcium carbonate. The unique whitening formula with Pro-Argin seals channels to sensitive nerves in an instant, while gently whitening teeth. Bourses d’études, prix et aides financières, Brosse à dents Colgate 360°* Sensitive Pro-Relief*, Brosse à dents Colgate 360°* Sensitive Pro-Relief, Brosse à dents Colgate* Sensation* Sensitive, politique de protection de la vie privée des enfants, Aide à bloquer les stimuli douloureux, comme le toucher, la pression et l’air froid, A fait l’objet d’études cliniques publiées dans une revue révisée par les pairs, Contient 1450 ppm de fluorure sous forme de monofluorophosphate de sodium, Offre une réduction beaucoup plus importante de la sensibilité avec un brossage quotidien, deux fois par jour, que le dentifrice de contrôle contenant des ions de potassium, Procure un soulagement instantané lorsqu’appliqué directement avec le bout du doigt sur la dent sensible, en massant doucement pendant une minute, Peut être utilisé après la pâte polissante désensibilisante Colgate* Sensitive Pro-Relief, Pâte désensibilisante Colgate* Sensitive Pro-Relief. Select the 'Free delivery on first order' option at checkout. The sensitive toothpaste contains zinc to strengthen gums and prevent gum recession, a main cause of sensitivity. Standard laboratory testing of dentin abrasion versus a leading soft manual toothbrush, Hefferen J, et al University of Kansas, (2006) Data on file, Colgate-Palmolive Ltd 3. Aroma*. Natural aminoacid to enhance active ingredients performance. Colgate* Sensitive Pro-ReliefTM/MC Study Summary Nathoo et al - Instant, S Nathoo, E Delgado, YP Zhang, W DeVizio, D Cummins, LR Mateo, Colgate* Sensitive Pro-ReliefTM/MC Study Summary Docimo et al - Brushing, R Docimo, L Montesani, P Maturo, M Bartolino, YP Zhang, W DeVizio, E Delgado, D Cummins, S Dibart, LR Mateo, Pro-ArginTM/MC Study Summary Docimo et al Toothpaste Efficacy, R Docimo, L Montesani, P Maturo, M Costacurta, M Bartolino, W DeVizio, YP Zhang, D Cummins, S Dibart, and LR Mateo, Pro-ArginTM/MC Study Summary Ayad et al Toothpaste Efficacy, F Ayad, N Ayad, YP Zhang, W DeVizio, D Cummins, and LR Mateo, Pour les soins buccodentaires quotidiens des patients souffrant d’hypersensibilité dentinaire. Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ contains Pro-Argin® which is designed to treat the symptoms of sensitive teeth. F Ayad, N Ayad, YP Zhang, W DeVizio, D Cummins, and LR Mateo. Colgate Sensitive Instant Relief Repair & Prevent Toothpaste gives you clinically proven lasting relief from sensitivity for 8 weeks when you use it twice a day. Calcium carbonate. Colgate-Palmolive Guildford GU2 8JZ. Helps clean and polish teeth. Colgate* Sensitive Pro-Relief TM/MC Study Summary Ayad et al - Instant. Arginine activates the bacteria that neutralizes the acid. Contient-il des ingrédients indésirables Il a un goût de menthe douce pour une haleine fraîche et il aide à protéger les dents contre l'usure par l'acide. Safely and effectively removes stains to get whiter and shinier teeth. Colgate Sensitive PRO-Relief provides you relief from sudden shocks of pain and long-term sensitivity with regular use. It is the most natural way to relieve your pain. Clinical Study With Colgate® Sensitive Prevent and Repair™ vs Sensodyne® Extra Whitening . Repair your teeth’s enamel and relieve sensitivity with Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief Enamel Repair. Autres produits Colgate Hypersensibilité dentinaire, 1. INGREDIENTS. Peut être utilisé après la pâte polissante désensibilisante Colgate* Sensitive Pro-ReliefMC. Pro-Argin ™ Technology works through a natural process of dentin tubule occlusion that attracts arginine and calcium carbonate to the dentin surface to form a protective seal that provides instant relief.2 *Instant relief is achieved with direct application of toothpaste massaged on sensitive tooth for 1 minute. Most other sensitive toothpastes primarily numb the pain. Ex. Nos experts ont analysé la composition. Product Ingredients. 6 talking about this. Éprouvé en clinique. Use regularly for less sensitivity. F Ayad, N Ayad, E Delgado, YP Zhang, W DeVizio, D Cummins, LR Mateo. Paste; Manual; Gel; Soft; Medium; Battery powered; Ultra-soft; Disposable; Ingredient. While many sensitive toothpastes* desensitise nerve endings to just numb the sensitivity pain, Colgate ® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ works differently. Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ Desensitising Polishing Paste. Merci. : Votre numéro d’abonné se trouve sur le film transparent d’expédition de Si vous souhaitez obtenir un exemplaire de cette étude clinique, vous pouvez le commander en téléphonant au 1 800 2COLGATE ou en envoyant un courriel à Colgate. Dissolves substances or ingredients. Related Products. With continued use, Colgate ® Sensitive Whitening helps prevent sensitivity pain from recurring, but this protection may be lost if use is suspended. Merci.emailing Colgate. Free yourself from the pain of sensitive teeth with technology used by dentists. Découvrez ce que L'UFC-Que choisir fait pour vous. Zinc to strengthen gums and prevent drying or hardening keeping the product smooth bulk of... The lost calcium on the tooth of Sensitive teeth with technology used dentists. Consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label 4 000 ou! E Delgado, YP Zhang, W DeVizio, D Cummins, Mateo! 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