How are calendars created? … Jordan School District is most highly rated for Work/life balance and Granite School District is most highly rated for Work/life balance. We ask that you use caution in and around our schools and buildings as reports indicate snow showers may continue on and off throughout the day creating winter conditions on roadways and sidewalks. On this episode of the Supercast, we talk to school psychologist, Dustin Fullmer who actually teaches a video game addiction class at the Jordan Family Education Center. var theDate=new Date()
Middle schools provide classes for grades 7-9, with a 4-quarter, 7-period schedule. Our elementary schools educate children from Kindergarten through 6th grade and operate on traditional or year-round calendars. Nutrislice is the leading provider of digital menus, signage, and ordering software. Skyward is available in web site and mobile application formats. This year, Jordan District jumped 3 slots in our statewide ranking, and ranks better than 53.1% districts in Utah. Jordan School District. Jordan District was the largest in Utah until the Canyons School District in the southeastern portion of the county split in 2009. 4.0. So, the madrigals, directed by Marc Taylor recorded the concert which was then broadcast to all music teachers in the State of Utah. Eastlake Elementary is a dual immersion school where students are learning to be fluent in both English and Mandarin. Directories Files that are intended for printing and use at employee desks and links that may be essential to employee job functions. Is your child spending too much time playing video games? 7905 S Redwood Road, Entrance D West Jordan, UT 84088 Phone: 801-567-8365 Fax: 801-567-8060 © [year] 3.9. Our elementary schools educate children from Kindergarten through 6th grade and operate on traditional or year-round calendars. Jordan Public Schools. Congratulations CHHS madrigals on an amazing performance! Congratulations to the deserving recipients! A committee approved by the Board of Education (see DP207 – Calendar Development) works collaboratively to create school calendars for Jordan District.Committee members include one parent from every feeder area, two teachers, two school-level administrators, and two Education Support Professionals. February is CTE Month, a time to celebrate the value, achievements and accomplishments of Career and Technical Education programs across the country including right here in Jordan School District. Inspire a caring community to ignite learning, innovation, and success for all. An additional 2,610 employees provide support services for the system. Jordan Public Schools SCHOOL TAGLINE HERE. Jordan School District Moving Forward - contains information about reopening plans for the 2020-21 school year, schedule options, plans and documents Jordan School District COVID-19 Updates Jordan School District Health and Wellness - contains information about mental health providers, suicide prevention, coping with natural disasters, emotional well-being and much more Providing safe and efficient transportation services for students. This is the Year of the Ox, an animal that symbolizes diligence, determination and honesty in Chinese culture. Proof of immunization against communicable diseases is required. Is video game addiction a real problem among kids and teens today? It was a unique opportunity for some very talented students and their teacher at Copper Hills High School. Search for: Prospective Employees; Employee Information; HR Services; Resources; Volunteers & Coaches; Job Opportunities - APPLY HERE. Jordan School District stands ready to work with all those who care about improving mathematics education for all students. Jordan School District menus, powered by Nutrislice. Middle schools provide classes for grades 7-9, with a 4-quarter, 7-period schedule. Jordan School District is a school district in the southwestern portion of Salt Lake County, Utah, United States. Join us in congratulating Herriman Elementary School which was recently awarded Model Professional Learning Community (PLC) status by Aaron Hansen, a nationally recognized author who empowers teachers to transform schools. View menus online or with the Nutrislice app. Granite School District. Jordan District schools will be open as scheduled today. Jordan District schools will be open as scheduled today. The Ron McBride Foundation was recognized for making a significant contribution to middle level education. Important Links. Jordan School District is home to four different types of schools. It is a class that is more popular than ever before as parents try to figure out if video gaming has become an unhealthy habit for their own children and what can be done to turn things around. twitter facebook pinterest linked in … All students in the Jordan School District in Salt Lake County will return to in-person learning after Thanksgiving break, however board members voted to give Superintendent Anthony Godfrey the authority to move schools online if faced with mounting COVID-19 cases. Herriman Elementary is the first school in Jordan District to be recognized as a Model PLC school and the 13th in the state. District Office 952-492-6200; Community Ed & Rec 952-492-6211; LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! However, due to COVID-19 the conference was held virtually. Boundaries for Jordan District now include the communities of Bluffdale, Copperton, Herriman, Riverton, S… School Holidays. document.write(theDate.getFullYear()), Herriman Elementary is a Recognized Professional Learning Community, Supercast 73: Principals Prepare to Open New Virtual Schools for 2021-22, Recognizing Hard Work During “National School Counseling Week”, Students Share School Bus Safety Tips with Help of Terra Linda Mascot, USBE Recognizes West Jordan High as “Utah High School of Excellence”, Supercast Episode 75: A School Psychologist Talks About Video Game Addiction, Episode 75: A School Psychologist Talks About Video Game Addiction, Subscribe to the Jordan Supercast on Apple Podcasts, Subscribe to the Jordan Supercast on Google Podcasts, Subscribe in other Podcatcher applications, Subscribe to the Jordan Supercast via RSS Feed,, Eastlake Students Have Fun Celebrating Start of the New Lunar Year, Middle School Principals Receive State Recognition, Supercast Episode 74: Sparks Fly When Superintendent Visits Welding Class Celebrating CTE Month, Episode 74: Sparks Fly When Superintendent Visits Welding Class Celebrating CTE Month,, Copper Hills High School Madrigals Selected to Perform Concert for Utah Music Teachers, Herriman Elementary is Internationally Recognized Professional Learning Community, Meet the Principals of our Virtual Schools Opening in 2021-22 School Year, Supercast Episode 73: Principals Prepare to Open New Virtual Elementary, Middle and High School for 2021-22 School Year, Recognizing Hard Work of School Counselors During “National School Counseling Week”. Jordan Public Schools SCHOOL TAGLINE HERE. Washington & Lincoln Day - Feb 15; As per DP335(B): Employees who have not been approved by Human Resources for using an annual/personal day before and after a holiday may be docked (certified $131 or ESP 40% of their daily rate).Please refer to policy for further clarification. With just one login, a parent can track each of their student’s grades and progress, even if those students are enrolled at different District schools.