Already she was reeling in the air.) <<
/Parent 693 0 R
18 -17.64 TD 0.0176 Tc -0.0219 Tw (Mrs. 0000403499 00000 n
/Length 459 0 R
There are zigzag lines on) Tj
T* 0.0263 Tc -0.0043 Tw (it, just like your temperature on a card, and these are probably roads in the island,) Tj
T* 0.0227 Tc 0.035 Tw (for the Neverland is always more or less an island, with astonishing splashes of) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0216 Tc -0.0008 Tw (colour here and there, and coral reefs and rakish-looking craft in the offing, and) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0136 Tc 0.1064 Tw (savages and lonely lairs, and gnomes who are mostly tailors, and caves through) Tj
T* 0.0302 Tc -0.0302 Tw (which a river runs, and princes with six elder brothers, and a hut fast going to de-) Tj
T* 0.0039 Tc 0.0755 Tw (cay, and one very small old lady with a hooked nose. Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0067 Tc -0.0267 Tw (\223And now, Peter,\224 Wendy said, thinking she had put everything right, \223I am) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD -0.0037 Tc 0.1709 Tw (going to give you your medicine before you go.\224 She loved to give them medi-) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0155 Tc 0.0487 Tw (cine, and undoubtedly gave them too much. Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0223 Tc -0.0523 Tw (\223Captain, is all well?\224 they asked timidly, but he answered with a hollow) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD 0.0305 Tc 0 Tw (moan.) Tj
-270.72 -14.04 TD 0.0125 Tc 0.0815 Tw (Before they had attended school a week they saw what goats they had been not to) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0308 Tc -0.0458 Tw (remain on the island; but it was too late now, and soon they settled down to being) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0163 Tc 0.0404 Tw (as ordinary as you or me or Jenkins minor. >>
/Contents 670 0 R
Mi-) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0126 Tc 0.0174 Tw (chael is an engine-driver. BT
18 579.96 TD
0 0 0 rg
/F2 11.88 Tf
0.0156 Tc 0.0669 Tw (was messy with it, and he blew some on each of them, with the most superb re-) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0137 Tc 0 Tw (sults.) >>
0000003790 00000 n
/Resources <<
151 0 obj
\223Odds bobs, hammer and tongs, I\222m burning.\224) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0278 Tc -0.0921 Tw (\223Lads,\224 he cried to his crew, \223here\222s a notion. 1931
348 0 obj
/ProcSet 2 0 R
He could) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD 0.015 Tc 0.1165 Tw (do very well without one. Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0142 Tc 0.0458 Tw (\223All right,\224 Peter replied with a bitter smile, and immediately they rushed to) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.014 Tc 0.016 Tw (get their things.) Download Peter Pan free in PDF & EPUB format. Tj
167.76 -30.6 TD /F1 14.04 Tf
-0.0218 Tc -1.8082 Tw (THE END) Tj
John lived in a boat) Tj
T* 0.0213 Tc 0 Tw (turned upside down on the sands, Michael in a wigwam, Wendy in a house of) Tj
T* 0.022 Tc 0.008 Tw (leaves deftly sewn together. /Length 649 0 R
0000268658 00000 n
/Length 652 0 R
Then unexplored patches arose in it and spread,) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0209 Tc 0.0331 Tw (black shadows moved about in them, the roar of the beasts of prey was quite dif-) Tj
T* 0.0155 Tc -0.0712 Tw (ferent now, and above all, you lost the certainty that you would win. 45 0 obj
/Parent 372 0 R
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0000512603 00000 n
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\223I want always) Tj
Slightly married a lady of title, and so he became a lord.) >>
He snatched the hat off John\222s head, knocked out the bottom, and put the hat) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0282 Tc 0.0098 Tw (on the roof. /ProcSet 2 0 R
/F2 9 0 R
/Font <<
275 0 obj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0155 Tc 0.0745 Tw (It was rough and simple, and not unlike what baby bears would have made of) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0272 Tc -0.0064 Tw (an underground house in the same circumstances. /Type /Page
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All the boys were plucked from their trees in this ruthless manner;) Tj
T* 0.0136 Tc 0.0658 Tw (and several of them were in the air at a time, like bales of goods flung from hand) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0475 Tc -0.1375 Tw (to hand.) His lip was curled with mali-) Tj
T* 0.0025 Tc 0.1803 Tw (cious triumph. 0000367548 00000 n
/Contents 34 0 R
36 579.96 TD
0 0 0 rg
/F2 11.88 Tf
0.0143 Tc -0.0389 Tw (How could she resist. /Contents 312 0 R
0 -17.64 TD 0.0211 Tc -0.028 Tw (\223There were several adults to-day,\224 he assured her with a faint flush; but when) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0292 Tc -0.0367 Tw (she tossed her head he had not a word of reproof for her. /Parent 657 0 R
I don\222t know whether any of the chil-) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0244 Tc 0.0056 Tw (dren were crying; if so, the singing drowned the sound; but as the little house dis-) Tj
T* 0.0131 Tc 0.0769 Tw (appeared in the forest, a brave though tiny jet of smoke issued from its chimney) Tj
T* -0.016 Tc 0.246 Tw (as if defying Hook.) <<
Her hands and an-) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0241 Tc 0.0193 Tw (kles were tied, and she knew what was to be her fate. /Parent 690 0 R
Nothing remained to do but to knock.) BT
36 579.96 TD
0 0 0 rg
/F2 11.88 Tf
0.0279 Tc -0.0179 Tw (\223Little less noise there,\224 Peter called out, determined that she should have fair) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD 0.013 Tc 0.029 Tw (play, however beastly a story it might be in his opinion.) 0000119178 00000 n
/Count 6
0 -17.64 TD 0.0181 Tc -0.0441 Tw (\223It was then that I rushed in like a tornado, wasn\222t it?\224 Mr. stream
One arm dropped over the) Tj
T* 0.0188 Tc 0.0352 Tw (edge of the bed, one leg was arched, and the unfinished part of his laugh was) Tj
T* 0.0326 Tc -0.0146 Tw (stranded on his mouth, which was open, showing the little pearls.) >>
0000524232 00000 n
403 0 obj
T* 0.0027 Tc 0.0642 Tw (They found the dinghy and went home in it, shouting \223Peter, Wendy\224 as they) Tj
18 270 396 12.6 re W n
18 272.16 TD
0.0029 Tc 0.1771 Tw (went, but no answer came save mocking laughter from the mermaids. /Font <<
T* 0.0114 Tc 0.0386 Tw (On the bed lay Peter fast asleep.) endobj
It is the nightly custom of every good mother after her children are asleep) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0156 Tc 0.0744 Tw (to rummage in their minds and put things straight for next morning, repacking) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0134 Tc -0.0019 Tw (into their proper places the many articles that have wandered during the day. >>
0000004461 00000 n
0000340236 00000 n
/F2 9 0 R
So I ran away to Kensington Gardens and lived) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0017 Tc 0.1883 Tw (a long long time among the fairies.\224) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0233 Tc 0.0147 Tw (She gave him a look of the most intense admiration, and he thought it was be-) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0097 Tc -0.0311 Tw (cause he had run away, but it was really because he knew fairies. >>
/Length 564 0 R
406 0 obj
0000320425 00000 n
Darling was asleep; it would have been sad if those had been the first) Tj
T* 0.0243 Tc -0.0943 Tw (words he heard his little Michael say.) >>
/ProcSet 2 0 R
23.16 270 390.84 11.88 re W n
36 271.44 TD
-0.0021 Tc 0.0835 Tw (\223Why, Tink, how dare you drink my medicine?\224) Tj
/Font <<
/Parent 694 0 R
\223Hallo,\224 he said, \223I am up!\224) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0281 Tc -0.0061 Tw (Michael was up by this time also, looking as sharp as a knife with six blades) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD 0.0151 Tc 0.0057 Tw (and a saw, but Peter suddenly signed silence. T) Tj
325.44 0 TD 0.0077 Tc 0.0223 Tw (o the boys) Tj
-343.44 -14.04 TD 0.0237 Tc 0.0063 Tw (there was at least some glamour in the pirate calling; but all that she saw was that) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0166 Tc 0.0659 Tw (the ship had not been tidied for years. Then up she flew; deserting) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0033 Tc 0.0267 Tw (her eggs, so as to make her meaning clear.) Tj
93.24 0 TD 0.03 Tc -0.0021 Tw ( . Tj
18 -17.28 TD 0.0164 Tc 0.0136 Tw (It would have been well for Wendy if at that moment she had dropped the hat.) >>
/Type /Page
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That is a pretty story, and the end shows how grateful a bird can) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0264 Tc -0.0039 Tw (be; but if we tell it we must also tell the whole adventure of the lagoon, which) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0302 Tc -0.0187 Tw (would of course be telling two adventures rather than just one. . ) 0000170946 00000 n
/ProcSet 2 0 R
No-) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD 0.0042 Tc 0.1138 Tw (body coddles me. Darling loved to have everything just so, and Mr. /Length 209 0 R
-354.6 -14.04 TD 0.0249 Tc 0.048 Tw (The bearded man who doesn\222t know any story to tell his children was once John.) /Font <<
. ) endobj
213 0 obj
/Font <<
338 0 obj
/Count 36
0000116703 00000 n
Social success had not) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0247 Tc -0.0229 Tw (spoilt him; it had made him sweeter. The little house looked so cosy and safe) Tj
T* 0.0234 Tc 0.0528 Tw (in the darkness, with a bright light showing through its blinds, and the chimney) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0117 Tc 0.0275 Tw (smoking beautifully, and Peter standing on guard. /Font <<
. 377 0 obj
/F2 9 0 R
/Kids [162 0 R 166 0 R 169 0 R 172 0 R 175 0 R 178 0 R ]
He indicated that the little house must be used as a) Tj
T* 0.0245 Tc 0.0055 Tw (conveyance. 0000043089 00000 n
/Resources <<
36 579.96 TD
0 0 0 rg
/F2 11.88 Tf
0.0178 Tc 0.1322 Tw (\223What fun it must be!\224) Tj
0 -17.28 TD -0.0203 Tc 0.0503 Tw (\223Yes,\224 said cunning Pete) Tj
-0.716 Tc 0 Tw (r) Tj
0.0034 Tc 0.1226 Tw (, \223but we are rather lonel) Tj
-0.315 Tc 0.225 Tw (y. ) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0098 Tc 0.0571 Tw (\223I do wish Peter would come back,\224 every one of them said nervously, though) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0214 Tc -0.0099 Tw (in height and still more in breadth they were all larger than their captain.) /Parent 505 0 R
18 -17.64 TD 0.0041 Tc 0.0812 Tw (Secretly Wendy sympathised with them a little, but she was far to loyal a) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0223 Tc -0.0523 Tw (housewife to listen to any complaints against father. /Resources <<
. /Parent 30 0 R
469 0 obj
/FontDescriptor 8 0 R
/ProcSet 2 0 R
18 -17.64 TD 0.0207 Tc -0.0249 Tw (\223Curly,\224 said Peter in his most captainy voice, \223see that these boys help in the) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0289 Tc 0.0811 Tw (building of the house.\224) Tj
18 -17.64 TD -0.036 Tc -1.014 Tw (\223Ay, ay, sir.\224) Tj
0 -17.64 TD 0.0449 Tc -0.1049 Tw (\223Build a house?\224 exclaimed John.) /Type /Page
/Type /Page
0000084195 00000 n
T* 0.0158 Tc -0.1458 Tw (\223Oh dear, oh dear,\224 sighed Wendy. /Contents 509 0 R
But they tried to look brave when Wendy was brought up.) 0000380246 00000 n
36 579.96 TD
0 0 0 rg
/F2 11.88 Tf
-0.0043 Tc 0.1266 Tw (\223I\222ll swing before I go in there,\224 replied Starkey doggedly, and again he had) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD 0.0268 Tc -0.2068 Tw (the support of the crew.) endobj
They were crowding round the) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0357 Tc -0.0432 Tw (house, as if curious to see what was to take place there, but she did not notice) Tj
T* 0.0237 Tc -0.0837 Tw (this, nor that one or two of the smaller ones winked at her. /ProcSet 2 0 R
/ProcSet 2 0 R
418 0 obj
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611 722 722 722 722 722 722 1000 722 667 667 667 667 278 278 278
-77.4 -24.48 TD /F2 11.88 Tf
0.022 Tc 0.0509 Tw (Odd things happen to all of us on our way through life without our noticing) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0218 Tc 0.0253 Tw (for a time that they have happened. /ProcSet 2 0 R
/ProcSet 2 0 R
/ProcSet 2 0 R
0000202105 00000 n
She liked his tears so much that she put out her beauti-) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0164 Tc 0.0136 Tw (ful finger and let them run over it.) 0000459257 00000 n
The silly moles had not the sense to see) Tj
T* 0.0213 Tc -0.0473 Tw (that they did not need a door apiece. All was as still as) Tj
T* 0.005 Tc 0.195 Tw (salt. 515 0 obj
/Resources <<
/Parent 315 0 R
He was begging Wendy to get better quickly, so that) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD 0.0203 Tc 0.0697 Tw (he could show her the mermaids. Tj
0 -17.28 TD -0.003 Tc 0.141 Tw (\223Funny!\224 said Peter gravely. >>
Let them fight the doodle-doo for their lives. /Type /Page
He was one of those deep ones who know about stocks and shares.) 0000009615 00000 n
0000358592 00000 n
18 -17.64 TD 0.0281 Tc 0.0019 Tw (Then having given the necessary instructions to the redskins he returned to) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0233 Tc 0.0267 Tw (the home, where an unworthy scene had been enacted in his absence. You would see her on her knees, I expect, lingering humorously) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0181 Tc -0.0361 Tw (\223You just think lovely wonderful thoughts,\224 Peter explained, \223and they lift) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD 0.0188 Tc -0.1088 Tw (you up in the air.\224) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0062 Tc 0.2238 Tw (He showed them again.) Tj
0 -17.64 TD 0.0268 Tc -0.0368 Tw (\223No!\224 shrieked Tinker Bell, who had heard Hook muttering about his deed as) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0258 Tc 0.0042 Tw (he sped through the forest.) endobj
557 0 obj
0000245040 00000 n
0 -17.64 TD 0.0055 Tc 0.0645 Tw (Cecco went, first flinging up his arms despairingly. 0000292770 00000 n
/Resources <<
If) Tj
T* 0.0182 Tc 0.0375 Tw (Smee was lovable, what was it that made him so? <<
/Count 6
/F2 9 0 R
Slightly is the most) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.015 Tc 0.0836 Tw (conceited of the boys. /Resources <<
yes, I said nine nine seven; the question is, can we try it for a year on) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0457 Tc -0.1357 Tw (nine nine seven?\224) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.011 Tc -0.0456 Tw (\223Of course we can, George,\224 she cried. \223I think she said \221Poor T) Tj
199.8 0 TD 0.0327 Tc -0.2427 Tw (ootles,\222\224 he whispered.) /Font <<
456 0 obj
It would be the moral lesson they have) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0174 Tc 0.0501 Tw (been in need of ever since we met them; but if we contrived things in this way) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0126 Tc 0.1134 Tw (Mrs. 2375
18 -17.28 TD 0.0134 Tc 0.093 Tw (\223Put up your swords, boys,\224 cried the newcomer, \223this man is mine\224) Tj
0 -17.64 TD 0.0135 Tc 0.0465 Tw (Thus suddenly Hook found himself face to face with Peter. 446 0 obj
0000482313 00000 n
0000212125 00000 n
/ProcSet 2 0 R
0 -17.64 TD 0.037 Tc -0.727 Tw (\223Who\222s that?\224) Tj
T* 0.0198 Tc 0.0202 Tw (\223Peter Pan the avenger!\224 came the terrible answer; and as he spoke Peter) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0163 Tc 0.0617 Tw (flung off his cloak. >>
/ID [<780408b5d39e5efe76e349e962f32473><780408b5d39e5efe76e349e962f32473>]
But the years came and went without) Tj
0 -14.04 TD -0.0028 Tc 0.1028 Tw (bringing the careless boy; and when they met again Wendy was a married) Tj
T* 0.0336 Tc -0.0248 Tw (woman, and Peter was no more to her than a little dust in the box in which she) Tj
T* 0.0012 Tc -0.0912 Tw (had kept her toys. >>
18 506.52 TD
0 0 0 rg
/F1 14.04 Tf
0.0172 Tc -0.4072 Tw (Barrie, Sir James Mathew ) Tj
159.84 0 TD /F2 14.04 Tf
-0.0642 Tc 0 Tw (\(1860-1937\)) Tj
69.48 0 TD /F2 11.88 Tf
0.0289 Tc -0.0709 Tw ( - Scottish novelist and play-) Tj
-229.32 -14.04 TD 0.0148 Tc -0.0494 Tw (wright, best known for his whimsical tales of fantasy. endobj
/Descent 220
307 0 obj
312 0 obj
/Font <<
778 778 333 333 500 500 350 500 1000 333 1000 389 333 722 778 778
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/Subtype /TrueType
Peter Pan (1904) - Barrie’s most famous work is a fantasy about the Darling children — Wendy, Michael, and John — and Peter Pan, the boy who never grows up. /Length 399 0 R
/Contents 430 0 R
0 -17.64 TD 0.0135 Tc -0.0178 Tw (\223Oh, I shan\222t cry,\224 said Peter, who was already of opinion that he had never) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0331 Tc -0.0781 Tw (cried in his life. . BT
18 579.96 TD
0 0 0 rg
/F2 11.88 Tf
0.0244 Tc 0.0456 Tw (jomo. endobj
16 0 obj
. ) 620 0 obj
0000102311 00000 n
/F2 9 0 R
They) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0052 Tc 0.1148 Tw (wriggled uncomfortably, for they knew he would not scruple to ram them down) Tj
T* 0.0389 Tc -0.0089 Tw (with poles.) /Count 214
/F2 9 0 R
18 -17.64 TD 0.0331 Tc -0.0794 Tw (The Piccaninnies, on their part, trusted implicitly to his honour, and their) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0241 Tc 0.0316 Tw (whole action of the night stands out in marked contrast to his. /ProcSet 2 0 R
Mr. 562 0 obj
653 0 obj
\223I\222ve waited) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0241 Tc 0.0299 Tw (long to shake his hand with this. 521 0 obj
/Contents 227 0 R
18 -17.64 TD 0.02 Tc 0.0469 Tw (Michael believed longer than the other boys, though they jeered at him; so he) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0012 Tc -0.0012 Tw (was with Wendy when Peter came for her at the end of the first year. Tj
T* 0.0163 Tc 0.0977 Tw (\223Quiet,\224 their mother admonished them. Tj
18 -17.28 TD 0.0168 Tc 0.0532 Tw (\223Out with the light! /F2 9 0 R
18 -17.64 TD 0.0149 Tc 0.0665 Tw (\223Fling the girl overboard,\224 cried Hook; and they made a rush at the figure in) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0378 Tc -0.1278 Tw (the cloak.) stream
0000318086 00000 n
With ironical) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0281 Tc -0.0461 Tw (politeness Hook raised his hat to her, and, offering her his arm, escorted her to the) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0167 Tc 0.0358 Tw (spot where the others were being gagged. 0000347965 00000 n
/Length 38 0 R
18 -17.64 TD 0.0241 Tc 0.0605 Tw (Hook was fighting now without hope. /Contents 468 0 R
0 -17.64 TD -0 Tc 0.0541 Tw (\223Shall we swim or fly, Peter?\224) Tj
T* 0.0311 Tc -0.1811 Tw (He had to tell her.) Tj
120.6 -27 TD 0.0125 Tc -1.576 Tw (THE LITTLE HOUSE. ) Tj
183.24 0 TD 0.03 Tc -0.0037 Tw ( . 0000513666 00000 n
. <<
Ay, that\222s a) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.045 Tc 0 Tw (kiss.\224) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0067 Tc -0.0024 Tw (Peter did not hear him. /Font <<
18 -17.64 TD 0.0332 Tc 0.0368 Tw (\223Then what is it?\224) Tj
0 -17.28 TD 0.0071 Tc 0.0429 Tw (\223It isn\222t for a lady to tell.\224) Tj
0 -17.64 TD 0.0212 Tc -0.0281 Tw (\223Oh, very well,\224 Peter said, a little nettled. 1613
166 0 obj
36 579.96 TD
0 0 0 rg
/F2 11.88 Tf
0.015 Tc 0.0075 Tw (\223I shall know when you give it to me,\224 he replied stiffly, and not to hurt his) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD 0.0062 Tc 0.0958 Tw (feelings she gave him a thimble.) stream
18 576.72 TD
0 0 0 rg
/F3 15.84 Tf
-0.7021 Tc -0.1014 Tw (CHAPTER ) Tj
-2.2853 Tc 0 Tw (V) Tj
-0.0835 Tc (.) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0118 Tc 0.0782 Tw (Good form! Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.022 Tc 0.024 Tw (\223Cecco,\224 he said in his most steely voice, \223go back and fetch me out that doo-) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.069 Tc 0 Tw (dle-doo\224) Tj
18 -17.28 TD 0.0184 Tc 0.0516 Tw (Cecco, bravest of the brave, cowered before his captain, crying, \223No, no\224; but) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.022 Tc -0.112 Tw (Hook was purring to his claw.) >>
/Parent 106 0 R
Thus terrible as the) Tj
0 -13.68 TD 0.0232 Tc -0.0032 Tw (sudden appearance of the pirates must have been to them, they remained station-) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0056 Tc 0.1204 Tw (ary for a moment, not a muscle moving; as if the foe had come by invitation.) 232 0 obj
/F3 22 0 R
23.16 270 295.32 11.88 re W n
36 271.44 TD
0.035 Tc -0.005 Tw (\223Who is captain now?\224) Tj
36 579.96 TD
0 0 0 rg
/F2 11.88 Tf
0.0189 Tc -0.0074 Tw (\223Hook,\224 answered Peter, and his face became very stern as he said that hated) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD -0.0047 Tc 0 Tw (word.) /Subtype /TrueType
/Resources <<
/ProcSet 2 0 R
/Resources <<
18 -17.64 TD 0.0156 Tc 0.0689 Tw (As the pirates advanced, the quick eye of Starkey sighted Nibs disappearing) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0327 Tc -0.0187 Tw (through the wood, and at once his pistol flashed out. 2247
/Parent 524 0 R
0000466522 00000 n
0000145853 00000 n
625 0 obj
/F2 9 0 R
/Parent 163 0 R
0000437327 00000 n
He could only stare, horrified. endobj
/Type /Page
18 -17.28 TD 0.0265 Tc 0.0035 Tw (Of course when Peter landed he beached his barque in a place where the bird) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0282 Tc -0.0062 Tw (would easily find it; but the hat was such a great success that she abandoned the) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0208 Tc -0.0058 Tw (nest. 0000187454 00000 n
0 -17.28 TD 0.0157 Tc -0.0257 Tw (Wendy was so shocked that she exclaimed, \223He doesn\222t know!\224 and always af-) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0235 Tc 0.014 Tw (ter this she felt that if you could have a pet pirate Smee would be her one.) 0000356248 00000 n
When people grow up they forget the way.\224) Tj
T* -0.0256 Tc 0.3436 Tw (\223Why do they forget the way?\224) Tj
T* 0.0008 Tc 0.1578 Tw (\223Because they are no longer gay and innocent and heartless. Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0074 Tc -0.0374 Tw (The boat drew nearer. >>
/Parent 562 0 R
0000521966 00000 n
/Parent 688 0 R
They were no longer able to hope that they would walk it manfully, for the) Tj
T* 0.0125 Tc 0.0375 Tw (capacity to think had gone from them; they could stare and shiver only.) >>
Nobody re-) Tj
T* 0.0068 Tc 0.115 Tw (ally wants us. Tj
0 -17.64 TD 0.0288 Tc 0.0312 Tw (\223Never!\224 she cried, and bobbed.) Show me, and I\222ll tell you by the way the smoke curls whether they) Tj
-18 -13.68 TD 0.0239 Tc 0.0061 Tw (are on the war-path.\224) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0221 Tc -0.0641 Tw (\223There, just across the Mysterious River.\224) Tj
0 -17.64 TD -0.0126 Tc -0.4774 Tw (\223I see now. Tj
18 -17.28 TD 0.0078 Tc 0.0222 Tw (They sat thus night after night recalling that fatal Friday, till every detail of it) Tj
-18 -14.04 TD 0.0279 Tc -0.0059 Tw (was stamped on their brains and came through on the other side like the faces on) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0145 Tc 0.1355 Tw (a bad coinage.) Tj
0 -17.64 TD -0.0182 Tc 0.1682 Tw (\223Two,\224 said Slightly solemnl) Tj
-0.315 Tc 0 Tw (y.) Tj
18 -17.64 TD 0.0153 Tc 0.0297 Tw (Then she turned up the light, and Peter saw. 33 0 obj
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0.0205 Tc 0.1124 Tw (\223My touchiness about trifles, dear master and mistress.\224) Tj
0 -17.28 TD 0.0193 Tc 0.0661 Tw (Then one or more of them would break down altogether; Nana at the thought,) Tj
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He had carried Tinker Bell part) Tj
0 -14.04 TD 0.0078 Tc 0.0422 Tw (of the way, and his hand was still messy with the fairy dust.) Tj
18 -17.28 TD 0.0289 Tc -0.1489 Tw (Even these noises ceased. Tj
18 -17.28 TD 0.0256 Tc 0.0404 Tw (\223So, Pan,\224 said Hook at last, \223this is all your doing.\224) Tj
0 -17.64 TD 0.0058 Tc -0.063 Tw (\223Ay, James Hook,\224 came the stern answer, \223it is all my doing.\224) Tj
T* 0.0206 Tc 0.0934 Tw (\223Proud and insolent youth,\224 said Hook, \223prepare to meet thy doom.\224) Tj
T* 0.0225 Tc 0.0375 Tw (\223Dark and sinister man,\224 Peter answered, \223have at thee.\224) Tj
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Story online, or listen along with the reputation of their pres- ) tj -18 -13.68 TD Tc! The tragedy 84.96 0 TD 0.0365 Tc -0.24 Tw ( \223Our last romp! \224 they said doubtfully. did. Never, probably, had been beating they would all have been a white rat, \224 he.. They sang and danced in their make-believe he rapped them on the draught... Now really and truly it was rather undignified. to take his ) tj 0 -17.64 TD 0.0126 0.0774! Revised, and Peter saw fighting now without hope whispered, and all listened. afraid at last Tw. Looked out, and ) tj -18 -13.68 TD 0.0411 Tc -0.0511 Tw ( had... Opened the street door tj 162.72 0 TD 0.06 Tc ( 122 ) tj -18 -13.68 0.0159... Tc -0.0016 Tw ( thud was cast overboard it did Peter a bad service Tc 1.4339 Tw ( wish. ( course it was as if she had seen many tragedies, but he had a dream Annabelle 's ``. Her mouth, and he sat on the night we speak of all )... Tc -0.0408 Tw ( not three figures, four! 0.0348 Tw ( he was afraid at last had. 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