You may also enter a personal message. Грянем песню удалую He and his men then attacked Persia. If you can improve it, please do. Обнявшись, сидит с княжной, La la la... No woman shall be among us (clench the fists, rise the shouts) The dove subdued the eagle, the seaman is but a man now. Juni jul. The song gave the title to the famous Soviet musical comedy Volga-Volga. His dark brows are drawn together As the waves of anger rise; And the blood comes rushing swiftly To his piercing jet black eyes. The Stenka Razin’s Rebellion began as raiding in the Caspian Sea and later proceeded up the Volga River. Taxes increased, as did conscription. Stenka Razin, as he was generally called, had now become a potentate with whom princes did not disdain to treat. [10], In addition, a deep divide existed between the peasantry and the nobility in Russia. Из-за острова на стрежень, At Simbirsk his prestige had been shattered. Razdajŏtsją golos vlastnyj He has circled with his hand. Tol'ko noč' s něj provozilsją The text of this poem, with minor changes, was set to music by an unknown author and became extremely popular, and was performed by many famous singers. Молча слушает хмельные "Volga, Volga, mat' rodnają, To his piercing jet-black eyes. Aharon Razin (1935–2019), Israeli biochemist; Albert Razin (1940-2019), Udmurt language rights activist and Neopaganist who committed self-immolation; Andrey Razin (disambiguation) Stenka Razin (Stepan Timofeyevich Razin, 1630–1671), Cossack leader . What is this that's in your eyes? He is silent, all covered with the spit of the mob, he does not wipe it away, only grins wryly, smiles at himself: 'Stenka, Stenka, you are like a branch that has lost its leaves. He supports this claim by describing how they do a number of bestial things, which include: drinking excessively and beating their wives. Juni 1671 greg. The film lasts about 10 minutes. However, Moscow learned of Razin's plans and attempted to stop him. According to tradition, a godmother should be related to a birthmother, and Stenka's godmother lived in the town of Tsarev-Borisov [ru] in Sloboda Ukraine. The Cossacks supported the tsar and autocracy, but they wanted a tsar that responded to the needs of the people and not just those of the upper class. Степан (Стенька) Тимофеевич Разин, 1630–16. Stenka Razin has been listed as a level-5 vital article in People, Military leaders. On the first is Stenka Razin Ivan Rebroff - Stenka Razin (Стенька Разин) 1992 - Duration: 3:26. fritz51118 93,710 views. Razin went to Isfahan to ask the shah for land in Persia in exchange for loyalty to the shah, but departed on the Caspian for more pillaging before they could reach an agreement. В набежавшую волну. Drunk, he holds a marriage revel, :|2. [14], In 1667, Razin gathered a small group of Cossacks and left the Don for an expedition in the Caspian Sea. Pozadi ix slyšjŏn ropot: Stepan Timofeyvich Razin, also known as Stenka Razin, is the hero of… Marina Mniszech, Time of Troubles TIME OF TROUBLES In the decade and a half before the founding of the Romanov dynasty in 1613, Russia endured what has been known eve… Razin’s family status within the community often put him into situations that taught him to become a shrewd negotiator. Alarmed at Stenka Razin’s success, Tsar Alexis (ruled 1645–76) sent an army under the command of Prince Yury Baryatinsky to relieve Simbirsk. Your name: Your email: Personal message: Tell a friend (or remind yourself) about this product. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Molča slušajęt xmel'nyję For the next three years he carried out daring raids on Russian and Persian settlements, seizing a large Volga River flotilla that was carrying goods owned by the Tsar, capturing (1668) the town of Yaik on the Yaik (now Ural) River, attacking by sea and destroying the Muslim settlements of Derbent, Baku, and Rasht on the Caspian Sea in Persia, and defeating a fleet sent against him by the shah of Persia (1669). На простор речной волны, When Razin becomes distracted by a … Kondraty Bulavin: the ataman who did not become Stenka Razin On July 18, 1708, the leader of one of the largest Cossack uprisings of Peter the Great died.In pre-revolutionary Russia, the name of this Cossack ataman was put on a par with the name of Hetman Mazepa, who betrayed his patron Peter I, in Soviet Russia - with the names the leaders of the Cossack-peasant uprisings Razin … Razine (or Razin) would also become the subject of an orchestral work by Glazunov and a still-neglected but well-crafted choral work by Shostakovich, The Execution of Stenka (Stepan) Razin. . Ně vidala ty podarka As the waves of anger rise, Na pěrědněm Stěn'ka Razin, Print and Download Stenka Razin sheet music. Once inside Yaitsk, they opened the gates for the rest of the troops to enter and occupy the city. Stepan Timofeyevich Razin (Russian: Степа́н Тимофе́евич Ра́зин, Russian pronunciation: [sʲtʲɪˈpan (ˈsʲtʲenʲkə) tʲɪmɐˈfʲeɪvʲɪtɕ ˈrazʲɪn]; 1630 – June 16 [O.S. Обнял персиянки стан. At the beginning of 1668, he defeated the voivode Yakov Bezobrazov, sent against him from Astrakhan, and in the spring embarked on a predatory expedition into Daghestan and the Persia, which lasted for eighteen months. ", "Dance, you fools, and let's be merry. [20] Razin plundered the city despite its location on a strongly fortified island and the stone walls and brass cannons that surrounded the central citadel. He continued his travels down the Volga and into the Caspian Sea, defeating several detachments of streltsy, or musketeers. Browse more videos. Over the past three centuries, the name of Stepan Razin has been associated in the Russian popular … Между вольными людьми, It was not difficult to stir the oppressed population to revolt by promising deliverance from their yoke. Stenka Razin (Russian: Стенька Разин) is the first finished Russian narrative film.The 10-minute silent film is a fictionalized account of episodes from the life of Stenka Razin.It premiered on 28 October [O.S. [27] There are two reports of foreigners who ended up in Astrakhan during the uprising. You have ne'er seen such a present STENKA RAZIN’S REBELLION | 97 eventually to escape from Razin’s camp. Atamanovy glaza. Stenka Razin, a short silent film; Stenka Razin, a symphonic poem; The Execution of Stepan Razin… Proudly sail the arrow-breasted . Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis That's Amore - Duration: 3:36. Brought to Moscow and tortured, Razin was executed by quartering in Red Square. 3:26. Moşçnym vzmaxom podnimajęt V naběžavšujų volnu. Even at the beginning of 1671 the outcome of the struggle was doubtful. Nas na babu proměnjąl! Stenka Razin’s Rebellion: The Eyewitnesses and their Blind Spot* ANDRE BERELOWITCH Richelieu […] dit avoir reconnu par expérience que, toutes choses égales d’ailleurs, les rebelles sont toujours moitié moins forts que les défenseurs du pouvoir officiel. Раздаётся голос властный Волга, русская река, Music notes for score and parts sheet music by Jirka Kadlec: Editions Marc Reift - Digital at Sheet Music Plus. In July 1667, Razin captured Yaitsk by disguising himself and some of his companions as pilgrims to pray at the cathedral. Острогрудые челны. Stenka Razin translation in English-Catalan dictionary. . A ona, potupją oči, After that, all trace of him was lost for six years, after which he reappeared as the leader of a robber community established at Panshinskoye, among the marshes between the Tishina and Ilovlya rivers, whence he levied tribute from all vessels passing up and down the Volga. Stenka Razin translation in English-Latin dictionary. Iz-za ostrova na strěžěn', — Razin proclaimed that his object was to root out the boyars and all officials, to level all ranks and dignities, and establish Cossackdom, with its corollary of absolute equality, throughout Muscovy. Этот ропот и насмешки . The Seekers - The Carnival Is … He was born on the banks of the Volga River. Nimi kirjoitetaan suomen kielessä joskus muotoon Stenka Rasin Stepan Timofeyvich Razin, also known as Stenka Razin, is the hero of innumerable folksongs, legends and works of art. The tsar's troops mutilated the rebels' bodies and displayed them in public to serve as a warning to potential dissenters.[22]. Let us thunder out a chanty Don Cossack Stepan Razin swore revenge on the boyars for his tortured friends. Не жива и не мертва, Měždu vol'nymi ljųd'mi, Of his discontented band Позади их слышен ропот: [citation needed] His aim was to establish the Cossack republic along the whole length of the Volga as a preliminary step towards advancing against Moscow. Michael Romanov (tsar from 1613 to 1645) and his son Alexis (tsar from 1645 to 1676) both strove to strengthen the power of the tsar in order to stabilize the country after the turmoil of the Time of Troubles. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Stepan Timofeyevich Razin (Russian: Степа́н Тимофе́евич Ра́зин, Russian pronunciation: [sʲtʲɪˈpan (ˈsʲtʲenʲkə) tʲɪmɐˈfʲeɪvʲɪtɕ ˈrazʲɪn]; 1630 – June 16 [O.S. He captured Saratov and, with a force that had swollen to 20,000, proceeded to Simbirsk, while his insurrection spread throughout the Volga region into the lands adjoining the Don and Donets rivers and even into some of the central provinces of the Russian state. [10] The Don Cossacks, a lower-class group that lived independently near the Don River and whom the tsar's government supplied in exchange for defending Russia, led Razin's rebellion. In both towns Razin and his men had engaged in drunken orgies and perpetrated savage atrocities against the nobles and military officers; he also replaced the local governments with Cossack institutions of self-rule. The melody was used by Tom Springfield in the song "The Carnival Is Over" that placed The Seekers at #1 in 1965 in Australia and the UK. [7] In 1661, he was mentioned as part of a diplomatic mission from the Don Cossacks to the Kalmyks. Playing next. 13, is a symphonic poem composed by Alexander Glazunov in 1885. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Razin belonged to the so-called Don Cossacks, used as a specific military force by the Russian emperors. 2. Klaus Kreimeier 10:19 on April 6, 2015 Stenka Razin. Failing to capture the well-defended fortress port of Darband/Derbent in present-day Dagestan, his forces moved south to attack the small port of Badkuba (present Baku) located on the Absheron Peninsula in present-day Republic of Azerbaijan, but at Rasht (in the southwest Caspian Sea in modern Iran) the Persians killed roughly 400 Cossacks in a surprise attack. They were given over to Tsarist officials in Moscow, and on 6 June 1671, following the announcement of the verdict against him, Stepan Razin was quartered on the scaffold on Red Square. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Razin and his men swiftly took Cherny Yar when the Cherny Yar streltsy rose up against their officers and joined the Cossack cause in June 1670. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Iz-za ostrova na stryezhyen',Na prostor ryechnoy volny,|: Vyplyvayut raspisnyye, Ostrogrudyye chyelny. After a three-week carnival of blood and debauchery, Razin quit Astrakhan with two hundred barges full of troops. Stenka Razin, as he was generally called, had now become a potentate with whom princes did not disdain to treat. If you can improve it, please do. This time marked the end of the Rurik dynasty and the beginning of the Romanov dynasty (which would eventually end with the October Revolution and the execution of the last tsar, Nicholas II, and the tsarevich, Alexei Nikolaevich in 1918). И он мощною рукою "[13], When Razin sailed by Tsartisyn, Unkovsky did not attack (possibly either because he felt that Razin posed a threat or because the guards of Tsaritsyn sympathized with Razin's Cossacks). The executioner then proceeded to first cut off his right hand to his elbow, then his left foot to the knee. Atamanovy slova. Na pomin jęjŏ duši!.. And the lovely Persian princess A version of this song is also performed by Doukhobors in Canada.[30]. 13 * = required. Stepan „Stenka“ Timofejewitsch Rasin (andere Schreibweise: Stenka Razin; russisch Стенька Разин, wiss. 13, is a symphonic poem composed by Alexander Glazunov in 1885. Stenka Razin, Op. Stenka Razin hears the murmur And his voice rolls out like thunder Out across the distant land. Svad'bu novujų spravljąjęt, 3:09. The Cossacks supported the tsar because they worked for him. Stepan shouted back, "Shut up, dog!" Beside that, Razin was glorified in the Soviet drama film of 1939 directed by Ivan Pravov and Olga Preobrazhenskaya. He invaded Persia and even Turkmen areas east of the Caspian Sea. The lyrics of the song were dramatized in one of the first Russian narrative films, Stenka Razin directed by Vladimir Romashkov in 1908. Stepan Timofeyevich Razin (Russian: Степа́н Тимофе́евич Ра́зин, Russian pronunciation: [sʲtʲɪˈpan (ˈsʲtʲenʲkə) tʲɪmɐˈfʲeɪvʲɪtɕ ˈrazʲɪn]; 1630 – June 16 [O.S. The emissaries of Razin, armed with inflammatory proclamations, had stirred up the inhabitants of the modern governments of Nizhny Novgorod, Tambov, and Penza, and penetrated even as far as Moscow and Novgorod. Saratov and Samara were captured, but Simbirsk defied all efforts, and after two bloody encounters close at hand on the banks of the Sviyaga River (October 1 and 4), Razin was ultimately routed by the army of Yuri Baryatinsky and fled down the Volga, leaving the bulk of his followers to be extirpated by the victors. In this band so free and brave, June 6] 1671), known as Stenka Razin (Стенька), was a Cossack leader who led a major uprising against the nobility and tsarist bureaucracy in southern Russia in 1670-1671. Not alive nor dead is she, kesäkuuta 1671 Moskova) oli Donin kasakoiden johtaja, joka johti kasakoiden hyökkäysretkeä Persiaan ja myöhemmin näiden kansannousua Venäjän hallitusta vastaan vuosina 1670–1671. Выплывают расписные In 1667 Razin made himself the head (hetman) of a small band of landless newcomers and adventurers and … Updates? Wilford Cote. / 16. Stepan Timofeyevich Razin (Russian: Степа́н Тимофе́евич Ра́зин, Russian pronunciation: [sʲtʲɪˈpan (ˈsʲtʲenʲkə) tʲɪmɐˈfʲeɪvʲɪtɕ ˈrazʲɪn]; 1630 – June 16 [O.S. Alarmed at Stenka Razin’s success, Tsar Alexis (ruled 1645–76) sent an army under the command of Prince Yury Baryatinsky to relieve Simbirsk. Obnjąvšis', sidit s knjąžnoj, Born in the prosperous Don Cossack area, he supported the runaway serfs from Poland and Russia who escaped into the region And the blood comes rushing swiftly The other is the notes of the Dutchman Ludwig Fabricius, which became known only after the Second World War. Stepan Timofeevich Razin, also known as Stenka Razin, originated from Zimoveyskaya stanitsa (Cossack settlement) and was born to an old Cossack family that lived on the Don River. In 1667 Razin made himself the head (hetman) of a small band of landless newcomers and adventurers and established a new Cossack outpost on the upper Don, near the course of the Volga River. Draven Areli. Why did his rebellion inspire future generations? With his princess by his side. As Paul Avrich notes in Russian Rebels, 1600–1800, "The brutality of the repressions by far exceeded the atrocities committed by the insurgents." (R0.46423). Stenka Razin, byname of Stepan Timofeyevich Razin, (born c. 1630, Zimoveyskaya-na-Donu, Russia—died June 16 [June 6, Old Style], 1671, Moscow), leader of a major Cossack and peasant rebellion on Russia’s southeastern frontier (1670–71). [11] Changes in the treatment and legal standing of peasants, including the institutionalization of serfdom in the Law Code of 1649, contributed to unrest among the peasantry. Razin is the subject of the Landmark book "Chief of the Cossacks". Showing page 1. On this day Cossack leader Stenka Razin was executed. The Razin uprising combined two distinct forces, Cossacks and peasants. Razin gathered a vast and diverse following, but his message did not suggest a viable alternative to the centralizing Russian state and was unable to harmonize the various motives of the insurgents. Выплывают расписные, Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). One of his atamans, Alena Arzamasskaia, was a former nun. Skip to content. His brother Frol, witnessing Stepan's torment, shouted out: "I know the word and the matter of the sovereign!" I za bort jęjŏ brosajęt На, красавицу возьми! [15] As Razin traveled down the Volga River to Tsaritsyn, the voivodes of Astrakhan warned Andrei Unkovsky (the voivode or governor of Tsaritsyn) of Razin's arrival and recommended that he not allow the Cossacks to enter the town. The local streltsy's rebellion allowed Razin to gain access to the city.[21]. June 6] 1671), known as Stenka Razin (Стенька), was a Cossack leader who led a major uprising against the nobility and tsarist bureaucracy in southern Russia in 1670-1671. Stepan Timofeyevich Razin; Степан Тимофеевич Разин, sfn error: no target: CITEREFSakharov1978 (, [sʲtʲɪˈpan (ˈsʲtʲenʲkə) tʲɪmɐˈfʲeɪvʲɪtɕ ˈrazʲɪn], "Типы донских казаков и особенности их говора", Recording of Doukhobor Peter Gritchen performing verses of, Medieval and Early Modern European peasant wars, Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law, Jim Hawkins and the Curse of Treasure Island,, Articles containing Russian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2012, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, leading uprising against Tsardom of Russia, This page was last edited on 15 January 2021, at 09:00. This testimony is much more famous, it was widely used by Russian historians and it served as the basis for the plot of the song. Even his own settlements at Saratov and Samara refused to open their gates to him, and the Don Cossacks, hearing that the patriarch of Moscow had anathematized Razin, also declared against him. Make this lovely girl a grave!". In the first, a Persian princess appears, drowned in the Volga, in the second, a certain "Tatar maiden" drowned in the Yaik River. his gentle and slender sweetheart. Cossack Stenka Razin belonged to the so-called Don Cossacks, who were used as a specific military force by the Russian emperors. Stenka Razin, Op. No. How you wanted to enter Moscow! Many peasants, hoping to escape these burdens, fled south and joined Razin's bands of Cossacks. — The Time of Troubles, which lasted from 1598 to 1613, was a difficult period for Russia. Надвигается гроза. Stenka Razin, (c. 1630–1671), leader of a Don Cossack revolt and hero of folksong and legend. Having acquired great fame and wealth, Razin returned to the Don and in 1670 launched a new campaign against the tsar’s fortress cities on the Volga. Silently listens to the cries The most popular motif is his (legendary) sacrifice of his bride, a Persian princess, whom he throws into the Volga River for the sake of Cossack solidarity. [6], Razin was first mentioned in historical sources in 1652, when he asked for permission to go on a long-distance pilgrimage to the great Solovetsky Monastery on the White Sea. Two buffoons come rushing at a gallop. What striking similarity there is between the time of Sten'ka and the pillaging that is going on today in the name of the 'Third International. Obnjąl pěrsijąnki stan. Paul Mauriat Paul Mauriat / Les Premières Succès, vol. From beyond the wooded island Kondraty Bulavin: the ataman who did not become Stenka Razin On July 18, 1708, the leader of one of the largest Cossack uprisings of Peter the Great died.In pre-revolutionary Russia, the name of this Cossack ataman was put on a par with the name of Hetman Mazepa, who betrayed his patron Peter I, in Soviet Russia - with the names the leaders of the Cossack-peasant uprisings Razin and Bolotnikov. Na prostor rěčnoj volny, Атамановы глаза. [9] The Russian population went from fifteen years of "near anarchy" to the reigns of two strong, centralizing autocrats. The tsar sent troops to suppress the revolt. People. These were his last words; after them the executioner hurriedly cut off his head. glide along the islands. Атамановы слова. Etot ropot i nasměški От донского казака! [1], Razin's father, Timofey Razya, supposedly came from a suburb of Voronezh, a city near Russia's steppe frontier, called the Wild Fields. So did Ludvig Fabritius (1648-1729), a young foreign officer who had already served nine or ten years in the Russian army, ", "Čtoby ně bylo razdora Wide and deep beneath the sun, In August 1669 he reappeared at Astrakhan and accepted a fresh offer of pardon from Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich there; the common people were fascinated by his adventures. What did Stenka Razin do? "[25], At the time of the Russian Civil War, the famous writer and White emigre Ivan Bunin compared Razin to Bolshevik leaders, writing "Good God! Bujnu golovu otdam!" 3) Does Olearius' account help explain Stenka Razin's rebellion? ", "So that peace may reign for ever Modern historians doubt the reality of this episode. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The Stepan Razin rebellion in the Don and Volga region between 1667 and 1671 reflects these elements of a popular uprising. RUS 1908 "Stenka Razin, byname of Stepan Timofeyevich Razin (born c. 1630, Zimoveyskaya-na-Donu, died 1671, Moscow), leader of a major Cossack and peasant rebellion on Russia's southeastern frontier (1670 /71). Vyplyvajųt raspisnyję This incident gave Razin the reputation of an "invincible warrior endowed with supernatural powers." Не видала ты подарка 2:49. Stenka Razin (denumire originală «Понизовая вольница», «Стенька Разин» sau «Стенька Разин и княжна») este un film alb-negru mut rusesc din 1908, regizat de Vladimir Romașkov și produs de Alexander Drankov.Este primul film rus narativ complet. Thus, Stepan's mother could also be Ukrainian. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Stenka Razin".Found in 0 ms. Stenka Razin, Op. No. Stepan Timofeyevich Razin (Russian: Степа́н Тимофе́евич Ра́зин, Russian pronunciation: [sʲtʲɪˈpan (ˈsʲtʲenʲkə) tʲɪmɐˈfʲeɪvʲɪtɕ ˈrazʲɪn]; 1630 – June 16 [O.S. ", "Čto ž vy, bratcy, priunyli? Slyšit groznyj ataman, June 6] 1671), known as Stenka Razin (Стенька), was a Cossack leader who led a major uprising against the nobility and tsarist bureaucracy in southern Russia in 1670–1671. OpenSubtitles2018.v3. However, the government defeated Razin's men in Yaitsk and Razin lost his base there.[17]. Из-за острова на стрежень, Razin led a very unusual life, during which he led a number of gangs that plundered even across distant Persia (Iran). (that is, "I am willing to inform upon those disloyal to the tsar"). The anonymous folk song here dates to the period immediately after the death of Razine in 1671, but its melancholy, richly lyrical character might suggest to some that it could well have been … After massacring all who opposed him (including two Princes Prozorovsky) and giving the rich bazaars of the city over to pillage, he converted Astrakhan into a Cossack republic, dividing the population into thousands, hundreds, and tens, with their proper officers, all of whom were appointed by a veche or general assembly, whose first act was to proclaim Razin their gosudar (sovereign). Several national groups, as well as Russians, were involved, … In life, Razin led the most renowned internal rising against the Romanovs, lasting from 1667 to 1671. [18] Then in the spring of 1669 he established himself on the isle of Suina, off which, in July, he annihilated a Persian fleet sent against him. In one document, Razin was referred to as a tuma Cossack which means "half-blood", leading to a hypothesis that his mother was a captured "Turkish" (turchanka) or Crimean Tatar[3] woman. Olearius explains the harsh and cruel ways of the Russian government and it's people. With a force of about 7,000 Cossacks, he seized Tsaritsyn (now Volgograd) and Astrakhan. One of the testimonies is the memoirs of the Dutch traveler Jan Struis. Born into a well-to-do Don… Menu. That winter the Cossacks with Razin fended off starvation and disease on the Miankaleh Peninsula, and in the spring of 1669 Razin built a base on the eastern side of the Caspian Sea and began raiding Turkmen villages. Razin may refer to: . Eight battles had been fought before the insurrection showed signs of weakening, and it continued for six months after Razin had received his quietus. . And his voice rolls out like thunder On the deck, Stenka Razin (beat the hearts, talk the voices) holds tenderly in his arms. After capturing Tsaritsyn, Razin sailed up the Volga with his army of almost 7,000 men. Serghej Bajkov Russian Folk Songs ℗ Promo Sound Ltd. The Cossacks lost some of their autonomy, and the tsar bonded more closely with the upper class because both feared more rebellion. '"[26], One of the most popular cultural motives associated with Razin is the episode with the drowning of the "Persian princess" in the river. "Чтобы не было раздора It happened amid the major Eurasian land empires of the time (1670-71 CE), targeting two: Safavid Persia and Russia. The Prince’s force, trained in western European military techniques, inflicted a decisive defeat on Razin’s largely raw, undisciplined, and badly equipped troops (October 1670). The popular song is known by the words Volga, Volga mat' rodnaya, Iz za ostrova na strezhen, and, simply, Stenka Razin. On this day Cossack leader Stenka Razin was executed. Razin then sailed down the Volga with a fleet of 35 vessels, capturing the more important forts on his way and devastating the country. The men traveled toward Cherny Yar, a government stronghold between Tsaritsyn and Astrakhan. He has raised his bride on high But the rebellion was by no means over. This article includes a list of references , related reading or external links , but its sources remain … Brovi čjŏrnyjě sošlisją, The opposition sent to fight Razin felt reluctant to do so because they sympathized with the Cossacks. In 1883, the Russian poet Dmitry Sadovnikov published the poem "Stenka Razin", which he, as was customary, presented as a "folk epic". Razin originally set out to loot villages, but as he became a symbol of peasant unrest, his movement turned political. The song recounts that Razin aboard his ship tames the captured "Persian princess" and his men accuse him of weakness — communicating with a woman, he himself became a "woman" the next morning. As for the poor and plain folk, I shall treat them as brothers. In Russian folklore, however, Razin is a popular hero, the incarnation of a free man who triumphs alike over society and nature. "I will give you all you ask for Head and heart and life and hand." Stenka Razin has been listed as a level-5 vital article in People, Military leaders. Stepan (Stenka) Timofejevitš Razin (ven. [citation needed] In 1665, his elder brother, Ivan, was executed by order of Yuri Dolgorukov [ru] for unauthorized desertion from the war with Poles.[8]. His mother was said to be a captive Turkish woman. They are bringing Stenka Razin! A merchant shoves his way in, flatulent with peas. We'll instantly send an email containing product info and a link to it. He aimed to set up a base in Yaitsk (now known as Oral, located in Kazakhstan on the Ural River) and plunder villages from there. Свадьбу новую справляет, Sergius.[29]. Volga, Volga, mat' rodnają, Ostrogrudyję čjŏlny. Hearing these speeches, Razin throws the "princess" into the water as a gift to the Volga river, and continues the drunken fun with his men. [13], In the spring of 1668, Razin led the majority of his men down the Yaik River (also known as the Ural River) while a small portion stayed behind to guard Yaitsk. Er wurde um 1630 im Dorf Zimoveyskaya am Don geboren und stammte aus einer wohlhabenden Kosakenfamilie. This article has been rated as Start-Class. Nadvigajętsją groza. Stenka Razin … Has become a woman, too.". 119; The Execution of Stepan Razin (1964), a poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko, and a novel, I Have Come To Give You Freedom [ru], (Я пришёл дать вам волю) by Vasily Shukshin. en There were numerous rebellions against slavery and serfdom, most often in conjunction with Cossack uprisings, such as the uprisings of Ivan Bolotnikov (1606–1607), Stenka Razin (1667–1671), Kondraty Bulavin (1707–1709), and Yemelyan Pugachev (1773–1775), often involving hundreds of thousands and sometimes … By Jirka Kadlec: Editions Marc Reift - Digital at sheet music by Jirka:. In his arms many still remember the appearance of the Russian population from. As he was generally called, had now become a potentate with whom princes did not disdain treat... Russian narrative films, Stenka Razin what did stenka razin do been listed as a specific Military by. Атаман, и он мощною рукою Обнял персиянки стан appearance of the ataman groggy na... 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Am Don geboren und stammte aus einer wohlhabenden Kosakenfamilie ) by Cossack elders lower class, and the because! Timofejewitsch Rasin ( andere Schreibweise: Stenka Razin hears the murmur of companions. Kustodiev in Art Nouveau ( Modern ) style ( requires login ) и не мертва, Молча слушает Атамановы! ] Razin wanted to protect the independence of the Caspian Sea, defeating several detachments of streltsy or! [ 2 ] the Russian government and it 's People jet-black eyes, offers, and let be... Pravov, Olga Preobrazhenskaya a symbol of peasant unrest, his movement turned political song is also performed Doukhobors! Been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies Dutchman Ludwig,. City of Astrakhan волны, Выплывают расписные, Острогрудые челны Venäjän hallitusta vastaan vuosina 1670–1671 Сам... And beating their wives government defeated Razin 's mother is debated deck, Stenka Razin hears the of! 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